2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-53
Kadar M. Yusuf ◽  
Alwizar Alwizar ◽  
Irawati Irawati

Three are three main problems to focus of this research. First, the form of learning tools for Economics is integrated with Islamic sharia, which includes Semester Learning Plans (RPS) and modules. Second, the use of these two tools in learning. Furthermore, the third evaluation of the results of its use, which is found in students, which includes asking them to learn it and their mastery of teaching material. This research uses the R & D research model, which begins with designing the RPS and Economics Economics modules integrated with Islamic shariah and then implemented in learning. The results of the study illustrate that the RPS (teaching plan) was successfully designed by incorporating it into the integration model of Economics with Shari'ah, which includes three alternatives namely Al-Nushush al-Syar'iyah (Syariah Texts), Al-Tahlil al-Syar`i (Islamic law Analysis), and Al-Naqd al-Syar`i (Islamic law Critics). Likewise, the learning module for Economics is integrated with Islamic sharia, it has also been successfully formulated. In addition to the RPS and modules, the results of the study also showed that the lecturer supporting the course was able to convey Islamic sharia in relation to the material being taught. Likewise, students, they are very enthusiastic about taking Economics lectures that are integrated with Islamic sharia. It can be seen in their very high interest in taking this course, as well as their excellent learning outcomes.

Syafaruddin Siregar ◽  
Uli Karo_Karo ◽  
Tommy Eka Rahmadani

The purpose of this research is to develop activities and result student learning outcomes inMechanical Engineering Basic using Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw II on XTP1 students atSMKN 6 Bandung. Research method used is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists ofthree cycles. The study conducted by learning begins with pretest and posttest each cycle. Average yieldfor the specialist group activity each cycle as follows: Cycle I 44.16% (being), increase in cycle II to56.83% (being), cycle III to 86% (very high). Then the average home group activity for each cycle asfollows: cycle I 37.5%, increase in cycle II to 69.79% (high). Increased again the third cycle to 93.83%(very High). From the activity affect students’ learning result in each cycle of learning, especially pretestresult and posttest scores : pretest cycle I 48.91 and posttest 63.78 (up 14.84). 61.89 cycle II pretest andposttest 78.78 (up 16.89), 72.56 cycle III pretest and posttest 86.89 (up 14.33). Based on Analysis ofresearch data obtained in the field I nt can be concluded that the application of Cooperation LearningModel Type Jigsaw II can be increase the activity learning and learning result outcomes in subjectMechanical Engineering Basic of XTP1 at SMKN 6 Bandung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 362
Nurjanah Nurjanah ◽  
Isnarmi Isnarmi

This article aims to develop the learning of Citizenship Education based on local wisdom in improving student learning outcomes on material systems and the dynamics of Pancasila democracy in State Senior High School 1 Kunto Darussalam. The research model used is Research and Development. The focus of the study is in the field of Citizenship Education learning module design which collaborates on the material system and the dynamics of Pancasila democracy with local wisdom of Malay Malay culture. In accordance with Dewey's opinion; learning must be contextualized and adjusted for real life situations (Rusmiati et al, 2013). The data of this study were collected using tests, questionnaires, observations and interviews analyzed qualitatively. From the results of the study showed an increase in the average value of students from 2.1 to 3.1 with a total completeness level of 63.3% to 86.7%. 94.5% of students gave positive responses to learning. From the results of the study concluded that the learning module based on local wisdom can increase students' interest and learning outcomes in the material system and the dynamics of Pancasila democracy.

