scholarly journals Wills of ‘Wajibah’ and Renewal Thoughts of Islamic Inheritance Law in Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Ismail -

The Will of ‘Wajibah’ has been implemented in several Muslim countries, it is still debated. According to the majority of fiqh scholars, the obligation of will for a Muslim who is close to his death has been abolished by inheritance law. In addition, they argue that a will is ‘ikhtiyâriyah’ or an act of ‘ikhtiyâriyah’, the act depends on a person’s will, and it is not enforced by force (ijbariyah). This study tries to answer the controversy with the sub-problems of the actual concept of the mandatory will, the legal basis used by Islamic juries in determining the law, and how its reforms. This research is qualitative with a literature study and the sources used to include some ‘fiqh’ books and law books. To analyze the data, the author used content analysis methods, through inductive, deductive, and comparative thinking methods. The results of this study indicate that the mandatory will is new ‘ijtihad’ in the treasury of ‘ijtihad’. This concept was born from the reinterpretation of the will and inheritance verses by relating them to the context of today's social life with considerations of benefit or ‘mashlahah mursalah’. Abstrak: Wasiat wajibah meskipun telah berlaku di beberapa negara Muslim, masih mengundang perdebatan, antara lain disebabkan karena menurut pendapat mayoritas atau jumhur ulama fiqh kewajiban berwasiat bagi seorang Muslim yang telah mendekati masa kematiannya itu telah  dihapuskan oleh hukum waris. Di samping itu, mereka juga berpendapat bahwa wasiat adalah perbuatan yang bersifat ikhtiyâriyah, yakni ada tidaknya wasiat tersebut tergantung kepada kehendak seseorang, tidak berlaku secara paksa (ijbâriyah). Penelitian ini, mencoba menjawab kontroversi sebagaimana dikemukakan di atas dengan sub masalah bagaimana sebenarnya konsep wasiat wajibah tersebut, apa landasan hukum yang digunakan oleh para juris Islam dalam menetapkan hukumnya dan bagaimana pembaruan yang terjadi di dalamnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan studi kepustakaan yang menjadikan sejumlah kitab fiqh dan kitab undang-undang sebagai sumbernya. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode konten analisis, melalui metode berpikir induktif, deduktif dan komparatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wasiat wajibah sejatinya merupakan ijtihad baru dalam khasanah ijtihad. Konsep ini lahir dari penafsiran ulang terhadap ayat-ayat wasiat dan ayat-ayat waris dengan mengaitkannya dengan konteks kehidupan sosial masyarakat sekarang dengan pertimbangan kemashlahatan atau mashlahah mursalah. Kata-kata kunci: pembaruan, ijtihad, hukum islam, wasiat wajibah

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-136
Ismail Ismail

Abstract: The law of inheritance has been determined very clearly in the Qur’an and this provision has also been established as a qathi' or final legal basis by jumhur or majority ulama. However, in reality, there are still criticisms of the inheritance law provisions. This article aims to further examine the issue of qat'hi and zhanni (the final one and the need intrepretation) related to inheritance and how the philosophical values ​​of inheritance law in Islam. The philosophical study referred to in this article is related to the purpose of syara’ to determine the distribution of inheritance in such a way and what philosophical basis and values ​​are used. This article also describes the share of men and women with one to two balances. This article is based on literature study by using textual sources, namely the text of the Qur’an (especially verses on the law of inheritance) as the main reference in the reconstruction of philosophical thinking in Islamic inheritance law. The analysis technique in this research is descriptive analysis. So, the philosophical basis and the purpose of inheritance law in Islam is an effort to realize justice in order to achieve mutual benefit for the heirs. However, if a change is needed regarding inheritance law that is relevant to the conditions and situation at the time of the inheritance law decision, there is no harm in providing additional law. Keywords: Philosophical values, inheritance law, Islam.   Abstrak: Hukum waris telah ditentukan dengan sangat jelas dalam Alquran serta ketentuan tersebut juga telah ditetapkan sebagai dasar hukum yang qathi’ oleh jumhur ulama. Akan tetapi realita yang terjadi masih ada kritik terhadap ketentuan hukum waris tersebut. Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji lebih jauh masalah qat’hi dan zhanni-nya terkait waris dan bagaimana nilai-nilai filosofis hukum kewarisan dalam Islam. Kajian filosofis yang dimaksud dalam artikel ini terkait tentang tujuan syara' menetapkan pembagian warisan sedemikian rupa dan apa dasar dan nilai filosofis yang digunakan. Artikel ini juga menjelaskan tentang bagian laki-laki dan perempuan dengan perimbangan satu banding dua. Artikel ini berbasis penelitian pustaka dengan menjadikan sumber-sumber tekstual yakni teks Alquran (khusus ayat-ayat tentang hukum kewarisan) sebagai acuan utama dalam rekonstruksi pemikiran filosofis dalam hukum waris Islam. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik analisis deskriptif. Jadi, dasar filosofis dan tujuan hukum waris dalam Islam merupakan suatu upaya untuk mewujudkan keadilan agar tercapai kemashlahatan bersama bagi ahli waris. Namun jika diperlukan sebuah perubahan terkait hukum kewarisan yang relevan dengan kondisi dan situasi pada saat keputusan hukum kewarisan tersebut maka tidak ada salahnya memberikan hukum tambahan. Kata-kata kunci: Nilai-nilai filosofis, hukum kewarisan, Islam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Muhammad Iqbal

