scholarly journals Persepsi Masyarakat Lokal Terhadap Pengembangan Hutan Mangrove Sebagai Kawasan Ekowisata Di Kampung Ruar Distrik Biak Timur Kabupaten Biak Numfor

Cassowary ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-220
Ferdinand Rumbino ◽  
Soetjipto Moeljono ◽  
Antoni Ungirwalu

The mangrove forest area of ​​Kampung Ruar, East Biak District, is an area that has traditionally been a place for fishing and lime-making efforts by the community who have been hereditary. This condition raises questions from various parties whether this location is suitable to be developed as a mangrove ecotourism destination. Development of Mangrove Ecotourism by the Papua Provincial Forestry Service as a tourist attraction by utilizing local natural potential and supporting tourism policies in Biak Numfor Regency. This study aims to see the socio-cultural conditions of local communities in the Mangrove Forest Area of ​​Kampung Ruar, Biak Timur District, Biak Numfor Regency as an ecotourism area and to assess the local community's perceptions of the development of ecotourism areas in providing benefits to the community both economically and socio-culture in Kampung Ruar Distik Biak Regency. Timur Biak. The study hasli revealed that the perception of local communities about ecotourism (60%), community knowledge about resources (70%) and understanding of community knowledge about forest damage and aspects of forest protection are very good (67), most (49%) people who understand that the potential for ecotourism development has future prospects. The four alternative strategies for mangrove ecotourism in Kampung Ruar, Biak Timur District, Biak Numfor District in Kampung Ruar are as follows: (a) Development of a Tour Package between Mangrove Ecotourism and TBTA Biak; (b) Increase Knowledge and Community Empowerment; (c) Mangrove Rehabilitation and Community Empowerment; and (d) Mentoring and involvement of local communities in management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 623-631
Faizal Rianto ◽  
Billy Jenawi ◽  
Riau Sujarwani

Ecotourism activities and the community-based ecotourism model are not new in Bintan District. Some coastal villages such as the Village of Kuala Sempang through Ballond Mangrove Tour and the Village of Pengudang through Pengudang Bintan Mangrove are even able to promote the mangrove forest ecotourism activities managed by the local communities. The success in promoting tourism potential through the concept of ecotourism in these villages certainly brings the hope of empowerment to the communities. Some studies even emphasize that tourism with the concept of ecotourism and community-based ecotourism models can contribute positively and can be used as a means or tool for community empowerment, especially for economically marginalized local communities. However, so far, studies on tourism in Bintan District are more focused on aspects of managing ecotourism activities, evaluating the development of ecotourism, and studying the potential of mangroves, while studies on community empowerment through ecotourism activities are needed to be encouraged to provide understanding based on empirical evidence of the impact and benefits of ecotourism activities for community empowerment, especially in coastal villages. Therefore, this study aims to describe how ecotourism activities empower the communities in coastal villages in Bintan District.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Seriany Tonglo ◽  
I Made Adikampana

Abstract The purposed of this paper is to find out the empowerment efforts by government to developing the local communities at tourist attraction of Lemo, especially in the field of tourism. Thus, it’s expected the local communities can play an active role in developing of tourism industry in their place. The author directly go to the field for observation and data collection in order to know the existing problems. The collection of data used in this study were obtained through observation techniques, documentation, library research, and interviews on informers.  Informers are deemed to know about the problems in community empowerment, by using a qualitative descriptive analysis. The author found out that  there are many constraints faced by the local communities such the lack of knowledge of the local communities in the field of tourism and the lack of the number of people who can speak  foreign languages, so it’s need participation from government and other related sector in overcoming the obstacles encountered by the community.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
D Diarto ◽  
Boedi Hendrarto ◽  
Sri Suryoko

