2021 ◽  
Vitalii Rusan

The article considers the current state of the institutional field of modern state agrarian policy, which consists of a number of legislative acts regulating: the area in which business activities of economic entities of the agrarian sector, features, mechanisms and measures of state support of the agrarian sector, measures to protect natural resources used in agriculture. The main problems that hinder the further development of the agrarian sector are highlighted: deformed structure of agricultural production in favor of export-oriented crop products, lack of program document on agrarian sector development, low efficiency of state support of the agrarian sector, lack of strategic vision and concrete actions to overcome the livestock crisis, access of agricultural producers to bank loans, inefficient use of the potential of Ukrainian lands, environmental problems of agricultural land use, insufficient development of agricultural market infrastructure. Currently, the agrarian sector makes a significant contribution to the country's GDP, the inflow of foreign currency from foreign trade operations provides the domestic market with a wide range of food products at a very acceptable level. However, the current model of functioning of the agrarian sector is inefficient. The lack of effective mechanisms to support small producers leads to a decrease in their competitiveness, reduced production of agricultural products and increasing demand for their imports, deteriorating food security, rising unemployment among the rural population and migration of labor to large cities and abroad. Due to the non-inclusive development of the agrarian sector, Ukraine is losing a significant share of the positive potential of favorable trends in world food markets. The main directions of further reforming of the agrarian sector of Ukraine and ensuring food security of the state, in particular: stimulating investment processes in the agrarian sector of Ukraine, introduction of modern technologies in agricultural production, development of agricultural market infrastructure, development of small agricultural production, development of agricultural cooperatives, rural development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Denis Samygin

The problem of payback of subsidies in agricultural industry due to obligatory payments in the budgetary system of the country rises. It is shown that the minority of this problem for the state is caused by the social and economic importance of the industry for society and inaccuracy of opinion on low budgetary efficiency of allocations in agricultural production. The technique of assessment of efficiency of use of funds of state support from a position of the state financial system is proved. On the basis of the analysis it is revealed that at creating favorable conditions of development of producers not only prerequisites of ensuring food security and preservation of rural territories, but recoverability of means due to obligatory payments in the budget and off-budget funds are formed. By means of the constructed models the optimum ratio of payback of subsidies and profitability of costs of production taking into account conditions of simple and expanded reproduction of resources without loss of cost of the budgetary investments is revealed. The importance of results of a research consists in the revealing opportunities of planning of efficiency of use of the raised funds in production of agricultural products both for agrarian business, and for the state.

Sergey AMONS

Farms (individual and family) are an important component of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy and an effective mechanism that contributes to increasing employment and income growth in rural areas, attracting investment resources in agricultural production. In recent years, there has been a downward trend in the number of farms in Ukraine. The main reason for this situation is the absence of potential start-up capital from the potential agrarian farmers, on the basis of which efficient agrarian production could be built. There are also a number of restraining factors in the development of agriculture in our country, including the imperfection of the legislative framework in the areas of the permit system and licensing, the limited participation in government procurement, the lack of an effective system of training for entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, etc. Research by domestic and foreign scientists shows that one of the strengths of farms is their resilience. They all operate under conditions of risk and uncertainty that are specific to the agricultural sector, but retain their structure, functions and identity. At present, they have many socio-economic problems and one of them is the organization of competitive production. In conditions of fierce competition, farms can operate successfully, especially if competitive products are produced. Among the basic problems of functioning of farms that require a decision in the legal field, scientists distinguish: imperfection of mechanism of the long-term crediting and taxation of farms; insufficiency of sizes of the landed parcels of land for the conduct of effective menage, absence of projects of organization of the use of land in relation to the еколого-економічного ground of crop rotations and organization of lands; plenty of documents necessary for the receipt of state help. Farming as a form of farming in the countryside is important not only for agriculture, but in general for all areas of material production. Therefore, the development of farming should be explored in the context of the changes taking place in the spheres of public relations. It should be noted that the characteristic features of farms are mainly small sizes, small in size initial capital and land areas, reliance on own funds, orientation on market conditions, focus on output, commercial calculation, risk, entrepreneurship. The revitalization of farming creates favorable conditions for the development of small rural businesses. In recent years, domestic farms have begun to play a significant role in meeting the needs of the internal market and shaping the export potential of agricultural products. Among the main problems that hinder the development of the agricultural movement in our country, it is necessary to note the low level of introduction of modern innovative technologies of agricultural production, which, in turn, is caused by limited financial support, lack of working capital to acquire the appropriate production resources for the new production cycle. Last years, in spite of all problems that are in our state, the amount of farmers in Ukraine grows little by little. On official statistics, by the state on beginning of 2018 for us about 45 thousand farms were counted, for the last year their amount increased on 2%. Certainly, it is a small height, but a general tendency talks that to be a farmer in Ukraine and to engage in an agribusiness becomes a fashionable tendency. Specific gravity of farming in the general amount of agricultural produce in Ukraine hesitated from 6,1 % to 8,7 %. For comparison in the USA the domestic farms of different types together make 99 % economies on the whole and 90 % productions in an agricultural sector. Farming has a high degree of adaptability to market signals, flexibly responds to market conditions through changes in production programs, specialization and diversification of economic activity, but not agriculture, but Ukrainian agricultural holdings provide the lion's share of Ukrainian agricultural exports. Therefore, as soon as possible creating favorable conditions for the functioning of farms in Ukraine is important both to overcome the decline of the village and to streamline the organizational structure of agriculture in accordance with European standards for market conditions through changes in production programs, specialization and diversification of economic activity, but not agriculture, and Ukrainian agricultural holdings provide the lion's share of Ukrainian agricultural exports. Therefore, the earliest possible creation of favourable conditions for the functioning of farms in Ukraine is important both for overcoming the decline of the village and for streamlining the organizational structure of agriculture in accordance with European standards. The conducted research shows that the main problems of state support for farms in Ukraine are low level of awareness of farms about the possibilities of obtaining state support; complex procedural mechanism for obtaining state support; lack of clarity on the timing of state aid; manual allocation mechanism; - insufficient funding for government programs. We believe that a dialogue should be established between the state and FG: a state strategy for the development of the agrarian sector should be clear to producers and communicated through profile associations, sectoral organizations, the agricultural advisory system, while farmers' problems should be a priority for the state. In order to increase the competitiveness of farms, investment activities should cover the introduction of investments in the modernization of production. For the competitiveness of a farm, its technical re-equipment is necessary.