<strong>Abstrak: </strong>Studi ini membahas perspektif Syiah Imamiyah tentang dimensi tauhid. Dengan pendekatan tafsir al-Qur’an, tulisan ini mengungkapkan temuan bahwa Al-Qur’an sebagai pedoman bagi umat manusia memuat ayat-ayat tauhid yang merupakan asas dan dasar kajian Islam. Ayat-ayat ini diklasifikasi oleh ulama Syiah ke dalam dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama, ayat-ayat yang memuat tentang tauhid teoretis; pemikiran konsep serta pemahaman yang mentauhidkan Allah swt. baik dalam hal zat, sifat maupun perbuatan-Nya. Kelompok kedua adalah ayat-ayat yang mengulas tentang tauhid praktis atau yang disebut dengan tindakan atau amal yang berlandaskan tauhid teoretis. Pada gilirannya baik tauhid teoretis maupun tauhid praktis memiliki cabang dan variannya masing-masing.<br /><br /><strong>Kata Kunci</strong><strong>:</strong><strong> </strong>Syiah Imamiyah, tauhid, al-Qur’an<br /> <br /><strong>Abstract: Shia Imamiyah Perspective on Theology</strong>. This study examines the Shiite Imamiyah school of thought on the dimension of monotheism in the Qur’an. This study is a literature study where the works of Shiite scholars are analyzed by content analysis methods. This study is hoped to become as sufficient information about monotheism according to the Shiah school as explained by scholars of Shi’ism. This study proposes that there are two dimensions of monotheism in the Shia school, namely theoretical monotheism and practical dimensions. The theoretical dimension of monotheism constitutes three categories which include first, substance monotheism, second monotheism of character, and third, monotheism of action. In addition, the practical dimension in monotheism is divided into three namely monotheism in worship (<em>taw<span style="text-decoration: underline;">h</span>îd</em> ‘<em>ibâdah</em>), monotheism in obedience and observance, and monotheism in acquiring comfort and assistance.<br /> <br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Shia Imamiyah, theology, Qur’an<strong></strong>

Maksymilian Pazdan

The position of the executor of the will is governed by the law applicable to succession (Article 23(2)(f) of the EU Regulation 650/2012), while the position of the succession administrator of the estate of a business of a physical person located in Poland is subject to the Law of 5 July 2018 on the succession administration of the business of a physical person (the legal basis for such solution is in Article 30 of the EU Regulation 650/2012). However, if the court needs to determine the law applicable to certain aspects of appointing or functioning of these institutions, which have a nature of partial or preliminary questions, these laws will apply, as determined in line with the methods elaborated to deal with partial and preliminary questions in private international law. The rules devoted to the executors of wills are usually not self-standing. In such situations, the legislators most often call for supportive application of the rules designed for other matters existing in the same legal system (here — of the legis successionis). This is referred to as the absorption of the legal rules.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-160
Jelena Vidić-Trninić

