scholarly journals The empowerment of the Karunia Mandiri Joint Business Group in increasing production and sales

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 2280-2287
Anissa Hakim Purwantini ◽  
Nur Ita Ariansy ◽  
Saraswati Novi Yuliantoputri ◽  
Bayu Hermawan ◽  
Muhammad Humam Abror ◽  

Karunia Mandiri Joint Business Group (KUBE) is located in Pakeron Hamlet, Sumberarum Village, Tempuran District, Magelang Regency which produces traditional Magelang food, namely cassava emplek. The problems faced by KUBE are less than optimal marketing and the use of manual production tools. The purpose of the community service is to improve the quality of KUBE human resources in managing its business, which includes marketing, financial management, and production so as to increase production and sales. The method is to provide training and mentoring. The result of this service is more optimal marketing with the appearance of new products through rebranding and packaging as well as the use of digital marketing. Then, the production process is better with appropriate technology for molding dough and applying hygiene standards. In addition, financial management is more organized with simple bookkeeping and accounting so that selling prices can be competitive and profits can be identified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 386-393
I Gusti Ayu Arwati ◽  
Euis Nina Saparina ◽  
Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari

The SME sector that has an important role in the Indonesian industry is the small and home industry (IKRT) or micro and small businesses (MSME). In everyday life, washing clothes and washing the house is an activity that is usually done by everyone, especially by the home industry. IKRT (UMK) Suradita RW 09 Suradita Indah Complex, is IKRT (UMK) in the Suradita sub-district, which produces green cleaning products guided by Universitas Mercu Buana lecturers who have been operating for one year. IKRT (UMK) was established to increase the knowledge of housewives who live in RW 09, where production is marketed in the surrounding area as well. In addition there is no good management governance, also a good marketing strategy. Based on the above, the objectives of community service are (1) using appropriate technology in the green cleaner production process, (2) improving the quality of green cleaner product formulations, (3) implementing good governance management and marketing strategies to be more effective and efficient and has sustainable competitiveness. The results of this community service are (1) appropriate technology that can be used in the production process. (2) Improving the quality of green cleaner product formulations and (3) governance management and marketing strategies. And can avoid Suradita IKRT which is more effective and efficient and has sustainable competitiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Ardhiani Fadila ◽  
Dienni Ruhjatini Sholihah ◽  
Siwi Nugraheni

AbstrakKegiatan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat dari UPN Veteran Jakarta Bersama dengan pelaku UKM di Bogor. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk memperkuat pelaku UKM di Kecamatan Ciomas dalam segi manajemen keuangan dan pemasaran di platfrom digital serta meningkatkan kapasitas sumberdaya para pelaku UKM. Metode yang dipakai dalam kegiatan ini melalui kegiatan ceramah, diskusi dan bimbingan teknis untuk pelaku UKM. Banyak UKM yang memiliki potensi namun masih memiliki ekndala dalam promosi dan penjualan yang dilakukan secara tradisiona. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarkat ini adalah para pelaku UKM memiliki wawasan dalam pengelolaan keuangan usahanya, penerapan dalam penggunaan aplikasi jual-beli e-commerce sehingga diharapkan bisa meningkatkan penjualan dan daya saing usaha.Kata Kunci: Manajemen Keuangan; Pemasaran digital; UKM AbstractThis activity is Community Service Program from UPN Veteran Jakarta in Collaboration with SMEs in Bogor. This activity was carried out to empower SMEs in Ciomas Sub-district in financial management and marketing in platform digital also improvement in human resources capacity. The method used in the training uses the method of mentoring, discussions, and technical guidance for SMEs. Potential SMEs are lack of promotion and sale of products that are still done traditionally. The results obtained from the implementation of community service is SMEs having insight in financial management for their business, applying e-commerce applications so they increase sales of their products so that their turnover increases as an effort to upgrade competitiveness for SMEs actors.Key Word: Financial Management; Digital Marketing; SMEs

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-276
Arif qaedi Hutagalung ◽  
Aryanti Sariartha Sianipar ◽  
Doli Muhammad Jafar Dalimunthe

In Community Service activities, partners are Bika Bakar business actors in Medan City. The business partner has been engaged in the culinary sector, especially traditional cake type foods since 1990. The type of cake food produced by this business partner is baked bika cake. The production process is carried out at home with the help of several employees and equipment that is still simple, does not have accountancy , packaging that still uses plastic bags and limited access to marketing. Promotions that are lacking make partner products unable to compete with cake products produced by large businesses. Partners still use simple tools so that the production of bika bakar is not optimal in quantity and quality of production, so that Ms. Nurmalis' roasted bika is still less popular than cakes with well-known brands. Improvement in designing good simple bookkeeping in financial management. Increasing the quality and quantity of Bika Bakar production after the addition of a furnace and an increasing number of bika cake molds and using good paper bags, as well as product development through making brands in Bika Bakar Mitra products and online marketing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 294-298
Sujono Sujono ◽  
Dian Indratmi ◽  
Hendra Kusuma