Eline Yanty Putri Nasution ◽  
Farida Hanum Lubis

  Abstrak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan 3 siklus sebagai kolaborasi penelitian antara dosen pendidikan matematika dengan guru matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menelaah model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw berbasis Algebrator untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Pelenitian ini dilaksanakan pada salah satu sekolah menengah pertama dimana 215 orang siswa kelas delapan sebagai populasi, dan 21 orang siswa sebagai sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan 8 buah instrumen baik tes maupun non-tes yang terlebih dahulu diuji coba validitasnya, yaitu: tes hasil belajar siswa I dengan nilai reliabilitas 0,80 (tinggi), tes hasil belajar siswa II dengan nilai reliabilitas 0,76 (tinggi), tes hasil belajar siswa III dengan nilai reliabilitas 0,81 (tinggi), skala aktivitas belajar siswa I dengan nilai reliabilitas 0,844 (sangat tinggi), skala aktivitas belajar siswa II dengan nilai reliabilitas 0,784 (tinggi), skala aktivitas belajar siswa III dengan nilai reliabilitas 0,878 (sangat tinggi), lembar observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus pertama adalah 65,62 (2) rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus kedua adalah 71,53 (3) rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus ketiga adalah 76 (4) rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus pertama adalah 41,29% (5) rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus kedua adalah 50,71% (6) rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus ketiga adalah 65,24% (7) lembar observasi dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa siswa merasa senang dan tertarik terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw berbasis Algebrator. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw berbasis Algebrator dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kata kunci: Jigsaw, Algebrator, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Aktivitas Belajar dan Hasil BelajarAbstract. This study was classroom action research with 3 cycles as the research collaboration between mathematics education lecturer and mathematics teacher. The purpose of this study was investigated cooperative learning model type jigsaw based on Algebrator to improve students activity and learning outcomes in mathematics learning. This study was implemented in one of the junior high school which 215 students of eighth grade as the population and 21 students as research sample. This study used 8 instruments not only test but also non-test that checked the validity first, that are: students learning outcomes test I with reability score at 0.80 (high), students learning outcomes test II with reability score at 0.76 (high), students learning outcomes test III with reability score at 0.81 (high), students learning activity scale I with reability score at 0.844 (very high), students learning activity scale II with reability score at 0.784 (high), students learning activity scale III with reability score at 0.878 (very high), observation sheet and interview. Based on the analysis of the data result, the finding of this study are: (1) the average of students’ learning outcomes at the first cycle is 65.62, (2) the average of students’ learning outcomes at the second cycle is 71.53, (3) the average of students’ learning outcomes at the third cycle is 76 (4) the average of students’ learning activity at the first cycle is 41.29%, (5) the average of students’ learning activity at the second cycle is 50.71%, (6) the average of students’ learning activity at the third cycle is 65.24% (7) observation and interview result indicate that students enjoyed and interested in mathematics learning using cooperative learning model type jigsaw based on Algebrator. The conclution is cooperative learning model type jigsaw based on Algebrator can improve students’ activity and learning outcomes in mathematics learning. Keywords: Jigsaw, Algebrator, Classroom Action Research, Learning Activity and Learning Outcomes

Dwi Jayanti Ispiandari

<p><em>The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of students on Theme 4 Clean and Healthy Living. The method for this research is classroom action research with the research subjects of class II students totaling 19 children at SD Negeri 1 Candiwulan. The instruments used are assessment of learning plans, assessment of the learning process, assessment of social attitudes, assessment of learners' skills, and assessment of knowledge. Achievement of percentage results obtained from cycles I, II, and III has increased. In the first cycle the percentage attainment was 73% with sufficient criteria, in the second cycle the percentage achievement was 80% with good criteria, and in the third cycle the percentage achievement was 88.4% with good criteria. So, it can be said that the use of video media can improve student learning outcomes in theme 4 of clean and healthy living.</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Ai Nurpadilah ◽  
Udung Hari Darifah ◽  
Dudi Dudi

This study is based on the low learning outcomes of students on IPS subjects. As it is known that the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) demands complete learning according to the conditions of students and schools, so that in SD Negeri 4 Banjarharja has been set Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria (KKM) for Social Science subjects (IPS) class V of 75. However The circumstances that occur in the field is the result of learning IPS obtained by V grade students about 40% or 12 students still get the value below the KKM with an average value of 72.25. Therefore, as an effort to improve learners' learning outcomes, researchers apply learning method gallery walk. The method used in classroom action research (PTK) research model Kurt Lewin. Data collection techniques are observation techniques, test and assessment techniques, and descriptive analysis techniques. After doing research, learning result of learners with the use of gallery walk learning method has increased, that is pre cycle average 72,25 with completeness percentage reach 40%, in cycle I reaching average value 79 with percentage mastery reach 65%, while in the second cycle reached an average value of 83.25 with a percentage of completeness reached 80%, and in the third cycle reached an average value of 89.75 with a percentage of completeness reached 100%. Thus, the learning method gallery walk can improve learning outcomes of learners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Nurcholish Arifin Handoyono ◽  
Rabiman Rabiman ◽  
Panggih Pribadi ◽  
Sigit Purnomo

