scholarly journals Usia Kawin Perempuan dalam Paradigma Hukum Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-38
Nur Anissa ◽  
Arfin Hamid ◽  
Ratnawati Ratnawati

Islamic law does not determine the age of marriage for women, but only provides the conditions according to the Surah An-Nur Verse (6) and (32), Marriage may be carried out if it is old enough or fit for marriage or maturity". The Islamic Law Compilation (KHI) determines the age of marriage if it reaches the age of 16 years, this is subject to debate because national law determines the age of 16 years is the age of children or minors who still need education or physical and mental maturity. This study aims to analyze the paradigm of Islamic law on the age of marriage for women, the normative aspects of female marriage at an early age and the implementation of early marriage for women. This study uses a normative approach, namely examining existing problems normatively and factually using applicable laws and regulations and legal theories supported by literature data studies, research is carried out by examining library materials to obtain secondary data. The scholars agree that women can marry if they have adults with characteristics, namely: First, physically able (physically) marked by menstruation usually occurs at the age of 9 to 17 years. The second requirement is being able to be psychologically related to the education or way of thinking of a woman to deal with various conditions in marriage. The factor of a woman's maturity varies in each region because it is influenced by culture, women's physicality (reproduction), education and so on. In this era of globalization, with the factors mentioned above, it is ideal for women to marry when they are 21 years old.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-164
Nursalam Rahmatullah

Marginalization of women in marriage is an issue that always invites debate among Islamic law thinkers, given the ever-changing social conditions of society so that the laws and regulations governing marital problems underwent the first amendment in 2019. This paper focuses on how the position of women in unregistered marriages and child marriages in Islamic law perspective. With a normative approach and legal sociology, this paper confirms a conclusion that the position of women in unregistered marriages and child marriages is very vulnerable to obtaining legal certainty and justice. Even though it is said that child marriage in under age, the original law is permissible according to Islamic law, but it does not mean that it is absolutely permissible for all women in all circumstances. Because in some women there are several conditions that indicate that it is better for her not to marry at an early age. Likewise, unregistered marriages are legally valid according to Islamic law because they have fulfilled the requirements and pillars of marriage, but have not received recognition from the state which results in legal uncertainty for the status of marriage and children born from the marriage. Therefore, Indonesia as a state of law, regulates matters relating to this matter. Namely by requiring the registring of every marriage held and amending the articles of legislation governing the provisions of the age of marriage in order to ensure legal protection and benefit for the parties bound in a marriage bond, especially for wives and children born from marriages. Abstrak Marginalisasi perempuan dalam perkawinan merupakan isu yang selalu mengundang perdebatan di kalangan pemikir hukum Islam, mengingat kondisi sosial masyarakat yang selalu berubah sehingga peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur masalah perkawinan mengalami amandemen pertama pada tahun 2019.  Tulisan ini fokus pada bagaimana kedudukan perempuan dalam nikah sirri dan nikah anak di bawah usia dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Dengan pendekatan normativitas dan sosiologi hukum tulisan ini menegaskan suatu kesimpulan bahwa kedudukan perempuan dalam perkawinan sirri dan perkawinan anak di bawah usia sangatlah rentan untuk memperoleh kepastian dan keadilan hukum. Sekalipun dikatakan bahwa perkawinan anak di bawah usia, hukum asalnya diperbolehkan menurut syariat Islam, tetapi tidak berarti ia di bolehkan secara mutlak bagi semua perempuan dalam semua keadaan. Sebab pada sebagian perempuan terdapat beberapa kondisi yang menunjukkan bahwa lebih baik ia tidak menikah pada usia dini. Begitupun dengan nikah sirri yang hukumnya sah menurut syariat Islam karena telah memenuhi syarat-syarat dan rukun nikah, akan tetapi tidak memperoleh pengakuan dari negara yang mengakibatkan ketidakpastian hukum bagi status perkawinan dan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan tersebut. Oleh karenanya Indonesia sebagai negara hukum, mengatur hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hal ini. Yaitu dengan mengharuskan pencatatan terhadap setiap perkawinan yang diselenggarakan serta mengamandemen pasal-pasal peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang ketentuan umur perkawinan guna menjamin perlindungan hukum dan kemaslahatan bagi pihak-pihak yang terikat dalam suatu ikatan perkawinan, khususnya bagi istri dan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Asrizal Saiin ◽  
Hasbi Umar ◽  
Hermanto Harun

