2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Dian Miranda

AbstrakThe aim of this study is to develop animated characters based on love of homeland for early childhood. The research method used in this study is R & D research. The development model in this study refers to the 4D research and development model (four-D). According to Thiagarajan (1974) the 4D research and development model consists of 4 main stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The data analysis technique used in this study is a mixed analysis technique that is a combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. The results of video validation carried out by 4 validators were an average of 2.8 with a maximum score of 3, included in the very feasible category used as learning media to develop the character of love for the homeland in early childhood.Kata Kunci: animated video, the character of love for the homeland 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 607
Dahlia Dahlia ◽  
Sutrisno Sutrisno ◽  
Alimatul Qibtiyah

This study aimed to overcome problems related to the lack of integrated sex education media in integrated thematic learning so that it can make it easier for teachers to deliver sex education materials to early childhood. This research is a type of research and development. This study employed the Borg and Gall development model which consists of two main objectives, namely developing products and validating the resulting products. The population in this study was Jogja Green School and Aisyiyah Pembina Piyungan Kindergarten. The research sample chosen in Jogja Green School was 13 children and in Aisyiyah Pembina Piyungan Kindergarten as many as 30 children. The questionnaire as an instrument was used to validate and evaluate the quality of the developed product. The data analysis technique applied was descriptive qualitative analysis and descriptive statistics. The results of the study showed that: (1) The results of the validation of material experts, media experts, and education practitioners on the products developed were feasible to use, (2) The results of the limited trial showed that the product developed was suitable for use, (3) The results of the trial were more widely known that the product developed was suitable to use and was effective in increasing knowledge of early childhood sex education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Siti Wa’dah

The purpose of this research is to develop a lithosphere module for grade X SMA / MA students using the Dicky & Carey development model and to find out the effectiveness of the developed module. This research method uses research and development. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and tests for each learning activity. The data analysis technique of this research uses descriptive statistical analysis. In this research, five modules have been developed, namely Module I (Structure of the Lithosphere Layer), Module 2 (Endogenous Energy), Module 3 (Exogenous Energy), Module 4 (Pedosphere), and Module 5 (Soil Erosion). Based on the results of field trials, this learning module has succeeded in showing benefits.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 182
Marha Marha ◽  
Islahudin Islahudin ◽  
Linda Sekar Utami

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan buku petunjuk pratikum pada pokok bahasan gelombang dan bunyi untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R & D). Sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa MAN 2 Model Mataram Kelas XI. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Dick & Carey yang terdiri dari 10 langkah yang harus diikuti untuk menghasilkan produk berupa buku petunjuk pratikum. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengukur motivasi belajar siswa. Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to develop a pratikum manual on the subject of waves and sounds to improve student motivation. This research uses research and development (R & D) method. As subject in this research is student MAN 2 Model Mataram Class XI. The development model used is Dick & Carey which consists of 10 steps that must be followed to produce the product in the form of manual pratikum. Data obtained through interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative to measure student's learning motivation.

Habib Tantawi ◽  
Johri Sabaryati ◽  
Ni Wayan Sri Darmayanti

ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran Kamus IPA Fisika Bergambar pada pokok bahasan Optik untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R & D). Sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa MTs NW Senyiur kelas VIII. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari10  langkah yang harus diikuti untuk menghasilkan produk berupa Kamus IPA Fisika Bergambar. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengukur minat belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa Kamus IPA Fisika Bergambar memiliki kriteria yang sangat baik berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli dan praktisi. Media pembelajaran Kamus IPA Fisika Bergambar  yang dikembangkan juga memiliki kriteria yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa dengan persentase sebesar 70% bila dibandingkan sebelum menggunakan  Kamus IPA Fisika Bergambar yaitu sebesar 47%. Peningkatan minat belajar secara klasikal juga berada pada kriteria sedang dengan normalisasi gain sebesar 0,44. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran Kamus IPA Fisika Bergambar dapat meningkatkan minat  belajar siswa kelas VIII di MTs  NW Senyiur Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Kamus IPA Fisika, Bergambar, Minat BelajarABSTRACTThe study aims to  develop learning media on the Picture Physics Science on the subject of optics, to increase students' interest in learning. This study uses the research and development (R & D) method. As the subjects in this study were MTs NW Senyiur class VIII students. The development model used is Borg and Gall which consists of 10 steps that must be followed to produce a product in the form of Picture Physics Science Dictionary. Data obtained through interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative to measure student learning interest. The results showed that learning media developed in the form of Picture Physics Science Dictionary had very good criteria based on the judgment of experts and practitioners. Learning media The Pictorial Physics Science Dictionary developed also has very good criteria for increasing student learning interest by a percentage of 70% compared to before using the Picture Physics Science Dictionary which is equal to 47%. Increased interest in classical learning is also in the medium criteria with normalization gain of 0.44. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the learning media of Picture Physics Science Dictionary can increase the learning interest of Grade VIII students in NW MTs Senyiur 2018/2019 Academic Year. Keywords: Development of Science Physics Dictionary, Drawing, Interest in Learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
I Ketut Selamet

