scholarly journals The potential processing of rice husk waste as an alternative media for ornamental plants

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-138
Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar ◽  
Andi Muhamad Irfan Taufan Asfar ◽  
Sharma Thaha ◽  
Ady Kurnia ◽  
Adji Syaifullah

The problem of rice husk waste as a result of rice processing is a major problem in Sanrego Village, especially in the Pada Elo' Farmer Group. The accumulation of rice husk waste while the land area to accommodate a lot of rice husk waste during the harvest season forced the farmer groups to burn it. However, another problem that arises is the emergence of air pollution and the results of burning rice husk waste are useless because they are not used properly. Therefore, this community service will process the potential of rice husk waste into husk charcoal by providing information, knowledge, and skills on how to process rice husk waste into rice husk charcoal which can be used as an alternative media for ornamental plants which are currently the prima donna. The implementation method consists of three stages, namely Tudang Sipulung, Mario-rio, and Mappesabbi which are taken from the Bugis tradition of having a philosophy of working together, thus directing farmer groups to participate and be fully involved (participatory by doing). The results obtained by the average partner member experienced an 82,5% increase in information and knowledge aspects as well as skills and were able to grow their entrepreneurial spirit, especially processing rice husk waste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yoyon Riono ◽  
Elfi Yenny Yusuf

Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of garden plants. Broadly speaking, it is the study of the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. The purpose of this community service is to provide insight and knowledge of farmer groups to use the house yard for planting crops, especially horticulture. The implementation method is carried out by counseling, training and mentoring residents and farmer groups to maximize the results of empowerment. In addition, leaflets as educational tools are given as a guide. The steps were taken: firstly, the lecturers of the agrotechnology study program to residents and farmer groups, secondly, training, starting from the selection of good planting materials. Third, assistance related to the use of household agriculture (home gardens) with horticultural cultivation techniques. The result of this community service program is that the beautiful jasmine farmer group has understood and the benefits of the house yard to be used as a planting area, especially for horticultural crops. From the activities of this community service program, it can be concluded that farmer groups can specifically make use of the empty land and unused land around their homes, especially the existence of empty land. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-248
Nur Irawati ◽  
Asriyana Asriyana

Rambu-rambu Village is one of the villages clustered within the Tumbuh Lestari rural area of North Konawe District. The main purpose of this project was to empower the coastal community groups in Rambu-rambu Village through the introduction of in-cage verticulture farming of seaweed. The project was carried out within the scheme of Community Service Program (PKM/Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) funded by the University of Halu Oleo. The project lasted for 30 days from 29 June to 28 July 2019. The activity consisted of three stages, are initial dissemination activity, preparation of the training, and implementation of training of seaweed culture. The project involved 20 students of the University of Halu Oleo and 42 people from fishermen, fisherme wifes, and farmer groups. Before the training was conducted 66.7% of the participants did not have the knowledge and after the training 71.4% of the respondents gained an understanding regarding the seaweed verticulture farming method. The improvement of skill was also evident where before the training, 81% of the participants were not able to do seaweed farming method and after the training, 61.9% of the participants were capable or skilled of repeating the seaweed verticulture method. The increased knowledge of the participants could be described from their ability to clearly explain types of seaweed species used, the benefits of seaweed, and the characteristics of high quality of seaweed seed. The improved skill of the participants were also observed from their skill in constructing the seaweed raft and seaweed net cage, tying up the seaweed seed, and conducting the observation of water quality condition in the location of seaweed farming. The result of this activity showed an increased of knowledge and skill of the trained participants regarding seaweed farming using verticulture method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Sri Hartati ◽  
Ongko Cahyono

<div data-canvas-width="511.892564516129"><em><strong>The Assistance of Hybrid Orchid Agribusiness in Matesih District Karanganyar Regency</strong></em>. Matesih District of Karanganyar Regency is known as the center of ornamental plants including orchids. However, most of the farmers grow orchids by raise the juvenile orchids into adult orchids which are then sold. Farmers have not been able to produce seedlings as well as to transfer plantlets from tissue culture bottles to media in pots. These community service programs aim to provide knowledge and increase the skills of partner farmers in acclimatizing hybrid orchids. Therefore they can transfer orchid seeds with a high success rate and earn higher profits from their orchid agribusiness. The program was carried out in Plosorejo Village, Matesih District, Karanganyar Regency from April to October 2020. Partner farmers consist of two farmer groups, namely the farmer group of RT 002 RW XIII and Tani Rejo IX. This program has succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of partner farmers in acclimatizing hybrid orchids. In terms of business, this program is profitable because based on the calculation with a capital of Rp869.000, 00 generates a profit of Rp1.311.000,00 per four months with a BC ratio of 1.5.</div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-167
Didik Riyanto ◽  
Yoyok Winardi ◽  
Mohammad Muhsin

