World Science ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (7(35)) ◽  
pp. 32-38
Ободовська С. В. ◽  
Бохан Ю. В.

The article deals with the socio-philosophical aspects and proposes an analysis of the ideas and views of thinkers of different historical epochs and times on the problems of self-realization and self-motivation. The theoretical basis for the study of the aspects of this problem was the fundamental approaches to the self-knowledge and motivation of the personality of the philosophers of antiquity (Epicurus, Socrates, Plato), the Middle Ages (K. Alexandria, St. Augustine), the Renaissance (D. Alighieri, F. Petrarca, M. Montaigne), New Time (B. Pascal, B. Spinoza) and German Philosophy (I. Kant, I. G. Fichte, A. Schopenhauer). The proof of the history of studying the problem of self-realization and personality motivation during its formation allows to emphasize the important essence of the aspiration of individuals to self- motivation as to the ultimate realization of the personal potential of a person. The analysis of motivation and self-motivation as an effective system of self-development and self-realization of the personality is conducted. An attempt has been made to generalize author's studies and representations of the essence of the processes of motivation and self- motivation of the individual and highlighted a number of aspects that focus the attention of researchers in explaining the essence of these processes. The disclosure of the ideas reflected in the study contributes to the further study and development of the structure of the process of self-motivation of the person, the mechanisms for its activation, the creation of pedagogical conditions that stimulate this process in professional activity.

Discourse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 28-41
L. A. Pafomova

Introduction. Evolution of views on the value of scientific knowledge in various directions of Western philosophy, from the ancient period to the 20th century is analyzed in the article. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the view of scientific knowledge as the value of scientific reality is a fairly new phenomenon.Methodology and sources. The methodological basis of the work is the cultural and philosophical analysis of various points of view in the works of both ancient philosophers, philosophers of the Renaissance and the New times (Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, F. Aquinas, Leonard da Vinci, F. Bacon, Locke, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza), as well as in the works of O. Comte, Spencer, Mach, Poincare, Pierce, James, Dewey, Jaspers, B. Russell, etc. (i.e. representatives of positivism, existentialism, neo-Thomism).Results and discussion. Today two directions could be distinguished in the relation to science: either its absolutization, that we name scientism, or the cult of an abstract person opposed to science – anthropologism. This is a consequence of the changes in the views on scientific knowledge that have taken place throughout the history of science. Thus, in the ancient period, the value of science was determined, firstly, not in relation to the practical activity of a human being, but only in relation to science to knowledge and cognition, and secondly, as a way of self-development of the individual. In the Middle Ages, science was the “handmaid” of theology. In the Renaissance science faced new challenges: the first was an anti-religious understanding of the essence of a person, the second was the justification of the role of scientific knowledge both for practice and for the worldview as a whole. It was on this understanding of the meaning of scientific knowledge that the concepts of the philosophers of the XVII–XVIII centuries were built, and they dominated until the middle of the XIX century. From this period, a one-sided approach begins to dominate – the ideological role of the value of science was denied and only its pragmatic value is taken. Along with this, there is also a critical attitude towards science, which then develops into anti-scientism. Today, a pessimistic approach (postmodernism, for example) the approach to the consideration of the value of scientific knowledge is characteristic of modern philosophical trends that deny not only the value of scientific knowledge, but also deny knowledge itself.Conclusion. The evaluation of scientific knowledge in Western philosophy has undergone significant changes. If in classical philosophy, with a few exceptions, the recognition of the comprehensive value of science prevailed, i.e. its ideological, humanistic and practical value, then in the future all these three main aspects of the value of scientific knowledge are analyzed. In the extreme forms, this leads to the emergence of antiscientism, for which it is the development of scientific knowledge is perceived as a source of human misery and suffering.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 228-235
Валентина Вовк