This paper discusses how the renewal of Islamic law occurred in Egypt and Sudan. This study uses a qualitative research method with a normative approach. The data source used in this study is a secondary data source, because it only examines the literature or literature. From the results of this study, it can be understood that the role of the countries of Egypt and Sudan in fighting for qanunization (taqnin) and the formalization of Islamic law is very large. Even though they have to go through the challenges of Western imperialism and secularism, so that Islamic societies and countries have variations in responding to Western civilization today. The renewal of Islamic law in Egypt and Sudan occurred because of the struggle of Muslims in Egypt and Sudan with the rulers of the Islamic world, between secularism and Islamic law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-64
Kamarusdiana Kamarusdiana ◽  
Ita Sofia

AbstractMarriage dispensation is a legal solution because most of the perpetrators of marriage dispensation are those who do not yet have formal legality to get married, so they then take the legal initiative so that marriages can be recognized. This study aims to determine the perspective of Islamic law, Marriage Law and Compilation of Islamic Law regarding marriage dispensation. The method used is qualitative with primary data sources from the Marriage Law, the Book of Fiqh and the Compilation of Islamic Law while secondary data are books, journals, magazines related to marriage dispensation. The results of this study found that Islamic law does not specifically regulate marriage dispensation because the majority of scholars only mention balig as a condition for marrying a person and do not specify a minimum age of marriage, whereas Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Compilation of Islamic Law strictly regulates underage marriage , i.e. must go through a court hearing mechanism to obtain a marriage dispensation permit.Keywords: Marriage Dispensation, Compilation of Islamic Law AbstrakDispensasi Nikah sebagai solusi hukum karena para pelaku dispensasi nikah kebanyakan mereka yang belum memiliki legalitas formal untuk menikah, sehingga kemudian mengambil ikhtiar hukum agar pernikahan yang dilakukan dapat diakui. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perspektif hukum Islam, Undang-undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam tentang dispensasi nikah. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dari Undang-Undang Perkawinan, Kitab Fiqh dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam sedangkan data sekunder adalah buku-buku, jurnal, majalah yang terkait dengan dispensasi nikah. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Hukum Islam tidak mengatur khusus dispensasi nikah karena mayoritas ulama hanya menyebutkan balig sebagai syarat menikah seseorang dan tidak menentukan minimal usia perkawinan, sedangkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam mengatur ketat tentang perkawinan di bawah umur, yaitu harus melalui mekanisme sidang pengadilan untuk mendapatkan izin dispensasi perkawinanKata Kunci: Dispensasi Nikah, Kompilasi Hukum Islam

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-328
Novan Ardy Wiyani

This study illustrates the paradigm of students at the Islamic boarding school Darussalam towards the target age of marriage. It is interesting to study when the target age is significantly analyzed in the perspective of female students. This is because, in general, marriages that occur among female students are known as arranged marriages. However, this paper explores the opinions of each female santri in determining the ideal marriage age limit for their perspective. Previously, it was reviewed in advance regarding the age regulation of maturity according to classical fiqh and the rules of legislation, in this case Law No. 1 of 1974 and compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). The final analysis is to analyze the results of a survey of about 30 female students of the Darussalam boarding school. Then proceed with classifying the age of marriage in four classifications, namely the age of marriage in an ideal level, sufficient, alert, and alert. The findings of this paper provide a clear picture that women's rights in determining the age of marriage are strongly influenced by their physical and mental maturity. Therefore, indirectly invalidated at least the age of 16 years for women regulated in the Act does not pay attention to the wishes of women themselves.