Natural soap is a soap with basic ingredients using herbal ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil, and milk. MayangSari natural soap is produced by a joint business group in the Pesanggrahan Village, Batu City. The problem of natural soap production in the Mayangsari business group is that there is no selling permit from BPOM, the liquid soap production process has not been maximized where it does not yet know the technique of mixing milk with other ingredients so that it is easily separated, lack of equipment so that production is not optimal and bookkeeping management and marketing are still manual. The aim of the Community Service Program (PUBM) is to improve the quantity and quality of etawa goat milk soap, expand the product marketing network, and improve the group's managerial ability. The method used in the Community Service activities includes 4 stages, namely the practice of production, training, mentoring, and product publication. The result of the implementation of the Community Service program is to increase the productivity of the agroindustry of "Olive Milk" etawa goat milk soap, among others through the practice of natural soap production by utilizing grant equipment from DPPM-UMM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 255
Hamsah Hamsah ◽  
Asni Anwar ◽  
Murni Murni ◽  
Abdul Malik ◽  
Andi Khaeriyah ◽  

AbstrakMasyarakat di wilayah pesisir Desa Madello Kecamatan Balusu Kabupaten Barru memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah sebagai tempat budidaya udang vaname skala pembenihan melalui sistem backyard.  Kendala utama yang sering dialami oleh kelompok pembudidaya udang “Pantai Palie” Desa Madello adalah rendahnya kelulushidupan udang yang umumnya terjadi pada fase mysis ke fase pascalarva, sehingga perlu penerapan teknologi tepat guna untuk meningkatkan hasil panennya. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk menyikapi masalah tersebut adalah menerapkan penggunaan prebiotik mannanoligosakarida (Bio-MOS) pada pakan alami Artemia sp. sebagai pakan larva udang untuk meningkatkan nilai nutrisi pakan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode diskusi, koordinasi, penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, kelompok pembudidaya udang “Pantai Palie” menjadi mengetahui dan terampil melakukan pengkayaan pakan alami Artemia sp. dengan Bio-MOS, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kelulushidupan udang pada stadia mysis ke pascalarva.  Saran yang diberikan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sebaiknya dilakukan pendampingan lanjutan terkait penggunaan Bio-MOS pada pakan Artemia sp. serta pelatihan manajemen usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia sebagai pengelola pada usaha pembenihan sistem backyard di Desa Madello,Kabupaten Barru.Kata Kunci: udang vaname, backyard, Artemia sp., mannanoligosakarida (Bio-MOS).AbstractCommunities in the coastal area of Madella Village, Balusu District, Barru Regency use their home yards as a place for cultivation vanname shrimp on a hatchery scale through the backyard system.  The main obstacle that is often experienced by the "Palie Beach" shrimp farming group is the low survival rate of shrimp, which generally occurs from the mysis phase to the postlarva phase, so it is necessary to apply appropriate technology to increase crop yields. One of the efforts made to address this problem is to apply the use of prebiotic mannanoligosaccharides (Bio-MOS) in natural feed Artemia sp. as feed for shrimp larvae to increase the nutritional value of feed. The method of implementing the activities is carried out using the methods of discussion, coordination, counseling, training and mentoring to partners. Based on the results of community service activities, the "Palie Beach" shrimp farming group became aware of and skilled in enriching the natural feed of Artemia sp. with Bio-MOS, so that it can increase the survival of shrimp from the mysis stage to post-larvae. The advice given in this activity is that further assistance should be carried out regarding the use of MOS in Artemia sp feed as well as business management training to improve the quality of human resources as managers in a backyard hatchery business in Madello Village, Barru Regency.Key Word: vanname shrimp, backyard, Artemia sp., mannanoligosaccharides (Bio-MOS).

