scholarly journals Penentuan Klaster Wilayah Kecamatan Berdasarkan Pusat Pelayanan Masyarakat di Wilayah Kepulauan Kabupaten Maluku Tengah Provinsi Maluku

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 314-325
Ilham Marasabessy ◽  
Abdullah Marasabessy ◽  
Oki Nurul Asma Tualeka ◽  
Desmi Insu Tualeka

The connectivity of a region is an indicator the growth of service centers. Community service is carried out with a team from PT. Maluku and North Maluku Regional Development Bank Central Maluku Branch during 2018. Data were collected in 18 districts in Central Maluku Regency through the Rapid Survey Method for regional potential and socio-economic dynamics of the community. Central Maluku Regency BPS data support 2018 is a complementary input in the centrality analysis. The data were processed using quantitative descriptive analysis using Guttman scale/Marshall Centrality Index and spatial analysis tools using ArcmapGIS 10.3.1 software, to obtain a map of the regional service center. Central Maluku Regency is an archipelago, having district clusters spread over Seram Island, Ambon, Lease Islands and Banda. The district cluster is divided into 4 regions with the highest level of regional service being in Amahei District (11.14) and the lowest in Nusa Laut (2.50). Economic growth in sub-districts in the archipelago experienced a positive trend, concentrated on Ambon Island and Banda Islands, while the Lease Islands centrality index was in the lower middle category.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-44
Hilarion Hamjen

This research was conducted in the city of Palangkaraya in Central Borneo and city of Banjarbaru in South Borneo in order to describe the perception of public, especially in the city of Palangkaraya and the city of Banjarbaru about the Impact of to-up mobile credit's by ATM to the SMEs mobile credit seller. The research was conducted by survey method and quantitative approach, while the sampling technique used was quota sampling and quantitative descriptive analysis performed. The results showed the less Impact of top-up by ATM to the SMEs credits seller, because top-up by ATM have certain customer segment. However, the top-up by ATM economically very positive impact for the people, eventhough its needs long time transistion of top-up SMEs to the ATM. According to the most people and SMEs need regulation and oversight to create more conductive business for SMEs Keywords : Impact, SMEs, Mobile top-up, Top Up Credit, ATM   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di kota Palangkaraya Kalimantan Tengah dan kota Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan persepsi masyarakat khususnya di kota Palangkaraya dan kota Banjarbaru tentang dampak isi ulang pulsa di ATM terhadap UMKM penjual pulsa seluler. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey dan pendekatan kuantitatif sementara teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah quota sampling dan analisa dilakukan secara deskriftif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isi ulang pulsa seluler di persepsikan kurang berdampak terhadap UMKM penjual pulsa seluler dikarenakan isi ulang pulsa di ATM maupun isi ulang pulsa di kios pulsa memiliki segmen pelanggannya masing-masing. Namun demikian dengan adanya isi ulang pulsa di ATM sangat berdampak positif secara ekonomi bagi masyarakat meskipun peralihannya dari kios pulsa ke ATM atau pola pembelian pulsa berlangsung dalam waktu yang lama. Menurut sebagian besar masyarakat dan pelaku UMKM penjual pulsa seluler bahwa perlu pengawasan dari pemerintah untuk menciptakan iklim usaha yang lebih kondusif bagi UMKM penjual pulsa seluler. Kata Kunci: Dampak, UMKM, Penjual Pulsa, isi ulang pulsa, ATM

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Annisa Nevy Prihartini ◽  
Raden Hanung Ismono ◽  
Zainal Abidin

