scholarly journals Using the L&D model in information support of educational process in Technical University

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-57
Maryna Borysivna Litvinova ◽  
Olexandr Dmytrovych Shtanko ◽  

The paper considers the model "Learning & Development" (L&D), which during 2017-2020 was used and tested at the Energy Faculty of the Kherson Branch of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (KB NUS). An appropriate information environment has been created, in which six components of information support have been implemented. The practical tasks to be solved using the L&D model are considered, the scheme of subjective access to information environment resources at different levels is developed and implemented in practice. In the educational process, the use of the traditional model of learning using PowerPoint, tutorials and handouts has been significantly reduced. Instead, there was a predominant use of internal (university) and general Internet systems, podcasts, interactive web-conferences, etc. Thanks to the introduction of the L&D model, the problem of improving and optimizing information and analytical support for all specialties of the energy engineering faculty of KB NUS has been solved. The results of the application of the L&D model in the educational process were studied in two areas: by expert assessment of the effectiveness of its impact on students' learning activities and by the results of employment of graduates. Based on the results of the expert evaluation, a comparison of learning outcomes in the experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups was performed on seven indicators. According to these indicators, the criterion score of the L&D model was defined as "good" and "excellent". Comparative data on the success of training in the experimental and control groups show that the indicators of learning outcomes in the EG level of compliance with professional competencies is higher than in the CG. It was found that EG graduates are more in demand by employers than CG. The obtained positive result of the application of the L&D model in the educational environment of the Technical University in Ukraine fully corresponds to the data of the application of such a model in vocational and business programs in Europe, America, Australia and others. Its use allows to improve the general level of computer and information support of all disciplines, to expand the computer and information competence of students, to increase the economic demand for graduates and to improve their employment.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Lilik Ariyanto ◽  
Muhammad Prayito

This study has the objective to determine the effectiveness of mathematic learning with Learning Cycle 5e model using interactive CD of triangle in class VII N 2 Limpung, Batang . This type of research is experimental research. Variables used in this study were: (1) student learning outcomes, obtained with the test, (2) creativity of student learning obtained from observations. The results of field trials demonstrated experimentally achieve effective classroom learning include, (1) study completed by the Z = -1.48 classical individually and with one test sample value sig (2-tailed) is 0.016, (2) creativity affects the outcome learning seen from the R square in Model Summary table obtained 0.660 = 66%., and (3) there is a difference between a class to learn the results of experimental and control classes with values ​​in the table Independent sig Test Samples of 0.029 = 2.9%, the average value the average grade of 70.57 experimental and control classes for 60.93 it can be concluded that the experimental class learning better learning outcomes compared to the control class.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Mardiana . ◽  
Tabrani Gani ◽  
Hasri .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang valid, praktis, dan efektif; 2) mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Makassar tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 setelah digunakan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri terbimbing. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model Thiagarajan (Model 4-D)  dan uji coba perangkat pembelajaran yang  meliputi: RPP, LKPD, dan THB dilaksanakan  pada peserta didik kelas XI IPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Makassar  dengan jumlah 34 orang. Hasil uji coba perangkat dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria sangat valid, praktis dan efektif  digunakan. Kriteria sangat valid diperolah dari nilai rata-rata total keseluruhan aspek dari  RPP sebesar 3,86, LKPD sebesar 3,84, dan THB sebesar 3,81. Kriteria praktis diperoleh dari nilai rata-rata total keseluruhan aspek keterlaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran sebesar 1,68 dengan kategori terlaksana seluruhnya . Kriteria efektif dalam penelitian ini dilihat dari peningkatan pretest-posttest. Hal ini didukung oleh hasil perhitungan N- gain. Kata kunci  : Pengembangan Perangkat, Model Inkuiri Terbimbing, Hasil Belajar   ABSTRACTThe study aims at (1) producing learning device which is valid, practical, and effective, (2) discovering the learning of grade XI at SMAN 1 Makassar of academic year 2018/2019 after the guided inquiri based learning device being used. The type of this study was development research which referred to Thiagarajan (4-d Model) and the test of learning device which covered RPP, LKPD and THB which implemented to grade XI IPA 4 students at SMAN 1 Makassar with the total of 34 students.  The result of the study reveals that the learning device developed has met the criteria of very valid, practical and effective to be applied. The very valid criteria are obtained from the average of the total aspects from RPP 3,86, LKPD 3,84 to beHasil uji coba perangkat dalam THB 3,81. The practical criterion is obtained from the average of the total aspects of learning device implementation by 1,68 with entirely implemented category. The effective criteria are based on the improvement of pretest and posttest. Is the supported by the result of N-Gain. Keywords: Development of device, guided inquiry model, learning outcomes.

