scholarly journals Language as a Tool for Communication and Cultural Reality Discloser

2018 ◽  
Sitti Rabiah

Language is a communication tool used by everyone in their daily life as a means to convey information and arguments to others. In this case, the language cannot be separated from culture because language represent its nation and has close relation to the attitude or behavior of groups of speakers of the languages. The role of language as a tool to express culture reality can be seen from: 1) Language is part of culture, 2) Even the language and the culture is in different, but have a very close relationship, 3) Language is strongly influenced by culture, and 4) Language significantly influence culture and way of thinking of people living within. In the communication, language used by people is influence their culture or vice versa. If used parables, the culture and language like Siamese twins, the two things that cannot be separated. Or as a coin; side one is the language and the other is culture.

Zoltán Kövecses

The chapter reports on work concerned with the issue of how conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) functions as a link between culture and cognition. Three large areas are investigated to this effect. First, work on the interaction between conceptual metaphors, on the one hand, and folk and expert theories of emotion, on the other, is surveyed. Second, the issue of metaphorical universality and variation is addressed, together with that of the function of embodiment in metaphor. Third, a contextualist view of conceptual metaphors is proposed. The discussion of these issues leads to a new and integrated understanding of the role of metaphor and metonymy in creating cultural reality and that of metaphorical variation across and within cultures, as well as individuals.

M. Nur Erdem

Violence has been a part of daily life in both traditional and digital media. Consequently, neither the existence of violence in the media nor the debates on this subject are new. On the other hand, the presentation of violence in fictional content should be viewed from a different point of view, especially in the context of aesthetization. Within this context, in this chapter, the serial of Penny Dreadful is analyzed. As analyzing method, Tahsin Yücel's model of the “space/time coordinates of narrative” is used. And the subject of “aestheticization of violence” is analyzed through a serial with the elements of person, space, and time. Thus, the role of not only physical beauty but also different components in the aestheticization of violence is examined.

Ahmed Hashim Al-Eqapy ◽  
Basim Hashim Al-Majidi ◽  
Noor Ameer Al-Shukri

The architecture and its outputs are one of  the most relevant fields of knowledge with human beings and their daily life, and the fact that the architectural product represents the architectural vision that which is trying to deliver to the society through the architectural images of various projects, which should be perceived by the eye and trying to interpret them, so the research aims to study the vision generated by the recipient, whether the vision of the designer himself when he sees his work as an architect, another designer acting as a critic, or those who are outside of architecture field, and how that vision that the designer wants to deliver can be transformed from single vision to a double vision about the architectural product. The problem of research was the lack of clear knowledge about the role of different intellectual visions of architectural schools in the compatibility and differing visions between the designer and the other designer or the designer and the recipient to produce a double vision in architecture. The research deals with the concept of vision in general in order to extraction a set of concepts that link the vision with the architecture, whether single or double, which can be reflected by the following elements: (the concept intended by the designer – the form and its treatments - the architectural reading). In other words, it starts with the designer vision or concept and depends on what he wants to deliver, and this leads the research to study the sources of ideas and architectural images which reflect the vision of the designer, which depends mainly on architectural schools and their role in the formulation of the designer thought, and then this will be applied to elected architectural projects belonging to different schools to reach  that there is a strong duplication of vision between the other designer and the product versus a partial duplication of vision between the designer and the  product  and between the recipient and the  product

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 12-18
Samira Jafarzade ◽  

This article covers what two concepts, such as language and culture have in common, and what the role of language is in the cultural practices. The theme is one of the great curiosity from the point of glance of the use of various types of lexicology. Most people have the same opinion that the culture and language are closely connected. Some of them also say that “culture is language” or “language is culture”. All expressions of the culture don`t require language, and also all aspects of the language aren`t culture-dependent. Сulture and language are so intertwined whereas one can`t survive without the other one. It is not possible to teach someone language without teaching the culture of the same language. Each word which is used in the communication process is an example of the values, beliefs and their origins. It is important to grow up with a various set of beliefs and values to understand the real connection between culture and language.

