scholarly journals Tourist resources and infrastructure as the important components of economic development and tourism in the region

Inna Makarchuk ◽  
Oksana Perchuk ◽  
Oksana Perchuk

However, with all the prerequisites for the development of tourism, Ukraine did not pay due attention to the development of this sector of economy. Due to this situation, the problem of increasing the tourist attractiveness of the territory remains urgent. Having an important potential of natural resources, historical and cultural monuments, considering the great importance of the tourism industry, it has been declared one of the priority directions of development of the national economy at the state level in Ukraine. Among Ukrainian scientists, the development of tourist infrastructure was studied by A. A. Beidik, M. P. Malskaya, A. T. Makarov, F. Kifiak, A. A. Lubitseva, S. P. Kuzyk, I. M. School. Certain infrastructure elements of the tourist and recreational complex of the Kiev region are analyzed in the works of L. M. Volovik, V. L. Glibovets, A. M. Poltavets, S. V. Rogovsky, etc. Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district is a territory of historical land, which is located in the eastern part of the Kiev region. It played a great importance in the processes of formation of Ukrainian nationality and state. This land was a source of inspiration for Taras Shevchenko himself and other outstanding heroes of Ukraine. It is over-saturated with both sad and joyful big events. Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district, without exaggeration, can be called a unique place on the map of our country. The purpose of the study is to assess tourist resources and develop the tourist infrastructure of Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district, to determine its role in creating the basis for the economic growth of the district as a whole and to improve the tourism sector in particular. The study of this problem is based on general scientific methods of knowledge of economic phenomena and processes (analysis and synthesis, system approach, dialectical method, etc.). It was revealed the conditions of formation and the current state of formation of tourist infrastructure in Kyiv region, in particular in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district. It was made the comparison of the state of its components (communication network, accommodation establishments, and mass catering establishments). Without exaggeration, Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district can be called a unique place on the map of our country. Today, there are 51 settlements, 15 objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine, among which is a park-monument of landscape art of a national importance «Tashanskyi» and National natural park «Biloozerskyi», and there are more than 10 large and small rivers and hundreds of potential tourist sites that need to be preserved, promoted and attracted by tourists. It was highlighted the key advantages inherent in the tourism infrastructure of Kyiv region. The value of material and technical base and tourism infrastructure has been established as a determining factor for increasing the tourist attractiveness of Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district. The main reasons for hindering the development of the tourist services market in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district are: the imperfection of the system of state regulation of tourist activity; the low level of investments in the development of the material base of tourism; the inconsistency of tourist establishments with international standards; the insufficient provision of the tourism industry by qualified specialists; the extremely unsatisfactory condition of transport infrastructure; the low awareness of potential consumers of the tourism product. It was highlighted the main problems in the formation and promotion of tourism products of the district, as well as the problems of development of existing tourism potential, which is certainly one of the richest in Ukraine. It was offered the directions of development of tourist infrastructure market in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district and activation of using of tourist potential in the area.

The article is devoted to the study of the current state of the infrastructure of Ukrainian tourist market, particularly, in Kharkiv region. The dynamics of the country's tourist flows over the last five years, the problems of tourism development in Ukraine as well as the ways of improving Ukrainian tourist market were analysed. The tourism industry is developing around the world, and in some countries it is the basis for budgeting. Ukraine has all the preconditions for tourism development and it can become competitive in the global tourism market. The development of a tourism structure must be balanced and fully responsive to the needs of people. The tourism enterprises must work effectively. The process of market infrastructure development should be proportional and it requires a systematic approach to management. It is necessary to work out a strategy for developing the infrastructure of tourist market on the basis of a scientifically grounded procedure of its forecasting, regulation, adaptation to changes in consumer priorities, external conditions and risks. Our research proves that there is a significant potential for tourist services in Ukraine that can increase the level of competitiveness. The strategy for development of the infrastructure of the tourist market in Ukraine should take into account the following ways: rationalization of schemes of tourist routes; active integration of information technologies in the field of tourist services; active participation in international programs; financing of applied research in the field of tourism; simplification of state regulation of business entities in the sphere of tourism business; improvement of legal regulation; monitoring of the state of the infrastructure of tourist market and co-financing of objects by the state and private sector; introduction of an advertising campaign to attract domestic and foreign tourists to Ukraine; implementation of measures for the development of tourist transport infrastructure.

