scholarly journals Contrastive Analysis of Bulgarian and Russian Syntax Peculiarities

Slovene ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 554-563
Elena Ivanova

[Rev. of: Gradinarova Alla A., Essays on the Comparative Syntax of Bulgarian and Russian, Sofia: Iztok-Zapad, 2017, 500 pp.] This article presents a review of the book by a major Bulgarian researcher of Russian, professor of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Alla Gradinarova, whose scholarly interests focus mainly on the contrastive syntax of Bulgarian and Russian. In the new monograph, the author concentrates largely on the points of divergence in these languages stemming from their typological differences: passive voice and syntactic impersonality, word order, communicatively marked phrasal templates, various types of multi-clause structures ranging from verbal adverb phrases to complex and asyndetic sentences, etc. The contrastive analysis of the language data helps to reveal significant characteristics of the studied phenomena. This allows the use of the obtained results and data not only in typology and contrastive linguistics, but also in the study of the Russian language, as the approach of the author in her studies is based on a profound analysis of Russian data. The book constitutes a major contribution to studies in contrastive syntax of Slavic languages.

Bohemistyka ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 71-82
Alesia I. Frantceva

In this article we consider the method of contrastive analysis of башня (tower in Russian) lexeme, where the Russian language will be the source language, and the Czech and English languages will be the languages of comparison. In the study we will describe the comparison of the data of etymological dictionaries in three languages.The aim of this comparative analysis is discovering similarities and differences in the sub-systems of three languages.The central concept of contrastive linguistics is the notion of interlingual correspondences – units of different languages having similarities in composition of semes. Formally, there are three types of correspondences: linear correspondences, vector correspondences, lacunae. In this article we will consider one of them – fragmentary lacunarity.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 46-51
О.Ю. Дементьева ◽  
Ю. Мао

В статье обсуждаются вопросы о порядке слов в русском языке: что подразумевается под порядком слов, в чем его особенности, какие факторы на него влияют. Рассматривается понятие коммуникативной установки говорящего, а также взаимодействие коммуникативной, семантической и синтаксической структур предложения-высказывания. The article deals with the word order in the Russian language: what is meant by the word order, what are its features. what factors determine the word order. The concept of the communicative intention is considered, as well as the interaction of the communicative, semantic and syntactic structures of the utterance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Galina I. Panova ◽  
Tatiana V. Viktorina ◽  
Antonina E. Kuzmina

The concept of “morphological / grammatical means” is widely used in studies on the Russian language, although there is no generally accepted interpretation. This work analyzes the reflection of this concept in Russian studies and clarifies the status of those linguistic units that are traditionally referred to as morphological means: form-building affixes, alternating sounds (internal inflection), stress, supplementary word stems, auxiliary words, intonation, as well as word order. Our research has shown that these linguistic units have different functional status in the morphological structure of the Russian language. First, these are categorical, or actually morphological, means, represented by formative affixes and auxiliary words. They are carriers of morphological meanings in the structure of abstracted morphological forms – the basic units of inflectional Russian morphology. Secondly, a non-categorical means, syncretic and accidental for morphology, are supplementary stems that contain not only lexical, but also morphological meaning and thus duplicate the expression of morphological information in a word form with a form-building affix. Thirdly, these are linguistic units that are not elements of the morphological structure, but have morphological significance, which is manifested in their ability to differentiate homonymous morphological forms in the structure of word forms (alternating sounds and stress) or utterances (intonation). Word order can also perform a similar function. The study allows us to clarify the definition of the concept under consideration: morphological means are linguistic units that are carriers of morphological meanings and constituents of morphological forms.

Marharyta Alsultan

The definiteness and indefiniteness is an important communicative category. This category is universal and is expressed in different languages by various means. There are no special indicators of definiteness / indefiniteness such as articles in the Russian language. However, these values are expressed by various means related to different levels of the language. Due to this fact, word order is an important and an interesting subject for a linguistic research. As a grammatical means, word order can convey not only information, but also the attitude to this information or communicative situation of the speaker, and also to concretize the content of the spoken message from the point of view of definiteness / indefiniteness. This study focuses on describing the means of expressing the category of definiteness and indefiniteness in Russian and the ways of conveying its semantic shades.