Community service program To develop agricultural irrigation is carried out in Duri village, Slahung sub-district, Ponorogo district. Agriculture in Duri village has been dependent on irrigation from the rain so agricultural activities only rely on the availability of water during the rainy season, while the potential for water from groundwater with a depth of 20 m has not been able to be utilized optimally because it is constrained by relatively expensive equipment and technology. For this reason, a community service program is carried out which aims to meet the irrigation needs of farmers. The method of implementing activities consists of an inventory of data related to the conditions and needs of materials to be applied with technology, technology design, technology application, training in the use of technology, and evaluation. The result of the activity is a program of implementing an irrigation pump with solar cell electricity that is applied to one of the farmer groups' fields, namely a water pump that is able to lift water from a depth of 20 m with a water discharge of 1080 L/hour and is able to last for 2 hours. able to meet water needs in the dry season and can be used to grow crops on a small scale such as vegetable crops on a land area of 100 m.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-177
Trisna Mesra ◽  
Melliana Melliana ◽  
Fitra Fitra ◽  
Azmi Azmi ◽  
Novri Jenita Marbun

Abstract This Community Service Program partners with the Dumai City 4 State Vocational High School (SMK N 4 Dumai). This community service program is very important to implement because it will be able to help children to improve their knowledge and skills in the process of designing simple drip irrigation equipment for ornamental plants. So that vocational students can practice at school and at home and in the environment they are in. Where this drip irrigation tool will be used for ornamental plants in schools and at the homes of each student. With the implementation of this community service program, the community service team at the Dumai High School of Technology provides skills on how to make a simple drip irrigation device by utilizing materials and equipment around us and this is one of the provisions of knowledge for them when they have lived their lives later. . This knowledge can also be used as a skill to develop an entrepreneurial spirit to open a business world that can be used as a source of income.. Keywords: Design, Drip Irrigation, Ornamental Plants Abstrak Program Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bermitra dengan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 4 Kota Dumai (SMK N 4 Dumai). Program pengabdian masyarakat ini sangat penting untuk dilaksanakan dikarenakan akan dapat membantu anak-anak untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan proses perancangan alat irigasi tetes sederhana untuk tanaman hias. Sehingga siswa-siswi SMK bisa mempraktekkan di sekolah dan dirumah serta lingkungan mereka berada. Dimana alat irigasi tetes ini akan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tanaman hias di sekolah dan di rumah siswa masing- masing. Dengan terlaksananya program pengabdian masyarakat ini, tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dumai memberikan skill tentang cara pembuatan alat irigasi tetes sederhana dengan memanfaatkan bahan bahan dan peralatan ada di sekitar kita dan ini merupakan salah satu bekal pengetahuan bagi mereka apabila mereka telah menjalani kehidupan nantinya. Pengetahuan ini juga bisa dijadikan suatu skill untuk mengembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan untuk membuka dunia usaha yang dapat dijadikan sebagai  sumber penghasilan.   Kata kunci: : perancangan, Irigasi tetes, tanaman hias

Meli Astriani ◽  
Wulandari Saputri ◽  
Aseptianova Aseptianova ◽  
Saleh Hidayat ◽  
Rindi Novitri Antika ◽  

During the Covid-19 period, it was considered quite disruptive to the economy of every family. One promising entrepreneurial opportunity during this pandemic is the use of waste to become valuable goods. Kokedama is a gardening technique from Japan that can reduce plastic pots, an alternative to indoor plants with aesthetic value and high selling value. This service aims to provide training in making kokedama to Sukarami District Family Welfare Advisors (PKK). The community service method uses a training method consisting of three stages: the delivery of material, demonstrations, and practice of making kokedama, and evaluation of training activities. The results of this service, the community response to the material, stated that 100% of training participants did not know kokedama, 60% of participants were satisfied with the kokedama training, and 50% of participants noted that the time used was quite efficient for training and practice. In the future, the acquired skills are expected to provide provisions for improving family welfare through innovating ornamental plants by utilizing coco fiber waste to become kokedama.