2020 ◽  
pp. 6-9
Tetiana AVERIKHINA ◽  

Introduction. The development of the tourism industry significantly affects the development of the country's economy as a whole. Its role is determined not only in the financial contribution, but also in stimulating other related industries that perform both ancillary and independent functions. The modern Ukrainian tourist market is undergoing many changes, so one of the current problems today is the use of effective tools for finding and systematizing the necessary information to forecast the development of the tourism industry. The purpose of the paper is to define the concept of monitoring the tourism industry as a means of improving the efficiency of state regulation of the economy, proving the importance of monitoring research, identifying problems of monitoring and ways to solve them. Results. The main purpose of tourism monitoring is to assess and forecast the state of tourism. Tourist services are localized and specialize in meeting the socio-economic needs of the population directly at the municipal level and are one of the main sources of funds coming to the state budget and ensure the reproduction of social infrastructure. In order to analyze trends in tourism and tourism in Ukraine, as well as assess the socio-economic effect of the implementation of measures of state support for domestic and inbound tourism, the central executive bodies of state regions of Ukraine, carrying out executive and administrative activities in tourism, the state of the tourism industry is being monitored. Given the large recreational and tourist potential in Ukraine, there is no full-fledged system of monitoring the market of tourist services by the state. This is due to the lack of an independent executive body in the field of tourism, endowed with certain powers, and a single system of statistical indicators of the market of tourist services. Modern statistics, both at the state and regional levels, do not give a complete picture of the state of tourism. Monitoring of tourist resources, objects of the tourist industry should give a clear picture of interaction of various branches of economy of the republic for the purposes of a complex estimation of directions of improvement and efficiency of functioning of the connected branches, exclusion of interbranch disproportions which negatively affect general development. Conclusion. To increase the growth rate of the tourism industry, the formation of a positive tourist image of the region, increase its visibility requires constant monitoring of the state and development of the tourism market. Monitoring will allow tracking the trends of the tourism market in the dynamics and promptly make changes to the developed programs and plans for the development of the tourism industry, develop recommendations for their adjustment, increase the effectiveness of tourism management.

Александр Пахомов ◽  
Василий Дарбасов ◽  
Михаил Охлопков ◽  
Екатерина Федорова ◽  
Михаил Соломонов

Статья написана в связи с выходом в 2018 г. последней редакции постановления Правительства Российской Федерации «О государственных закупочных интервенциях сельско-хозяйственной продукции». Целью исследования является обоснование продвижения государственного регулирования рынка местной сельскохозяйственной продукции в виде закупочных интервенций в регионах. Проведен анализ существующих зарубежных и отечественных государственных закупочных интервенций, дано обоснование закупочных интервенций в регионе, а также выработаны предложения по продвижению закупочных интервенций с федерального центра в регионы. This article was written in connection with a September 2018 release of the latest edition of a Regulation of the Russian Fed-eration Government on government purchasing interventions of agricultural products. An aim of the authors of the article is substantiation of promotion of the state regulation of a market of the local agricultural products in the form of the purchasing interventions in regions. The authors analyzed the existing for-eign and domestic government purchasing interventions, comments on the latest version of the Regulation of the Russian Federation Government on the govern-ment purchasing interventions, the substantiation of the purchasing interventions in the region and de-velopment of proposals to promote the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions. Relevance of the promotion of the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions fol-lows from Russian particularity: remoteness of the regions from the center, weak regional transport infrastructure, necessity to replicate a federal technology of the state regulation of the agricultural product market in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), repeated attempts were made to create compensation funds of the regulation of agricultural product prices. However, in the region there is no full-fledged intervention fund effectively influencing sales of the agri-cultural products. Consequently, in conditions of the Republic, where a shortage of the agricultural products, raw materials and food is acute, implementation of the commodity intervention is the neces-sary condition for the regulation of the agricultural market. For the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in our opinion, it is advisable to carry out the commodity interventions concerning beef, meat of young horses, venison, fish, dairy products, game, fruits of wild plants and even for rough and succulent fodder for livestock. The latter are relevant due to droughts and floods that regularly occur in a area of the region. Manufacturing costs of the local products will always be higher than the ones of imported food, given the harsh natural and climatic conditions, the remoteness of agricultural commodity producers from the sale markets in the conditions of absence of the transport infrastructure. In this regard, the prices of the local products should be regulated by the state in order to support the local producers. Obviously, the government regulation should not replace market functions or impede operation of its laws. Its main task is to mitigate undesirable consequences of manifestations of market power. One of the main regula-tory methods is the commodity intervention.

V. Stoika ◽  

Organization of the state regulation of tourism in Ukraine and opportunities for its improvement on the basis of learning from the experience of leading tourist countries in Europe is the purpose of the study. The notion and main purpose of the state regulation of tourist activities is substantiated. It is established that the history of the state regulation of tourism in Ukraine points to the frequent change and re-organization of its central body, which did not facilitate the development of tourism. Analysis of the role of the state in the organization and development of tourist activities in different countries of the world allowed determining four types of models of the state participation in regulation of tourism as a constituent element of economy of the mentioned countries: American, Budget-Forming, European and Mixed. Experience of leading tourist countries (France, Spain, Great Britain and Italy) convinces of the necessity for the efficient building-up of the state bodies responsible for the development of the mentioned branch. Efficient organization of tourism in a country and its state regulation, cooperation with non-governmental institutions, active promotion of the national tourist product, implementation of efficient promotion and PR activities and a developed tourist infrastructure facilitate interest in this country by the tourists and inflow of monetary resources.

