
The article considers the use of innovative methods in English lessons on the example of personality-oriented method. The tasks of modernization of education cannot be solved without the optimal introduction of modern educational technologies in all its spheres. The use of innovative methods gives impetus to the development of new forms and content of traditional activities of students, which leads to their implementation at a higher level. Work with the use of such methods should be organized in such a way that from the very beginning it becomes a powerful psychological and pedagogical means of forming a motivational plan for students, a means of supporting and further developing their interest in the subject. It is emphasized that properly organized work of students with the use of innovations can promote in particular the growth of their cognitive and communicative interest, which in turn will enhance and expand opportunities for independent work of students to master a foreign language, both in class and after school. It is emphasized that the use of innovative forms of learning in contrast to traditional methods gives the student a major role in the acquisition of knowledge, in which the teacher is an active assistant, organizes, directs and stimulates learning activities. In his work, the teacher must not only solve educational problems, but also create conditions for students to independently creatively search, encourage them to research, develop skills of orientation in a huge information space and independent decision-making. And as a necessary condition in solving the tasks is the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process. The constantly evolving system of information support in combination with technical support ensures the quality of the educational process. Innovative methods have become an integral part of the process of teaching and learning English. They help students to acquire the necessary skills for free use of English in a short time, namely: listening, reading, writing and communication skills. Given the importance of innovative methods, it should be noted that the central place in the teaching process is the personality of the teacher, who selects, evaluates and implements new methods. Thus, innovative methods help the teacher to solve a large number of organizational issues, to make the lesson more interesting, but innovation cannot completely replace the teacher. An analysis of other innovative trends in the teaching of English may be a prospect for further research. Key words: educational process, innovation, method, knowledge, project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

Purpose: finding the optimal way of transferring knowledge of the Russian language to students. Methods: comparative, analysis and synthesis of the studied phenomenon - methods that make it possible to determine the advantages and disadvantages of teaching the Russian language. Results. The conceptual and technological search for the achievement of knowledge by students is associated with the ability of teachers to teach students to love their native language, hoping to endow literature in the educational process with a special status - a mentor of the soul, a giver of experience, an inspirer of thought. Teaching and learning to love the Russian language is an extremely important task, since the success of the entire educational process, the success of personality formation, depends on this love and respect for the native language. The adjusted dosage of the presentation of knowledge deprives the student of the vision of the entire language system and does not instill a flair for the language, and most importantly, admiration for the native language. Conclusions. The article emphasizes the importance of teaching students the Russian language as a necessary condition for the success of the entire educational process. When teaching the Russian language, it is advisable to rely on the linguistics of the traditional approach, enriched by the research of linguodidacts, taking into account the achievements in the development of technologies of the modern approach, including computer ones, seeking to improve the student's linguistic self-expression and interest in learning their native language, as well as in literature - a guide for students into the world of great culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Andriy Kostyshyn

Abstract. In the present conditions, especially during a pandemic, higher education requires academic staff to master and implement innovative methods of teaching and learning based on information programs, knowledge transfer systems. The tasks of interactive educational forms are as follows: awakening students’ interest; motivating students to solve the problem under study; effective mastering educational material; independent searching for the methods and options how to solve the educational task; interactions between students; teamwork skills; tolerance for any point of view; forming students’ own opinion, life and professional skills; reaching the level of student’s conscious competence. After analyzing our research, we can state that interactive learning creates an environment of educational communication, which is characterized by openness, equal-footing interaction of participants, accumulation of mutual knowledge, that provides high motivation, strength of knowledge, creativity, sociability, active life position, preservation of individuality, freedom of expression, mutual respect.           This paper examined the current problems of innovative technologies and teaching methods in modern higher education, as the tendency to humanization and humanitarization of the content of medical education has intensified, new academic disciplines have been introduced and, consequently, the need for academic staff, who could provide an innovative approach to implementing these trends during the educational process, has been increased. It is significant that today teachers are able to create and implement their own innovative methods. In addition, the paper focused on the safety of the educational environment of higher education. Information security is especially important, as nowadays the information media have an extremely big impact on the student environment.