ABSTRAK Potensi dan keunikan sumber daya alam pada Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Tugurejo (KHMT) memiliki peran sangat signifikan dalam pengembangan ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan lingkungan masyarakat pesisir. Pengelolaan lingkungan KHMT merupakan salah satu upaya dalam mendukung pengembangan wilayah pesisir secara optimal, bijaksana, dan bertanggung jawab, tentunya dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan berbagai pihak yang terkait serta dengan tetap memperhatikan daya dukung lingkungan KHMT. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan  KHMT. Antusiasme, keinginan, dan harapan serta adanya kepedulian sosial masyarakat setempat merupakan bentuk partisipasi masyarakat dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan KHMT.  Adanya partisipasi masyarakat menjadi faktor pendukung dalam upaya pengembangan wilayah pesisir Kota Semarang. Gambaran partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan KHMT ditunjukkan dengan tingginya keinginan masyarakat untuk menjaga dan melestarikan serta adanya harapan terhadap upaya perlindungan atau perbaikan KHMT. Bentuk partisipasi masyarakat adalah partisipasi sukarela atau swakarsa. Kata Kunci: Kawasan hutan mangrove tugurejo, Pengelolaam lingkungan, Partisipasi masyarakat ABSTRACT The potency and uniqueness of natural resources in Mangrove Forest Area of Tugurejo (KHMT) has a very significant role in developing economic, social, cultural, and environmental of coastal communities. Environmental Management of KHMT is one of effort to support the developing coastal areas optimally, wisely, and responsibly, of course, with the community participation and other stakeholders and also by considering the carrying capacity of KHMT. The objective  of this research was to provide an overview of community participation to environmental management of KHMT. The enthusiasm, desires, and expectations as well as the social concerns of local communities was a form of community participation in environmental management of KHMT. The community participation become a contributing factor in developing the coastal area of Semarang City. The overview of community participation to environmental management of KHMT was indicated by strong desire of the communities to maintain and preserve it and also the presence of community expectation for the protection or improvement of KHMT. The form of community participation was voluntary or spontaneous participation. Keywords: Mangrove Forest Area of Tugurejo, Environmental Management, Commuunity Participation

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Yudha Eka Nugraha

As one of the natural tourist attractions that continues to experience an increase in tourist visits, Oetune Beach requires planned management from various stakeholders, one of which is the local government. The purpose of this research is to describe the government role in the management of Oetune Beach in Tuafanu Village. The research used a qualitative descriptive approach and data were obtained from field observations, interviews, documentation, and literature studies on Oetune Beach from various available sources. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the role of the local government (TTS tourism office) in managing the tourist attraction of Oetune Beach which runs through 4 roles, namely the role of coordinator, developing strategies and policies for managing Oetune Beach in making infrastructures such as access roads to tourist attractions, provision of electricity, and clean water in the oetune beach area. The role of the facilitator is by providing facilities and infrastructure at the Oetune Beach DTW, conducting tourism promotions and guiding each sub-district to identify tourist attractions in each region. The role of the stimulator is carried out through the involvement of local communities as coastal managers. The role of a motivator is carried out through a community empowerment program that provides land to open the tourist attraction of Oetune Beach at no cost to local communities

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Farida Ratu Wargadalem ◽  
A. Siswanto ◽  
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah ◽  
K. Indriastuti

