Jurnal Niara ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-77
Sri Roserdevi Nasution

Good Governance is the new face of hearts implement the principles of Public Service in the reform era. Public services Law No. 25 of 2009 is activities or circuit hearts Frame activities Fulfillment Services Under legislation with  every citizen Share And Population differences Goods, services, and administrative services or  Provided By Operation of Public Service. Public services carried out by the Government showed to society who asked service. Research Type singer is descriptive qualitative approach with, the techniques  data collection using depth Interviews and Documentation. Results of  Research Singer nearly all the principles of good governance hearts Services Not Running In accordance with From UNDP as Principles of Participation, legal rules, Transparency, Responsiveness, consensus-oriented, fairness, effectiveness, accountability, and strategic vision, Many Are Being inhibit the progress of the Principles of good governance. The conclusion from the findings of research, so authors concluded that the application of good governance in the hearts Implementation Services Head Office Sail Maximum yet. It is because that the singer  Leadership And yet the implementation of communication subordinate ones in line so that although Head Already Trying to give the Best but if NOT in Support By subordinates will Difficult accomplished. Lack of human resources is a prayer One That Become an inhibiting factor hearts implementation of the Principles of good governance in the future Head Office Sail.

Wacana Publik ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Azima Dimyati ◽  
Devi Ratnasari Togatorop ◽  
Selvi Diana Meilinda

The purpose of this study was to describe public services during a pandemic, as initial research, public services are focused on e-KTP services at the Bandar Lampung City Population and Civil Registry Service because e-KTP services are a priority ahead of the simultaneous Regional Head Elections on 9 December 2020. Public service is an activity that is given to meet the needs of every person or society. Therefore, the government must have a strategy of responsibility and serving various problems and responses from the community. The e-KTP making service is measured from various dimensions of service quality such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. With a qualitative approach, data is obtained based on the results of observations and interviews, it is known that administrative services for making ID cards have not been carried out by following changes during the pandemic, problems that arose before the pandemic still occur so that it does not provide satisfaction to the community, this is seen from the lack of infrastructure. adjusting to pandemic conditions, lack of responsiveness and attention from staff and employees, guaranteeing certainty of settlement that is not in accordance with the stipulated rules is a challenge in implementing the dimensions of e-KTP services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Pangeran Teguh Anugrah ◽  
Abdul Kadir ◽  
Pin Pin

District is part of the government organization that is closest to dealing directly with the community and spearheading the success of regional development, especially in Medan, where the District will be seen directly in planning and controlling development and services, and a reflection of good governance in Medan. The objectives of this study are as follows: (i) to describe the Good Governance implementation in the District, especially in the District of Medan Helvetia, (ii) to analyze the factors that support and inhibit the implementation in the District, especially in the District of Medan Helvetia.The form of descriptive research using a qualitative approach, this research was conducted in the District of Medan Helvetia. The informants consisted of key informants, namely the Head of District and their apparatus as many as 4 people who were determined purposively and the Main informant namely the community who were taken accidentally as many as 20 people at the time of the study. Primary data comes from interviews and secondary data from literature studies and other written documents. After the data and information needed has been collected, the researcher then sifts through the data and information into the research indicators that have been determined. After the data and information are grouped, the researcher then presents the data and analyzes the data qualitatively.Research Results: The good governance implementation in Medan Helvetia District Office refers to the Decree of the District of Medan Helvetia number 138/19-17/SK-MH/IX/2015 on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in Medan Helvetia District Environment. In general, the implementation analysis as follows: (i) Standards and Policy Objectives: public servants have attempted to achieve the public service goals they have set, (ii) Resources: human resources and support resources or facilities, researchers see still shortcomings, (iii) Inter-Organizational Relations: inter-organizational relationships implemented in Medan Helvetia  District are good, (iv) Characteristics of the Implementing Agent: the characteristics of the existing implementing agent can already be applied by the implementor of public services in both the public service in Medan Helvetia district, (v) Social, Political, and Economic Conditions: on the variable social, economic and political conditions, the implementors of public services in providing public services do not discriminate between each other, (vi) Implementor Disposition: the attitude given by the implementor of public services is friendly and courteous when providing public services. Supporting factors are cooperation with stakeholders, commitment of the head district (Camat), and the economic potential of the region and opportunities of private CSR, while the Inhibitor Factors are Lack of community participation, lack of human resources apparatus, lack of funds and some damaged road and drainage infrastructure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-112
Tukina Tukina

