scholarly journals Literature review: Perbandingan tingkat nyeri menstruasi (dismenore) sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan hipnoterapi pada remaja putri

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Aprilia Mulyani ◽  
Evi Zahara ◽  
Rahmi Rahmi

Background: Dysmenorrhea can affect women who experience menstruation at any age. There is no age limit. Almost all women experience discomfort during menstruation, usually accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and even fainting. If it's like this, of course, menstrual pain should not be left alone. This dysmenorrhea can be overcome by pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. One of the non-pharmacological approaches that can be used is hypnotherapy.Objective: To determine the comparison of the level of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) before and after hypnotherapy in adolescent girls.Method: The method used in this literature review study is to obtain from a search of scientific research articles from the 2015-2020 period using the Google Scholar and Pubmed data bases. A total of 187 articles were obtained and then identification and screening were carried out, so that 10 articles were obtained that matched the inclusion criteria.Results: The average of the articles shows a pValue value <0.005 which means that there is a significant comparison and difference between before being given the intervention and after being given the intervention.Conclusion: There is a comparison of the level of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) before and after hypnotherapy in adolescent girls. It is recommended for educational institutions to provide information to all young women about hypnotherapy to reduce menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1103-1110
Didi Rethodi ◽  
Dian Kartikasari

AbstractAsthma causes narrowing of the airways, which leads to various symptoms such as whezzing, coughing, and shortness of breath (dyspnea) in sufferers. Patients with asthma often complain of experiencing sudden shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and pain when taking a breath. These conditions can causes the patient to become stressed, anxious and the breathing pattern in no longer effective. As a result, the prognosis of disease is poor. The purpose of this literature review study was to picture the frequency of breathing in asthma patients.This literature review highlighted five articles searched from 2011-2021 throught Garba Garuda and Google Scholar. The obtained articles were apprassied using the JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute) instrument before being analyzed. This study revealed that the respiratory rate in patients with asthma increases over 20x/minutes.The conclusion from this literature review is that patients with asthma have tachypnea. This literature review may be used as a reference for hospitals, educational institutions, and other researchers to determine appropriate nursing interventions for asthma patients.Keywords:Asthma; respiratoryrate. AbstrakPenyakit asma dapat menyebabkan penyempitan pada saluran napas dan hal ini dapat menimbulkan gejala seperti mengi, batuk, dan sesak napas (dyspnea) pada penderitanya. Keluhan pasien asma yaitu sering mengalami sesak napas yang dating secara mendadak, sulit untuk bernafas, nyeri saat menarik napas. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan pasien menjadi stress, cemas dan pola napas tidak lagi efektif dan prognosis penyakitnya menjadi buruk. Tujuan dari penelitian literature review ini adalah untuk mengetahui Gambaran Frekuensi Napas Pada Pasien Asma. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data literature review. Pencarian artikel dari tahun 2011-2021 melalui penelusuran Garba Garuda, dan Google Shcolar dengan kriteria inklusi populasi pasien asma dewasa, tahun artikel 2011-2021, penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil pencarian yang didapatkan berupa full text dan pdf, kemudian direview dengan menggunakan instrument JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute), didapatkan 5 artikel dari tahun 2012-2021, diekstraksi kemudian dibahas dan disimpulkan .Hasil penelitian literature review dari 5 atikel menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi napas pada pasien dengan kejadian asma mengalami peningkatan pernafasan >20x/menit. Simpulan dari literature review ini yaitu pasien dengan kejadian asma mengalami peningkatan frekuensi pernapasan. Penelitian literature review ini diharapkan dapat menjadi refrensi bagi pihak rumah sakit, institusi pendidikan maupun penelitilainnya sebagai pertimbangan untuk menentukan intervensi keperawatan yang tepat bagi pasien asma.Kata kunci : Asma, Respirasi

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1087
Alessandra Conceição Leite Funchal Camacho