ScienceRise ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 39-46
Iryna Kazakova ◽  
Viacheslav Lebedynets

The object of research is the state regulation of the turnover of cosmetic products and some aspects of their implementation in Ukraine. Investigated problem. The issue of import substitution of Ukrainian cosmetic products and the increase in their production and sales in the Ukrainian and foreign markets is an urgent reason for the dynamic development of the cosmetic industry and the diversification of its traditional forms and directions of application. The solution to these problems mainly depends on the level of technical regulation by the state and requires proper legislative support in accordance with the requirements of international standards and EU directives. The main scientific results. The foreign experience of regulatory support and state regulation of the turnover of cosmetic products (CP) is summarized. The problems of technical regulation of cosmetic and medicinal cosmetics in Ukraine are identified. An addition to the draft national technical regulation for cosmetic products is proposed and recommendations for its rational use are given. The prospects of introducing quality management systems at enterprises engaged in activities at all stages of the CP life cycle are determined. Innovative technological product. A model has been developed to improve the current regulatory and technical framework governing the CP turnover in Ukraine, and an algorithm for its implementation is presented. The relevance of methods and means of ensuring the quality, safety and effectiveness of CP by introducing quality management systems at all stages of its life cycle is determined. The scope of the innovative technological product. The developed proposals are recommended for implementation in the system of state regulation of the CP turnover in order to ensure its quality, effectiveness and safety for the health of consumers.

Valentyna Khrapkina ◽  
Hanna Bondarenko

The paper analyzes the organization of effective resource saving of the enterprise. Enterprises need to implement innovative technologies and tools, as well as to motivate all participants in the process to achieve high overall productivity. One of the ways to increase the efficiency and rationality of the activity is the introduction of the management system of development of resource saving enterprise (RSE). The EPR management system is influenced by external and internal factors. One of the main factors of the external environment is the state regulation in the direction of resource saving, because a small number of business entities can turn to the development of resource-saving enterprises without state support. Defined the concept of "resource saving" as a complex positive effect on the state of the company, which combines the economic, social and environmental factors, the result of the implementation of resource conservation is economically viable for the company. The process of resource saving at the enterprise positively affects a wide range of subjects who perceive its results. According to international standards, Ukraine's economy is one of the most resource-intensive in the world through a large proportion of resource-intensive industries, outdated and inefficient technology, extreme depreciation of assets, inefficient systems of transformation and energy supply. World experience in the development and implementation of resource saving programs has a great variety of mechanisms and economic methods to ensure the efficiency of resource consumption in all areas of economic activity. The article highlights the most effective methods and applied to the realities of Ukraine. The study revealed the main problems of Ukrainian enterprises in the management of resource protection and development of resource protection. Today, finding ways of solving these problems and determining the main ways of stimulating enterprise teams and personnel management is especially important for the formation and implementation of an effective system of resource-saving development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 ◽  
pp. 01004
E.G. Efimova ◽  
N.A. Levochkina ◽  
B.E. Khabibullina

Preserving the health of the population occupies a special place at the legislative level, in the socio-economic strategies for the development of regions and the country as a whole. The preservation of human health depends not only on one’s own desire to preserve it, including the current state of the state and the development of the country’s tourism industry. Recreation and recreation for modern people, who mainly live in cities and megacities characterized by a high level of pollution due to the intensity of economic activity, are of particular importance for maintaining health and life expectancy. An increase in people’s life expectancy is considered at the state level as an important indicator of people’s well-being, improving the level and quality of life. Russia has created unique conditions and opportunities for the development of domestic tourism, which, with reasonable organization, investments, including the creation of public-private partnerships, and improving the efficiency of services provided, allow us to carry out our activities in the field of preserving and maintaining public health, increasing the duration and quality of life. Domestic Russian tourism can be considered as the basis for the socio-economic development of territories at any level, as well as as an industry whose contribution to the country’s GDP can be significant.