Abstrak         Dalam era Revolusi Industri 4.0 terjadi perubahan cepat disebabkan  Perkembangan Teknologi berbasis internet. Dalam perubahan yang cepat tersebut, Pemerintah perlu mampu memanfaatkan era serba digital (‘masyarakat online’). Dalam meningkatkan pelayanan Publik yang baik peran pemerintah diuji. Peneltian ini menjadi sangat penting karena sebenarnya ada permasalahan, pertanyaan dan sekaligus tantangan dasar yang perlu dijawab terkait Pelayanan Publik agar menjadi pelayanan Publik Profesional, dan Komunikatif. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian kualitatif (deskriptif naturalistik) dengan mengunakan analisis pendekatan induktif (dari khusus ke umum). Proses dan makna prespektif subjektif dimana peran peneliti sangat menentukan. Penelitian akan dianggab selesai bila Tujuan Penelitian sudah terjawab. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah Pelayanan Publik yang profesional dan komunikatif. Perkembanga Teknologi Komunikasi berbasis Internet begitu cepat. Pelayanan Publik yang baik akan sejalan dengan prinsip Goodgovernement dan tujuan bernegara Indonesia. Pelayanan Publik yang profesional menjadi kunci, menyelesaikan masalah dengan hati dan sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat. Disamping itu, kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik merupakan hal dasar yang diperlukan dan sangat mendukung sukses tidaknya pelayanan Publik secara keseluruhan.   Keywords:      perubahan teknologi, internet, pelayanan publik, profesional, komunikatif     Abstract     In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 there was a rapid change in the development of internet-based technology. In this rapid change, the Government needs to take advantage of the all-digital era ('online society'). In improving public services this Research becomes very important because there are questions, and to be challenges related to Public Services in order to become a Professional and Communicative. This research is a qualitative (descriptive naturalistic) study using inductive research analysis (from specific to general). The process and meaning of subjective perspective in which the role of researchers is crucial. The research will be considered complete if the Research Objectives have been answered. The unit of analysis in this study is a professional and communicative in public service. The development of Internet-based Communication Technology is so fast. Good public services will be in accordance with the principles of good governance and the objectives of the state of Indonesia. Professional public service is the key, solving problems with heart and in accordance with the wishes of the community. Besides that, good support is the basic thing that is needed and strongly supports unnecessary success.   Keywords: technological change, internet, public services, professional, communicative  

Petir ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Meliana Meliana ◽  
Riri Fajriah

Public service is a service provided by the government as the state administrator of the community to meet the needs of the community itself and has a purpose to improve the welfare of the community. The forms of service that are in the neighborhood of Citizenship 05 include basic administrative services,for example:services for making Family Cards, Birth Certificates, Death Letters, KTPs, Not Available Certificate (SKTM) and many others. The problem faced by the pillars of 05 is the administration and bureaucracy that have not been computerized, causing public services to be long. In addition, there are still many public service irregularities in the Rukun Warga 05, especially in the deviation from giving an insufficient certificate. Previous research on poor SKTM recipients in Jambi City was one of the bases of this research. The design of the public service information system in the RW 05 area was designed using several modules, namely the citizen reporting module, RW work program evaluation module, RT work program distribution module, citizen administration module, evaluation of SKTM giving, socialization module and citizen information. The implementation of this public service uses a prototype method and uses PIECES analysis with the application of naive bayes for selection of inadequate certificates so that public services and the provision of SKTM can be done effectively, efficiently and on target.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Wismayanti Wismayanti ◽  
Purnamaningsih Purnamaningsih