Objective: to examine the publications in education on-line in nursing through references in major databases from 2005 to 2009. Methods: literature review study conducted in the databases from Virtual Health Library from 2009/19/02 to 2009/24/04. For analysis of the information was held to organize the content found on the year, type of publication and methodological approach, the core content/production of knowledge and recommendations of the authors. Results: in 20 selected references were reviewed and 12 in the database Scielo, 06 in the BDENF and 14 in the Lilacs. It is tonic in the discussions of the authors studied: the development of training courses for nurses and midwives as well as courses in graduate programs via education on-line. Furthermore, it is necessary that the educational institutions and implement health education on-line investments in technological capabilities and infrastructure for teachers and learners. Conclusion: we note an evolution of education on-line in nursing in Brazil in which the possibilities of teaching in virtual environment for learning is everlasting and take into account some constraints relevant to interactivity as the availability of training courses and disciplines in undergraduate courses. Descriptors: education; education on-line; nursing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Ni Nyoman Suindri ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Sri Erawati ◽  
Made Widhi Gunapria Darmapatni ◽  
Ni Gusti Kompiang Sriasih

Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is known as cramping pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation experienced by some women. Abdominal stretching exercises and acupressure can reduce dysmenorrhea. This research aims to determine the difference in the intensity of primary menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) between abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure for adolescent girls in a Senior High School in Denpasar. The method applied in this research is a Quasi-Experimental two-groups pretest-posttest design. The research sample was grouped into two, namely 70 high school students in the abdominal stretching therapy and 70 students in acupressure therapy. The data were collected using the Numerical Rating Scales or NRS. The data were then analysed using the Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test. The result of the research showed that there was a significant difference in dysmenorrhea before and after abdominal stretching therapy (p=0.000). Also, there was a significant difference in dysmenorrhea before and after acupressure therapy (p=0.000). There was no difference in dysmenorrhea before applying abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure with a p-value=0.335. Also, there was no difference in dysmenorrhea after both therapies were undergone in two groups (p=0,111). The difference test on the difference between the pre-test and post-test obtained p-value = 0.012. Hence, there was a significant difference in decreasing dysmenorrhea between abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure (p=0.012). Conclusion: there is a significant difference in reducing dysmenorrhea between abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure. Suggestion: further research is necessary to conduct by using time series design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Julian Juanito ◽  
Wenny P. Supit ◽  
Laya M. Rares

Abstract: High intraocular pressure (IOP) is one of the risk factors of glaucoma or worsening of its prognosis. There are a lot of external factors that can affect IOP inter alia exercise, as well as some food and drinks. One of the drinks that could affect IOP is coffee that contains caffeine. This study was aimed to evaluate whether caffeine had an effect on IOP. This was a literature review study using 4 data bases, as follows: Clinical Key, Pub-med, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. The keywords were Caffeine OR Coffee OR Tea AND IOP OR Intraocular Pressure. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 literatures were selected. The results showed that some literatures reported an increase in IOP after caffeine consumption, the others reported a decrease in IOP, meanwhile some others did not find any change of IOP. In conclusion, the effect of caffeine on IOP was acute. People who had high intensity of caffeine consumption had a more significant increase in IOP after consuming caffeine.Keywords: caffeine, intraocular pressure (IOP)  Abstrak: Peningkatan tekanan intraokular (TIO) merupakan salah satu faktor risiko untuk terjadinya glaukoma atau memperburuk prognosis glaukoma. Terdapat banyak faktor eksternal yang dapat memengaruhi TIO, antara lain olahraga, minuman, dan makanan. Salah satu minuman yang dapat memengaruhi TIO ialah kopi yang mengandung kafein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh kafein pada tekanan intraokular. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review. Pencarian data menggunakan empat database yaitu Clinical key, PubMed, Google scholar, dan Science direct. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu Caffeine OR Coffee OR Tea AND IOP OR Intraocular Pressure. Seleksi data berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi mendapatkan 10 literatur. Hasil kajian mendapatkan bahwa beberapa penelitian melaporkan adanya peningkatan TIO setelah konsumsi kafein, penelitian lain melaporkan penurunan TIO, dan terdapat pula penelitian yang tidak menemukan perubahan apapun. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah pengaruh kafein pada TIO hanya berlangsung akut. Individu yang memiliki intensitas konsumsi kafein lebih tinggi menunjukkan peningkatan TIO yang lebih nyata setelah mengonsumsi kafein.Kata kunci: kafein, tekanan intraokular (TIO) 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1841-1848
Nuzzullul Ammah ◽  
Dafid Arifiyanto