Eduard Krylov

Integrative bilingual teaching/learning of foreign language and engineering disciplines at a technical university provides a good opportunity for students of the personal growth both in cognitive and communicative aspects, which contributes to their better positions in the labor market. To put this opportunity into practice, the educators should have clear ideas about the goal of this educational process, psychological aspects accompanying the process, conditions of its implementation, basic units of teaching/learning, means of monitoring, assessment, and control and some others. All these components of methodology are discussed in this chapter.

O. Manzij ◽  
S. Andreychuk ◽  
A. Senyk

Introduction: The information society generates new forms of organization of the educational process, including the process of passing student practice. Organization and passing of practice requires both practitioners and students to take certain actions that can be accelerated and optimized with the usage of modern information and computer technologies. Recently,the considerable attention has been given to  the issue of organizing the process of student practice by both Ukrainian and foreign scholars. However, the very use of information technology in the organization of student practice data from scientists was not considered. The authors of the article focused on the study of the Internet technologies usage in the organization and practice of students of higher education institutions. The article proposes a new approach to improving the quality of information support for the organization and conducting of student practice. Purpose: Research of the problem with organizing the students' practical training in the system of professional training students at educational levels "Bachelor" and "Master"; Demonstration of the functional capabilities of the created web-based information system "Practice" as an example of the application of modern technologies for information support, analysis and optimization of organizational decision making while undergoing internship in a higher educational institution. Methods: The method of parsing analysis and the method of social modeling for analyzing problem issues in the organization of the  student's practice process and the creation of an appropriate IT project has been applied. Results: A variant of innovative solution and optimization of information provision of the process of organizing various types of student practice with the use of modern information technologies is offered - web-oriented information system. The functionality of the created web-based information system "Practice" has been prepared, tested and described. Web-IP Practice is developed as a web application, the server part of which is implemented on the basis of the AMP software package, which includes: Apache, MySQL, PHP. The components of this complex are distributed with free licenses, thus, the Web IP Practice can function without the usage of expensive software. The modular structure of the system makes it possible to set up access, registration and authentication and manage user data, manage events and generate reporting documents for organization and practice. The proposed web-IP Practice provides opportunities for the following tasks: - informing students about organization and passing of practice; - preparation of documentation package on organization and passing of practice; - management and control of the process of passing the practice; - formation of reporting materials. Conclusion: Application of information technology in the organization of student practice is effective and provides the ability of  automatically formation and control the database, manage and control the process of organizing practices using web technologies. Monitoring the practice of remote access provides cost savings and time optimization. Elaboration of all worksheets (journal of practice) in electronic form and by sharing allows to supervise and effectively organize the close cooperation of the leader and the student during the practice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Togi Tampubolon ◽  
Mestarida Hutasoit

This research have purpose to know the effect of problem based learning model on student’s learning outcomes and student’s learning activity on geometry optic topic. This research is a quasi experiment using control group pre-test-post-test design. The sampel of theses research consisted of two classes, each contains 30 students. By using total sampling, one class is made as experiment class that uses problem based learning model, and one class is as control that uses conventional learning model, so class XI science -1 as control class and class XI science -2 as experiment class. The instrument used was a test of learning outcomes in the form of students learning outcomes in the form of 7 essay test. In the experimental class the average activity of students in the three meeting, are 62.44, 70.67 and 77.78. The learning activity have increase during three times meeting and have average value 70.33 and have good category. The data obtain so problem based learning model can increase learning activity on geometry optic topic of SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta class XI science second semester A.Y. 2017/2018. The value of the average post-test experimental class was 75.13 and control class was 67.10. Hypothesis with t-test shows the result there was a significant effect of problem based learning model on student’s learning outcomes on geometry optic topic of SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta class XI science second semester A.Y. 2017/2018.Keywords: Problem based learning model, conventional learning model, learning outcomes, quasi experiment, learning activity.