Б.Б. Доскалиева ◽  
А.С. Байдалинова ◽  
B. Doskalieva ◽  
A. Baidalinova

В современных условиях развитие агропромышленного комплекса, включающего материальные, финансовые и трудовые ресурсы, является крайне важным для продовольственной безопасности государства. Агропромышленный комплекс Республики Казахстан, в который входит сельское хозяйство и переработка продуктов питания, является основным поставщиком продовольствия населению страны и от его успешной деятельности напрямую зависит состояние продовольственной безопасности Казахстана. Целью исследования данной статьи является раскрытие роли, значения АПК для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности Казахстана, выявление зависимости производства продуктов питания от различных факторов, на основе использования методов математического моделирования – корреляционно-регрессионного анализа. Объектом исследования в данной статье выступает АПК Казахстана. В статье рассмотрено влияние на объем выпуска продукции сельского хозяйства следующих факторов: субсидии, инвестиции в основной капитал, объем кредитования, уровень активности в области инновации, уровня занятости в сельском хозяйстве. Выявлено, что наибольшее влияние на объем выпуска продукции сельского хозяйства оказывает государственная поддержка АПК в форме финансового инструмента - субсидирования и инвестиций в основной капитал сельского хозяйства. Показано, что наметилась отрицательная тенденция в развитии сельского хозяйства и АПК Казахстана, как отток трудовых ресурсов из отрасли из-за низкой заработной платы. Авторы пришли к выводу, что пока в АПК Казахстана не будет обеспечен достаточный приток инвестиций с целью реализации масштабной модернизации и реконструкции сельскохозяйственного производства, техническое и технологическое отставание будет сохранено в промышленности, следовательно, проблема повышения конкурентоспособности данной отрасли будет особенно реальной. В результате авторы предлагают в дальнейшем в качестве совершенствования государственной политики в сфере развития АПК осуществлять меры активной государственной поддержки АПК, не нарушающих правила ВТО, разработать программы адресной продовольственной помощи социально-незащищенных слоев населения. In modern conditions, the development of the agro-industrial complex, including material, financial and labor resources, is extremely important for the food security of the state. The agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which includes agriculture and food processing, is the main supplier of food to the population of the country and the state of food security of Kazakhstan directly depends on its successful activity. The purpose of this article is to disclose the role, significance of the agro-industrial complex for ensuring food security in Kazakhstan, identifying the dependence of food production on various factors, based on the use of mathematical modeling methods – correlation and regression analysis. The object of research in this article is the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. The article examines the impact on the volume of agricultural output of the following factors: subsidies, investments in fixed assets, the volume of lending, the level of activity in the field of innovation, the level of employment in agriculture. It was revealed that the state support of the agro-industrial complex in the form of a financial instrument – subsidies and investments in fixed assets of agriculture – has the greatest impact on the volume of agricultural production. It is shown that there has been a negative trend in the development of agriculture and the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, as an outflow of labor resources from the industry due to low salary. The authors came to the conclusion that until a sufficient inflow of investments is ensured in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan in order to implement large-scale modernization and reconstruction of agricultural production, the technical and technological lag will remain in the industry, therefore, the problem of increasing the competitiveness of this industry will be especially real. As a result, the authors propose, in the future, to improve the state policy in the field of agro-industrial complex development, to implement measures of active state support for the agro-industrial complex that do not violate the WTO (World Trade Organization) rules, to develop programs for targeted food assistance to socially unprotected segments of the population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-171 ◽  
V. V. Bessonov