Merry Wijaya ◽  
Fardila Elba

Early-age marriage is still one of the most prominent issues in female health in Indonesia. Scarce information on the risks and dangers of early-age marriage has caused many adolescents to make a rash decision to get married. This study aims to discover the effectiveness of participative learning on the risks of early-age marriage in improving female adolescents’ knowledge about the matter. This is a quantitative study in quasi-experimental design, using pretest-posttest design method, conducted at Kalijaya and Kalisari Villages, Karawang Regency, on May 2018. The sample of 80 girls from Kalijaya Village and 101 girls from Kalisari Village was selected through purposive sampling from the population of all female adolescents at those villages. Data is obtained from two sources, questionnaire (for primary data) and annual report register in local Religious Affairs Office (for secondary data). Data is analyzed using paired T-test and effect-size (ES) measurement. The results show that in Kalijaya Village, the pretest score of R=69.10, s.b=16.45 increase to a posttest score of M = 77.58, SD = 15.88, [t(80) = 6.75, p = 0.000], and the pretest score of M = 66.14, SD = 15.38 in Kalisari Village increase to a posttest score of M = 76.36, SD = 16.10 [t(101) = 7.65, p = 0.000]. The intervention of participative learning has high effectiveness (ES ≥ 0.14) in improving female adolescents’ knowledge on the dangers and risks of early-age marriage (ES = 0.37). Health education using participative method is effective to improve female adolescents’ knowledge on the risks of early marriage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 435
Ahyar Ahyar

The rights of convicts as Indonesian citizens who lost their independence due to criminal acts must be carried out in accordance with human rights. One of them is the right to obtain adequate food and beverage services that meet nutritional and health standards in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. In addition, Islamic sharia (law) also regulates the rights of convicts to get good and halal food and drink. This requirement is an order from the Al-Quran and Hadith. The problem of this research is how to organize food according to the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions of Islamic law. This research used sociological research method. According to the type and nature of the research, the data sources used are secondary data consisting of primary legal materials. The secondary legal materials in this research consist of books, scientific journals, papers and scientific articles that can provide explanations of the primary legal materials. The results of the research found that in practice it was still found in Correctional Institutions that the rights of convicts had not been given in accordance with their rights as citizens. This is caused by several factors, including the lack of understanding of the regulations regarding the rights of convicts contained in the Law and sharia law by correctional Institution officers or even by the convicts themselves. Correctional officers need to be given dissemination regarding their obligation to provide food for convicts in accordance with laws and regulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-29
Yasmin Nindyasari ◽  
Tin Herawati

Early marriage is a marriage carried out by couples less than 20 years old. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship and the influence between emotional maturity and family interaction on marital satisfaction in early married families. Examples in this study are families who married early age selected by way of purposive sampling amounted to 30 people. The research was conducted in Bojong Gede Village, Bojong Baru Village, Rawa Panjang Village, Ragajaya Village and Pabuaran Village, Bojong Gede District, Bogor Regency. The results showed that husband and wife age at married, income per capita, emotional maturity and family interaction had a positif significant relationship with marital satisfaction, but famiy size and age of marriage had a negatif significant relationship with family satisfaction. Husband age faktor and family interaction have positif effect to marriage satisfaction, but education level of husband and age of marriage have negatif effect to marriage satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Yelia Ahya Robby ◽  
Ela Siti Fauziah

Early marriage is an ancient issue that was covered by a pile of historical sheets. Weddings are done at an early age may end up with a divorce in the age of marriage that is still very young as well. Marriage at an early age where a person is not ready either mentally or physically, often creates problems, later on, not even a bit of a mess in the middle of the road, and eventually ends up with a divorce. Cases of marriage minors who then ended up with divorce to date are still many in the encounter in Indonesia, both in remote villages and in areas that have grown even in big cities. From here the author is interested to examine the phenomenon of early marriage in the Village Ciodolog Cidolog District Ciamis.