10.12737/5419 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-29
Захаров ◽  
A. Zakharov

Within the Federal Target Programme on the Development of Education in Russia strategic projects on introduction of new models for managing education and arranging educational process are being implemented in all higher educational institutions of this country. This transformation is going on in the context of large-scale use of information and telecommunication technologies, which are aimed to ensure the individual approach to education on the basis of merging educational process with technologies and also to reduce costs for the shift towards innovation development of higher educational institutions. The significant role of self-guided work, stipulated within the third generation educational standards, emphasizes top priority issues both on effective arrangement and control of students’ learning outcomes and on helping to reduce teachers’ efforts for functions to deliver knowledge to learners.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-102
Ovilia Putri Utami Gumay ◽  
Venes Bertiana

The purpose of this research is to know the student learning activity on the implementation of Demonstration model. The type of this research is quantitative with experimental research method with pretest description posttest control group design or experimental control group design. The population in this study were all students of class X MA AlMuhajirin Tugumulyo, two classes were taken randomly that is class X1 as experiment class and class X2 as control class. Technique of collecting data using test technique, test score data of student analyzed by using t-test. Based on the analysis of posttest data of experimental class and control class with significant level α = 0,05 obtained tcount: 6.87 and ttable: 2.02 because t count  more than t table then Ha accepted which means the average of experiment class grade is not same with class control. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence Demonstration Method on Physics Learning Results class X Ma Al-Muhajirin Tugumulyo 2016/2017. Keywords: Demonstration Learning Model, Learning Outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (190) ◽  
pp. 200-206
Andrii Shuliak ◽  

The article reveals the requirements for an IT teacher as a modern specialist in informatization, which include the ability to: apply various forms of educational activities based on network technologies (Internet learning, educational WEB-services, network universities); to create systems of didactic materials on the basis of WEB-technologies, which contain both educational and control material; actively use network information resources (Internet, educational WEB-resources, network banks and databases, etc.); intensive use of information and educational technologies for the organization of active educational interaction and communication, to conduct an examination of educational resources and teaching methods based on the introduction of WEB-technologies and ICT tools. The types of activity are highlighted, such as performance of control, diagnostic, corrective, educational, upbringing and attestation functions, which realize the same social function, but differ in objects, means and results. The activity model of the IT teacher is proposed by the following components: cognitive-research (study and analysis of WEB-resources, students' activities when using them, correction of teachers and students' activities when using educational informatization tools, etc.), constructive (hypertext construction, determining the optimal learning ratio material broadcast using WEB-technologies and traditional methods, etc.), communicative (use of information superhighways for communication and exchange of educational and methodical information, etc.), design (determining the feasibility of using WEB-resources in the educational process taking into account the purpose of classes, content of research material, age characteristics of students, their knowledge and interests, etc.), organizational (activities to prepare WEB-resources for use in various forms of classes (distance, full-time, home, blended learning, etc.), controlling (analysis and selection of project decisions on creation and modification of information systems; analysis and selection of software and technology platforms and information system services, etc.), expert (implementation of pedagogical and ergonomic expert assessment of the quality of the software product for educational purposes for effective use in the educational process).

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-13
Joong-Kwan Kim ◽  
I.Yu. Larionova ◽  

The article deals with the issues of cognitive and pragmatic aspects of assessing speech activity in a foreign language dialogical speech. The authors investigate the advantages of criteria-based assessment, which include: the ability to track students’ individual achievements in the educational process (as opposed to the formal statement of the result based on standard reference norms); the possibility of informal expert assessment of educational results, for example, by employers, parents, teachers, as well as independent and mutual assessment (as opposed to assessment only by the teacher); focus on the student's achievements, on what he knows and is able to, that is, the presence of the “success effect” (as opposed to the “loser effect”, which states that the student is not able to); qualitative, rather than quantitative (normative) assessment of the achieved learning outcomes; visual presentation of the achieved learning outcomes and personal achievements in the form of project products, presentations.

2022 ◽  
pp. 176-193
Eduard Krylov

Integrative bilingual teaching/learning of foreign language and engineering disciplines at a technical university provides a good opportunity for students of the personal growth both in cognitive and communicative aspects, which contributes to their better positions in the labor market. To put this opportunity into practice, the educators should have clear ideas about the goal of this educational process, psychological aspects accompanying the process, conditions of its implementation, basic units of teaching/learning, means of monitoring, assessment, and control and some others. All these components of methodology are discussed in this chapter.

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