AbstractPostpartum depression is a mental health disorder that appears after childbirth. Postpartum depression occurs in about 10-15% of mothers who give birth. Postpartum depression has a negative impact on the health status of the mother. It will also have an impact on the family and children because the mothers will refuse to see her baby. The mother’s interest in the newborn baby will decrease so that it will bring harm to the mother and baby. The purpose of this literature review study was to determine the description of depression in postpartum mothers. This literature review study accessed the Garuda Portal and PubMed databases. For Indonesian-language articles, the search was carried out using the keywords “depresi postpartum” or “depresipascapersalinan”, while English articles use the keywords “postpartum depression”. The critical assessment instrument used was the Hawker instrument. The data showed that most of the respondents were less than 35 years old (80%). The most education level was tertiary education (48%). Most of them were unemployed (62), and parity with primiparas (56%). The depression, measured by using EPDS, showed that 41% of the respondents were not depressed. The level of depression, measured by using PHQ-9,showed that 76% of the respondents experienced mild depression. Any new mom can experience postpartum depression. Therefore, new moms need to prepare themselves before and after giving birth to prevent postpartum depression. The literature review research is expected to be a reference for hospitals, educational institutions, and psychology researchers of postpartum depression.Keywords: Postpartum depression. AbstrakPostpartum depression merupakan gangguan kesehatan mental yang muncul pasca persalinan. Postpartum depression ini terjadi sekitar 10-15% pada ibu yang melahirkan. Depresi postpartum berdampak negatif terhadap status kesehatan ibu, selain itu juga akan berdampak pada keluarga dan anak karena ibu akan menolak untuk melihat bayinya, minat ibu pada bayi yang baru lahir akan berkurang bayinya sehingga akan mendatangkan kerugian bagi ibu dan bayinya. Untuk mengetahui gambaran depresi pada ibu postpartum. Penelitian literature review ini mengakses database Portal Garuda dan PubMed. Untuk artikel berbahasa Indonesia pencarian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kata kunci “depresi postpartum ”atau“ depresi pasca persalinan ”, sedangkan artikel berbahasa Inggris menggunakan kata kunci “depression postpartum”. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan instrument Hawker. Data karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia ibu postpartum sebagian besar berusia <35 tahun (80%), tingkat pendidikan paling banyak berpendidikan Perguruan Tinggi (48%), pekerjaan sebagian besar tidak bekerja (62%), dan paritas dengan primipara (56%). Berdasarkan tingkat depresi yang diukur menggunakan EPDS (41%) responden tidak depresi dan tingkat depresi yang diukur menggunakan PHQ-9 (76%) responden mengalami depresi ringan. Depresi pasca persalinan dapat terjadi pada ibu yang baru saja melahirkan, maka ibu perlu mempersiapkan diri sebelum dan sesudah melahirkan untuk mencegah terjadinya depresi pada ibu postpartum. Penelitian literature review ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi pihak rumah sakit, institusi pendidikan maupun peneliti mengenai aspek psikologis pada ibu yang mengalami depresi postpartum.Kata kunci :Depresi pasca persalinan.

2021 ◽  
Ni Nyoman Suindri ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Sri Erawati ◽  
Made Widhi Gunapria Darmapatni ◽  
Ni Gusti Kompiang Sriasih

Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is known as cramping pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation experienced by some women. Abdominal stretching exercises and acupressure can reduce dysmenorrhea. This research aims to determine the difference in the intensity of primary menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) between abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure for adolescent girls in a Senior High School in Denpasar. The method applied in this research is a Quasi-Experimental two-groups pretest-posttest design. The research sample was grouped into two, namely 70 high school students in the abdominal stretching therapy and 70 students in acupressure therapy. The data were collected using the Numerical Rating Scales or NRS. The data were then analysed using the Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test. The result of the research showed that there was a significant difference in dysmenorrhea before and after abdominal stretching therapy (p=0.000). Also, there was a significant difference in dysmenorrhea before and after acupressure therapy (p=0.000). There was no difference in dysmenorrhea before applying abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure with a p-value=0.335. Also, there was no difference in dysmenorrhea after both therapies were undergone in two groups (p=0,111). The difference test on the difference between the pre-test and post-test obtained p-value = 0.012. Hence, there was a significant difference in decreasing dysmenorrhea between abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure (p=0.012). Conclusion: there is a significant difference in reducing dysmenorrhea between abdominal stretching therapy and acupressure. Suggestion: further research is necessary to conduct by using time series design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1977-1983
Runi Karin Majid ◽  
Aida Rusmariana