Anna Marsella ◽  
Amrullah Hayatudin ◽  
Encep Abdul Rojak

Abstract. Islam does not discuss the age limit for conducting marriages clearly, in contrast to Law Number 1 of 1974 juncto Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage regulates the marriage age limit of 19 years for men and women, however early childhood marriage is still rife in the community, especially in Langensari Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Subdistrict. Formulation of the problem namely: How is the legal review of early marriage according to Islamic Law and Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning marriage? What are the factors underlying the occurrence of early marriage in Langensari Village? What is the impact of early marriage for a married couple in Langensari Village?The purpose of this study are: To find out the legal review of early marriage according to Islamic Law and Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage, the factors underlying the occurrence of early marriage and the impact of early marriage for married couples in Langensari Village. The research method used was interview and literature study.The results of the study: Islamic law allows early marriage, with the condition that it has been agreed upon, Law No.1 Year 1974 juncto Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning marriage, limiting the age of marriage and dispensation for irregularities. Factors causing: internal factors, namely the emergence of love, love, affection, avoiding adultery, have been able to fulfill and be responsible, external factors are caused by geographical factors, social media abuse, MBA, doctrine of religious figures, excessive parental fear. Impacts of early marriage: positive effects, namely reducing cases of sexual harassment, guarding the environment of society and mutual respect, negative impacts of miscarriages, undernourished children, frequent quarreling and increasing the burden on parents.Keywords: Limitation of Marriage Age, Islamic Law, Impact of Early Marriage Abstrak. Agama Islam tidak membahas mengenai batasan usia untuk melaksanakan perkawinan secara jelas, berbeda dengan Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan mengatur batasan usia perkawinan yaitu 19 tahun untuk pria dan wanita, namun perkawinan usia dini masih marak terjadi di masyarakat, khususnya di Desa Langensari Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul Kabupaten Garut. Rumusan masalah yaitu: Bagaimana tinjauan hukum tentang perkawinan usia dini menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan? Apa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya perkawinan usia dini di Desa Langensari? Bagaimana dampak dari perkawinan usia dini bagi pasangan suami istri di Desa Langensari?Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: Untuk mengetahui tinjauan hukum tentang perkawinan usia dini menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan, faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya perkawinan usia dini dan dampak dari perkawinan usia dini bagi pasangan suami istri di Desa Langensari. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan studi pustaka.Hasil penelitian: Hukum Islam membolehkan perkawinan usia dini, dengan syarat sudah baligh, Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan, membatasi usia perkawinan dan diberlakukan dispensasi atas penyimpangan. Faktor penyebab: faktor internal yaitu timbulnya rasa suka, cinta, sayang, menghindari zina, sudah mampu mencukupi dan bertanggung jawab, faktor eksternal yaitu disebabkan oleh faktor geografis, penyalahgunaan sosial media, MBA, doktrin tokoh agama, ketakutan orang tua yang berlebihan. Dampak perkawinan usia dini: dampak positif yaitu mengurangi kasus pelecehan seksual, terjaganya lingkungan peguyuban dan saling menghormati, dampak negatif yaitu terjadinya kasus keguguran, anak berstatus gizi kurang, sering bertengkar dan menambah beban orang tua.Kata kunci: Batasan Usia Perkawinan, Hukum Islam, Dampak Perkawinan Usia Dini

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih ◽  
Muchamad Iksan

Indonesian Criminal Code that comes from Dutch heritage has to be reconstructed, because it is not in accordance with the state of Indonesia which is now already independent. One of the important principles in the Criminal Code that needs to be reconstructed is the retroactive principle contained in Article 1 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code. The law can be retroactive as long as it benefits the defendant, not until the convicted person. The purpose of this research is to evaluate retroactive principle in Criminal Code seen from perspective value of religious wisdom, and ideal reconstruction of retroactive principle in next Criminal Code in accordance with perspective value of religious wisdom. Approach method in this research was done with normative juridical, the data used were secondary data by doing the extracting data bibliography, and data analysis were done by using qualitative descriptive method. Based on the values of religious wisdom, especially from the perspective of Islamic law in the case of any change of laws and regulations, in principle, non-retroactive principle (non-retroactive) is applied, but in certain cases the principle can be disregarded in accordance with the principles of "dlarar" and " maslahat ". The ideal reconstruction of the retroactive principle in the case of a change of laws and regulations after an act has occurred, new laws and regulations shall be applied in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations in favor of the producer and to the benefit of the public for certain offenses determined by Constitution.

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