scholarly journals Syair dalam Pendidikan Islam Madrasah As’ad Jambi Seberang 1944-1970

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Nirwan Il Yasin ◽  
Siti Syuhada

<p><em>Researchers and academicians have indeed done a lot of researches in Jambi. The aspects of the life the society of Jambi Seberang in all any studies have been carried out, one of them is historical studies. The research process was also carried out by involving in-depth studies which became a reference to previous studies in this research. The rhyme is one of the Jambi education learning process in the Jambi Seberang area that still needs to be revealed. This awareness also wants to be built in the midst of the many educational patterns that have been adjusted during the times. Rhyme in the 20th century has become a powerful method, in addition to the fact that the people of Jambi have already recognized the repertoire of this rhyme as part of the cultural speech of the people. One of the teachers who uses rhyme in his studies is  teacher Abdul Qodir Ibrahim. This research was using historical methods, namely: Heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The disclosure was made so that all forms of educational changes that exist in Jambi society can be appointed as the identity of the Jambi Sebrang society. This disclosure was made in the Jambi Seberang area, which is the first area of Islamic education in Jambi. This investigation tries to explain rhyme in the Islamic education of Jambi community, and the dynamics of its development process.</em></p><p><em> </em>Peneliti dan akademisi memang telah banyak melakukan penelitian di Jambi. Aspek sisi kehidupan masyarakat Jambi seberang dalam kajian apapun telah dilakukan. Salah satunya kajian sejarah. Proses penelitian ini pun dilakukan dengan melibatkan kajian yang mendalam yang menjadi referensi tinjauan terdahulu tentang penelitian ini. Syair dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan Jambi di wilayah seberang Kota Jambi yang masih perlu untuk diungkap. Kesadaran ini juga ingin dibangun di tengah banyak pola pendidikan yang sudah disesuaikan pada perkembangan zamannya. Syair pada akhir abad 20 menjadi metode yang ampuh, disamping memang secara garis besar masyarakat Jambi telah mengenal khasanah syair ini sabagai bagian dari tutur kebudayaan masyarakatnya. Salah satu Tuan guru yang mengunakan syair dalam pembelajarannya yaitu Tuan guru Abdul Qodir Ibrahim. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode ilmu sejarah yaitu: Heuristik, kritik, intepretasi, dan historiografi. Pengungkapan ini dilakukan agar segala bentuk proses perubahan pendidikan yang ada dalam masyarakat Jambi bisa diangkat sebagai identitas masyarakat Jambi. Pengungkapan ini dilakukan di wilayah Jambi Seberang yang merupakan wilayah pertama pendidikan Islam di Jambi. Dalam penelitian ini mencoba menjelaskan syair dalam pendidikan Islam masyarakat Jambi, dan dinamika proses perkembangannya.</p><p> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Zarisnov Arafat ◽  
Muhammad Gary Gagarin Akbar

Ekstradisi secara universal hingga saat ini mengalami perubahan yang semakin baik, terutama setelah kehidupan bernegara sudah mulai tampak lebih maju sampai abad 20 ini. Hubungan dan pergaulan internasional menemukan bentuk dan substansinya yang baru dan berbeda dengan zaman sebelum Perjanjian Perdamaian Westphalia tahun 1648. Negara-negara yang berdasarkan atas prinsip kemerdekaan kedaulatan dan kedudukan sederajat mulai menata dirinya masing-masing terutama masalah domestik dengan membentuk dan mengembangkan hukum nasionalnya, yang salah satunya di bidang hukum pidana nasional. Hukum pidana nasional masing-masing negara, terutama jenis-jenis kejahatan atau tindak pidananya, disamping pula ada kesamaan dan perbedaannya. Semakin menguat batas wilayah dan kedaulatan teritorial masing-masing negara, semakin menguat pula penerapan hukum nasionalnya di dalam batas wilayah negara masing-masing. Semakin banyaknya perjanjian-perjanjian yang dibuat oleh negara-negara baik bilateral ataupun multilateral untuk mengatur suatu masalah tertentu yang sudah, sedang, dan akan dihadapi. Dalam pembuatan perjanjian tersebut mulai dilakukan pengkhususan atas substansinya, jadi tidak lagi satu perjanjian mencakup berbagai macam substansi yang berbeda-beda. Di Indonesia peraturan mengenai Ekstradisi dibuat pada tahun 1979, mengingat hingga saat ini belum terjadi perubahan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1979 padahal PBB telah membuat suatu model pembuatan perjanjian ekstradisi pada tahun 1990, sehingga sudah selayaknya peraturan mengenai ekstradisi di Indonesia harus mengalami pembaharuan ke depan yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Ekstradisi, Politik Hukum, Hukum Pidana.   Abstract Extradition is universally up to now experiencing increasingly good changes, especially after the state of life has begun to appear more advanced until the 20th century. International relations and relationships find new and different forms and substance from the times before the Treaty of Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Countries that are based on the principle of freedom of sovereignty and equal position begin to organize themselves, especially domestic problems by forming and developing national laws, which one of them is in the field of national criminal law. The national criminal law of each country, especially the types of crime or criminal acts, besides there are similarities and differences. The stronger regional boundaries and territorial sovereignty of each country, the stronger the application of national laws within the borders of each country. The increasing number of agreements made by countries both bilaterally and multilaterally to regulate a particular problem that has been, is being, and will be faced. In making these agreements, specialization of the substance began to be carried out, so no more than one agreement covers a variety of different substances. In Indonesia, the Extradition regulation was made in 1979, considering that until now there had been no changes in Law Number 1 of 1979 even though the United Nations had made a model for making an extradition treaty in 1990, so that proper regulations on extradition in Indonesia must undergo reform better future.                                   Keyword: Extradition, Politics of Law, The Criminal Law.                                                                        