2017 ◽  
pp. 47
Alejandra Sofía Rivas Espinosa

El presente artículo expone una reflexión sobre las especificidades delproceso de mercantilización de la vivienda social en Chile, analizandoparticularmente la concepción mecánica del hábitat y la consecuentedescomposición de la vivienda en dimensiones técnicas constructivas,por un lado, y sociales, por el otro, junto con el desconocimiento de otrosantecedentes, diferentes a los propuestos desde el conocimiento en el quese ampara la política pública. Teniendo en consideración esta dicotomíaque marca la ejecución de la política de vivienda chilena, se tematiza el roldel discurso experto en la naturalización de las soluciones habitacionalespropuestas, en la justificación de sus formas de producción y en la opacidad de su estrecha relación con las lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando con ello separar a las personas del diseño del hábitat residencial.Palabras clave: política habitacional, vivienda social, vivienda-mercancía,conocimiento técnico, habitar.Reflections on housing public policy in Chile: between the process and the goods, between the technical and the socialAbstractThis article presents a reflection on the specificities of the process of commodification of social housing in Chile, analyzing, particularly, the mechanical conception of habitat and the consequent decomposition of the houses in technical constructive dimensions, on one hand, and social, on the other; along with the ignorance of other knowledges, different from those proposed in the knowledge that protects the public policies. Considering this the role of the expert discourse in the naturalization of the proposed housing solutions, in the justification of its forms of production and in the opacity of its close relation with the dominant economic logics, thereby separating people from the design of the residential habitat. dichotomy that marks the execution of the Chilean housing policy, it presents. keywords: housing policy, social housing, housing-commodity, technical knowledge, live. Reflexões sobre a política pública de habitação no Chile: entre o processo e a mercadoria entre o técnico e o social Resumo O presente artigo expõe uma reflexão sobre as especificidades do processo de mercantilização da habitação social no Chile, analisando, em particular a conceição mecânica do habitat e da consequente decomposição da morada em quanto a dimensões técnicas de construção, por uma parte, e sociais, pelo outro, juntamente com a falta de outras noções, diferentes as propostas desde o conhecimento onde a política pública se baseia. Considerando esta dicotomia que marca a execução da política habitacional chilena, tematiza-se o papel do discurso experto na naturalização das soluções habitacionais propostas, na justificação de suas formas de produção e na opacidade de seu estreito relacionamento com as lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando assim separar as pessoas do desenho do habitat residencial. Palavras-chave: política de habitação, habitação social, habitação – mercancia, conhecimento técnico, habitar.

2017 ◽  
pp. 47
Alejandra Sofía Rivas Espinosa

El presente artículo expone una reflexión sobre las especificidades delproceso de mercantilización de la vivienda social en Chile, analizandoparticularmente la concepción mecánica del hábitat y la consecuentedescomposición de la vivienda en dimensiones técnicas constructivas,por un lado, y sociales, por el otro, junto con el desconocimiento de otrosantecedentes, diferentes a los propuestos desde el conocimiento en el quese ampara la política pública. Teniendo en consideración esta dicotomíaque marca la ejecución de la política de vivienda chilena, se tematiza el roldel discurso experto en la naturalización de las soluciones habitacionalespropuestas, en la justificación de sus formas de producción y en la opacidad de su estrecha relación con las lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando con ello separar a las personas del diseño del hábitat residencial.Palabras clave: política habitacional, vivienda social, vivienda-mercancía,conocimiento técnico, habitar.Reflections on housing public policy in Chile: between the process and the goods, between the technical and the socialAbstractThis article presents a reflection on the specificities of the process of commodification of social housing in Chile, analyzing, particularly, the mechanical conception of habitat and the consequent decomposition of the houses in technical constructive dimensions, on one hand, and social, on the other; along with the ignorance of other knowledges, different from those proposed in the knowledge that protects the public policies. Considering this the role of the expert discourse in the naturalization of the proposed housing solutions, in the justification of its forms of production and in the opacity of its close relation with the dominant economic logics, thereby separating people from the design of the residential habitat. dichotomy that marks the execution of the Chilean housing policy, it presents. keywords: housing policy, social housing, housing-commodity, technical knowledge, live. Reflexões sobre a política pública de habitação no Chile: entre o processo e a mercadoria entre o técnico e o social Resumo O presente artigo expõe uma reflexão sobre as especificidades do processo de mercantilização da habitação social no Chile, analisando, em particular a conceição mecânica do habitat e da consequente decomposição da morada em quanto a dimensões técnicas de construção, por uma parte, e sociais, pelo outro, juntamente com a falta de outras noções, diferentes as propostas desde o conhecimento onde a política pública se baseia. Considerando esta dicotomia que marca a execução da política habitacional chilena, tematiza-se o papel do discurso experto na naturalização das soluções habitacionais propostas, na justificação de suas formas de produção e na opacidade de seu estreito relacionamento com as lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando assim separar as pessoas do desenho do habitat residencial. Palavras-chave: política de habitação, habitação social, habitação – mercancia, conhecimento técnico, habitar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Fathul Amin