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Leny Yuanita ◽  
Prima Retno Wikandari ◽  
Rinie Pratiwi ◽  
Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan ◽  
Dhita Ayu P.S

The target of the community service was the empowerment of the community of Argosari Village, Senduro to produce a ready-to-sell yacon leaf drink. This activity involved lecturers, students, farmer groups, and villagers. There were three stages in this activity, including preparation, implementation, and evaluation.The training included making yacon leaf drink and packaging of product. The community service were conducted for 8 months starting from February to September 2017. The product was a ready-to-sellyacon leaf drink with certificate number of P-IRT No. 2133508030333-22. In addition, the students have been able to socialize with Argosari Village community through yacon processing program and P -IRT permit arrangement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Aprilia Ike Nurmalasari ◽  
Supriyono Supriyono ◽  
Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti ◽  
Trijono Djoko Sulistyo ◽  
Sri Nyoto

<p><em><strong>Composting of Rice Straw for Organic Fertilizer and Manufacturing Rice Husk Charcoal as Planting Medium in Soybean Demonstration Plot.</strong> Agricultural waste is the residue from an agricultural business activity, which if left unch</em>ecked can have a negative impact on the environment. Agricultural waste such as rice straw can be used for organic fertilizers because it has high potassium and lignin content. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the community and farmers about straw processing through the composting stage as organic fertilizer and burning rice husks into husk charcoal as a planting medium in soybean cultivation. Community service was carried out from July to August 2020 in Pengkok Village, Kedawung District, Sragen Regency, namely in the Subur and Sumber Agung farmer groups. Community service activities carried out are counseling or socialization of the use of straw and husk charcoal as organic fertilizer and planting media, then proceed with demonstrations or practices for making organic fertilizers and husk charcoal which are continued with planting soybeans in polybags with the application of compost and husk charcoal that have been made. The result of this service activity is that participants or farmer groups can make organic fertilizer from straw waste and husk charcoal independently and can be applied when cultivating soybeans in polybags as well as understanding the stages of making straw compost and burning husks into husk charcoal. The conclusion from the service activities that have been carried out is the understanding of the knowledge of community service participants about the methods or stages of composting in making organic fertilizer and making husk charcoal from rice husk waste for planting media as proven by farmers being able to make organic fertilizer from rice straw which initially becomes waste that is not optimal. used as compost which is made through the composting stage and the manufacture of husk charcoal using the burning method in a funnel and then applied in the soybean demonstration plot experiment in polybags.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Ela Suryani ◽  
Kartika Yuni Purwanti

Community service activities performed in PKK Payungan Village, Kaliwungu District Semarang Regency help to parents understand educational games android decent child consumed. Educational games to support cognitive development of children so that parents must understand the various types of educational game applications, how to choose the right educational game, and how to install on the phone The implementation method used was presentation, demonstration, practice, brainstorming, and sharing about educational game to PKK Payungan Village. This activity is done through three stages: 1) socialization, 2) mentoring, 3) monitoring and evaluation.The results of the implementation of this activity was : 1) understanding educational games android as supporting the cognitive development of children in very good category. This is indicated by the percentage of achievement indicators of educational games (96%), choosing educational games (89%), installing educational games (93%), and implementing educational games (86%); 2) get positive response seen from indicator attendance reaches 93% of target and enthusiastic participant during activity from beginning to end of activity. The final goal of the introduction of educational games was IT literacy parent so as to be able to monitor their children in using mobile phones especially when playing games.  

2020 ◽  
Mulono Apriyanto

The specific objectives and targets of these community service activities are to provide counseling on the rejuvenation of oil palm and the legality of farmers' land so that there is a change in the knowledge, understanding and skills of farmers who are members of farmer groups in an effort to want to rejuvenate oil palm plants and to provide an understanding of the importance of legality Farmer's land as an inseparable part of the structure of the requirements in order to get financial assistance to rejuvenate oil palm plants. The methods used are counseling, outreach, demonstration and assistance when the extension activities take place. Counseling methods provide counseling and conduct training after counseling. The demonstration method is carried out at the time of delivery of material. Farmers immediately practiced how to rejuvenate oil palm plants, after that they were given counseling about the ways and functions of farmers' land legality and farmer group institutions in order to get funds in groups. The assistance method aims to monitor developments after counseling to farmers by involving agents of change, namely community leaders, traditional leaders, the village government and banking institutions. In general, the implementation of community service in Kerta Jaya and Tassel Jaya villages, Kempas Subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir Regency can run well and well..

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