Стаття присвячена дослідженню феномену суб’єктної позиції особистості майбутньго фахівця.  Актуалізовано  проблему   розвитку  суб’єктної  позиції   в   середовищі   вищої  школи,   оскільки   втрата  суб’єктних проявів особистості є переважаючими характеристиками багатьох студентів вузів. Здійснено  аналіз  та  систематизацію  характеристик  означеного  поняття  у  розумінні  низкою  вчених.  Уточнено  поняття суб’єктної позиції студента, сутність якого полягає у системі особистісно-значущих, ціннісно- смислових ставлень до процесу навчання, до обраної професії, до себе як до фахівця і до свого майбутнього  професійного шляху, спрямованих на саморозвиток та самоактуалізацію. Суб’єктна позиція реалізується у  таких  критеріях  та  показниках,  як:  ціннісні  орієнтації,  що  відображають  осмисленість  минулого,  теперішнього життя та майбутніх перспектив; характер мотивів учбово-професійної діяльності, що  передбачає     наявність     внутрішньої     мотивації     учбово-професійної     діяльності;     прагнення     до  самоактуалізації, яка є провідним мотивом, що спонукає до максимальних досягнень у майбутній професії  через    самопізнання,    саморозвиток,    самовдосконалення,    самозміну,    самоздійснення;    властивості  особистості як суб’єкта діяльності, які генералізуються в таких якостях, як активність, відповідальність  та автономність; локус контролю, який передбачає взяття на себе відповідальності за події власного  життя та пояснення їх власною поведінкою, волею, прагненнями, можливостями та адекватно оціненими  здібностями;  саморегуляція,  яка  реалізується  в  уміннях  усвідомлювати,  контролювати  та  коригувати  власну  поведінку; самоставлення  як  здатність  поважати  і  цінувати  себе  таким,  який є,  розуміючи  і  приймаючи як свої можливості, так і обмеження, та рефлексивність, що виявляється в адекватній оцінці  та осмисленні власних професійних можливостей.  This article is devoted to studying the phenomenon of the subjective position of the future specialist. The  problem of the development of a subjective position in a higher school is outlined because the loss of subjective  manifestations  of  personality characterized  most  of the  students.  It  have been  analysed  and  systematized  the  characteristics of the concept in the understanding of a number of scientists on a theoretical level. Elaborated  concept of «subjective position of the student» the main point of which is  the system of meaningful, valuable and  semantic attitudes to the learning, to the chosen profession, to himself as a specialist and to the own future  professional way that are aimed at self-development and self-actualization. It realizes in such criteria and indicators  as a value orientations that are shows meaningfulness of the past, present life and future prospects; the character of  the  motives  of educational  and  professional  activity  that  are  assumes  the  presence  of  internal  motivation  of  educational and professional activity; the desire for self-actualization is a main cause that motivates for the best  achievements in the future profession by self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement, self-change, self- realization; humans features as a subject of activity  are generalizes in such qualities as activity, responsibility and  autonomy;  locus  of  control  which  is  involve  an  acceptance  responsibility  for  events  of  their  own  lives  and  explanation of their own behavior, will, aspirations; the self-regulation which is realized in the ability of  self  controlling; the self attitude as  the ability to respect and appreciate himself  understanding and accepting own  possibilities and as the limitation and reflexivity that appears in realizing of adequate assessment of personal  professionals’ skills

Elisabeth van Houts

This book contains an analysis of the experience of married life by men and women in Christian medieval Europe c. 900–1300. The focus will be on the social and emotional life of the married couple rather than on the institutional history of marriage. The book consists of three parts: the first part (Getting Married) is devoted to the process of getting married and wedding celebrations, the second part (Married Life) discusses the married life of lay couples and clergy, their sexuality, and any remarriage, while the third part (Alternative Living) explores concubinage and polygyny as well as the single life in contrast to monogamous sexual unions. Four main themes are central to the book. First, the tension between patriarchal family strategies and the individual family member’s freedom of choice to marry and, if so, to what partner; second, the role played by the married priesthood in their quest to have individual agency and self-determination accepted in their own lives in the face of the growing imposition of clerical celibacy; third, the role played by women in helping society accept some degree of gender equality and self-determination to marry and in shaping the norms for married life incorporating these principles; fourth, the role played by emotion in the establishment of marriage and in married life at a time when sexual and spiritual love feature prominently in medieval literature.