1999 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-8
S. L. Amosun

In many African countries, there has been an increase in the number of older persons because of the gains in life expectancy made in the 20th century. The increase has led to concerns about how to provide necessary care for older persons as many on-going changes in the society threaten to erode the traditional support network. The paper identifies some of the many challenges facing physiotherapists in improving the status of older persons in Africa, and gives suggestions on overcoming the challenges.

Phronesis ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-179 ◽  
Elsa Bouchard

AbstractA new assessment of Aristotle Politics 3.11 shows that most of the arguments contained in this chapter are strictly analogical and should not be granted too much weight in Aristotle’s overall conception of popular government. A close analysis of the four analogies used by Aristotle to illustrate the so-called “wisdom of the many” brings to light both the negative and the positive conclusions allowed by this chapter, the following in particular: 1) the partial inclusion of the people in government decisions is desirable insofar as the people are affected by these decisions; 2) the people’s judgements are most qualified in some areas of political life, such as the audit of the magistrates; 3) the optimal distribution of power in the political community is made in accordance with the relative merits of all its members.

1998 ◽  
Vol 14 (74) ◽  
pp. 106
`H.M. Yunus Ghozali

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were many statement/ideas declared by moslem scientist in Islamic world. Some of the ideas were from Thoha Husein. Unfortunately, only few people who concerned about it. Most people, especially moslem, tend to avoid the ideas which is not suit with development then.Nowadays, at the end of the 20th century, people back to Islam. Many_ people began to learn and gain knowledge of Islam . Its ideas and tradition start to be applied as a way of li fe. This phenomena is organized by moslem scientist movement. The impact are in every places and society. Not only  in  social institution  such as mosque, schooletc, but also in the offices and social organization. The changes show that people still beleve in Islam. So that the people especially moslem scientist, realize and concern about the commitment, discipline and Islamic education . They want Islam to be applied  in real life.When people back to  Islam,  they  start  to  analyze and use the ideas of moslem scientist, including Thoha's ideas. And as ideas, Thoha's statement are not always right and absolute.  Its changeable.  The ideas is opened for criticism. And this is something  great  that  we  can find  in  Islam.   As  long  as  still  hold  in  the  principles of Islam, everybody free to express their idea. And al­though there are many different opinion and ideas but we see it as one, "Unity and Diversity ".

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-141
M. Fahim Tharaba ◽  
Mukhibat Mukhibat