This study aims to determine the distribution system, efficiency, and accuracy of the distribution of Beras Sejahtera (RASTRA) and Bantuan Pangan Non-Tunai (BPNT) programs in Yukum Jaya Village, Terbanggi Besar Sub-district, Central Lampung Regency.  The attributes used in this study are right on target, right on amount, right on time, right on price, right on administration, right on quality consisting of color, aroma, rice cleanliness, and condition of eggs.  The study uses a survey method involving 33 recipients of Rastra program and 31 recipients of BPNT program.  The first and second objectives are analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis.  The third objective is analyzed using Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).  The study shows that the distribution system of Rastra and BPNT are included in the semi-direct distribution category.  The distribution efficiency of the Rastra program is 0..06 and the BPNT program is 0.04 which means that the distribution of rice in the two programs are efficient.  The CSI of Rastra score is 54.36% or in quite proper category and BPNT is 68.94% or proper category.  IPA analysis shows that the most suitable attribute of Rastra is the right on price attribute and for BPNT is the right on amount atrribute.Key words: accurate, BPNT, CSI, efficiency, Rastra

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Puji Arita Lestari ◽  
Dwi Haryono ◽  
Ktut Murniati

The purposes of this research are to analyze the income and added value of household scale coconut sugar agroindustry in Sidomulyo Subdistrict of South Lampung Regency. This research is conducted by a survey method in determining the sample. Respondents are the owners of coconut sugar agroindustries. Data were collected in January - February 2019, and analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that income over cash costs amounted to Rp2,976,013.89 and income over total costs amounted to Rp529,747.40. Coconut sugar agroindustry was profitable with R/C of 3.66 over cash costs and 1.15 over total costs, it was worth cultivating because it had positive value-added, namely raw material of Rp949.84/ liter. Key words: added value, agroindustry, coconut sugar, income.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-201
Nurhafidhah Nurhafidhah ◽  
Hasby Hasby ◽  
Muhammad Nazar ◽  
Sirry Alvina

The study aims to explain the need for developing web-based learning media on chemical bonding concepts. This research is descriptive research with a survey method. The sample of this research is the teacher of chemistry subject who teaches chemical bonding concepts at Senior High School in Langsa city. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data collected is data on needs on aspects of teacher readiness, student needs, and support. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that teachers of chemistry subjects at Senior High School in Langsa City had the readiness to use web-based learning media that would be developed. Based on the teacher's response, the development of web-based learning media on chemical bonding material is strongly needed by teachers and students. The support of facilities and human resources at Senior High School in Langsa City on web-based learning media apply is adequate. These results concluded that the development of web-based learning media on chemical bonding material is strongly needed in chemistry lessons at senior high school in Langsa city.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 461
Sasmita Padena Harahap ◽  
Kordiyana K. Rangga ◽  
Yuniar Aviati Syarief

This research aims to determine poverty level, and factor related to the poverty level in Jati Mulyo Village, Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency. This research was conducted in March-April 2018. Respondents were 70 households of poor families. Data were collected with a survey method using quantitative descriptive analysis and nonparametric statistical test (rank Spearman correlation). Results of this research showed that annual expenditure per capita was equivalent to the value of 233 kilograms of rice or the households were included in very poor category. Factors that were significantly related to poverty level were level of education and main occupation, while the number of family members and the age of the head of the household were not significantly related to poverty level.Key words: household, poor, poverty level

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 305
Erika Dwi Alviana ◽  
Dame Trully Gultom ◽  
Yuniar Aviati Syarief

This study aims to examine the farmers' response to Legowo Row Planting System in Tumijajar Subdistrict of West Tulang Bawang Regency and factors related to farmers' responses to the Legowo Row Planting System.  This research was conducted in Tumijajar subdistrict, West Tulang Bawang Regency. Data collection was conducted in May - August 2017. This research method used a survey method and using questionnaire as primary instrument of data collection. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis to answer the first goal and Rank Spearman test to answer second goal. The results showed that farmers’ response to Legowo Row Planting System was relatively low.  Factors related to farmer's response to Legowo Row Planting System are farmer’s age, formal education, length of farming experience, land size, motivation, and Sistem Tanam Jajar Legowo’s innovation characteristics.   Key words: response, planting system, plant spacing

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sudarmadji Sudarmadji ◽  
Slamet Suprayogi ◽  
M. Widyastuti ◽  
Rika Harini