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-142
Елена Коницкая

Фразеологизмы служат действенным средством лаконизации речи и, следовательно, экономии языковых средств. Роль языковой экономии во фразеологии проявляется как на синхроническом уровне (возникновение модификаций фразеологизмов, не нарушающих цельности фразеологизма и норм его использования), так и на диахроническом уровне (закрепляясь в языке, модификации могут превращаться в новые устойчивые выражения, включающиеся во фразеологический фонд). Эти процессы, хорошо изученные в русском языке, недостаточно исследованы в словенском. В статье рассматривается роль языковой экономии в образовании словенских фразеологизмов на фоне русской фразеологии; сопоставляются результаты действия принципа языковой экономии, отмечаются как сходства, так и различия в двух славянских языках.Ключевые слова: словенская фразеология, русская фразеология, происхождение фразеологизмов, языковая экономия, эллипсис, имплицитность....Jelena KonitskayaRole of the economy principle in language in the Composition of Slovenian phraseologisms (compared with those in Russian) Phraseologisms serve as a telling resource of economy of language features. The role of the economy principle in language, in its phraseology, appears at the synchronic level (derivation of modifications of phraseological units) and at the diachronic level (derivation of new stable expressions incorporated into the stock of phraseology). The paper deals with the diachronic aspect of the problem. The results of compression (ellipsis, implication) caused by the economy principle in language (in phraseology) have been studied rather well in the Russian language (e.g., works of V. Mokiyenko and others), however, insufficiently in the Slovenian language. The paper comprises an analysis of the role of the economy principle in the composition of Slovenian phraseologisms against the background of the Russian phraseology; a comparison of the effect of the economy principle in language, both the similarities and differences in these two Slavic languages are pointed out. The similarities appear in the derivation of phraseologisms through elimination of the final part of expression(proverbs or phraseologisms of a broader component structure), e.g., Kovačeva kobila je vedno bosa > kovačeva kobila, in comparison with the Russian кто во что горазд, тот тем и промышляет (тот в то и играет)> кто во что горазд. Different constituents of a stable expression may turn elliptic in both languages, e.g., the collocation posipati si glavo s pepelom > posipati se s pepelom, speljati vodo na svoj mlin > voda na mlin, рус. дорого не по карману > не по карману, разбить в пух и прах > разбить в пух etc. In both languages, elimination (ellipsis) of a constituent may cause fogging of the inner form of phraseologisms; e.g., the collocation gledati kot čuk na palici > gledati kot čuk; ne priplаvati po prežgani juhi > ne priplаvati po juhi. Implication of additions in phraseologisms, leading to the derivation of structures with a broken syntactic relationship, is noted in both languages; e.g., Russian безо всяких, наша взяла, и никаких, прокатить на вороных, etc., the collocation ne reči ne bele ne črne, ne biti pri čisti, huda / tenka / slaba / tesna prede (komu), tristo kosmatih medvedov / hudičev etc. Forward pronominalisation may be consideredas a separate case of the manifestation of the economy principle in a language, noted in expressions such as ima ga pod kapo (‘быть пьяным’, literatim “иметь его под шапкой”), pobrisati jo (‘убежать’, literatim “почистить ее”), dobiti jih (‘быть избитым’, literatim “получить их”). The paper covers the sight of different possibilities of explaining of the derivation of Slavic expressions taking into account the role of the economy principle in language.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 71-80
Ellina Vechkanova

 This article is dedicated to studying thematic progression as a text-forming and discourse-forming phenomenon. The notion of thematic progression is analyzed in terms of the functional sentence perspective theory, theory of actual division of the sentence, and discourse linguistics. Thematic progression contributes to the cohesive development of discourse, distribution of given and new information that needs to follow certain patterns. That is why the article also dwells on the thematic progression patterns and peculiar characteristics of their themeatic-rhematic organization. Basic thematic progression patterns are: simple linear thematic progression, thematic progression with a continuous (constant) theme, thematic progression with derived themes and thematic progression with a split rheme. They are considered to be universal, peculiar to many languages. That is why thematic progression patterns of English discourse units translated into Russian language often remain the same. Their high informativity, grammatical complexity, as well as differences in grammatical systems of English and Russian languages, necessity to adapt these units to the norms and rules of the Russian language can cause changes in thematic progression patterns of the translated units. The abovementioned facts can also lead to compression / decompression of information, changes of the word order in Russian translations.

