scholarly journals The Existence of Gamelan, Kampong and Mount Krakatoa Eruption Fundraising in Amsterdam Exhibition in 1883

2019 ◽  
Asep Nugraha

In 1883, the gamelan, village, and socio-cultural activities of the Dutch East Indies were publicly displayed directly at the De Internationale Koloniale en Uitvoerhandel Tentoonstelling event in Amsterdam. The Dutch East Indies, represented by a group from Parakan Salak, Sukabumi - West Java introduced colonial land cultural entities for six months.Even though they had to deal with the ethnocentrism view that is still strong in European society.However, the performance was carried out by them as good as possible. Their success was accepted by Amsterdam people when there was an eruption of Mount Krakatoa in the Dutch East Indies. The European community and the group of Parakan Salak work together to raise funds for Mount Krakatoa victim.One of them was through a charity performance that presents gamelan and dances.The existence of the art of the colonial land community was able to gather unity to achieve a single goal, there was no more caste differences, between the colonialist and the people of the colony. All are united in the name of humanity.

Africa ◽  
1933 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26 ◽  
C. F. Strickland

In every continent in which it has taken root, the co-operative movement has assumed new forms and adopted fresh methods. In Europe, its original home, the consumers' stores of England and the credit and agricultural societies of Germany grew up almost independently of one another. When transplanted to America and Australia, it acquired peculiar strength in the field of large-scale marketing. In Asia the principal development has been that of credit for the peasantry, though with less emphasis on economic and more on moral elements than in Europe. In each of these continents the people, especially the poorer classes, have derived great benefits from their societies, the European in his domestic purchases, the American in the orderly disposal of his produce, the Asiatic in relief from the yoke of usury and in training of character by self-control and mutual control. The majority of Asiatic countries learned the lesson from India, whence the co-operative idea spread first to Ceylon, British Malaya, and Siam, then to the Philippine Islands and China. Japan is an exception, her national leaders after travel and observation having imitated in many respects the German system; Palestine and the Dutch East Indies, the latest recruits, also draw inspiration from both European and Asiatic sources. The general position now is that, save in a few regions where government is still unsteady, Co-operation is universal outside Africa.

Sukarddin Sukarddin ◽  
Akhamad Ari Musaded ◽  
Suryo Ediyono

Sultanate of Bima has been bound by government of Dutch colonial with Lange Contract agreement (long contract), occurred in 1908-1909 That the Sultanate of Bima is a very strategic area. These conditions caused the VOC and the government of Dutch to seek intervention through the Lange Contract agreement (long contract) which has led to the entry of the Sultanate of Bima in the Pax Neerlandica neighborhood. War of Ngali occurred for several reasons namely 1) Feelings of dissatisfaction with the actions of the Dutch government which impose various tax rules in the Sultanate of Bima. 2) The Sultanate of Bima as part of the Dutch East Indies sovereignty was seized by a Lange Contract agreement in 1908. 3) Customary law and Islamic law were replaced by Dutch law. 4) The head or belasting duty system is denied and punished for taxing the unbelievers. The conclusion in this study is that people of Ngali against the government of Dutch colonial because they wanted to control the entire Milky, the resistance made by people Ngalisolely to maintain the customs, religions, and independence owned by the people of Bima.

Ian Campbell

‘Charlie Chaplin di Ngamplang, 1927’ is an Indonesian-language poem by Australian poet Ian Campbell, and is a humorous meditation upon certain imaginary events that befell Charlie Chaplin at the Dutch colonial era hill station of Ngamplang in West Java in 1927. In historical terms Chaplin did in fact visit the Dutch East Indies three times between 1927 and 1932, including the area around Ngamplang. The poem was included in Campbell’s poetry and prose collection Tak ada Peringatan (Vivid Publishing, 2013). The Indonesian language version of the poem first appeared in 2012 in the literary pages of the Jakarta mass media daily Kompas. An English-language back translation is included here.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-134
Alfa Tirza Aprilia ◽  
Hendi Irawan ◽  
Yusuf Budi