Spring is as one of the water resources potential that can not be ignored. Gunungkidul district has three physiographic units: Baturagung Hills, Wonosari Basin and Gunung Sewu Karst Hills. All of them affect the distribution of springs in the Gunungkidul Regency. On the other hand, physiography will affect the community adaptation to the environment. It will contribute to the springs conservation effort. The purposes of this research are:  1) to identify the characteristics of springs, 2) to analyze the community participation in conserving  the springs as basic information to develop spring conservation models. To identify the socio-economic characteristics and the springs characteristics in the research areas use a survey method. Unit sampling and analysis is done purposively based on three zones: Baturagung Hills, Wonosari Basin and Gunung Sewu Karst Hills. Socio-economic survey was done by sampling on the 90 respondents, divided into 3 zones through direct interviews using quetionare. Quantitative descriptive analysis was performed through statistical tests. The results show that the quality of spring water in all physiographic zones meet to the water quality standard, except those for colli bacteria. The discharge of karst springs in the hills of Gunung Sewu greater than the discharge of the two other zones. The springs distribution is more in Wonosari Basin and Karst Hills of Gunung Sewu than Baturagung Hills. The level of the community participation in springs conservation is mostly done in groups through user spring groups. Generally, socio-economic factors affect to the level of participation in prevention of springs damage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Shandy Jannifer Matitaputty ◽  
Westri Kekalih ◽  
Agnes Arie M. Christie ◽  
Paulina Rini Hastuti

Jepara Regency is one of the areas that is the center of the furniture industry in Indonesia. The development of the furniture industry is expected to increase regional income and tax revenue. This study discusses to look at the development of the furniture industry in Jepara Regency, asking for the development of the furniture industry with Jepara Regency revenue as well as potential tax revenues related to the development of the Jepara Regency furniture industry. This research uses quantitative descriptive analysis method. The quantitative descriptive analysis used includes trend analysis, analysis of the furniture industry tax, and Input-Output (I-O) analysis. The results showed; 1. Furniture Industry in Jepara Regency still has an upward trend of development from year to year both in terms of the number of business units, production volume and number of workers, 2. The Furniture Industry has an important role in developing Jepara Regency in terms of labor, 3 The role / relationship of the furniture / wood material industry in Jepara Regency to other sectors to input suppliers or related future links above the regional average. 4. Increase in taxes in accordance with government taxes, but the potential for tax revenue from the furniture business industry in Jepara Regency shows a positive trend.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-25
Putri Sari ◽  
Sukmawati Mardjuni ◽  

This study aims to test analyze and menginterpertasi; 1). the influence of competence on employee performance; 2). The effect of financial compensation on employee performance; 3).The influence of work discipline on employee performance 4). Influence of competence, financial compensation and work discipline to performance of Makassar First Class Navigation officer. The design in this research using quantitative research method dengang using survey method. The number of samples in this study were 71 people. This research used quantitative descriptive analysis technique which was analyzed with the help of SPSS 24 software. The conclusions of this study are: 1) competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; 2) financial compensation has a positive and significant impact on employee performance; 3). work discipline has a positive and significant impact on the performance of Makassar First Class Navigation personnel.

Iwang Gumilar ◽  
Husna Adilah Zharfan ◽  
Achmad Rizal ◽  
Atikah Nurhayati

This study is about the analysis of the exchange rate of fishery product processors (NTPI) in Bandung Regency. This study aims to analyze the NTPI in Bandung Regency and analyze the price index of processed fishery products in Bandung Regency to find out the level of welfare. The method used in this study is a survey method with interview techniques using questionnaire, the types of data collected include primary data and secondary data. The research data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the  NTPI in Bandung Regency as a whole, both processing bloater, shredded fish, and fish balls has an NTPI > 100 which indicates that fishery processors in Bandung Regency are at a prosperous level and prices increase in the base year and 2021 only occurred in processed fish floss and fish balls although they were not large, while in the processed bloater there was no price increase at all from the base year until 2021.

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