scholarly journals Readiness of Private Islamic Religious Universities in Supporting Policy Implementation for the Regulation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2016

This study aims to determine the readiness of Private Islamic Religious Universities in supporting the implementation for the Regulation of The Ministry of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Of 2016, concerning Certificate of Diploma Supplement. This policy, in fact, has been implemented since January 12, 2016. This study uses a qualitative approach, research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of utterances or scripts and behavior of the people observed. The qualitative approach is expected to get an in-depth description of the utterances, scripts and behavior of the people observed. Data analysis is done through; data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of the study show that; PIRU Human Resources Region II West Java and Banten are not ready to implement Certificate of Diploma Supplement, because it is still in the phase of preparation; infrastructure as a support in implementing policies is still minimal, and organizational commitment has not fully supported the implementation of the DSC implementation policy.

Isman Hadijaya

ABSTRACT This study analyzes and obtain a description of Policy Implementation delegation of some authority of government of the Regent to the District Head in District Tanjungsari of Sumedang Regency. Design used in this study using descriptive research design with a qualitative approach. Data analysis techniques employed in descriptive research through data selection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this study can be revealed that the implementation of the policy of delegation of some powers to the District Head in District Regents Tanjungsari accordance with decree No. 55 of 2009 which bestows 22 (twenty two) areas of authority, are still not followed up with a technical guide its implementation, making it difficult for field implementation fully implemented and still can not run optimally. The obstacles faced by the integrated services that have not been implemented, in the sense of the service process in the district Tanjungsari not through one door and go through the procedure on each part in accordance with their main duty, so that the bureaucracy getting longer, there are still overlapping authority with Technical service or other agencies, so that the implementation of the service becomes not optimal, uniform pattern of delegation of authority to all the districts to make the pattern of service be the same and there is no specification tailored to the needs of local communities, Lack of Human Resources (HR). So that the delegation of authority is on target and in accordance with the needs, competencies and skills Increasing Human Resources (personnel) in the district Tanjungsari who will carry out the delegation of authority, the provision of funding support for the implementation of the delegation of authority from the Regents to the District Head in District Tanjungsari of Sumedang Regency in a way inventory and forecast demand infrastructure and facilities and where possible existing infrastructure be utilized in the process of implementation of the delegation of authority. Keywords: implementation, policy, authority delegation.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 25-38
Anton Wahyu Putra ◽  
Fitrotun Niswah

Inovasi layanan drive-thru perpustakaan merupakan sebuah layanan yang diciptakan Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Inovasi layanan drive-thru ini berbentuk tempat / loket untuk melayani kebutuhan pemustaka tanpa harus turun dari kendaraan. Inovasi ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan pelayanan kepada pemustaka dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan budaya literasi.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi layanan drive-thru di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Fokus penelitian ini adalah Kriteria Inovasi menurut PermenPANRB nomor 3 Tahun  2018 meliputi 5 variabel yang terdiri atas Kebaruan, Efektif , Bermanfaat , Dapat direplikasi, dan Berkelanjutan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara,observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, pemaparan dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk hasil penelitian menunjukkan inovasi layanan drive-thru memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Pada kriteria kebaruan menunjukkan inovasi drive-thru merupakan suatu penemuan baru serta menawarkan cara baru dalam melayani pemustaka melalui loket. Untuk kriteria efektif tujuan dari diciptakannya drive-thru adalah untuk memudahkan pemustaka sudah memenuhi, tetapi untuk meningkatkan budaya literasi belum tercapai. Untuk kriteria bermanfaat sudah dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan bagi dinas yang menerapkannya. Pada dapat direplikasi inovasi ini dapat menjadi contoh/rujukan karena sudah ada beberapa instansi yang menduplikasinya, lalu kriteria terakhir keberlanjutan untuk kedepan inovasi ini akan tetap dipertahankan karena mendapat dukungan dari berbagai stakeholder. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah lebih menggalakan sosialisasi agar drive-thru ini bisa lebih berkembang dan dimanfaatkan oleh lebih banyak orang.    Kata kunci : Inovasi Layanan, Drive Thru Perpustakaan, Budaya Literasi   The library's drive-thru service innovation is a service created by the Library and Archives Office of East Java Province. This drive-thru service innovation is in the form of a counter to serve the needs of visitors without having to get off the vehicle. This innovation aims to facilitate service to users in the hope that it can improve literacy culture. The purpose of this study is to describe the drive-thru service innovation in the Department of Library and Archives of East Java Province. The focus of this research is the Innovation Criteria according to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PermenPANRB) number 3 of 2018 covering 5 variables consisting of novelty, effectiveness, benefit, transferbility, and sustainability. This type of research is a descriptive type with a qualitative approach. For data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data collection, data reduction, data presentation, presentation and conclusion drawing. The research results show that drive-thru service innovation has advantages and disadvantages. The novelty criterion indicates that drive-thru innovation is a new invention and offers a new way of serving visitors through the counter. . For the effective criteria, the purpose of creating a drive-thru is to make it easier for users to fulfill it, but to improve literacy culture has not been achieved. For useful criteria, it can provide benefits for the community and for the agencies that implement them. If this innovation can be replicated, it can be used as an example / reference because there are already several agencies that duplicate it. Then the last criteria for sustainability for the future of this innovation will be maintained because it has the support of various stakeholders. Suggestions that can be given are to promote more socialization so that this drive-thru can be more developed and utilized by more people. Keywords : Service Innovation , Drive Thru  Library, Literacy Culture