This research talks about “The Role of Education of Islam at School to Form the Characters of Students”. Islamic Education (PAI) is one of the parts of the main character. Character education will develop well if it is started from giving the foundation of character of diversity to the students. That’s why, the material of Islamic education (PAI) at school becomes one of the supporters in character education. By the learning of PAI, students are taught “aqidah” as a basic of religy.  The students are taught Al-Quran dan hadis as the guidance of life, fiqih as the regulation of law in doing good deeds, sejarah Islam as an example of life, and akhlak as a guideline of human being behavior to know the category of goodness and badness. Therefore, the main intention of Islamic education (PAI) learning is to form positive personality and character of students reflected from their behaviors and their way of thinking in the daily life. Aside from it, one of the success of Islamic education (PAI) learning at schools is also decided by the implementation of good method of learning.

2020 ◽  
pp. 130-167
Usha Sanyal

In Chapter 3 I enter the classroom with the teachers and students. This chapter presents an ‘ethnography’ of two different classes, one a Qur’an class and the other a class of Qur’anic exegesis for advanced students. We also hear discussions about the importance of taharat or ritual purity. We see how students and teachers interact, and how adab guides their relationship. The chapter shows how teachers skillfully present the material in a way that students find meaningful. It also discusses the role of memorization and peer learning in madrasa education. An appendix of the madrasa syllabus at the end of the chapter allows me to highlight the commonalities between ‘traditionalist’ Barelwis and Deobandis/Tablighis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 967-973
Özlem Demren ◽  
Bahar Köse Karaca ◽  
Çağdaş Demren

Tales as an oral narratives gives us some ideas about the perceptions and attitudes of the people in a society. In this paper, we try to get your attention to the Keloğlan as a Turkish tale type who gives us some ideas about the psychological motivations and perceptions in Turkish culture. The Turkish tale hero Keloğlan is a timeless/fitting all-time character who gives clues for today with his personality from past narratives to the present.  In fact, fairy tales set boundaries and offer acceptable models. Actually Keloğlan isn’t really an ideal type but at the end of the tales, we come across with him as a type of winner. He always behaves against obstacles and inequity and he returns an ideal type. Lie is seen as a sympathetic trick in the Keloğlan tales. Keloğlan's lies and tricks are ignored by the society to the extent that he opposes injustice. Based on the Schema theory, we can say that the “other-directedness” schema domain is used in the tales of Keloğlan frequently, but in a way, related with lie. Keloğlan uses lie or manupilation for the reason of “approval seeking”, but as a way of defence against to the “self-subjugation” and “self-sacrifice”. In a sense, Keloğlan, as a Turkish tale type, shows us another aspect of society's approval mechanism.  

2012 ◽  
pp. 249-257 ◽  
Valentina Sokolovska ◽  
Gordana Tripkovic

The willingness to improve the lives of the Serbs by using education primarily, led Tihomir Ostojic and the associates of Matica srpska to make an attempt to distinguish analytically the real state of Serbian ethnicity in the scope of economy, social life, moral and physical solidarity. That is how, we are proud to say, the first sociological survey in Vojvodina was created, and conducted in 1903. Gifted with scientific intuition and knowledge, the creators of the survey set the methodological rules professionally, hence, they conducted a research which, considering all its characteristics, can be compared to the principles and demands of contemporary sociological research. Questionnaire, the way the survey is named, provides the insight into the daily life of the Serbian peasantry within the scope of economy, hygiene, morale, education; the insight into the role of founded cooperatives, and much more. However, the primary goal of this survey is to analyze the desires of the readers, in order to improve and adjust the Books for the people and the other publications of Matica srpska to the population.

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