Advances in communication and information technology bring many changes to the general habits of society. Communication and information technology is now inseparable from people's lives in this era. With digitalization, people can disseminate and obtain information widely without requiring a long time. The benefits of this easy, cheap, and fast technology have in common with the concept of excellent public service which is the hope of the community. In public services, people want services that are easily accessible, do not incur a lot of costs, and also do not require a long time to receive public services. To provide excellent service in this era of rapid technological progress and the government can optimize the use of information and communication technology in governance, which is known as E-government. Through the development of public service innovations based on E-government, it is expected to be able to provide services that are in accordance with the principles of good governance, so as to improve service quality and community satisfaction. Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) of Badung Regency builds public service innovations called Layanan Perizinan Online (LAPERON). This study uses qualitative research methods through secondary data collection. The development of public services in the LAPERON application can be seen from the availability of LAPERON on the website and also the Mobile Application with various features that make it easier for the public to apply for licensing services.

Dodik Setiawan Aji ◽  
Irma Cahyaningtyas

This study aims to discuss issues regarding what is the role and authority of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia ? What is the process for examining complaints at the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia ? How is the strength of the Ombudsman Recommendation of the Republic of Indonesia in the effort to realize good governance ? The research method used in this research is normative juridical , using secondary legal data obtained through literature study. The results showed that The Ombudsman is a state institution that has the authority to supervise the implementation of public services externally, both those organized by state administrators and the government. The adjudication process by the Ombudsman in resolving public service disputes is only one of several possibilities for resolving public service disputes. The imposition of administrative sanctions for those who ignore the Ombudsman Recommendation shows that basically the Ombudsman is an institution that can actually carry out its function as a supervisory agency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-205
Ade Harsa Suryanegara

Various services are organized to meet the needs and provide convenience for the community. In the reform era, through the ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, one of the efforts to improve the quality of public services is to formulate policies in the form of Public Service Mall. This paper discusses the government's efforts to improve bureaucratic reform through the implementation of Public Service Malls. The issue of licensing is a complicated process that makes it difficult for the public to access public services. Hence, people are reluctant to deal with administrative issues. With an integrated Public Service Mall one door to serve a variety of administrative services, licensing services can be provided in a prime, effective and efficient manner.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 227-238
Yazid Dwi Kurniawan ◽  
Indah Prabawati