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Nurul Istiqomah

<p>Entrepreneurship is very important to instill independence in the younger generation. There are a number of things that have an important influence on a child's soul, including family, school and the environment. The role of the family, especially mothers as early educators who put the most important foundation for the growth of the personality and maturity of children's thinking. There are several research focuses that exist in, among others, (1) to know parents in instilling entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang. (2) to knowing the form or result of the cultivation of entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang (3) to knowing the obstacles in cultivating entrepreneurial education values in the Tempe chips industry center in Sanan, Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of research of community phenomena because researchers take data directly in the field. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The conclusion of this study is the role of parents in instilling entrepreneurial values is to guide and support the activities of their children in the field of entrepreneurship. The results have been well implemented through habituation. The obstacle in implementing entrepreneurship for children is the lack of parental trust so that it is difficult to teach entrepreneurship, it is difficult to determine which products are sold because they are too expensive, and the difficulty of the child to divide time.</p><p class="CPKeyword"><em><strong>Keywords: the role of parents; entrepreneurship</strong></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-41
Diana Elvianita Martanti ◽  
Nanang Rudi Hartono ◽  
Sunarsasi Sunarsasi

The purpose of this study was to understand and find out the motives and meanings of "Sayur Hanging" carried out by the people of Blitar. Then in the future, the results of this research are expected to provide an understanding of the motives and meanings of "Sayur Hanging" carried out by the people of Blitar. The research method uses a qualitative approach that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and observable behavior from the subject itself. This type of research is qualitative phenomenological. The results of this study are the hanging vegetable phenomenon occurs in a number of areas in Blitar, namely Sananwetan Village and Bendogerit Village, as for the meaning of the hanging vegetable phenomenon from the analysis that the authors get from the interview and analysis process is the activity of hanging vegetables on a pole that almost resembles a clothesline. by a number of residents in an area with the aim of helping people in need.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Slamet Subiyantoro

<p>The aims of this research is to explain the batik wood artists level of understanding of Copyright as part of Intellectual Property as stipulated in Act Number 19 Year 2002. The research was conducted with descriptive qualitative approach and the data were collected using questionnaires from 65 batik wood artists that were selected randomly from 673 artists in Gunung Kidul. The data is also completed with interviews from main informants, and observation results and content analysis results. The data validation was done use source triangulation techniques to obtain data that reflecting facts. Data analyzed with interactive model in cycle with stages data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results show that the low implementation of copyright registration is not only due to the lack of artists in understanding the Copyright, but rather from the influence of socio – cultural aspects of society that are collective. Thus, emphasizing the moral aspect of the formal aspects such as Copyright that are part of the western culture. The Copyright Act No. 19 Number 2002 is the revision of previously Copyright Act which has not provided a proportional space for Moral Rights compared to Copyright which tends to the economic aspects. </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Nana Novita Pratiwi