Megalithic sites, tourist assets in Lahat Regency besides waterfalls, are a wealth of culture in the past that have the potential to be a tourist attraction. The location of megalithic sites scattered in several subdistricts and mostly located outside the settlement becomes an obstacle to be developed as a tourist destination. The purpose of this research is to develop an integrated tourism strategy that composes megalithic sites, natural attractions, artificial attractions, settlements, and the empowerment of local communities. This research combines historical research and case study. The case study is used by observing the location of megalithic sites in several districts in the Lahat Regency. The rapid mapping of potential megalithic sites and tourist objects and developed into two zonings. Community empowerment is conducted by focusing on group discussion (FGD) involving related parties. Megalithic sites are unique, scattered over a wide area, and different geographic conditions make them difficult for tourists to visit. There are several megalithic sites in the settlement, plantation, or rice fields. Local Communities already have an understanding of utilizing homes as homestays. It is concluded that the determination of zonation in Lahat regency can direct the management of the megalithic site as a tourism object according to the site characteristics and the built environment through community empowerment. The first zoning is the location of megalithic sites on Pagaralam as the direction of tourist arrivals with the village of Gunung Kaya in the Jarai sub-district as the node, and the second zonation on Lahat as the direction of tourist arrivals with the village Sinjar Bulan in Gumay Ulu sub-district as the node. Megalithic site management strategy as an integrated tourist attraction is also carried out by utilizing all the existing potential.Situs megalitik adalah warisan budaya di masa lalu yang berpotensi menjadi objek wisata. Lokasi situs megalitik yang tersebar di beberapa kecamatan dan sebagian besar berada di luar pemukiman menjadi kendala untuk dikembangkan sebagai tujuan wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan strategi pariwisata terpadu yang menyusun situs megalitik, atraksi alam, atraksi buatan, permukiman, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Penelitian menggunakan dua pendekatan, yakni penelitian historis dan studi kasus. Situs megalitik unik, tersebar di wilayah yang luas, dan kondisi geografis yang berbeda membuat mereka sulit dikunjungi wisatawan. Ada beberapa situs megalitik di pemukiman, perkebunan, atau sawah. Masyarakat setempat sudah memiliki pemahaman tentang pemanfaatan rumah sebagai homestay. Disimpulkan bahwa penentuan zonasi di Kabupaten Lahat dapat mengarahkan pengelolaan situs megalitik sebagai objek wisata sesuai dengan karakteristik situs dan lingkungan binaan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat. Zonasi pertama adalah lokasi situs megalitik di Pagaralam sebagai arah kedatangan wisatawan dengan desa Gunung Kaya di kecamatan Jarai sebagai simpul, dan zonasi kedua di Lahat sebagai arah kedatangan wisatawan dengan desa Sinjar Bulan di kecamatan Gumay Ulu sebagai simpul.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-66
Frahmawati Bumulo ◽  
Sri Endang Saleh

Community Empowerment in the Tourism Sector in Efforts Acceleration of Economic Recovery in Dambalo Village As an effort to grow the economy which is currently slumped as a result of the covid 19 pandemic. He people of Dambalo Village have various livelihoods from self-employed fishermen, farmers and some are civil servants and construction workers, all of which aim to help the family economy. and almost 60% are creative and micro business actors. Here fore, we are interested in providing creative ideas in the tourism sector, where in this village there is a pretty good tourist attraction to be developed, namely the Botudidingga tourism object, as for the tourism objects in this village that have existed since a few years ago which are located on the coast which has its own uniqueness, because to go to this place the tourists seem to go on a trip to the mountains, the vast expanse of sea surrounded by mangroves and has a courtyard to the middle of the sea makes Botudidingga tourism object the maldeves of North Gorontalo. To further beautify and attract tourists, the thematic village community service students create interesting photo spots with materials taken in the village of Dambalo itself

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Muhammad Syaifulloh ◽  
Wahyu Setiawan

Kampung Coklat is a tourist attraction of special interest in Blitar, East Java, an ecotourism. Tourist components that have been held, the product quality is maintained, Human Resources who has been there, security from both outside and within the company and also cooperation with local communities necessary for the development, enhancement, training, coaching and maintenance. It is intended to support the development which will be done so as not to compete with other competitors. People who play an active role and cooperation that has existed well into the main capital to undertake development . The role of the community has been proven to work and establish new jobs in Kampung Coklat . Besides the community to fully support the development of Kampung Coklat. Keywords: ecotourism , tourism , products

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Omo Rusdiana ◽  
Fajar Alif Sam Pangestu