In Serbian law, a valid will can be revoked based on the will of the testator, more precisely through the revocation of the will or based on a court decision. This paper analyzes the solutions of the Law on Inheritance of Serbia, dedicated to the mentioned ways of revoking a last will, and at the same time examines the legal regulation of that issue in other legal systems in Europe. The author finds that in the realization of the right to revoke a will, the legislation of Serbia undoubtedly affirms the freedom of will, and that in that respect, it is in principle harmonized with the legal solutions observed on European legal soil. In the aspect of the purpose for which it is prescribed, a special advantage of domestic regulation is the possibility of declaring a will ineffective through a court decision. The author further considers that certain solutions that can be found in comparative law, such as the possibility to invalidate testamentary dispositions made in favour of former spouse, could be accepted in Serbian inheritance law as well. Finally, according to the author, some existing legal solutions dedicated to the revocation of wills, need to be specified and completed de lege ferenda, in order to achieve legal certainty.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-21 ◽  
Eno Suwarno ◽  
Ambar Tri Ratnaningsih ◽  
Enny Insusanty

The issuance of the Law No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government instead of Law No. 32 of 2004 carries implications for FMU development in the area. This study aims to (1) assess changes in the content of Law No. 23 of 2014 compared with the previous regulations in managing the affairs of the forestry sector; (2) assess the implications of these changes to the rules under which the current level is the reference FMU development; and (3) assess the implications of these changes to the processes of FMU development in Riau Province. The study was conducted in December 2014 -May 2015, with research sites in the city of Pekanbaru and the district of Kampar, Riau Province. The method used is the content analysis of the rules and interviews with some stakeholders. The substantial changes of the Law No. 32/2004 to Law No. 23/2014, in the new regulations authorizes the establishment of the organization KPHL / KPHP everything under the authority of the provincial government, no longer under the authority of district governments. The implications of the transfer of authority, the regulations that the legal basis and the establishment of institutions KPHL / KPHP i.e. the Government Regulation (PP) No. 38/2007 and Rule of th e Interior Minister (Permendagri) No. 61/2010 can not be a reference again. In addition it also affects the initiative and formation process KPHL / KPHP by Regency stagnated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Abdulloh Hamid ◽  
Anis Fittria ◽  
Ubbadul Adzkiya' ◽  
Santi Andriyani

The emergence of bitcoin as a means of transaction and investment in the virtual world is intriguing to be studied. Many countries in the world have different perspectives upon the law of bitcoin itself. In Indonesia, the regulation on electronic money is in Indonesian Bank Regulation Number 20/6/PBI/2018 and MUI Fatwa Number 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017. However, both have not specifically regulated bitcoin. As something new, bitcoin is necessary to be studied in the perspective of Islamic law. The research is a literature study utilizing content analysis to approach the data. The findings of the results are that bitcoin as a means of transaction is permissible (mubah) since there is a similar handover (taqabudh)--that there is a bitcoin to handover, there is no gambling (maisir), speculation (gharar), haram, riba, and false, and that the transactions is on a willingness basis (antharodin) of the both parties. Second, bitcoin as a means of transaction is haram if there is an uncertainty which is close to gharah and maisir, bitcoin as an investment tool has more damages than benefits.

2019 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-498
Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail ◽  
Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin ◽  
Lukman Abdul Mutalib ◽  
Muneer Ali Abdul Rab al-Qubaty