Ilga Kusnere

The quality of a teacher's professional activity is closely tied to personal growth. Personal growth, however, is influenced by self-knowledge (K. G. Jung 1994, 2001; Wilber 2010, 2013; Plotkin, 2020; Dispenza, 2015, 2016). Nowadays, there is a shift in the approaches of upbringing and educational work – from a child-focused approach to a child-centered one (OECD, 2019). Therefore, one of the currently relevant skills is getting to know oneself in order to cooperate more successfully with others and be able to accept real-life situations. The results obtained confirm that through the self-knowledge process, teachers get to experience their own personality growth. Categories such as empathy, attitude, and daringness are identified in personal growth.The research shows that by experiencing the procedural activities of self-knowledge with the help of “Get to know yourself!” method and methodological tool developed by the author, teachers improve their emotional responsiveness.The results of the study show that through the experiences gained in the self-knowledge process, teachers learn to integrate new models of action into their pedagogical activities. The aim of the study was to show the importance of self-knowledge in improving teachers' emotional responsiveness in lifelong education, by using the method "Get to know yourself!" developed by the author of the study.The objectives of the study were literature examination and evaluation and work with the target audience by using the author's method and methodological tool "Get to know yourself!".Methods: Literature studies, survey, observation. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Noormawanti, Iswati

The concept of self is an understanding of the attitude of the individual towards himself so that it results in the interaction of two or more people. Self-concept is a factor that communicates with others. The concept of self is the views and attitudes of individuals towards themselves, characteristics and individual and self-motivation. The self-view includes not only individual strengths but also weaknesses and even failures. This self-concept is psychological, social and physical. Self-concept is our views and feelings about ourselves, which include physical, psychological and social aspects. The concept of self is not just a descriptive picture, but also an assessment of ourselves, including what we think and how we feel. Anita Taylor defines self-concept as "all you think and feel about you, the entire complex of beliefs and attitudes you hold abaout yourself '. Human behavior is a product of their interpretation of the world around them through social interaction. Behavior is often a choice as a feasible thing to do based on how it defines the existing situation. The definition they give to other people, situations, objects and even themselves determines their behavior. So it is individuals who are considered active to regulate and determine their own behavior and environment. While the core of the individual is consciousness (consciousness). self-development depends on communication with others, which shape or influence themselves

Roselis Natalina Mazzuchetti ◽  
Vinicios Mazzuchetti ◽  
Adalberto Dias de Souza ◽  
Ismael Barbosa

This research proposes a socio-rhetorical analysis of videos posted on YouTube under the tag “Sports”, specifically the regular content created by users, so-called YouTubers. The theoretical basis contemplates the concept of technology – based on the works by Viera Pinto (2005) – and participatory cultured – mainly guided by ideas from Shirky (2008, 2011). The analytical device is derived from work by Swales (1990, 1998, 2004), Askehave & Swales (2001), and Miller (1998, 2012). A hybrid methodology was created, resulting from the sociological and linguistic concepts applied to the organizational reality of virtual massive communication. The analysis decomposes the video in rhetorical movements. We follow the hypothesis that the main purpose of such communicational practices is self-promotion of the individual who produce the YouTube channel, or the promotion of the brand of which constitutes the channel produced by multiple users. Furthermore, the self-promotion and widening of audience is pursued with financial purpose.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 821-836
Z. T. Golenkova ◽  
Yu. V. Goliusova ◽  
T. I. Gorina

The article considers the development of self-employment in the contemporary society: the history of its representation in legal norms and practices; the scope of informal employment according to statistical and sociological data; definitions of self-employment in the scientific literature. The self-employed are usually defined as not employed in organizations but independently selling goods and services produced by themselves. The global number of the self-employed grows. The authors present an algorithm for calculating the indicator potential self-employed based on the secondary analysis of the 27th wave of the RLMS (2018), and stress the lack of a unified methodology for calculating informal employment. According to the official data, the number of the self-employed in Russia ranges from several thousands to several millions, which confuses researchers who study this phenomenon. The article focuses on the results of the study Self-Employed: Who Are They? (Moscow, 2019), whose object were not potential but real self-employed selected on the basis of online advertisements of their services in Moscow. The authors collected information with the method of semi-formalized telephone interview. Based on the collected data, the authors make conclusions about motivating and demotivating factors of self-employment: independence, freedom in planning time and activity, distrust in the state, lack of social guarantees, unpredictable legislation, and imperfect tax system. Today, the status of the self-employed in Russia is still unclear and often substitutes the individual entrepreneur status in order to apply for tax preferences.

