scholarly journals Praktik Martuppak Martahi di Desa Sibargot Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Sumatera Utara Ditinjau dari Perspektif Utang Piutang

Laila Afni Rambe

<p><em>The factors underlying the writer in discussing this title see the Sibargot Village community doing Martuppak Martahi practices in the Walimah program. Then there is a repayment of money that has been given in Walimah, furthermore it is not known included in the payment of accounts payable or only limited to giving. Whereas in Islam, the loan receivables contract must be clear, both in terms of payment time and in terms of the amount of money that must be paid. The purpose of this research is to find out the practice of Martuppak Martahi in the Walimah event in Sibargot Village in terms of Debt Debt Perspectives. The method used is field research using interview techniques. Then the data is analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis methods. From the results of the analysis conducted by the author on these data it can be concluded that according to the perspective of accounts receivable debt, Martuppak Martahi practices are not accounts receivable debt, but are included in the giving off and this is permissible.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Faktor yang melatarbelakangi penulis dalam membahas judul ini melihat masyarakat Desa Sibargot melakukan praktik</em><em> </em><em>Martuppak Martahi</em><em> </em><em>dalam acara walimah</em><em>. Kemudian adanya pembayaran kembali uang yang telah diberikan di walimah, selanjutnya hal itu tidak diketahui termasuk dalam pembayaran utang piutang atau hanya sebatas pemberian semata. Sedangkan dalam Islam, akad utang piutang yang dilakukan harus jelas, baik dari segi waktu pembayaran maupun dari segi jumlah uang yang harus dibayarakan. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian </em><em>untuk mengetahui praktik Martuppak Martahi  dalam acara walimah di Desa Sibargot ditinjau dari </em><em>p</em><em>erspektif </em><em>u</em><em>tang </em><em>p</em><em>iutang. </em><em>Metode yang digunakan yaitu penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil analisis yang penulis lakukan terhadap data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa menurut perspektif utang piutang praktik Martuppak Martahi bukanlah merupakan utang piutang tapi termasuk kepada pemberian lepas dan praktik tersebut boleh dilakukan.</em><em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Nursinita Killian ◽  
Nur Azizah Rahman

This article discusses the potential and implementation of agricultural zakat in Akeguraci village. This research aims to study the level of understanding and knowledge of the Akeguraci village farmers in the obligation of paying for zakat, especially agricultural zakat. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive analysis based on field research, in the form of direct observation and interviews. The result of this research indicated that the calculation and payment of the zakat of the Akeguraci village community were not following the provisions of Islamic sharia. This problem can be seen from the traditional management of zakat and the minimum level of awareness of farmers in issuing zakat so that their distribution could not be productive and on target. Public understanding reveals about zakat that must be issued is only zakat fitrah and zakat maal. While agricultural zakat has never been issued in any form. Zakat is given just as much as possible, without going through the calculation of agricultural products either by irrigation systems or purchasing water and in mobilizing workers to work to irrigate the fields

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Riza Afrian Mustaqim ◽  
Reza Akbar

The accuracy of the Qibla direction at the Baitul Makmur Great Mosque in West Aceh cannot tolerate. The reason is that the value of deviation is so high that it does not face ainul ka'bah or even jihatul ka'bah. This Qiblah direction is not by the minimum limit of tolerance for the variation of the Qibla direction and is not by the Islamic legal status. This study examines the causes of the inaccuracy of the Qibla of the Great Mosque of Baitul Makmur Meulaboh West Aceh, namely the lack of role of figures and efforts to maintain the architecture of the mosque building. This research belongs to qualitative field research, by verifying the direction of the Qiblah with the rashdul qibla method and google earth observation to explore causes of inaccuracy. Interview techniques are also used to obtain in-depth field data. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. This study indicates that the inaccuracy of the Qibla direction of the Baitul Makmur Great Mosque in West Aceh is inseparable from the minor role of religious figures and leaders at the beginning of the Mosque's construction. Until now, the direction of the Mosque's Qiblah is still parallel to the mihrab. Renovations were also not carried out because of maintaining the architecture of the mosque building. Renovation of the mosque building to calibrate the Qibla direction would reduce the aesthetics of the mosque building.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-206
Muhsin Kalida ◽  
Yahya AD

Increasing children's intelligence requires strategies so that children have the habit of reading and writing things. One strategy that can be used is psychowriting. The purpose of this study was to increase the spirit of children with literacy to have enthusiasm for writing and interest in reading using the psychowriting method. This research is field research with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Data collection methods, using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of psychowriting methods to improve linguistic intelligence for children is: a) preparation, b) memory strength test, c) presenting the closest and fastest idea, d) creating an atmosphere, e) implementing creative learning, and f) follow-up.