 Abstracts. The objective of this research is to find: (1) increased learning motivation by applying the PBL method, and (2) increased learning outcomes by applying the PBL method. This research uses classroom action research with three cycles, each cycle consists of four phases: (1) planning; (2) action; (3) observe; and (4) reflecting. The research subjects were students of class XI TKR A totaling 26 students. Data collection techniques in research are: (2) self-assessment to measure student motivation; and (2) Tests to measure the learning outcomes. The data obtained is quantitative and processed into descriptive statistics. Data were analyzed descriptively. The research results are as follows: (1) learning motivation in the first cycle of 12.46 categorized as low, the second cycle of 14.72 categorized as high, and the third cycle of 16.76 categorized as very high, has increased by 2.26 from the first cycle to the second cycle and by 2.04 from the second cycle to the third cycle; and (2) learning outcomes in the first cycle of 75,38, the second cycle of 81,79), and the third cycle of 83.33, has increased by 6. 41 from the first cycle to the second cycle and by 1.54 of the second cycle to the third cycle.

2018 ◽  
pp. 42
Nurwahida . ◽  
Muhammad Danial ◽  
Mansyur .

ABSTRAKMasalah yang dihadapi dalam dunia pendidikan kita saat ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik, kurangnya peserta didik yang aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Untuk itu sebagai pendidik perlu mencari cara terbaik untuk menyampaikan konsep di kelas sehingga semua peserta didik dapat aktif dan mengingat informasi serta menggunakannya secara baik pula. Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran ini harus didukung oleh perangkat yang sesuai. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses dan kualitas perangkat pembelajaran kimia berbasis discovery learningyang dihasilkan pada materi larutan penyangga di kelas XI SMA. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model 4-D dari Thiagarajan. Ujicoba terbatas perangkat pembelajaran berbasis discovery learning ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 6 Maros dengan subjek penelitian sejumlah 24 peserta didik kelas XI IPA. Tekhnik pengumpulan data adalah teknik non tes dan teknik tes. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa : (1) Proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model 4-D yang meliputi 4 tahap, yaitu : : (a) Tahap pendefenisian (define), (b) tahap perancangan (design), (c) tahap pengembangan (develop), dan (d) tahap penyebaran (disseminate). (2) perangkat pembelajaran bersifat valid, praktis dan efektif. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP, BPD, LKPD, dan THB telah memenuhi kriteria kevalidan karena berada pada kategori “sangat valid”. Perangkat pembelajaran dikatakan praktis karena keterlaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran berada pada kategori “ terlaksana seluruhnya”, respon guru terhadap perangkat berda pada kategori “sangat positif”. Perangkat pembelajaran dikatakan efektif karena telah memenuhi kriteria keefektifan, dengan hasil kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran berada pada kategori “sangat tinggi”, aktivitas peserta didik berada pada kategori “sangan baik”, respon peserta didik berada pada kategori “sangat positif”, hasil belajar peserta didik memiliki rata-rata 82,09 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 83,33%, sedangkan peningkatan hasil belajar berdasarkan uji N-gain sebesar 0,81 dengan kriteri tinggi. Kata kunci :   Perangkat pembelajaran, discovery learning, larutan penyangga ABSTRACTThe problem of our education recently is low learning outcomes because less active students in learning process. Therefore, educators need to find the best way to deliver a concept in class so all students are active and able to remember the information and able to use it well. The implementation of learning process must be supported with appropriate tools. Thus, the objective of the study is to examine on buffer solution material produced in grade XI at SMA (Senior High School). The development model used in this research to develop learning tools based on discovery learning is 4-D model by Thiagarajan. The limited test of learning tools based on discovery learning was conducted at SMAN 6 in Maros. The subjects of the study were students with the total of 24 students grade XI IPA. The results of the study reveal that (1) the learnig tools development process by employing 4-D model covered 4 stages, namely (a) define, (b) design, (c) development, (d) and dessemination; (2) the learning tools produced was valid, practical, and effective. The learning tools was stated as it had met validity criteria included RPP, BPD, LKPD, and THB and each was in very good category. The learning tools were stated as practical because its implementation was in completely implemented category, the teacher’s response on the tools was in very positive category. The learning tools was stated as practical because its implementation was completely implemented category, the teacher’s response on the tools was in very positive category. The learning tools was stated as effective because it had met the effective criteria with theresult of teacher’s ability in learning management was in very high category, students activity was in very good category, students response was in very positive category, the learning outcomes had the average of 82,09 with classical completeness 83,33%; whereas, the improvement of learning outcomes based on N-gain test was 0,81 with high criteria. Keyword : learning tools, discovery learning, buffer solution