Although the scholars of Islamic jurisprudence discussed the importance of document and its strength as a mean of proof, they did not discuss the issue of forgery unless slightly compared with the scholars of law. This is due to its limited extension and uses in the period of times. And with the frequent use of them in our time, the debates have extended towards several circumstances either to attempt for or to deny a forgery. Therefore, this research is conducted to study the document falsification from the perspectives of Islamic Jurisprudence and Malaysian Law. It is also to explain the definition, procedure and methods to identify the crime and its punishment. The study used inductive and content analysis methods on previous scholars’ opinions, discussions and explanation from two different legal institutions. This study found the following important results: The are many forms of forgery occur in this era and can be classified either as material or incorporeal fraud. Several implications have been issued against the forgery crime in the Malaysian Penal Code, such as imprisonment, lashes and fines. The Islamic jurisprudence and the Malaysian Evidence Act 1950 has established several methods to verify the validity of documents such as confession, testimony, expert opinion, and oath, but the opinion of the expert is the most important means in verifying the authenticity and originality of documents. This study also found that the Malaysian Evidence Law did not discuss the oath as a mean to verify documents. As analysed, the method to verify documents discussed in the books of jurisprudence is very different from that of the Malaysian Evidence Act 1950, which specifies the conditions of documents and the number of witnesses, but the law does not specify the number of witnesses and impose conditions only.[Meskipun para ahli tata hukum Islam membahas pentingnya sebuah dokumen sebagai alat bukti, namun mereka kurang membahas persoalan pemalsuan dokumen sedalam para ahli hukum konvensional. Hal ini terkait dengan terbatasnya waktu dan kuantitas penggunaan, sehingga frekuensi penggunaannya memunculkan debat yang panjang, baik yang menerima atau yang menolak soal pemalsuan. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini membahas pemalsuan dokumen dari perspektif tata hukum Islam dan hukum nasional di Malaysia. Artikel ini juga menjelaskan definisi, prosedur, dan metode identifikasi kejahatan ini serta hukumannya. Penulis menggunakan metode induktif dan analisis isi pada opini, perdebatan, dan penjelasan dari dua institusi hukum yang berbeda. Kajian ini menyimpulkan adanya beragam bentuk pemalsuan dewasa ini, baik material atau non material. Beberapa aturan hukum telah dikeluarkan di Malaysia dan sangsi nya seperti penjara, cambuk dan denda. Peradilan Islam dan Undang Undang Saksi Tahun 1950 telah menetapkan beberapa metode untuk validasi dokumen seperti: pengakuan, testimoni, pendapat ahli, dan sumpah, namun pendapat dari ahli masih merupakan cara utama untuk verifikasi keautentikan dan keaslian dokumen. Artikel ini juga menemukan bahwa peraturan hukum di Malaysia belum membahas sumpah sebagai alat verifikasi dokumen. Juga metodenya berbeda antara yang ada di dalam buku teks dengan Undang Undang 1950 yang lebih fokus pada kondisi dokumen dan jumlah saksi, padahal di dalam hukumnya tidak memperhitungkan jumlah saksi, hanya kondisinya saja.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-520
M. Kasim ◽  
Hijrayanti Sari ◽  
Aisyah S.

This study aims to determine the law of misyār marriage according to Yusuf al-Qarḍāwī and the things that underlie his opinion regarding the law. This research is a qualitative research with the type of literature study (Library Research), using a historical normative approach. The results achieved from this study are: First, the law of misyār marriage according to Yusuf Al-Qarḍāwī is legal. Second, the legal basis of Yusuf Al-Qarḍāwī in determining the law of permissibility is the Qur'an, hadith, and ijma' using the ijtihad insya'i method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Feri Purnama

Parni Hadi's Thought Study of Prophetic Journalism about the dissemination of information based on faith, and good and bad renewal in society. Parni Hadi as a press figure supports his prophetic journalism as a way of preaching and the legacy of the prophet's duty to be applied in journalistic practice. This study analyzes Parni Hadi about Prophetic Journalism, Islamic Journalism, and implementing Prophetic Journalism. The library research methodology (literature study) uses content analysis methods. This study found that Prophetic Journalism can be practiced by journalists or mass media religious backgrounds, as long as presenting the right journalistic products, educating and to help all people, while still using the prophet's duty on honesty, help, be reliable, educate and send a message full of wisdom .Penelitian Pemikiran Parni Hadi tentang Jurnalisme Profetik ini tentang penyebaran informasi yang dilandasi iman, dan mempertimbangkan dampak baik dan buruk di masyarakat. Parni Hadi sebagai tokoh pers memiliki gagasan jurnalisme profetiknya sebagai jalan dakwah dan warisan tugas nabi untuk diterapkan dalam praktik jurnalistik. Penelitian ini menganalisa pemikiran Parni Hadi tentang Jurnalisme Profetik, Jurnalisme Islami, dan mengimplementasikan Jurnalisme Profetik. Metodologi penelitian kepustakaan (library research) ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis konten. Penelitian ini menemukan Jurnalisme Profetik yang bisa dipraktikan oleh jurnalis atau media massa berbagai latar belakang agama, selama menyajikan produk jurnalistik yang benar, mendidik dan untuk kebaikan seluruh umat, dengan tetap menerapkan tugas nabi tentang kejujuran, mengajak kebaikan, dapat dipercaya, mendidik dan menyampaikan pesan penuh kearifan. 

Yu. D. Batan

This research is devoted to identify the necessity of regulating offenses prevention by a separate act of legislation. The article takes into account the experience of domestic lawmaking and lawmaking in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Slovenia and Uzbekistan. A quantitative content analysis of the prevention laws in the CIS countries has been made.

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