Sekida Village as a Creative Tourism Village is an embryo for the community's economic development. The Creative Tourism Village has provided a space for participation for the community through various activities. Thus, this study aims to determine forms of community participation in supporting the development of the Creative Tourism Village in Sekida Village. The research approach used is phenomenological with qualitative descriptive method. The research stages consisted of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the analysis concluded that the largest form of community participation was manpower and expertise with a percentage of 82% and 72%, respectively. Based on their characteristics, the people who are dominant in contributing to supporting the development of the Creative Tourism Village through their participation are the older adults with an elementary education level.Keywords: Community Participation, Creative Tourism Village, Sekida Village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Amrullah Amrullah ◽  
Muslim Muslim ◽  
Sri Nurhidayati ◽  
Wiwi Noviati ◽  
M Salahuddin

Abstraksi   Masyarakat Sumbawa dikenal sebagai masyarakat yang heterogen, karena dihuni oleh penduduk dari berbagai suku, etnis, bahasa dan agama dengan konsekuensi terhadap pembawaan adat-istiadat serta sistem hidup yang berbeda-beda. Kondisi ini adalah salah satu modal utama yang jika disalahgunakan akan bisa berdampak negatif dengan munculnya sentimen-sentimen dan konflik komunal yang bisa merusak sistem kehidupan bermasyarakat. Proses mediasi, arbitrasi dan negosiasi adalah salah satu pendekatan yang digunakan  dalam meresolusi konflik selama ini. Sedangkan masih banyak metode atau pendekatan lain yang dirasa cukup efektif dan kadang terlupakan dalam pendekatan pencegahan dan resolusi konflik yaitu melalui pendekatan Kecerdasan Budaya.Sehingga riset ini, mencoba mengangkat masalah urgensi kecerdasan budaya dalam mencegah dan meresolusi konflik. Adapun masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1).Faktor-faktor apa saja yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya konflik dalam masyarakat?, 2). Siapa saja yang berperan sebagai struktural, akselerator dan pemakin atau trigger dalam konflik tersebut?, 3). Pendekatan apa saja yang selama ini digunakan dalam upaya mencegah dan menyelesaikan konflik dalam masyarakat oleh pemerintah?, 4). Mengapa kecerdasan budaya sangat penting dalam mencegah dan menyelesaikan konflik tersebut? Metode riset yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif.Dengan tujuan agar pengungkapan fenomena di lokasi penelitian secara leluasa memungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal karena data tersebut valid dan dapat dipertanggung- jawabkan secara ilmiah dan rasional. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ada  yaitu teknik observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dimulai dari proses pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan keabsahan datayang terdiri dari Derajat kepercayaan (credibility), Keteralihan (transferability), Ketergantungan (dependability), dan Kepastian (comfirmability). Hasil penelitian, bahwa Terjadinya konflik di Kabupaten Sumbawa disebabkan karena adanya faktor Struktural, Akselerator dan Trigger (SAT) konflik, misalnya seperti: masih ada dan kuatnya Political Memory dalam Masyarakat. Serta pentingnya Kecerdasan Budaya dalam mencegah dan menyelesaikan konflik, karena semua aspek-aspek yang ada dalam Kecerdasan Budaya seperti: Pengetahuan, Strategi, Motivasi dan Perilaku ternyata memiliki relevansi dan kemampuan untuk mendorong dan menciptakan suasana yang aman, damai dan harmonis dalam masyarakat sepanjang masyarakat bisa dan mampu menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Budaya, Pencegahan, Resolusi, Konflik   The Sumbawa community is known as a heterogeneous society, inhabited by people of various ethnic, ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds with consequences for different customs and systems of life. This condition is one of the main capital that if misused will be able to negatively impact the emergence of sentiments and communal conflicts that can damage the system of social life. The process of mediation, arbitration and negotiation is one of the approaches used in resolving conflicts over the years. While there are many other methods or approaches that are considered quite effective and sometimes forgotten in the approach of prevention and conflict resolution is through the approach of Cultural Intelligence. So this research, trying to raise the urgency issue of the cultural intelligence in preventing and resolving the conflict. The problems raised in this study are: 1). What factors can cause conflict in society ?, 2). Who actor that acts as a structural, accelerator and trigger or trigger in the conflict ?, 3). What approaches have been used in preventing and resolving the conflict in society by the government ?, 4). Why is cultural intelligence so important in preventing and resolving the conflict? The research method in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The aim of this research that the disclosure of the phenomenon in the research location freely possible to get maximum results because the data is valid and can be accounted scientifically and rationally.Data collection techniques that is used in this research are techniques of observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis techniques start from the process of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data validity consisting of credibility, transferability, dependability and comfirmability. The result of the research, that the occurrence of conflict in Sumbawa Regency caused by Structural factor, Accelerator and Trigger (SAT) conflict, for example: there is still and strong Political Memory in Society. As well as the importance of Cultural Intelligence in preventing and resolving of conflicts, as all aspects of Cultural Intelligence such as: Knowledge, Strategy, Motivation and Behavior have the relevance and ability to encourage and create a safe, peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in society as long as society can and able to internalize these values ​​in everyday life. Keywords: Cultural Intelligence, Prevention, Resolution, Conflict