Moh Anwar Yasfin ◽  
Ahmad Nilnal Munachifdlil Ula

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><strong>Implementation of Class Repetition Guidance in Developing Academic Ability of New Students at Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus</strong><strong>. </strong>This study aims to describe the implementation of repeating class tutoring in growing the academic abilities of new students at Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus. This study uses Field Research Methods (field research) with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The research data collected was then analyzed using a deductive approach and an inductive approach. The results showed that first, the guidance process in repeating classes for new students entering the Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus was that when they wanted to enter the Madrasah Tsanawiyah level, they had to repeat the first class in MI class voluntarily, even though they had graduated from SD or MI. Second, the tutoring for repeating the classes carried out at Madrasah Qudsiyyah is by grouping according to their abilities. Fourth, the tutoring model for repeating classes at Madrasah Qudsiyyah is carried out in groups by forming a separate curriculum which can focus on the basic salafiyah curriculum as a provision of salafiyah material at an advanced level. Fifth, this basic salafiyah guidance material is carried out by all teachers, not only burdened by counselors.<strong></strong></p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Guidance, Repeating Class, Madrasah Qudsiyyah

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-144
Wendi Purwanto

           The background of this study is the uniqueness of the management zakat fitrah in Nuguk hamlet by giving to those considered to have a match or harmony, with the hope that the person receiving the zakat fitrah can become the mediator of health, tranquility for the life of muzakki in the future. This article is the result of qualitative field research with descriptive-analysis methods. The conclusion of this study is the management of zakat fitrah in Nuguk hamlet is performed with the classical management model, a model that’s still very simple with the way of muzakki delivering zakat fitrah to the ‘amil individually at their home respectively. The trust among the community in Nuguk hamlet is excessive and not following the ideal concept of shari’a. The management according to the al-Qur`an includes three important element, namely : collection  (Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 103), data collection and distribution (Qs. al-Baqarah [2] : 282 and Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 60), and utilization by using ‘traditional consumptive’ model, that’s zakat fitrah is directly distributed to mustahik through the ‘amil intermediary. The factors the contribute to the weaknesses of zakat fitrah management in Nuguk hamlet include : 1) low quality of education, and 2) oriented to the past management Abstrak            Latar belakang kajian ini adalah karena ada keunikan manajeman zakat fitrah di Dusun Nuguk, yaitu dengan cara menyerahkan kepada orang yang dianggap cocok atau serasi, dengan harapan orang yang menerima zakat fitrah tersebut dapat menjadi perantara kesehatan, ketenteraman bagi kehidupan muzakki dikemudian hari. Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian kualitatif lapangan dengan metode deskriptif-analisis. Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah manajemen zakat fitrah di Dusun Nuguk dilakukan dengan model manajemen klasik, yaitu suatu model manajemen yang masih sangat sederhana dengan cara muzakki menyerahkan zakat fitrah kepada ‘amil yang bersifat perorangan di rumah ‘amil masing-masing. Kepercayaan masyarakat Dusun Nuguk yang berlebihan kepada ‘amil dirasa kurang sesuai dengan konsep ideal syariat. Adapun manajemen menurut Alquran meliputi tiga unsur penting, yaitu : Pengumpulan (Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 103), Pendataan dan Pendistribusian (Qs. Al-Baqarah [2] : 282 dan Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 60, serta Pendayagunaan dengan menggunakan model ‘konsumtif tradisional’, yaitu zakat fitrah langsung didistribusikan kepada mustahik melalui perantara ‘amil. Faktor yang menyebabkan lemehnya mananjemen zakat fitrah di dusun Nuguk ada dua, yaitu : (1) Rendahnya mutu pendidikan, dan (2) Berorientasi pada manajemen masa lalu.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Musliamin Musliamin

AbstractThis study discusses "The Effect of Communication in Organizations for Smooth Work in the Bone Regency Manpower Office". The purpose of this study is to obtain an objective picture of the effect of communication to improve the performance of employees of the Bone District Manpower Office. This research uses the field research method which is the method used by researching the object under study by interview, observation and, documentation. The source of the data in this research is the employees of the Bone Regency Manpower Office. Data collected from the results of the study were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that 1). The conditions of the implementation of organizational communication in supporting the smooth implementation of the tasks within the Bone District Manpower Office, 2). The effectiveness of the communication carried out, and what factors underlie its implementation. 3). The relationship between the implementation of communication with the smooth completion of organizational tasks.Keywords: Communication, Organization, Work Smoothness, Employment

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Yuyun Yumiarty ◽  
Bakti Komalasari ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan

The aim of this research is to explain the significance of digital literacy-based learning in the study of SKI at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. In fact, few teachers have introduced digital literacy-based learning in the classroom. This is due to teachers' lack of understanding of how to use digital technology. This thesis employs qualitative descriptive analysis techniques in conjunction with field research. Techniques for gathering data included observation, interviews, and documentation. Descriptive analysis methods were used to analyze the data. Furthermore, comparing, checking the data's validity, and decrypting the data are all tasks that must be completed. The study's findings show that SKI's digital literacy-based learning is divided into four stages: (1) learning preparation, which includes deciding digital content based on the syllabus and lesson plans that will be provided to students; (2) digital material selection, which includes choosing digital files that will be shown during learning, such as images, movies, animated videos, or songs by examining whether or not the digital file is authorized. The learning material presented becomes more relevant and students become more engaged in learning as a result of digital literacy. This study serves as a resource for teachers interested in implementing digital literacy-based SKI learning, especially at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-66
Nurzakia .