This research discusses the practice of forced cultivation in the Dutch East Indies in the period 1830 to 1870. The method used in this research is the historicalmethod and its presentation in the form of a narrative description. The results ofthis study explain that the practice of forced cultivation in the Dutch East Indieshad a very large influence on the Netherlands and the people of the NetherlandsIndies. The system of forced cultivation changed the role of the colonialgovernment and native rulers, changed the social conditions of rural communitiesby giving birth to the concept of communal land and the introduction of the moneyeconomy system in the countryside. The forced cultivation system also succeededin filling the empty treasury of the Netherlands, but on the one hand it causedsuffering for the people of the Dutch East Indies. The famine caused byexploitation of land and human resources is a consequence of the implementationof the forced cultivation policy. The other side of the implementation of the forcedcultivation policy was the entry and introduction of export commodity crops to thepeople of the Dutch East Indies. Keyword: forced cultivation, colonial government, people, farmersAbstrak

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Joko Susilo ◽  
Niko Fediyanto ◽  
Muhammad Junaedi

"Jejak Langkah - Rumah Kaca" is the final part in the tetralogy of Pulau Buru by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The story is about the beginning of the nations unity movement in Indonesia. Started with human consciousness of Indonesia about equality of rights, it then build the power to compete, competing with the European community. It was the beginning of the 20th century that was called as the beginning of the rise of the Indonesian. This article discusses about three female characters in the story " Jejak Langkah - Rumah Kaca", namely Ang san Mei, Princes van Kasiruta, and Siti Soendari. They came from three different nations, namely Tionghoa, Ambon and Java. The characters are analyzed using Feminist theory. The result shows the appearance in power of behavior and thinking of the three female characters from different nationalities and religions to arouse nationalism in the society. The character of each different character confuses the Gubermen (Government of the Dutch East Indies).

Ahmad Fuad ◽  
Beng Susanto

ABSTRAK  Sudah puluhan tahun, bahkan sudah lebih dari seratus tahun yang lalu ada kebiasaan masyarakat dalam mencari rezeki dengan cara menjajakan dagangannya dipinggir jalan. Pedagang yang memiliki kebiasaan berdagang tersebut memilki istilah pedagang kaki lima. Istilah tersebut timbul dikarenakan peraturan pada zaman Hindia Belanda yang disalah artikan,“ Five Foot Way“ yang mengharuskan setiap bangunan besar dipinggir jalan harus menyediakan lahan sebesar Lima Kaki, untu pejalan kaki. Yang berubah pemahaman menjadi Kaki Lima. Dan lahan untuk pejalan kaki yang selebar lima kaki tersebut secara tidak sengaja menjadi tempat mangkal para pedagang keliling. Saat ini, para pedagang kaki lima pasti wajib menggunakan spanduk, sebagai tanda untuk menginformasikan tentang apa yang mereka jual. Awalnya ada hal yang menarik pada penggunaan spanduk ini. Mengapa para pedagang kaki lima, terutama pedangan Pecel Lele, Pecel Ayam dan Seafood masih bertahan menggunakan spanduk tradisional yang masih menggunakan teknik lukis manual. Selain teknik manual yang mereka gunakan, ada hal menarik lainnya yang timbul. Hal tersebut adalah mereka tetap menggunakan gambar hewan yang masih hidup, dengan gambar atau image yang tidak nyata. Dikarenakan penggunaan image yang tidak real, yang mendekati format vektor inilah yang memancing peneliti untuk meneliti penggunaan format vektor dan bitmap pada spanduk pedagang kaki lima. Kata kunci : kaki lima, vektor, bitmap   ABSTRACT  It's been decades, even more than a hundred years ago there was the habit of the people in seeking sustenance by peddling their wares on the side of the road. Traders who have trade habits have the term street vendors. The term arises because the rules of the Dutch East Indies era were misinterpreted, the "Five Foot Way" which requires that every large building on the side of the road must provide land of five feet, for pedestrians. And the five-foot-wide pedestrian area inadvertently becomes a hangout for mobile traders. At present, street vendors must be obliged to use banners, as a sign to inform them about what they sell. Initially there was something interesting about using this banner. Why do street vendors, especially Pecel Lele, Pecel Ayam and Seafood, still survive using traditional banners that still use manual painting techniques. In addition to the manual techniques they use, there are other interesting things that arise. This is that they still use images of animals that are still alive, with images or images that are not real. Due to the use of images that are not real, which is close to vector format, this is what provokes researchers to examine the use of vector and bitmap formats on street vendor banners. Keywords: sidewalk, vector, bitmap

Sri Indrahti ◽  
Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan ◽  
Alamsyah Alamsyah ◽  
Siti Maziyah