2021 ◽  
Vol XXV (1) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Лукаш Плесник

The article is devoted to the problem of foreign language inclusions of Polish origin in the vocabulary of the Russian language. The main attention is paid to three linguistic analyzes (etymological, semantic and stylistic), which are presented on the basis of the created database of language data. Etymological analysis examines the inclusions of Polish origin according to their belonging to the Polish language as a source or intermediate language, semantic analysis pays attention to the distribution of Polish-language inclusions according to lexical and semantic groups, stylistic analysis classifies the inclusions of Polish origin according to their speech style.

Ellina Vechkanova

 This article is dedicated to studying thematic progression as a text-forming and discourse-forming phenomenon. The notion of thematic progression is analyzed in terms of the functional sentence perspective theory, theory of actual division of the sentence, and discourse linguistics. Thematic progression contributes to the cohesive development of discourse, distribution of given and new information that needs to follow certain patterns. That is why the article also dwells on the thematic progression patterns and peculiar characteristics of their themeatic-rhematic organization. Basic thematic progression patterns are: simple linear thematic progression, thematic progression with a continuous (constant) theme, thematic progression with derived themes and thematic progression with a split rheme. They are considered to be universal, peculiar to many languages. That is why thematic progression patterns of English discourse units translated into Russian language often remain the same. Their high informativity, grammatical complexity, as well as differences in grammatical systems of English and Russian languages, necessity to adapt these units to the norms and rules of the Russian language can cause changes in thematic progression patterns of the translated units. The abovementioned facts can also lead to compression / decompression of information, changes of the word order in Russian translations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-326
I. A. Kanakin

The article deals with the analysis of ‘closed’ morphological systems, containing oppositional and contrastive elements. The category of case in the Slavic languages represents the systems of this kind. An attempt is made to shed light on the meaning of the case category in the Russian language. We argue that neither its semantic nor syntactic explanation are taken as being the only criterion of truth. The formal analysis of this category reveals that there is no relationship of noun case forms and that the structuring of pronoun and noun paradigms is different. Case government through prepositions, widely spread in many languages, also fails to explain case distinctions either from only semantic or syntactic perspective. The distribution of words into parts of speech in various languages still remains the only undoubted and common function for all inflectional case paradigms. We view ‘closed’ derivational and inflectional morphological systems as a fundamental condition in this respect; the character of there structure is of little importance; however, formal and unambiguous description can only be applied to the rigidly structured systems.

Kalbotyra ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 87-106
Nijolė Tuomienė

The dialectological and sociolinguistic material from the Southern Aukštaitian borderland is under the investigation in this article. The most recent records of the speaker of the Lithuanian Southern Aukštaitian in Šalčininkai district are analyzed in order to study the changes in the syntax. The peripheral area of the Southern Aukštaitian located in Šalčininkai district is surrounded or, speaking more precisely, in contact with languages other than Lithuanian, i. e. Belarusian and Polish, and relatively recently with the Russian language as well. The purpose of this article is to reveal the process of interception and convergence of syntactic compounds in the Lithuanian dialect of Šalčininkai district. The paper is based on ideas by Vytautas Ambrazas (2006) on this topic.Because of continuous language contact a lot of variants in the present Lithuanian dialect of Šalčininkai region have developed. For example, very frequently the prepositions ant ‘on’, dėl ‘for’, į ‘to’, po ‘after’ used in combination with case tend to acquire more specific meanings. A lot of them become analogous to those found in the neighbouring Slavic languages and thus are often alien for Lithuanian. The impact of standard Lithuanian cannot be totally disregarded either.The Lithuanian and Slavic languages are in active contact in these neighbourhoods, that is’ why they tend to develop the same patterns and constructions. In many cases the local Belarusian dialect, known as the poprostu (‘plain language’ – a local variant of the Belarusian northwestern dialect), plays a stimulating role here. Relatively recently all three contact languages, i.e. Lithuanian, Belarusian and Polish, have acquired numerous lexical and grammatical borrowings in the dialects of Šalčininkai neighborhoods. This is one of the conditions for accelerating the incorporation and adoption of alien syntactic patterns in the Lithuanian language.In intense contact, borrowing is not limited to several different patterns because syntactic rules could be adopted as well. Surely, the archaic constructions could acquire entirely new semantic content. The prepositional phrases have been adopted and used not instead of pure cases, but rather alongside with them.

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