During the research theoretical provisions on the external economic safety at the national and supranational levels in the conditions of integration are added. In article the problems in agricultural production development leading to emergence of threats to security of member states of EEU are systematized. On the example of development of subsector of gardening the dynamics of the prices of products of a ploovodstvo, import of landing material and products of fruit growing is shown. The revealed threats can lead to closing of the markets for the Russian agricultural products that limits achievement of target values of volume of export. The directions of support of export of agricultural products in the EEU countries, the used financial and non-financial instruments of support are analysed. For creation of equal conditions of managing agricultural producers in EEU need to unify forms and methods of the state support on pricing, insurance, subsidizing, investment and to improve them. In the conclusion in relation to subsectors of agriculture measures for decrease in level of unauthorized export, the state support of purchase only of domestic breeding and selection production, strengthening of control of an epizootic situation and quarantine measures, to regulation of seasonal deliveries of products are proposed.

R. V. Matviienko

The article substantiates institutional foundations of the state adjustment of agricultural production development. The theoretical construction of the process of the agricultural production state adjustment has been depicted. The factors, which objectively cause the necessity of the state support of the agricultural production.

Liudmyla PRONKO ◽  
Natalya KULYK

Any transformational changes depend on the state, namely: measures that should take into account current trends in the development of the domestic market, cooperation with foreign producers, who consider Ukraine as a potential supplier of agricultural products. The solution of these problems will contribute to the construction and effective functioning of public administration in various areas of the formation and implementation of socio-economic policies. For the development of the agrarian economy, state support should be balanced and take into account the problems of socio-economic development of the state, by improving the system of public administration and adoption of relevant legislative acts. The main instruments of state support are interest-free budget loans to agricultural producers, tax exemptions, receipts and debt restructuring, partial compensation of expenses for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment. However, the system of state support and regulation of agriculture in Ukraine is deformed and lagging behind civilization development and from European standards. Today, the expenditures of the State Budget of Ukraine in support of the agrarian sector make up 5-6% of budget expenditures. At the same time, budget support is almost completely offset by the existing disparity in prices. At 100 UAH budget disbursements are 100 UAH of price costs, when in the EU, on the contrary, 100 euro of budget payments to farmers account for 130 euro of price support. In addition, state support for prices and production is provided to agricultural enterprises, which produce only 40.7% of the gross output of the industry and employ less than a third of able-bodied rural residents. The farmers and the vast majority of farms do not receive such support. Therefore, questions arise regarding the improvement of price policy, which would restore parity and ensure positive price support for agricultural producers, helped to select the means of support and implementation of ways to exit the agrarian sector from a protracted crisis through the application of measures of state protectionism. Such an approach will help to reduce the level of inequivalence in the agricultural exchange trade with other sectors of the economy and ensure the efficient functioning of agricultural production. State support to agriculture in Ukraine covers the budget financing of programs and measures aimed at the development of the industry, preferential tax treatment, partial compensation of interest rates for the use of commercial banks loans, write-off of bad debts to the budget, support for expanded reproduction in agriculture and protection of interests of agricultural consumers products. Unfortunately, today state support in the form of subsidies, subventions and donations is not being implemented effectively. Because agricultural producers either do not receive financial resources due to lack of funds, or receive them with considerable delay in time. This is due to the fact that the budget support programs developed and implemented are often underfunded, and the rules for allocating budget funds, according to the relevant programs, are approved on an annual basis, and therefore change from year to year (i.e. agricultural producers often do not receive support when it comes to them urgently needed). Thus, state support is a combination of various levers and instruments of preferential financing of the most vulnerable enterprises and branches of agro-industrial complex. Therefore, it is advisable for agricultural commodity producers to focus on: - raising the level of production of agricultural products, which will contribute to the growth of livestock feed and increase export potential of the country; - increase in the production of milk milk; - reduction of the level of dependence on imports of agricultural products. The solution of such problems is possible only with the proper state regulation and support of the agroindustrial complexes. Another important direction for improving the economic mechanism of state support is increasing the availability of loans aimed at increasing financial sustainability of the industry. Agrarians should create the necessary conditions for expanded reproduction with the help of credit resources. At the same time, the scheme of granting preferential loans should be modified. Indeed, as convinced by world experience - the basis for creating a rational and sustainable, economic and balanced agricultural production is focused state support Therefore, in order for agricultural production to develop more effectively and to increase its competitiveness, it is necessary to adjust the process of providing state financial support to agricultural producers, to ensure its increase and effective use, in accordance with the principles of a market economy and approaches to state encouragement of agricultural production in other countries. The settlement also requires a system of direct state aid to the agrarian sector. Grants and reimbursements from the state budget should primarily be paid to producers of agricultural products, and the main part of the funds should be directed to financial support for programs that are capable of ensuring the sustainable development of the agricultural sector.