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 363
Istiqomah Istiqomah ◽  
Irsad Andriyanto

The rapid business competition encourages every company to have a sharp strategy in order to excel in competing with its competitors or at least able to stay afloat to run its business. This study aims to analyze opportunities and business development at Sentra Jenang in Kaliputu Kudus Tourism Village. Respondents of this research are entrepreneurs who are located in Sentra Jenang Tourism Village kaliputu Kudus. The research data obtained by observation and interview is analyzed descriptively by using SWOT strategy matrix to analyze the strategy specified by the respondents. The results of this study indicate that there are some problems faced by some small entrepreneurs that are difficult to develop due to not have a place to market their products, the quality of human resources that are poorly trained to inhibit the production process, the company does not have good financial management so that difficulty for the management of funds, with increasingly fierce competition. The competition that arises more on jenang products from outside Kaliputu and the inclusion of substitution products that other snacks are more modern and follow the development of the era. From the threats that exist then every MSME or jenang industry in the tourist village of Kaliputu Kudus should make innovations of new variants in order to compete in the market and not inferior to other products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Ramsul Nababan ◽  
Jufri Darma ◽  
Kaerul Saleh ◽  
Ali Nurman

Community Service Activities aims to improve the quality of financial bookkeeping management, the quality of packaging and trademarks for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Karang Anyar Village. The problems faced by Partners here are; (1) financial management has not been recorded continuously and is manual without having a record between capital and profits, (2) rengginang packaging using kiloan plastic so that the packaging is easily torn, and the packaging is not attractive and does not yet have a trademark. The solution offered here, Partners are given training, education, assistance, socialization, and the delivery of Appropriate Technology (TTG) regarding the problems faced by Partners. The method of implementing the service program will be carried out in a gradual, sustainable and comprehensive approach through direct communication or through intensive communication tools with partners, so that the implementation of activities can be carried out in a guided manner, with the primary aim of improving the community's economy in managing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ) with Rengginang food business.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-127
Jasmani Jasmani ◽  
Noryani Noryani ◽  
Yossy Wahyu Indrawan ◽  
Reni Hindriari ◽  
Lia Asmalah

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi kewajiban dosen untuk melakukan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Untuk itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi dosen berbagi pengetahuan dan wawasan melalui penyuluhan pengembangan manajemen sumber daya manusia agar senantiasa berupaya mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan efektif dan efisien. Dan juga bertujuan Karang Taruna Kampung serua poncol dapat menjalankan fungsi dan perannya secara optimal sehingga mendatangkan manfaat bagi Kampung serua poncol. Pengembangan juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sehingga lebih positif dalam berkontribusi tenaga dan pikiran untuk memajukan Kampung serua poncol.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to fulfill the obligations of lecturers to do tridharma of higher education. For that reason, it has become an obligation for lecturers to share their knowledge and insights through counseling the development of human resource management so that they always strive to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. And also aims at Karang Taruna Kampung Serua Poncol can carry out its functions and roles optimally so that it brings benefits to Kampung Seronc Poncol. The development is also intended to improve the quality of human resources in carrying out their duties so that it is more positive in contributing energy and thoughts to advance the village of all poncol.Keywords: Human Resource Management 

2012 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-163
Tiarto Tiarto

Currently, the STPI is in stagnant condition or status quo to be a Public Service Agency. This paper is intended for those who feel disturbed by this fact, and have concern for the STPI.Some problems: achievement cadets who decline, low quality but the quantity of excess human resources, education systems, curricula, low reward / low salaries, expenditures per student is high, crowded dormitories, degree requirements, marketing graduates, competency standards / certification, accreditation, Research and Community Service (PPM) which does not fit with the mission, training co-operation contracts with third parties, outsourcing and so on.It all resulted in efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and low yields, thus the need for reform toward a more entrepreneurial way STPI bureaucracy, and fortunately with a strong new leadership of the Chairman with the spirit of high entrepreneur, STPI want to build a center for human flight (center of excellence human resources development for aviation), including the urgent need to change the status of a Pattern of Financial Management of Public Service Agency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Rasyidah Nadir ◽  
Hasyim Hasyim

This study aimed to examine the effect of the use of information technology, human resources and competencies on the quality of local government financial statements by the  accrual based government accounting standards  as interverning variable on the Government of Barru. Accrual accounting standards as defined in Regulation 71 of 2010 (PP No.71 Tahun 2010) concerning the Government Accounting Standards, and more technically set in Regulation 64 of 2013 (Permendagri No.64 Tahun 2013) concerning the Government Accounting Standards Implementation of Accrual Based On Local Government. The method used is descriptive survey. Samples were employees in the accounting / financial administration of the region on regional work units (SKPD) and Regional Financial Management Officer (PPKD) within the scope of local government Barru district. Methods of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the utilization of information technology have significant effect on the quality of financial statements Barru district government through the implementation of accrual based government accounting standards, while the competence of human resources has no significant effect on the quality of financial statements Barru district government through the implementation of accrual based government accounting standards.Keywords: Information Technology, Human Resources and   Competencies, Accrual Based Government Accounting Standards, Quality of Local Government Financial Statements.

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