Islam regulates the resolution of nusyuz (disobedience) for husbands and wives in the Qur'an Surah an-Nisa’ verse 34 and an-Nisa’ verse 128. Within the Islamic law, the resolution of nusyuz does not promote any violence against wives. Beatings to wives as stated in Surah an-Nisa’ verse 34 should be interpreted as actions to give lessons. However, some cases of domestic violence, relate to the understanding of nusyuz developed within the community. People generally understand nusyuz as an act of a wife's disobedience towards her husband. This inaccurate understanding of nusyuz may lead to domestic violence by the husband, under the pretext of a disobedient wife, while most often it is the husband who is disobedient. In this present study, the field research approach was used. The data collection techniques included interviews and documentation. The data were then analyzed using the qualitative descriptive analysis by interpreting and describing the data. The results of the study revealed that there were three groups of people that understood the concept of nusyuz differently at Ingin Jaya Subdistrict of Aceh Besar District. The first group perceived that nusyuz could be present both in the wife and in the husband. The second group argued that the nusyuz attitude only existed within the wife, whereas the third group had no idea of the concept of nusyuz at all even though they might have done it. The public understanding of nusyuz is very likely obtained from their educational background. Those studying in Islamic boarding schools have had more knowledge of religion and vice versa. Here, most of the interviewees stated that the concept of nusyuz was closely related to domestic violence because public perception had been highly influenced by Surah an-Nisa’ verse 34 concerning the beating of a nusyuz wife. This perception has then given the husband a valid reason to physically beat the wife who has been considered nusyuz. Thus, it is difficult to separate the Islamic doctrine that has long developed within the lives of today’s Muslim communities.

Hariyanto Hariyanto

This study aims to determine the accounting treatment of sharia PSAK 102 on BMT Ummah Banjarmasin. This type of research is the research field (Field Reseach), are qualitative. Retrieving data using interview techniques and documentation. While the analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis with interactive model of Miles and Huberman. Through techniques qualitative descriptive analysis, this study resulted in the finding that the accounting treatment of sharia in BMT Ummah Banjarmasin yet fully adopted PSAK 102, it can be proved the few that still needs to be improved such as the lack of accounting treatment urbun murabaha, the accounting treatment of pieces of early settlement, and not the accounting treatment of fines upon members (customers) who are in arrears.

Sri Apriliyani ◽  
Zaini Abdul Malik ◽  
Maman Surahman

Abstarct. The role of zakat is very important, for that the amil zakat institution is a mandate of responsibility in managing zakat. The purpose of this study was to determine, Firstly the Role of Zakat in Increasing Empowerment, Secondly the Role of the Amil Zakat Institution, Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah Banjarnegara in enhancing empowerment in carrying out its programs relating to the economic empowerment of the people, especially the poor.       The type of data analysis used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis, with field research specifications. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Amil zakat, infaq and shadaqah institutions in improving the economy of the poor is to use productive zakat funds as a program in the form of venture capital distributed by the LAZISMU Banjarnegara. And there is a change in economic improvement mustahiq after getting productive zakat funds with the qharhul hasan contract (benevolent loans).        Keywords: Productive Zakat, LAZ Role, Economy, Economic EmpowermentAbstraks. Peran zakat sangat penting, untuk itu lembaga amil zakat merupakan amanah tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan zakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, Pertama Peran Zakat dalam peningkatan pemberdayaan, Kedua Peran Lembaga Amil Zakat, infaq dan Shadaqah Muhammadiyah Banjarnegara dalam peningkatan pemberdayaan melaksanakan programnya yang berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan ekonomi umat khususnya kaum dhuafa.        Jenis analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran dari Lembaga Amil zakat, infaq dan shadaqah dalam meningkatkan perekonomian kaum dhuafa yaitu dengan memanfaatkan dana zakat produktif salah satu program dalam bentuk modal usaha yang disalurkan oleh pihak LAZISMU Banjarnegara. Dan adanya perubahan peningkatan ekonomi mustahiq setelah mendapatkan dana zakat produktif dengan akad qharhul hasan (pinjaman kebajikan).        Kata kunci : Zakat produktif, Peran LAZ, Perekonomian, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi

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