AbstractBaby massage is one of the oldest and most popular types of stimulation or touch therapy that is has been practiced for a long time almost all over the world, including in Indonesia for generations. Baby massage has many benefits if done regularly, one of which can increase body weight. The purpose of this study was to know the weight of babies aged 1-3 months before and after being given baby massage. The method was a literature review of three research articles from Google Sholar used keywords including baby massage, weight gain, infants aged 1-3 months and articles published in the last 10 years. The results of the literarture review of three articles in the experimental group, before being given baby massage, was the median value of 4,592 grams and the minimum-maximum value of 3,533-5,933 grams. The control group had a median value of 4,258 grams and a minimum-maximum value of 3,533-5,200 grams. The experimental group after being given baby massage had a median value of 5,717 grams and a minimum-maximum value of 4,433-6,900 grams. While the control group had a median value of 4,767 grams and a minimum-maximum value of 3,967-5,633 grams. The conclusion of the literature review from these three articles is that baby massage has an effect on increasing body weight in infants aged 1-3 months. The results of the three articles that had been reviewed are babies who get massage therapy had a higher weight gain compared to babies who do not get massage therapy. It is suggested for nurses to be able to apply and provide education to parents to do baby massage in order to overcome the problem of baby growth and development especially the problem of baby massage.Keywords: Infants aged 1-3 months, Baby massage, Eigh gain AbstrakPijat bayi merupakan salah satu jenis stimulasi atau terapi sentuhan tertua dan terpopuler yang sudah lama dilakukan hampir di seluruh dunia termasuk di Indonesia secara turun temurun. Pijat bayi yang dilakukan secara rutin akan memberikan banyak manfaat yaitu salah satunya dapat meningkatkan berat badan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui berat badan bayi usia 1-3 bulan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pijat bayi. Metode penulisan menggunakan literature review dari tiga artikel penelitian yang didapatkan dari google scholar dengan kata kunci pijat bayi, peningkatan berat badan dan bayi usia 1-3 bulan dan minimal terbit 10 tahun terakhir. Hasil dari literature review ketiga artikel ilmiah sebelum diberikan pijat bayi pada kelompok eksperimen memiliki nilai median 4.592 gram dan nilai minimum-maksimum 3.533-5.933 gram. Pada kelompok kontrol memiliki nilai median 4.258 gram dan nilai minimum-maksimum 3.533-5.200 gram. Sesudah diberikan pijat bayi pada kelompok eksperimen memiliki nilai median 5.717 gram dan nilai minimum-maksimum 4.433-6.900 gram. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol memiliki nilai median 4.767 gram dan nilai minimum-maksimum 3.967-5.633 gram. Simpulan literatur review dari ketiga artikel ilmiah yaitu pijat bayi sama-sama memiliki pengaruh untuk meningkatkan berat badan pada bayi usia 1-3 bulan. Hasil dari ketiga artikel ilmiah yang telah dilakukan literature review menunjukkan bahwa bayi yang mendapatkan pijat mengalami peningkatan berat badan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bayi yang tidak mendapatkan terapi pijat. Saran bagi perawat untuk dapat menerapkan dan memberikan edukasi kepada orang tua untuk melakukan pijat bayi guna mengatasi masalah tumbuh kembang pada bayi terutama masalah berat badan bayi.Kata kunci: Bayi Usia 1-3 Bulan; Pijat bayi; Peningkatan Berat Badan

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Baiq Dewi Sukma Septiani ◽  
Adi Prayitno ◽  
Sugiarto Sugiarto