Ivelin Kostov

In modern school the problem of interest in learning is up to date, since interest can boost the private creative and cognitive activity of students. The teacher who created the enduring interest to a subject, achieved high results in training and provoking the desire of students to the selection, preparation and effective practice of the profession. The objective of this study was to showcase some innovative methods to achieve a higher success rate in the educational process. The study will help to understand what is the pedagogical effect of the introduction of the technology project-based learning in the process of mastering the knowledge and skills of the students in the context of the dual training. To outlining the readiness of students to work in an hour, their expectations and their achievements at the end of the school year. Analyse how by building skills and habits for private work in the learning process on machine elements developed mindset for a private creative cognitive activity. The enrichment of the academic practice of this method provides a means to raise interest in the learning process, makes it possible, through private participation in lessons on machine elements, students take control of their education and to gradually switch to the actual workplace. Dual training system provides a real connection of class theory with practice. Create opportunities students directly participate in their education and to gradually switch to professional development.

Л. Е. Бєловецька

The problem of external independent evaluation in English for admission Master`s degree programs in Ukraine is considered in the article. The perspective for further improvement of English teaching and learning standards at Ukrainian universities has been found. The correspondence to the CEFR basic levels and English proficiency has been identified. Conceptual Principles of State Policy on the Development of English in the Field of Higher Education are considered. The study included 1546 participants. The age of students, who studied to gain the first higher education, was between 17 and 20. The students were not familiar with the structure of External Independent Evaluation and they have never passed it. The research was carried out during the period 2018–2019. The relevance of English language competence in the professional context is noted emphasized as a key point of the presented research. The necessity to provide a sufficient competitive level for Ukrainian graduates through improving correspondent English language training has been considered. The study is based on a study of reports by British experts and contemporary scientific publications presented international researchers have focused on the problems of internationalization and perspectives for Ukrainian universities in the English language dimension. The relevance of studying and adaptation of the UK higher education successful practice has been highlighted. The problems and potential ways of improving students` English language proficiency in the given context are identified. In particular, the study contains important recommendations regarding the number of contact hours and the required levels of English proficiency for the main groups of participants in the educational process in higher education according to international standards.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Оксана Воронкевич

У   статті   актуалізовано   проблему   поширеності   шкільного   насильства   у   середовищі   учнів  початкових класів. Особлива увага звертається на необхідність діалогічної взаємодії учасників освітнього  процесу як необхідної умови попередження насилля у школі.  Опираючись на результати власного дослідницького пошуку, автор пропонує варіант програми  психологічної профілактики шкільного насильства вчителів стосовно учнів. Дана програма спрямована на  формування  у  педагогів  навичок  глибинного  самопізнання  й  пізнання  дітей,  апробування  нових  форм  поведінки та базується на ідеї діалогізації педагогічної взаємодії, оскільки важливо налагодити суб’єкт- суб’єктну взаємодію учня та вчителя й не використовувати монологічну модель спілкування. Наголошено,  що педагоги повинні стимулювати будь-які прояви суб’єктної активності дітей, що сприяють виробленню  у них адекватної оцінки себе та свого оточення, розвитку здатності до самовизначення. Відзначено, що  для   діалогічного   освітнього   середовища   характерними   є   такі   властивості,   як   різноманітність,  динамічність, напруженість, достатність, кожна з яких сприяє високій ефективності освітньої взаємодії,  здійснює істотний вплив на розвиток особистості. Під час занять використано різні тренінгові методи:  рольові ігри, міні-лекції, мозковий штурм, обговорення в загальному колі тощо. Разом із тим поширено  інформацію з актуальних для педагогів питань спілкування з дитиною без агресії, злості та конфлікту.  Представлено  результати  успішної  апробації  програми  психологічної  профілактики  шкільного  насильства  з  боку  вчителів,  що проявилися в розумінні важливості толерантного ставлення до учнів,  набутті практичних умінь відчувати психологічний стан іншої людини та адекватно реагувати на нього,  виявляти доброзичливість, прихильність до школярів та надавати їм необхідну допомогу.  The article actualizes the problem of the prevalence of school violence among elementary school pupils.  Special attention is drawn to the need for dialogical interaction of participants in the educational process as a  necessary condition for preventing violence in school.  Relying on the results of his own research, the author suggests a variant of school violence psychological  prevention program of teachers in relation to pupils. This program is aimed at educating the students the skills of  deep self-cognition and cognition of children, testing new forms of behavior and is based on the idea of pedagogical  interaction dialogization, since it is important to establish subject-subject interaction between the pupil and the  teacher and not use the monologue model of communication. It is highlighted that teachers should stimulate any  manifestation of children's subject activity, which helps to develop an adequate assessment of themselves and their  environment, development of self-determination ability. It is noted that a dialogical educational environment is  characterized by such attributes as diversity, dynamism, intensity, sufficiency, each of them contributes to the high  effectiveness of educational interaction, have a significant impact on the development of personality. During the  classes various training methods were used: role-playing games, mini-lectures, brainstorming, discussions in the  general circle, etc. At the same time, information on relevant for teachers issues about communicating with a child  without aggression, anger and conflict is propagated.  Was presented results of successful approbation of the school violence psychological prevention program  from teacher’s part, manifested in the understanding importance of the tolerant attitude towards pupils, acquiring  practical skills of feeling the another’s person psychological state and react adequately to it, showing benevolence,  adherence to schoolchildren and providing them the necessary assistance. 