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-15
L.M. Parente

The article examines the historical and legal preconditions for the formation of self-regulation in Ukraine and other countries. On the basis of the conducted research, the peculiarities of the development of self-regulation in the territory of Ukraine in different historical periods are determined. The preconditions for the formation of the institution of self-regulation in the field of management and professional activity are described. It is determined that self-regulation has been inherent in society since the beginning of the primary forms of the common cause. The primary forms of SROs developed rules of professional activity, performed the functions of control and supervision due to the vacuum of state regulation in such areas. The peculiarity of such organizations was certain legalization by the state. Such SROs regulated their own activities at the level of development and adoption of local acts. A feature of national self-regulation was the transition from voluntary to compulsory regulation. to distinguish three periods of development of legislative support in the field of self-regulation. Declarative (from 1991 to 1996): this period is characterized by the formal consolidation at the legislative level of the right of participants in public relations to create an SRO. However, the status of SROs was practically not regulated at the legislative level. At the state level, there was no strategy for the development of self-regulation in the field of management and professional activities. Institutional (from 1996 to 2016): during this period the system of delegation of powers from public authorities of the SRO, the system of legalization of the SRO is introduced. However, the rules on SROs are still chaotic, there is no clear mechanism for control and supervision of SRO activities by public authorities, the concept of participation in SROs as business entities and persons of certain professions is not defined. In a number of areas, despite the consolidation of the right to create SROs at the level of laws, SROs have not worked. Reformation (from 2016 to the present): characterized by the development at the legislative level of the Concept of reforming the institution of self-regulation, which outlines the problematic issues of the institution of self-regulation in Ukraine, identifies areas for improvement. Keywords: self-regulation, a self-regulatory organization, the sphere of management, professional activity, a delegation of powers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (513) ◽  
pp. 155-162
O. V. Kovalova ◽  
V. V. Samsonova ◽  
T. O. Gakal ◽  

The article proves that modern globalization challenges create unique opportunities for the recovery of rural green tourism, outlining the prospects for its attribution to strategically important sectors of the national economy on the grounds of priority, resilience and responsibility. However, achieving such results is impossible without appropriate organizational and economic provision for the development of infrastructure of enterprises of rural green tourism, where the State-based levers and instruments play a special role, because due to the sudden, unprecedented drop in demand, the travel and tourism sector will require, first of all, financial incentives with regard to support and recovery. The article is aimed at determine the potential for the recovery of green rural tourism in the conditions of COVID-19 as an instrument for the renovation of the agrarian economy. It is specified that the development of normative and legal provision for the activation of economic activity in the sphere of rural green tourism is a basic condition for the formation of a legal framework for the development of this type of tourism and attraction of investments in this industry. The main determinants of infrastructure development of rural green tourism in Ukraine have been identified and priority measures for the development of rural green and gastronomic tourism in rural areas for the future period are proposed. According to the authors, the active development of rural green tourism in Ukraine necessitates the following: carrying out an analysis of the current system of railway communication between cities and adjusting it to the tourist map of the country; increasing the level of responsibility of carriers for their activities and create conditions for safe passage through the territory; to carry out repairs not only of nationally important roads, but to maintain local roads in good condition as well; improving the quality of road infrastructure, with a focus on placing the appropriate identifying signs for both historical tourist sites and objects of rural green tourism; increasing the efficiency of the State regulation in this sphere. Prospects for further research are to determine the feasibility of implementing the world experience of recovering the tourism industry, particularly rural green tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
M. Domashenko ◽  
V. Shkola ◽  
O. Kotenko ◽  
V. Domashenko

The article is devoted to the formulation of recommendations for management of potential for innovative development of the tourist services market in Ukraine on the basis of existing experience of European countries. The mathematical model of innovative development of tourist services market in Ukraine with account of potential of innovative development of the branch and scenarios of influence of risks and threats, and the graphic representation of possible trajectories of development of tourist services market with account of influence of risks and threats (both actual and potential) and with different values of control parameters are proposed. The importance of development of the tourist services market for the national economy of Ukraine is considered; the necessity of the European experience implementation for increase of the tourist industry potential is substantiated; a number of negative factors in the development of the tourist services market in Ukraine is analyzed, which include: the spread of the virus COVID-19; strengthening of hybrid threats; loss of tourist, historical and cultural, recreational potential of the occupied territories; military actions in the east of the country political and economic instability in the country; the absence of investment programs for tourism development in Ukraine on the basis of rational ecologically balanced use of natural, historical, and cultural tourist potential; the low quality of tourist infrastructure, communications and staff training; the low competitiveness of the tourism industry. The peculiarities of transnationalization of international tourism business, current trends of the international tourism development in the context of the European market of tourist services are considered in the article. Based on the experience of European countries, the priority areas of innovative development of the tourist services market in Ukraine are identified. Ways to regulate the regulatory framework for tourism in Ukraine, namely: the creation of funds at the state level for tourism development; cooperation of Ukraine in the field of tourism, creation of programs of innovative development; compliance of Ukrainian legislation with international standards; ensuring the protection of tourists' rights; creation and introduction of innovations in the industry; simplification of the process of obtaining visas and crossing the border; strengthening cybersecurity.

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