This study aims to improve social studies learning outcomes through a cooperative script learning model in grade VI SD Inpres Tumpu Jaya I. This research method uses classroom action research with a spiral model from Kemmis and Mc Taggart using 2 cycles. The subjects of this study were 22 students of grade VI SD Inpres Tumpu Jaya I. The research instrument used item items and observation sheets. The data analysis technique used is descriptive comparative. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in student social studies learning outcomes after using the cooperative script learning model. This is based on the comparison of the average score, namely 70.62: 79.19: 87.48 which means that there is an increase from pre-cycle to cycle II. Classical learning completeness in the conditions of pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II, namely 50%: 77.27%: 100%. While the comparison of the minimum score in the pre-cycle conditions, cycle I and cycle II is 50: 65: 76, and the comparison of the maximum score in the pre-cycle conditions, cycle I and cycle II is 82: 90: 100. From the results of this study it can encourage class VI teachers. SD Inpres Tumpu Jaya I should be inspired to apply the cooperative script learning model in social studies learning because it has been proven to improve student social studies learning outcomes.

Widyaparwa ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Joko Sukoyo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Jawa bermuatan nilai-nilai karakter sebagai media pembelajaran anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Research and Development (R&D) dengan mengadaptasi teori Sugiyono. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan teknik angket, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan enam prototipe lagu berbahasa Jawa bermuatan nilai karakter. Enam lagu tersebut berjudul Elinga, Pasinaon, Kuwajibanku, Temen, Bumi Asri, dan Nuswantara. Lagu Elinga memuat karakter relegius, lagu Nuswantara memuat karakter cinta tanah air, lagu Pasinaon memuat karakter kedisiplinan, Lagu Bumi Asri memuat karakter peduli lingkungan, lagu Temen memuat karakter kerja keras, dan lagu Kuwajibanku memuat karakter mandiri. Uji keberterimaan lagu-lagu ber-bahasa Jawa bermuatan nilai-nilai karakter sebagai media pembelajaran anak usia dini dilakukan oleh guru-guru ahli dalam hal ini adalah guru-guru PAUD. Nilai uji keber-terimaan tersebut adalah 77,5 sehingga termasuk dalam kategori baik.This research aims to develop the Javanese songs containing character values ??as a learning medium of the early childhood education. Research and Development (R & D) design adapted from Sugiyonos theory is used in the research design. The techniques of collecting data used in this reasearch are interview and technical questionnaires, while the data analysis technique used is the qualitative descriptive.This reasearch result shows six prototypes of Javanese language songs containing character values. The songs are Elinga, Pasinaon, Kuwajiban, Temen, Bumi Asri, and Nuswantara. Elinga song has the religious characters, Nuswantara song has the patriotism characters, Pasinaon song has the discipline characters, Bumi Asri has the concern of environment characters, Temen song has the characters of hard work, and Kuwajiban song has independent character.The acceptance test of the Javanese songs containing character values as a learning medium of early childhood is done by the professional teachers, namely teachers of the early childhood education. The value of this acceptance test is 77.5. Therefore, it belongs to good category.

Empowerment ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39 ◽  
Sri Maryani

The purpose of this study was to introduce mathematical games in the form of introducing geometric forms through the game of tangram in early childhood in the Istiqamah Bandung Playgroup   The type of research used is classroom action research, carried out in collaboration with class teachers. The research subjects were 13 children, consisting of 7 boys and 6 girls. The object of research is the introduction of geometric forms through the game of tangram. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews and performance. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis. The indicator of success in this study is if the percentage of the ability to recognize geometric shapes in children has reached 81% with very good criteria. The results of the study showed a gradual increase in the introduction of geometric forms through the game of tangram. The introduction of geometric forms can be seen from the indicators mentioning geometric shapes, designating geometric shapes, making more than one geometric shape and telling the geometric shapes they are made. Mathematical games in early childhood through the introduction of geometric shapes on the tangram game in the implementation of the Pre-action on the indicators mention geometric shapes 41.5%, and in Cycle II it increases to 93%, the indicators designate geometric shapes in the implementation of the Pre-action 35%, Cycle II increased to 90%, the indicator made more than one Prat geometry form, 37.5%, Cycle II increased to 85,%. As well as on the indicators telling geometric shapes that made pre-action 41.5% in the second cycle to 87.5%. Keywords: Math game, Early Childhood