<p>Primary dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation period due to high levels of prostaglandins, especially prostaglandin F2α in epithelial cells. MungBean Extract Drinks contain several nutrients including vitamin C, calcium, carbohydrates and flavonoids as anti-depressants and anti-inflammatory agent. Stretching is a relaxation technique that can helps relieve menstrual pain in the abdominal part by increasing the production of endorphins which function as neurotransmitters. To determine the effect of Mung Bean ExtractDrinks and Stretching on primary dysmenorrhea (primary menstrual pain) in adolescent girls stressed. This type of open-label non-randomized controlled trial used 87female adolescents who experienced primary menstrual pain with moderate and severe stress levels from two Islamic boarding schools in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, which were divided into 3 groups, one group as the control and two groups as the experiment. The experiment of 29people with pre and post-test. Mung bean extract drinks were given 250ml/day, otherwise stretching was given 1x/day for 7days before menstruation. Control and experimental group was observed for 1 month. Measurement of menstrual pain scale using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) assessment sheet. Data analysis uses T-test. The mean primary menstrual pain in adolescents for MungBean Extract Drinks with moderate stress levels was 1.31±1.32 and the difference before and after mung bean extract drinks experience is significant at p=0.004 while at severe stress levels was 1.69±1.54 and the difference between before and after mung bean extract drinks experience is significant at p=0.001. The mean primary menstrual pain in adolescents for stretching experience with moderate stress levels was 2.50±1.93 and the difference before and after stretching experience is significant at p=0.008 while the severe stress level was 2.05±1.80 and the difference before and after stretching experience is significant at p≤0.001. The multivariate test with linear regression revealed that mung bean extract drinks contributed y= (-)138X1+4.897(p=0.001) and related stretching contributed y= (-)2.517X1+6.276(p=0.001). MungBean ExtractDrinks and Stretching will affect to the reduction of primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls both at moderate and severe stress levels</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 172-180
Diwa Agus Sudrajat ◽  
Nopia Rizki

A conference is a team meeting which is undertaken by nursing staff at every shift change. The conference is conducted before (pre-conference) or after (post-conference) handover. The implementation of this conference has an impact on student skills in reporting plans and results of nursing care during shift changes. This study seeks to acquire an overview of the implementation of pre-conference and post-conference practices by nursing students in clinical practice. This research is a literature review study with five articles. Article ratings are measured using the JBI (The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools) format. The literature review was conducted using one database (Google Scholar) for previous studies published in the last 10 years (2010–2020). Of the five articles included in this study, one concluded the discussion pre-conference badly, two concluded the pre-conference was not optimal, and two articles concluded the pre-conference processes were acceptable. For the results obtained in post-conference research, one article did not explain explicitly about the implementation of the post-conference procedures, one concluded that the implementation of the post-conference was not optimal, one concluded that the implementation of the post-conference was quite optimal, and two articles concluded that the post-conference procedures were quite good. It is hoped that the results of this literature review can provide education and information for students, science, educational institutions related to the implementation of the method conference. Nursing students are advised to hold conferences accordingly with standard operating procedures (SOP) for good implementation results   Keywords: Nursing Student, conference, clinical practice

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Sumiaty Sumiaty ◽  
Adel Vita Masya Dupa ◽  
Lili Suryani ◽  
Kadar Ramadhan

Background: Dysmenorrhea is a pain that occurs during menstruation, caused by the contraction of the uterine muscles during menstrual bleeding which can last between 32-48 hours. This study aims to determine the decrease in pain intensity before and after giving warm compresses. Method; Type of study design is pre-experimental study design with one group pre-test and post-test design with a sample of 38 respondents. The independent variable in this study is warm compress on adolescent girls who have menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea), The dependent variable in this study is the reduction of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea). The results found a decrease in the average pain scale before and after warm compress therapy and after Wilcoxon signed-rank test u, the results were obtained of p-value<0.001. It shows that warm compress therapy can be reducing dysmenorrhea. Conclusion; In conclusion administration of warm compresses are significantly reduces dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls and it is expected that teenagers can practice warm compresses as an effort to reduce dysmenorrhea.

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