The area of mangrove forests in Indonesia is currently only spanning as much as 3.4 milion acres, so there is a need for the participation of the government and community to maintain its sustainability. South Halmahera is the district with the largest mangrove area in the North Maluku Province. One of the mangrove areas in the District of South Halmahera is located at Sayoang Village, East Bacan Subdistrict Up until its eleventh founding anniversary, this district have never conducted an inventorizing of its mangroves, both ecological and social studies in the field of public. This study aims to analyze the compotition of mangrove species in Sayoang Village, East Bacan Subdistrict, South Halmahera, and identify the knowledge of surrounding communities of mangrove areas as protected areas. Data were retrieved using sampling method with applications terraced paths, and analyzed by calculating its important value index (INP) and its index value diversity (IVD). The public social data were taken using in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Results obtained from this study show that the mangrove forest in Sayoang Village, East Bacan District, Halmahera, consists of major mangrove species with as many as eleven species belonging to families Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae, Avicenniaceae, Meliaceae and Myrtaceae, and as many as three species of minor mangrove belonging to families of Loranthaceae, Acanthaceae, and Pteridaceae. The mangrove's species diversity and richness is and low, but it has high evenness. The results showed that 60% of total respondents know the benefit of mangrove as fish habitat, while for mangrove area as conserving areas, 50% of total respondent don't know the status of the area. The cutting problems happened in mangrove areas, 90% of total respondent know the activity and 85% of total respondent think that the logging activities in mangrove area is still allowed. The management activity of mangrove area in Sayoang village hasn't been conducted, either by the community or by local Dinas Kehutanan, and 53% of total respondent still wishing the mangrove can give more benefit economically.Key words: Mangrove forest, mangrove protected areas, community knowledge

2021 ◽  
Vol 748 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
E Wahyuni ◽  
Zulhafandi ◽  
Hendris ◽  

Abstract Mangrove forests are natural resources in coastal areas that have an important role in terms of social, economic and ecological aspects. However, the utilization of the mangrove ecosystem makes it vulnerable to damage. This study aims to determine the level of public knowledge of the economic, ecological benefits and damage that happened to mangrove areas in Tarakan City. The scoring method was used to determine the total score or the total score of the respondents’ answers, which amount to 50 people. that the community’s knowledge of the economic benefits of mangrove forests was categorized as know for the benefits of mangroves as firewood, mangrove areas as a place for settlement, mangroves as a place to get fish and mangrove benefits as aquaculture areas with total scores of 226, 200, 232,230 respectively. However, the level of community knowledge about the benefits of mangroves as a medicinal ingredient obtained a total score of 164, which means the level of community knowledge was in the doubtful category. While the level of community knowledge of the ecological benefits of mangrove forests as coastline guards, sea wave barriers, sea wind protectors, and animal breeding sites were included in the category of “Know” with a total score of 228, 224, 234, 240 respectively, but the level of knowledge The community regarding the benefits of mangroves that can manage household waste was in the “doubtful” category with a total score of 128. The community was aware of the damage to mangrove forest ecosystems caused by garbage, logging / mangroves, expanding aquaculture, settlements and increasing population. with a total score of 234,232, 210,228 and 200 levels of knowledge, respectively, which are included in the “Know” category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Cici Khairunnisa ◽  
Eddy Thamrin ◽  
Hari Prayogo

The diversity of mangrove vegetation is a community that has different characteristics from other communities. Diversity is an important component in mangrove management, but so far the availability of data related to mangroves is still very minimal, including those related to the species diversity of mangrove forest vegetation in the region. This study aims to obtain data on species diversity of vegetation found in the mangrove forest area of Dusun Besar Village, Pulau Maya District, Kayong Utara Regency. Method used was a combination of path and plot method, and the determination of the location and research path location were carried out using purposive sampling. The results of observation and data analysis showed that the dominant vegetation species with the highest importance value index (INP) for seedlings, saplings and trees was the Avicennia marina, namely the INP value of seedlings 37.04%, the INP values of sapling 65.24%, and the value of INP a tree rate of 65. Based on the results of the most dominant analysis found the species of  Avicennia marina with a value of C = 0.03430 for seedling, C = 0.04729 for sapling, and C = 0.04736 for tree level. The diversity of mangrove forest vegetation species in Dusun Besar Village for seedlings, saplings and trees is low because it has an H 'value <1, and the abundance of mangrove vegetation species was not evenly distributed in each forest area because it only has an e value <1.Keywords: Dusun Besar Village, Mangrove Forest, Species Diversity

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