Abstract: The Islamic education reform comprises a change that affects people’s choice of education as an agent of change and human and capital investment. Thus, it is a need to modernize the thought of renewing Islamic education according to the time’s advances. The study of the Islamic education reform in early 20th century has become relevant in the context of valuable lessons for reform and or modernization of Islamic education in subsequent developments. This research employed a philosophical and implemental approach. It was bibliographic research with the content analysis of the meaning and substance contained in the whole thought about the reform of the Islamic education in early 20th century. This study found that there were three patterns of renewal of Islamic education; (1) modern orientation in Europe, (2) the refinement of Islamic teachings, and (3) nationalism reform. The concept of Islamic education reform encompasses all ideas that are guided by the Qur’an and Sunnah, and continues to follow the times consciously and systematically and directed towards the interests that refer to the progress of science and technology, and based on faith and devotion (IMTAQ). The reform of the Islamic education system has included both the conceptual-theoretical and operational-practical levels, as well as the fundamental aspects that underlie the students’ lives; it is monotheistic faith which has a monolatry dimension of piety to God. It encourages and ignites to play a real role in all aspects of life.الملخص: إصلاح التعليم الإسلامي هو شكل من أشكال التغيير الذي يؤثر على اختيار الناس للتعليم كعامل للتغيير والاستثمار البشري ورأس المال. فلذلك, يجب تحديث فكرة مجددي التعليم الإسلامي دائما وقفا بالزمان الواقع أومما هو أبعد وأجدد منه. أصبحت دراسة إصلاح التعليم الإسلامي في أوائل القرن العشرين مناسبا وأكثر اهتماما من أجل استكشاف التجارب القيمة أو المعلومات أو الإمكانات المتعلقة بتطوير التعليم الإسلامي في المستفبل. استخدم الباحث المنهج الفلسفي والمنهج التنفيذي على أنواع ببليوغرافية مع تحليل محتوى المعنى والمضمون المتضمن في جميع التفكير حول إصلاح التعليم الإسلامي في أوائل القرن العشرين. وجد الباحث في هذا البحث على الأقل ثلاثة انماط لتجديد التربية الإسلامية. الأول كمنحى التحديث في أوروبا, والثاني للتخليص التعاليم الإسلامية, والثالث كالتحديث الوطنية. يشمل مفهوم إصلاح التعليم الإسلامي جميع المفاهيم التي يسترشد بها القرآن والسنة ويثبت في متابعة الزمان وتشير إلى تقدم العلم والتكنولوجيا على أساس الإيمان والتقوى بالله. يشمل تحديث نظام التعليم الإسلامي كلا من المستويات المفاهيمية النظرية والعملية الواقعية بالإضافة إلى المفاصل الأساسية التي تؤسس حياة الطلاب وهو الإيمان والتوحيد بالله تعالى من أجل تشجيع وتحفيز الطلاب ليلعب دورا حقيقيا في جميع مجال الحياة.Abstrak: Reformasi pendidikan Islam merupakan bentuk perubahan yang mempengaruhi pilihan masyarakat terhadap pendidikan sebagai agent of change dan human and capital investmen. Maka, pemikiran pembaharuan pendidikan Islam harus selalu dimodernisasi sesuai bahkan melampaui perkembangan zaman. Kajian reformasi pendidikan Islam awal abad-20 ini menjadi sangat relevan dalam rangka pelajaran berharga untuk reformasi dan atau modernisasi pendidikan Islam dalam perkembangan selanjutnya. Penelitian dengan pendekatan filosofis dan implementatif ini bersifat penelitian bibliografic resarch dengan content analysis terhadap makna dan substansi yang terkandung dalam keseluruhan pemikiran tentang reformasi pendidikan Islam awal abad-20. Kajian ini menemukan setidaknya ada tiga pola pembaharuan pendidikan Islam; (1) oreintasi modern di Eropa, (2) untuk pemurnian kembali ajaran Islam, (3) pembaharuan bersifat nasionalisme. Konsep reformasi pendidikan Islam meliputi segala konsep yang berpatok kepada al-Qur’an dan Sunnah, dan tetap mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang secara sadar dan sistematis serta terarah pada kepentingan yang mengacu pada kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK), dan dilandasi dengan keimanan dan ketaqwaan  (IMTAQ). Pembaharuan sistem Pendidikan Islam  telah mencangkup baik pada tataran konseptual-teoritis maupun operasional-praktis,  serta sendi-sendi fundamental yang mendasari kehidupan peserta didik, yaitu iman tauhid yang berdimensi ketakwaan yang monoloyal kepada Allah, dalam rangka mendorong dan memacu untuk berperan nyata dalam semua lini kehidupan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 88
Resky Ananda ◽  
Mustari Bosra