Tatiana Kadlubovich ◽  
Darina Chernyak

The article deals with the value orientations, attitudes, life views of modern students - representatives of Generation “Z”, for whom digital technologies are an everyday reality. The experience of working with students during class and independent work is given. The authors, based on the latest research, prove that the modern generation with its peculiarities needs new creative methods and teaching methods that will take into account the specifics of cognitive activity of modern youth, its values, needs, psychological characteristics and technical skills. It is necessary to change not only teaching and learning methods, but also the style of communication between the subjects of the educational process, the form of presentation of information, knowledge, preparation of a new type of educational and methodical literature, active use of information and communication technologies.

М.Р.  Вагизов ◽  
Д.А. Дубов

Рассматривается необходимость разработки специализированной геоинформационной системы для отрасли охотничьего хозяйства. Указаны основные принципы проектирования и разработки приложения. Определены необходимые требования к проектируемой ГИС и задачи, которые способна решать система. Проведено описание организационной структуры геоинформационной системы и функции, подлежащие визуализации. Составлено схемотехнические решение и визуализация графического интерфейса взаимодействия пользователя с системой. В соответствии со Стратегией развития охотничьего хозяйства РФ до 2030 года, требуется повышать программно-информационное обеспечение охотпользователей. Обоснованием разработки является отсутствие единой системы сбора, хранения и систематизации данных о состоянии охотхозяйств, численности популяций и проведении необходимых мероприятий. Разработка специальной ГИС способна обеспечить поддержку в системе принятия решений человеком в интересах управления территориями охотхозяйств. Разработка продуманного интерактивного интерфейса позволит вывести ГИС на наиболее качественный уровень взаимодействия. Общеизвестно, что пространственные данные являются основой информационного обеспечения геоинформационных систем, в том числе локальных ГИС. Для непрерывного обновления геоданных требуется своевременная актуализация информации на сервере, в которой данная система развернута. Поэтому в качестве технологической основы выбрано проектирование именно веб-приложения, работающего через предустановленный браузер пользователя. Реализация функций данной ГИС, продуманный человеко-машинный интерфейс, включенный в ее состав, позволит использовать данную систему не только охотпользователям, но и заинтересованным специалистам в смежных отраслях: лесное хозяйство, картография, геоинформатика, зоогегография, охотоведение. Разработанная система может использоваться в учебном процессе при подготовке студентов по различным направлениям в высших образовательных учреждениях. Discusses the necessity of developing a specialized geographic information system for hunting groung. Carried out a description of the organizational structure of geoinformation systems and functions to be rendering. Determined necessary requirements for the design of the GIS and the tasks which the system are able to solve. The organizational structure of the geographic information system and the functions to be visualized are described. Compiled technical scheme and visualization GUI. In accordance with the strategy of development of the hunting industry of the Russian Federation until 2030, it is required to increase the software and information support for hunting users. The basis for development is the lack of a unified system of collection, storage and systematization of data on the state of hunting, population and carry out the necessary measures. The development of a special GIS is able to provide support in the system of decision-making by a person in the interests of managing the territories of hunting farms. The development of a thoughtful interactive interface will bring the GIS to the most high-quality level of interaction. It is well known that the spatial data are the basis for information support of geographic information systems, including local GIS. For continuous updates of the geodata requires a timely update information on the server in which the system is deployed. Therefore, as the technological base of the selected design it is the web application running through a preset user's browser. The implementation of the functions of this GIS, intelligent man-machine interface, included in its composition, will allow you to use this system not only hunters, but also to interested professionals in related industries, forestry, cartography, geoinformatics, zoogeography, and hunting. The developed system can be used in educational process for training students in various areas in higher educational institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Vincentas Lamanauskas ◽  
Violeta Slekiene ◽  
Gabriel Gorghiu ◽  
Costin Pribeanu