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 46-51
Ajat Sudrajat ◽  
Dudung Amir Soleh ◽  
Winda Dewi Lityasari ◽  
Vina Iasha

The background of the research is the fact that learning outcomes are still below the KKM on social studies content, namely 80%. Researchers used Predict, Observe and Explain models in improving SD social studies learning outcomes. The research model design was classroom action research which was adapted from the model of Kemmis and Mc.Taggart. The tools used to collect data in this study were student and teacher observation data to see the application of the Predict, Observe and Explain models and evaluation sheets in measuring the improvement of learning outcomes. The research achievement can be seen from the application of the Predict, Observe and Explain model stages to students and teachers which exceed 90% and the percentage of learning outcomes exceeds 80%. Discussion, learning outcomes in cycle I is 52%, cycle II is 65% and cycle III is 100%. Student observations in the first cycle were 60%, the second cycle was 74, the third cycle was 92. Meanwhile, the teacher's observation in cycle I is 70, cycle II is 78, and cycle III is 96. It is concluded that the Predict, Observe and Explain model is very effective for teachers to increase their creative innovation abilities and can improve learning outcomes, especially in grade IV SD social studies content. In cycle I there are still weaknesses of students who have not adapted to the learning carried out by the teacher. The teacher still hasn't done all the steps from the Predict, Observe and Explain model so that it needs to be corrected in the second cycle. In the second cycle students were able to adapt to the learning model carried out by the teacher. The teacher has started to master the Predict, Observe and Explain model but has not reached the target so it needs improvement for the third cycle. from the third cycle student learning outcomes as well as student monitoring actions and teacher monitoring actions using the Predict, Observe, and Explain models are as expected. It can be said that the Predict, Observe, and Explain models are alternative models used in elementary schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 439
Eriyanto Eriyanto

This research is motivated from the learning outcomes of class V SD Negeri 011 Desa Baru Kecamatan SiakHulu which is still very low. This study aims to improve learning outcomes penjaskes. From the data analysis,there is an increase of both teacher activity, student activity, and student learning result, that is teacher activityin meeting 1 cycle I percentage is 70% (high) and at second meeting increased to 80% (high). In the secondcycle of the third meeting the value of teacher activity from 80% (high) to 90% (very high) and at the fourthmeeting increased to 95% (very high). Judging from the activity of students also experienced an increase from65% (high) to 75% (high). In cycle II the third meeting becomes 85% (very high) and at the fourth meeting itincreases to 90% (very high). Judging from the result of student learning also experience improvement, fromstudent average score on base score that is 50,25 after cycle I student average score increased to 70,5 withincrease as much 20,25 point from base score. In the second cycle of student learning outcomes also increasedas much as 15.25 points from cycle I with average student's grade of 85.75. From the data analysis there is anincrease both from teacher activity, student activity, and student learning outcomes. It was concluded that theimplementation of the strategy of playing kangaroo jump (longu) can improve the learning outcomes of class VSD Negeri 011 Desa Baru Kecamatan Siak Hulu.

2019 ◽  

This research was a classroom action research that began with the development of learning tools. The research was conducted in two (2) cycles. Each cycle consisted of four phases: planning, action, observations and reflection. The purpose of this research was the application of alternative learning, which was not monotonous in order to improve students’ Civics learning outcomes. Additionally, it was produced learning tools consisting of a syllabus, lesson plans using cooperative learning with Group Investigation type. The subject of this research was the ninth grade student of SMPN 21 Makassar, with the number of students 27 consisting of 10 men and 17 women. The results showed that in the first cycle, only five students or 29.41% from 17 students who met the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) with the average score obtained for 56.47 or middle category. While on the second cycle,13 students or 76.47% from 17 students met the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) with the average score obtained for 86.67 which was at very high category.

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