M. Hafid Kumaini ◽  
Nindya Pujiati Yasinta

Lack of self-acceptance often occurs in someone who is old or elderly who has been abandoned by his wife or husband and left by their children who have built their own household. Islamic Music Therapy through audio Sholawat Jibril is a therapy that aims to calm the heart and always invites to increase spirituality by remembering Allah and Rasulullah SAW. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely the research phase that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words instead of numbers (non-statistical) from the people and observed behavior. Qualitative research is obtained from interviews, observations, documentation. Therefore, Islamic music therapy through audio Sholawat Jibril in the program for growing self-acceptance in the elderly is able to grow self-acceptance and positive things that will be very necessary for an effort to increase spiritual feelings in the elderly. With this prayer, it is possible for the elderly to be able to develop reduced self-acceptance due to the condition that they are old and their relatives who have left the elderly alone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 89
Erick Setiawan ◽  
Erfan Erfan

This study aims to describe how the piano learning methodsare used in Purwacara Music Studio Padang. It is seen in terms of objective, material, method, and evaluation. This research used a Qualitative approach which produced descriptive data about Piano Instruction in Purwacara Music Studio Padang.T he data were collected through observation, interview, documentation, and interactive data analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that the piano learning process in Purwacara Music Studio is in accordance with the determined curriculum whose learning objective is students are able to play piano in right fingeringand sitting attitude. In the learning process, the methods implemented are lecture method, questions and answers, demonstration, drill, and assignment. Meanwhile, thelearning materialsare divided into two materials: music theory and music practice. In addition, evaluation is always held in every course meeting, and final evaluation as well as a test for improvement levelis held every 6 months. To get  more tangible and use fulbenefits, based onthe results of research and discussion about piano instruction in Purwacara Music Studio, forming a special team for designing piano learning materials in an guidebook is a suggestion the writer gives. This is due to the fact that available materials are not neatly arranged in a guidebook. Thus, the existence of the arranged materials in a guidebook can further enhance the process of learning.Keywords: method, learning, piano

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Pipi Pipi

This study discusses the existence of the management of harmony between Islam and Buddhism in Tanjung Batu Kota. This study aims to describe the factors that cause religious harmony in Tanjung Batu Kota, Kundur District, Karimun Regency.This study used the conflict theory according to Lewis Coser. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. purposive sampling technique was used to select the informant that consists of 10 people. The types of data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. Observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies were used in collecting the data. Meanwhile, the data analysis unit used by the group was Milles and Huberman's data analysis, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study reveal that several factors are causing religious harmony: 1) Tolerance in the Economic Sector. 2) Inter-Religious Harmony. 3) Mutual Respect and Respect for Other Religions. 4) The Management of Religious Harmony in Tanjung Batu City, Kundur District.

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