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latar belakang, perkembangan, serta dampak keberadaan Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tompobulu di Kecamatan Tompobulu, Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri atas empat tahapan yaitu: heuristik, kritik sumber, interpertasi, dan historiografi. Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari situs resmi dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kecamatan Tompobulu, serta hasil wawancara dengan beberapa pihak yang berperan penting dalam Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tompobulu. Beberapa sumber buku yang terkait dengan dengan kajian penulis yang diperoleh dari Perpustakaan Kota Makassar, Perpustakaan Umum Universitas Negeri Makassar, Perpustakaan Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah, serta beberapa situs di internet. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tompobulu memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia pendidikan di Kecamatan Tompobulu. Yayasan ini berdiri sebagai solusi bagi masyarakat Tompobulu yang mengalami kendala dalam pendidikan. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, maka yayasan ini juga mengalami perkembangan mengikuti zaman, sehingga  madrasah-madrasah naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tompobulu mampu bersaing dengan sekolah-sekolah lain yang ada di Kabupaten Gowa, khususnya di Kecamatan Tompobulu. Yayasan ini memiliki peranan yang besar dalam mencerdaskan serta meningkatkan mutu perekonomian masyarakat Kecamatan Tompobulu. Kata kunci : Yayasan, Pendidikan Islam, Tompobulu Abstract This research and writing aims to determine the background, development, and impact of the existence of the Tompobulu Islamic Education Foundation in Tompobulu District, Gowa Regency. This study uses a historical research method which consists of four stages, namely: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Data for this study were obtained from the official website of the Central Statistics Agency of Tompobulu District, as well as the results of interviews with several parties who played an important role in the Tompobulu Islamic Education Foundation. Several book sources related to the study of writers obtained from the Makassar City Library, Makassar Public University Public Library, Historical Education Study Library, and several sites on the internet. The results of this study indicate that the existence of the Tompobulu Islamic Education Foundation has an important role in the world of education in Tompobulu District. This foundation stands as a solution for the people of Tompobulu who experience obstacles in education. As time goes by, the foundation also develops with the times, so that the Islamic Education Foundation Tompobulu madrassas are able to compete with other schools in Gowa Regency, especially in Tompobulu District. This foundation has a large role in educating and improving the economic quality of the people of Tompobulu Distric. Keywords: Foundation, Islamic Education, Tompobulu

Meika Nurul Wahidah ◽  
Herry P N Putro ◽  
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin ◽  
Melisa Prawitasari ◽  
‪Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis ◽  

The development of basic education (TK, SD, SMP) with the name "Sabilal Muhtadin" has a close relationship with the existence of the Masjid Raya Sabilal Muhtadin Banjarmasin. The people of Banjarmasin seem interested in this Islamic-based education. The existence of Sabilal Muhtadin's education becomes important when people have a high enough interest. The purpose of this study is to describe the dynamics of Islamic Primary Education of Sabilal Muhtadin Banjarmasin from 1986 to 2019. This research uses historical methods, refers to primary sources, through interviews with existing educators, as well as documents related to research topics. Continued source criticism and interpretation until the historiography stage. The results of the study show that the Sabilal Muhtadin Islamic Primary Education in Banjarmasin which consists of TK-SD-SMP is part of the education unit under the management of the Sabilal Muhtadin Islamic Education Institute (LPI-SM) Banjarmasin. Kindergarten Islam Sabilal Muhtadin was founded in 1986, SD in 1989 and SMP in 1993, its existence had become the prima donna of its time, this condition has survived until now, however, the development of Islamic basic education Sabilal Muhtadin still has competitiveness and can continue to grow despite experiencing competition with other education based on integrated Islamic education.

1991 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-55 ◽  
Roselle Tekiner

For more than century, race was a major interest in anthropology. Buildingon Johan Blumenbach's 1795 color classificaiton dividing humanity into white, black, brown, yellow and red, anthropologists further subdivided the people of the world into finer taxonomic categories. Hair form, shape of the nose, pigmentation of the eyes and the hair, stature, and the shaps of the head were among the many characteristics race classifiers added to skin color to enable them to fit populations into the typologies they designed. By the end of the 19th century, numerous races and subraces had been described, laying the groundwork for the direction the discipline would follow until the mid-20th century. It was expected that the development and refinement of a racial typology would lead to a framework for tracing lines of human evolution and routes of human migration.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-172
Muhammad Heriyudanta

Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk meneliti dan memetakan pemikiran Azyumardi Azra tentang pendidikan Islam, namun memfokuskan kajian pada lembaga pendidikan Islam informal, pesantren. Dalam pandangan Azra, pesantren sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dengan pendidikan nasional telah diakui perannya sebagai agen perubahan sosial. Karenanya, ia dituntut untuk terus memainkan perannya secara proaktif dan dinamis. Kehadirannya diharapkan terus menjadi cahaya pencerah,  membawa perubahan, sekaligus memberi kontribusi berarti bagi perbaikan kehidupan seluruh umat manusia pada umumnya dan umat Islam khususnya. Namun,seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, lebih-lebih di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini,  pesantren kini menghadapi masalah-masalah (akibat dampak globalisasi) yang tidak kunjung selesai bahkan hingga membenang kusut. Akibatnya, pesantren kini dipandang oleh banyak kalangan (baik dari pengelola pendidikan Islam itu sendiri maupun masyarakat luas) sebagai pendidikan kelas dua (second class). Karena itu, agar pesantren mampu terus memainkan perannya dengan baik, yakni menjadi produsen yang menghasilkan manusia-manusia yang berilmu, berteknologi, berketerampilan tinggi, dan sekaligus beriman dan beramal saleh, ia harus dimodernisasi secara serius sesuai dengan kerangka modernitas. Sebab, mempertahankan pemikiran kelembagaan Islam “tradisional” hanya akan memperpanjang nestapa ketidakberdayaan kaum muslim dalam berhadapan dengan kemajuan dunia modern. This paper intends to examine the Azyumardi Azra thinking about Islamic education and focuses on informal Islamic education institutions, boarding school (Pesantren). In view of Azra, boarding schools as an integral part of national education has been recognized its role as agents of social change. Therefore, they are required to continue their role in a proactive and dynamic way. Theirpresence is expected to bring about change, as well as provide significant contributions to improve the people lives in general and Muslims in particular. However, along with the times, especially in globalization era, boarding schools are facing problems due to the impact of globalization,whichis not finished even to the fibrous tangles. As a result, boarding schools are now regarded by many people(both of the Islamic education manager and the broader community) as a second class education.Therefore, in order to continue its role, i.e. to producehuman beings who have knowledge, technology, highly skilled, devout and do good behave, they must be seriously modernized in accordance with the framework of modernity. In case of maintaining the Islamic "traditional" institutional thinking will only prolong the agony of Muslim helplessness in dealing with the development of modern world. 

Inayatillah Inayatillah

AbstractThis paper discusses on the women’s role in madrasah education in Aceh, as to when Acehnese women had their opportunity to study in madrasah, and why the parents sent them to madrasah education. This study will show that female Acehnese have been involved in madrasah education since the early 20th century, i.e. since the outset of this type of education in the region. The Acehnese women’s role in madrasah education shows that women have had access to education since long ago. Their participation in the premise of Islamic education is insperable from the Islamic values deeply rooted in the people of Aceh. Additionally, this study also found that the Acehnese women were allowed to continue their studies not only within but also outside the Aceh region. Even during the hard times of conflicts, many women have their chance to continue their education outside the region, such as Medan, Padang, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and other major cities. This shows that the Acehnese practice of migration belongs not only to men but also common to women. AbstrakTulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana partisipasi perempuan Aceh dalam pendidikan madrasah, sejak kapan perempuan Aceh memperoleh kesempatan untuk belajar dalam pendidikan madrasah, dan mengapa orang tua di Aceh menyekolahkan anak perempuannya dalam pendidikan madrasah. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan Aceh telah terlibat dalam dunia pendidikan madrasah sejak awal abad ke-20, yaitu sejak pendidikan madrasah ini muolai didirikan di Aceh. Keterlibatan perempuan Aceh dalam dunia pendidikan madrasah menunjukkan bahwa perempuan telah memperoleh kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan sejak dulu. Partisipasi perempuan Aceh dalam dunia pendidikan Islam tidak dapat dilepaskan dari nilai-nilai keislaman yang mengakar kuat dalam masyarakat Aceh. Selain itu kajian ini juga menemukan bahwa perempuan Aceh tidak hanya diperbolehkan untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya di sekitar daerah Aceh tetapi juga sampai di luar daerah. Bahkan ketika konflik melanda Aceh, banyak perempuan yang melanjutkan pendidikannya ke luar daerah Aceh, seperti Medan, Padamg, Jakarta, Yogyakarta dan kota-kota besar lainnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tradisi merantau dalam masyarakat Aceh tidak hanya milik kaum laki-laki tetapi tradisi ini juga lazim dilakukan oleh kaum perempuan.

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