2019 ◽  
pp. 59-73 ◽  
Nikolai M. Svetlov ◽  
Renata G. Yanbykh ◽  
Dariya A. Loginova

In this paper, we assess the effects of agricultural state support of corporate farms on their revenues from agricultural production sales in 14 Russian regions that differ in technology, environment and institutional conditions. In addition to the direct effect of the state support, the indirect effects via labor and capital are revealed. For this purpose, we identify production functions and statistical models of production factors for each of these regions separately. We find out diverse effects of the state support on revenues among the regions. Positive effects prevail. Negative effects are mainly caused by labor reductions that follow subsidy inflows. Another cause of negative effects is the soft budget constraints phenomenon.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-596
Andrey A. Karavdin

Issues related to state support of the agro-industrial complex are relevant for all countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. The article deals with the key problems of the agro-industrial complex, which are mainly caused by the features of agriculture. The necessity of state support for the agro-industrial complex of Russia on the basis of the identified problems is substantiated. The article analyzes the directions and measures of state support in Russia, the differences between the stated goals in the state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex and the results in practice. The lack of a comprehensive approach to solving existing problems and proper control over the implementation of the state program, ill-considered and insufficient funding of individual programs, lobbying by large agricultural holdings of their interests and the monopolization of agricultural production do not allow to rely on the development of small agribusiness and rural areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 364
Lyudmila Pronko ◽  
Irina Furman ◽  
Anatolii Kucher ◽  
Yaroslav Gontaruk

In our paper we researched the state regulation in agriculture of Ukraine, as well as world experience in this field. The distribution of state financing for support of agricultural production is analyzed. We singled out the direction of state support to the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The directions of organizational reforming of households in the market conditions are investigated. The variants of integration of households of the population into more consolidated economic forms are offered. The priority of the development of cooperatives in agriculture has been argued. The positive experience of state support of servicing cooperation is considered on the example of «The Benefits of the Development of Personal Peasant, Farmers, Cooperative Movement in the Village and Advice Service for 2016-2020» of the Vinnytsia Region. The prospects of creation of cooperatives for the provision of oilseeds processing services for the energy needs of agribusinesses and provision of livestock feed with forages are argued. The prospects for realization of the program of development of agricultural servicing cooperatives within the boundaries of Ukraine are outlined.  Keywords: agrarian policy, agribusiness development program, agricultural servicing cooperative agriculture, cooperation, food safety, energy security, enterprise-agro producer, integration of farms, state support of agrarian sector

2019 ◽  
Vol 81 ◽  
pp. 01008
Lyudmila Kalinina ◽  
Inga Zelenskaya ◽  
Sofya Trufanova ◽  
Nicolay Kalinin

The state program “Development of aquaculture (commercial fish farming) in the Russian Federation for 2015-2020” (hereinafter referred to as the State Program) determines the main directions for the development of the fisheries complex and its financial support. However, the current program does not sufficiently elaborate the forms of state support for this sphere of agricultural production, which would contribute to the accelerated development of the industry. It should also be noted that the existing potential of aquaculture in Russia is not fully utilized. The Institute of Economics of the Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk Region, assessed the fulfillment of tasks of the State Program, identified factors hindering the development of aquaculture in Russia and its regions, and developed recommendations for improving the forms of state support for economic entities in the industry.

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