Danylo Radivilov ◽  
Olena Romanova

The paper introduces into academic discourse two letters by S. Donich to the famous Ukrainian orientalist A. Krymskyi. The letters were written in January, 1927, before the Donich’s academic career as an Egyptologist, an archaeologist and a museum curator was started. Both letters were compiled in Arabic; the first letter was more thorough and was compiled as a sample of traditional Arabic letter (it includes coloured basmala and colophon), another letter was brief and written in European style. Such way of communication was chosen by S. Donich (amateur who independently studied oriental languages at that moment) to demonstrate his competence in Arabic to A. Krymskyi, the leading Arabist of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, and USSA at that time. S. Donich wrote about his interest in oriental languages and their study, about his fascination for Oriental Studies, and about his difficult life circumstances that interfered him to become an academic orientalist. Donich emphasized he was a devotee of the Arabic language and informed about his translation of “The Thousand and One Night”. Some fragments of his translation into Russian he included into the letter. Thus S. Donich hoped to declare himself as a potential candidacy for further oriental study. The analysis of the content of the letters in a broader historical context, and in combination with other archive documents related to S. Donich, A. Krymskyi, and the academic Oriental Studies institutions of USSR, make it possible to uncover the circumstances in which of the individual orientalists lived and made their careers in the 1920s. It also provides us with some new facts of the biography and professional activity of S. Donich, as well as it makes possible to verify some previously known information about him. An assumption was made that these letters led to a new period of the Donich’s life, his turning to the Oriental Studies, with his later career as an Egyptologist, a museum curator and an archaeologist with his continuous interest in Arabic studies and other fields of Oriental Studies. The appendix provides a complete translation of the Arabic letters into Ukrainian together with and photographs of the documents. Key words: Ukrainian Museum Egyptology, History of Ukrainian Science, History of Ukrainian Humanities, History of Egyptology, History of Oriental Studies in Ukraine, S. Donich, A. Krymskyi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 352-365
Evgeny I. Zelenev ◽  
Milana Iliushina

This article is devoted to the study of the development of the theory and practice of jihad during the rule of the Circassian sultans in Egypt and Syria (1382–1517). The purpose of the study is to trace the development of key aspects of jihad, to identify features of its perception in the Mamluk state. An essential feature of the theory of jihad in the Mamluk period is the interpretation of jihad as farḍ al-ʿayn (the individual duty of every Muslim). While studying the theory of jihad, the authors rely on a holistic and balanced approach justified in the papers of M. Bonner and D. Cook and their interpretation of the concept of jihad, which has a centuries-old history of development and a sophisticated, multi-layered set of meanings. Another methodological basis of the present paper was the concept of minimalism and maximalism, developed by Yusef Waghid. The source base for the study of jihad theory is the works of Ibn al-Nahhas (d. 1411), a prominent philosopher of the Mamluk era. The interpretation of jihad as an individual duty of every Muslim, substantiated by Ibn al-Nahhas, was the foundation of the volunteer movement that developed in Egypt and Syria in the 15th century. The doctrine of jihad where the concepts of justice (al-‘adl) and truth (al-ḥaqq) play a key role, was used by the Mamluks and then by the Ottomans as a powerful ideological tool to manipulate the minds of Muslims. The relevance of the study is that the findings are not only true for the Middle Ages but are directly related to the present.

2020 ◽  
pp. 51-57
Nicolas Bommarito

This chapter explores self-knowledge, which is critical for solving the practical problems involved in getting through life. An awareness of your own quirks, character, and preferences is important for figuring out what works for you. However, self-knowledge is also tricky because it is especially elusive. People commonly learn about themselves only indirectly; often it is only by reading the reactions of others that people can see how harsh, kind, or annoying they are. It is also because when trying to know the self, the thing the individual is trying to see is the very thing that does the looking. Buddhism offers many evocative images to illustrate this special challenge: Just as a knife cannot cut itself, the mind cannot be directed toward itself. This makes knowing the self, especially in a deep way, an especially difficult task. Knowing the self thus requires special kinds of tools and methods. The chapter then considers the concept of Buddha Nature.

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