In Jepara, various cultural activities are conducted regularly every year. This cultural activity is always accompanied by a culinary presentation in accordance with the activities, needs, and interests. One of the cultural activities in Jepara is the lomban festival. In this local tradition, a variety of culinary is presented as complement to the cultural activities. The culinary consists of various types, such as market snacks and complete food with rice, vegetables, and side dishes. The culinary in this lomban activity is described in sequence and detail. The culinary depicts the belief, symbolic and spiritual meaning of the supporters of that culture. Through this study, various types of culinary in cultural activities are well described including the symbolic and spiritual meaning behind the culinary presentation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Ida Bagus Astika Pidada

[Title: The Nica War Equipment in Facing Patriots in Physical Revolution in Bali In 1945 – 1950] Giving up without the conditions of Lieutenant General H. Ter Poorten (Commander of the Dutch East Indies) on behalf of the United States Army in Indonesia to Liuetenant General Hiroshi Imamura (Japanese Army Leader). Since the Dutch East Indies government ended in Indonesia. At that time Dutch soldiers who were Japanese prisoners of war because they did not have time to flee to Australia were sent to the interior of Siam and Birma to clear forests and make bridges and railways. On August 15th 1945, Japan finally surrendered to allies. This defeat of Japan caused the captives of the Dutch to quickly hold preparatory exercises back to Indonesia. The arrival of the Dutch in Bali received resistance from the fighters under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Although the weapons possessed by fighters in Bali is limited but the struggle is long enough to survive. NICA in the face of fighters in Bali during the physical revolution has used modern war equipment such as: pipercub airplanes, lucked airplanes, motorbikes, jeeps, telephones, bren, mitraliur, stengun, mortar, lichthalon and others but not easy can beat him. This is because the fighters with the people in Bali are united.

2021 ◽  
Saifuddin Alif Nurdianto

STOVIA was founded by the Dutch East Indies government in 1849, which was then named Dokter Djawa School. When STOVIA still existed a pandemic case that attracted enough attention for its big impact happened. The case was the spread of the Spanish flu plague which killed 1.5 million to 4.37 million people. The native doctors who graduated from STOVIA became the people who took the responsibility in dealing with the pandemic. Historical research with a sociological approach was conducted to examine the contribution of the native doctors who graduated from STOVIA in handling the Spanish flu pandemic. The results showed that the contributions of these doctors were not limited to the medical field, but also in the social, academic and politic

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Ida Bagus Astika Pidada

[Title: The Ways of Influencing the People of NICA to Understand at Physical Revolution for Balinese People in Bali 1945-1950] Giving up without the conditions of Lieutenant General H. Ter Pooerten (Commander of the Dutch East Indies) to Lieutenant General Hitosyi Imamura (Japanese Army Chief), then the Dutch East Indies government has since ended in Indonesia. Not a long time ago Japan ruled in Indonesia, on August 15th, 1945 surrendered unconditionally to the allies. Then on March 2nd, 1946 the Y Brigade began landed along the Sanur coast. This Y Brigade is nicknamed "Gajah Merah". The arrival of the Gajah Merah in Bali, the situation became unsafe. The arrival of the Dutch (NICA) received resistance from fighters in Bali under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Sympathy getting from the Dutch people use various ways of influencing. The Dutch (NICA) influences the people in two ways, namely by means of soft and violent methods. In the soft way the Dutch (NICA) gave material to the people such as: giving cigarettes, snacks, money, batik cloth, rice and traveling by car. In providing soft assistance the Dutch also use their accomplices such as: NICA Gandek, AP and others. The Netherlands (NICA) in this case looks good and generous to the people so they get sympathy. Generally, it is influenced by the Dutch, whose economies are poor and whose education is low. By means of violence, the Dutch deliberately exhibited fighters who were captured by the public such as being kicked, beaten, dragged by car, and shot in front of the people. This method is carried out to regions that are pro-republic so that people become deterred and afraid. In this way the Dutch (NICA) hopes that the people will no longer want to help the fighters. To fall on the mentality of the Dutch people (NICA) deliberately stripped their hands or soldiers who were killed in a war that was paraded around the city by using an open truck that was rumored to be a young man who was killed. The mothers and fathers who were provoked by the Dutch propaganda, his soul was shaken. This is the way the Dutch influenced the Balinese people, however, the Balinese people and fighters were not deterred. Evidently the people and fighters remain united so that the physical revolution that took place in Bali can last long enough.

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