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-54
Agustiarini Eka Dheasari

The purpose of this research is to develop bigbook folklore media to improve the empathy and storytelling ability of early childhood, especially age 5-6 years. This research is research and development (R&D) using ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluate). Collecting data used interview guides, validation, observation sheets and teacher questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this study used Independent t-test with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the results of the assessment experts showed that the product developed "very good". This shows that the bigbook media is appropriate to be used to increase empathy and storytelling skills of children aged 5-6 years. Based on the results of the study, there was a difference improvement of storytelling and empathy skills in the final outcomes between post treatment of the control group without bigbook media and post treatment of experimental group using bigbook media. The sig (2-tailed) value of the storytelling is 0,000 (very good) and empathy children received a sig (2-tailed) value of  0,000 (very good). The result of this study that the bigbook media based on folklore is effectively used to increase empathy and storytelling skills of children aged 5-6 years.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Andi Ahmad ◽  
Sapto Adi ◽  
Rara Warih Gayatri

Abstract: The prevalence of soil transmitted helminth at SDN 01 Kromengan reached 48 % and higher when it’s compared to other schools in Malang Regency. Soil transmitted helminth prevalence of fourth grade students reached 61.25% and became the highest of the other classes. According to Andini (2015), it is advisable to provide a posters as a health promotion media. Since it only has a little material coverage and can’t be taken anywhere, while the facilities and infrastructure is not sufficient for other media then it is necessary to develop the appropriate media that is a pocket book. The development model used is a procedural model with adopted steps according to Sugiyono (2016). The analysis technique used is quantitative analysis technique that is descriptive analysis and qualitative analysis technique. The result of this research and development is a pocket book titled "Aku Anak Sehat Bebas Cacingan". It contains the definition of helminthiasis, soil transmitted helminth, the kinds, the dangers, the trans-mission mode, the prevention and the treatment of it. Assessment by material expert and media expert shows the percentage of 75% - 100% and categorized as feasible and highly feasible on every aspect of their assessment. The first and second trial step result shows the precentage are above 90% then categorized as highly feasible. The final product result of the "Aku Anak Sehat Bebas Cacingan" pocket book is still unclear how much impact on the increase of students knowledge, therefore it is necessary to do further research related to it.Keywords: pocket book, health promotion media, helminthiasis, soil.Abstrak: Prevalensi cacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah di SDN 01 Kromengan mencapai 48% dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sekolah lain di Kabupaten Malang. Prevalensi pada kelas IV mencapai 61,25% dan menjadi yang tertinggi dari kelas lainnya. Menurut Andini (2015), disarankan memberikan media promosi kesehatan berupa poster. Karena poster hanya memiliki cakupan materi sedikit dan tidak dapat untuk dibawa kemana-mana, sedangkan sarana dan prasarana belum memadai untuk media lain maka perlu dikembangkan media lain yaitu buku saku. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model prosedural dengan mengacu langkah-langkah pengembangan menurut Sugiyono (2016). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif yaitu analisis deskriptif dan teknik analisis kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah sebuah buku saku dengan judul “Aku Anak Sehat Bebas cacingan”. Buku saku ini berisi materi tentang pengertian cacingan, cacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah, macamnya, bahayanya, penularannya, pencegahan dan pengobatannya. Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media menunjukkan angka 75%-100% yang dikategorikan layak dan sangat layak pada setiap aspek penilaiannya. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba 1 dan 2 presentase yang dihasilkan di atas angka 90% sehingga tergolong sangat layak. Hasil produk akhir buku saku “Aku Anak Sehat Bebas Cacingan” masih belum diketahui berapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan siswa, maka perlu penelitian lanjutan terkait hal tersebut.Kata Kunci: buku saku, media promosi kesehatan, cacingan, tanah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Arifin Ahmad

Student activities while learning is taking place can be one of indicator of successful teachers. The more activites increase the better the learning and vice versa. The increase in student activities can be done by applying various learning model. On the contrary learning in class IVA SD Negeri 01 Metro Pusat still does not use a variety of model, and this makes students becoming less interested and less attention. Student activities in learning tend to be passive. This study aims is to increase the activity of students through the use of language games in class IVA SD Negeri 01 Metro Pusat. The research method used in this study is qualitative methods through classroom action research. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis in order to reveal all student activities and their changes during the learning process and set out in percentage form. Based on the results of data analysis, the students' activities were obtained from the first cycle (70.69%) to the second cycle (80%), competency improvement was 9.31% and from the second cycle (80%) to the third cycle became (90.70%) so the increase is 13.72%.

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