Mobile technology is now part of the everyday life of teachers and students and thus tends to become an inseparable part of the educational activities. Teachers and students are increasingly using mobile technologies in teaching and learning. Therefore, it is purposeful to responsibly integrate technologies into the educational process. However, technical and pedagogical support is necessary in order to facilitate both teacher and students’ understanding of this educational potential. Besides, it is still very little known and there is very little evidence about the effectiveness of the application of these technologies in the teaching/learning process. This research aims to explore the perceptions of Romanian and Lithuanian teachers regarding the use of mobile technologies in education. Keywords: motivation to learn, mobile technology, preliminary study, science education, science teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 158-162
Alina Mekheda ◽  

The article reviews the main reasons for the growth of the role of a «foreign language» discipline within the framework of non-linguistic specialties as part of the process of gradual reformation of the higher education system in Ukraine. The author addresses the search for effective concepts for the integration of professional training and teaching foreign languages for future highly qualified specialists in non-linguistic universities, which are reflected in strategic government documents. The main innovative methods of teaching a foreign language, conditions for their effective application in the educational process of higher educational institutions along with their teaching and educational potential are analyzed. Amongst the innovative methods of teaching students a foreign language, the author highlighted the following: training modules that ensure the development of the fluency of students' speech, as well as their confident communication in a foreign language; case technologies that make it possible to use practical life situations for learning; binary classes allowing the integration of subjects, interest and students` motivation. Educators and students have the opportunity to use the Internet and computer technology to increase the efficiency of the process of learning foreign languages in university courses. A great tool for learning foreign languages are mobile applications and Internet platforms that use authentic materials. Students and teachers have access to audio and video materials created by native speakers who are also teachers. Mobile applications allow you to independently create test tasks, surveys and a variety of games and involve a large number of students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 357-381
Iskandar Jayadi

This paper discusses the educational qualities of the Quranic perspective of Q.S. Fushshilat ([41]: 34-35). This article is motivated by the number of educators who only rely on intellectual ability in educating, without balancing with other aspects that support the process of education, teaching and learning, such as the nature and a good personality that must be owned by every educator. All the behavior of educators is very influential on learners, because learners tend to imitate educators. Educators are expected by the Islamic education of educators who are able to optimize all the ability in him in order to get the output in accordance with the goals of Islamic education. This study aims to determine the nature of educators contained in the Fushshilat (41: 34-35) which can be applied by every educator in the educational process. This paper shows that in the content of Fushshilat ([41]: 34-35) there are several traits as an educator exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. (2) Always do good, (3) gentle, (4) affection towards learners, (5) able to hold anger, and (6) have a good attitude the nature of forgiveness, and its implications in the Islamic education system.

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