Pelayanan publik di Indonesia menjadi hal penting yang harus diberikan oleh pemerintahan pusat maupun daerah kepada masyarakat yang dituangkan dalam kebijakan khususnya pelayanan perizinan. Di tengah berkembangnya era reformasi banyak masyarakat yang semakin cerdas dan kebutuhan yang diperlukan semakin meningkat, mendorong pemerintah harus banyak mengeluarkan sebuah kebijakan terkait inovasi di dalam pelayanan publik. Hal tersebut telah menjadi tugas pemerintah daerah dalam pemenuhan terkait pelayanan publik. Salah satunya Kota Surabaya yang mengeluarkan kebijakan e-Government yaitu inovasi pelayanan publik yang dilaksanakan oleh Unit Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Atap (UPTSA) Kota Surabaya, inovasi tersebut adalah Surabaya Single Window (SSW). SSW ini merupakan sistem pelayanan dalam bidang perizinan. Tujuan dari sistem ini adalah untuk mempersingkat waktu pelayanan dan pengecekan data serta persyaratan di Kota Surabaya. Setelah dilaksanakan dan berjalan beberapa tahun, maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan dengan mempertimbangkan evaluasi yang telah didapatkan baik dari masyarakat atau organisasi pemerintah yang lainnya. Jenis penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode penelitian yaitu metode studi pustaka. Fokus penelitian menggunakan enam kriteria evaluasi yaitu 1) Efektivitas, 2) Efisiensi, 3) Kecukupan, 4) Perataan, 5) Responsivitas, dan 6) Ketepatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan SSW ini sudah sangat baik namun masih terdapat kelemahan dan kekurangan yang muncul di setiap tahun pelaksanaan seperti tidak semua pelayanan perizinan dapat di akses melalui website SSW. Maka dari itu peneliti menyarankan agar tetap memperbaiki kekurangan program SSW ini dengan alternatif penyempurnaan untuk program SSW. Selain itu unit pelaksana pelayanan SSW juga harus meningkatkan kinerja program SSW guna meminimalisir kesalahan yang akan muncul. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Surabaya Single Window (SSW), Pelayanan Perizinan     Services in Indonesia important things that must provided by central and regional governments to community as outlined in policies especially licensing services. In midst the development of reform era many people are getting smarter and needs are increasing, encouraging the government to issue a lot policies related to innovation in public services. This has become duty of local governments in fulfilling public services. One of them is city of Surabaya which issued an e-Government policy, namely public service innovation implemented by UPTSA of City Surabaya, this innovation is Surabaya Single Window (SSW). SSW is a service system in licensing sector. Purpose of system to shorten service time and check data and requirements in city of Surabaya. After being implemented and running for several years, it necessary to make improvements by considering the evaluations that have been obtained either from community or other government organizations. This research was conducted using descriptive research with research method, namely literature study method. Focus of study used 6 evaluation criteria, namely 1)Effectiveness, 2)Efficiency, 3)Adequacy, 4)Smoothness, 5)Responsiveness, and 6)Accuracy. Results of study conclude the implementation of SSW has been very good but there are still weaknesses and shortcomings that arise in each year of implementation such as not all licensing services can be accessed through SSW website. Therefore, the researcher suggests that we continue to improve shortcomings of SSW with alternative improvements to SSW program. In addition, SSW service implementation unit must also improve the performance SSW program in order to minimize errors that will arise. Keywords: Evaluation, Surabaya Single Window (SSW), licensing services.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Arif Cahyadi

THE APPLICATION OF GOOD GOVERNANCE IN PUBLIC SERVICES (Study on the Quality of Electronic Services of Good Governance Identity Card in Sukolilo District Surabaya). The principles of good governance is the government whether it is done in the government in the implementation of the public service. So this research aims to determine and analyze the value of the application of good governance and also knowing and analyzing yhe value of the quality of public service in the Sukolilo in Surabaya. The gathering data carried out by using interviews conducted with the head of the sie the government, as well as questionnaires in the spread of the Sukolilo in Surabaya with the amount of an informant for the 25 people who take care of the sevice E – ID cards, and also use techniques the observation of data – data obtained from the Sukolilo in Surabaya. The data analysis carried out in this study is the reduction of data to select the data according to the research, also the presentation of data with the present data that has been reduced and obtained from the Sukolilo, Surabaya, and also use techniques of pigeons gathered to conclude the data that has been reduced and is served. The results of this that the value of the implementation of the principle of good governance in the service of the E – ID cards in the Sukolilo of Surabaya was enough it’s fine with the value of approximately 21,6 and obtained also the results of this research that the value of the quality of service E – ID cards in the Sukolilo of Surabaya was enough it’s fine with the value of approximately 51. Keywords: good governance, the quality of public service.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Nuraisah Nuraisah ◽  
Lilis Wahyuni

This article aims to find out the implementation of the principles of public service at the Sabak Auh District Office of Siak Regency. Data were collected through observation interviews and documentation and analyzed qualitatively. The result of this study concludes that the implementation of the principles of public service at Sabak Auh Sub-District Office Siak Regency was not yet fully good there were still some weaknesses in supporting the implementation of the principles of public service at Sabak Auh Sub-district Office in Siak Regency. To implement the principles of public service at Sabak Auh Sub-District Office, Siak Regency it was guided by the vision and mission of administrative services so that public satisfaction with public services increases and the image of the Sabak Auh Sub-District Office was recognized by the community.

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