Representation of Religious Values in Gurindam Twelve and Their Relevances with Modern Era

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Iskandarsyah Siregar, Salsabila ◽  
Adeline Sabrina

This study uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis to examine the meaning of the advice contained in Gurindam Twelve chapter 3 by Raja Ali Haji. This study uses a qualitative research method with an interpretive approach. This research is classified as interpretive research because it relies on interpreting texts associated with ideological, moral, cultural, and spiritual values. The researcher aims to analyze the meaning of the advice in Gurindam Twelve chapter 3 in its semiotic aspect and relate the relevance of the importance of the advice in Gurindam conveyed to today's society. From the study results, it can be concluded that in Article 3 Gurindam Twelve, the meaning of the denotation is the cause and effect of protecting human organs to avoid harmful and useless things. Guarding human organs, but in its meaning, it is not merely teaching organs. From the interpretation of these organs, it means a habit, nature, work which, when we do not take care of it, will cause harm to ourselves and even to others. The myth in chapter 3, Gurindam Twelve 3, contains self-control advice for the reader. In addition, the Twelve Gurindam Article 3 contains Islamic religious values in terms of morals and etiquette. This is evidenced by the verses of the Qur'an and hadiths that are relevant to the meaning contained in this Gurindam Twelve Aat 3 advice. In addition, the advice in article 3 of the Gurindam Twelve is relevant to be a life guide for today's society.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Iskandarsyah Siregar

The Palang Pintu tradition is a tradition that is part of the Betawi wedding ceremony. In this study, the semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes was used. This study uses extra-qualitative research methods with an interpretive approach as a complement. This linguistic research is classified as interpretive research because it relies on interpreting texts that can be related to the context in it, such as ideological, moral, cultural, and spiritual values. In this study, the researcher aimed to analyze the meaning of the Palang Pintu procession in terms of semiotics. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that in Palang Pintu, there are 1) meanings of denotation in the procession of the Palang Pintu, processions are starting from the dustur prayer, greetings, rhyme contests, fighting, and reciting the holy verses of the Koran or chanting sike. In the denotative meaning of this Palang Pintu process, apart from explaining the literal meaning and describing the process. It also describes the stages of testing for the groom to marry his bride; 2) the connotation meaning in the Palang Pintu procession describes the practice of the teachings and laws of Islam and love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW and family ties; and 3) the myth in the Palang Pintu procession is that there are Betawi solid community principles, namely recitation, prayer, and silat. In addition, the dominance of solid Islamic teachings is evidenced by the existence of relevant verses of the Koran and hadith and the content of Betawi cultures, such as rhyming, where rhymes are used to advise on traditional art ceremonies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1145-1158
Fidiana Fidiana

Purpose Previous studies on tax compliance have not internally failed to consider why individuals avoid tax payments. The purpose of this paper is to explore the compliance behaviour of Indonesian taxpayers from holistic human nature perspectives including their rational, social and spiritual values. Design/methodology/approach This paper adopts the tabayyun approach, an interpretive conceptualised methodology using Islamic knowledge to explore taxpayers' rational, social and spiritual realities. Findings Tax compliance is influenced by holistic factors: personal economic rational, social consensus and spiritual beliefs. Rational taxpayers distrust tax authority and see tax payments as an economic decision (i.e. costs and benefits) that reduces/increases wealth. So, they tend to avoid or reconfigure payments. Opposite to economic rationally is the societal pressure upon taxpayers to converge to being an acceptable citizen with legitimate businesses. Under this view, no mistrust against tax authority exists. As for the spiritual factor, tax payments are seen as religious duties like zakat that ought to be paid for achieving spiritual alleviation. Research limitations/implications Due to the research approach, this study results may lack generalisation. Future research can expand broader understanding of religious belief in corporation with compliance behaviour. Practical implications In the tax policy context, this study recommends to take into consideration religious levy being included in the tax system. This study also argues substituting tax with zakat. In Indonesia, religious levy takes more essential roles in the spiritual domain rather than economical domain. Social implications It is difficult to expect tax compliance to be an internal compliance because the source of the command is of an external origin. It is considered as a new concept of wealth distribution that comes from an internal attribute. For states that have religious population as Indonesia, religious values become communal bonds that more dominantly form self-identity at both physical and mental levels. Hence, it is very essential for the state to consider the inclusion of religious values or teachings to the regulation, if the state wants such regulation to be adhered significantly by people. The collection instrument whose bonds originated in religious moral/spiritual values can raise the awareness and compliance voluntarily because the command source is internal and autonomous. Originality/value This study fills the gaps in the taxation literature by incorporating a spiritual perspective, instead of rational and social domains.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-139
Alvin Tito Anggoro ◽  
Fitria Widiyani Roosinda

Abstract : Music is used as a medium to convey social, political aspirations, and even becomes one of propaganda media (information / opinions) to launch an ideological movement (ideas / ideas). Song lyrics are one of the verbal communication media that have meaning in them. Research on the video clips and song lyrics of the band while she sleeps "Anti Social" is a study that aims to describe the picture of society in the modern era in the song's lyrics and to explain the meaning of social criticism illustrated. The paradigm used in this study is a critical paradigm. This research method is a qualitative method in which the data are interpreted (views) through the analysis of meaning in the form of written and oral words that are observed. The analysis used in this study is a semiotic analysis by Roland Barthes. Based on research on the video clips of Anti Social, there is a conclusion that people in the modern era have begun to lose their caring for others as evidenced in the pictures and video clips when there are people who are in trouble they just record do not want to help at all.Keywords: Semiotic Analysis, Roland Barthes, Social Criticism, Video Clips While She SleepsAbtrak : Musik1 digunakan1 sebagai media untuk 1menyampaikan aspirasi sosial, 1politik, bahkan menjadi1 salah satu media propaganda (penerangan/ pendapat) untuk melancarkan sebuah gerakan ideologis (ide/ gagasan). 1Lirik lagu merupakan1 salah satu media1 komunikasi verbal 1yang memiliki 1makna 1didalamnya. Penelitian 1terhadap 1video klip 1dan1 lirik lagu grup1 band 1While she 1sleeps “Anti Social” merupakan 1sebuah 1penelitian1 yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gambaran tentang masyarakat di era modern dalam lirik lagu tersebut dan untuk menjelaskan makna kritik sosial yang digambarkan. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradigma kritis. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dimana data diinterpretasikan (pandangan) melalui analisis pemaknaan berupa kata tertulis maupun lisan yang diamati. Analisis yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis semiotika oleh Roland Barthes. Berdasarkan penelitian terhadap video klip Anti Social, terdapat kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat di era modern sudah mulai hilang rasa peduli pada sesama terbukti di gambar kan dan video klip pada saat ada orang yang sedang kesusahan mereka hanya merekam tidak ingin untuk menolong sama sekali. Kata kunci: Analisis Semiotika, Roland Barthes, Kritik Sosial, Video Klip While She Sleeps

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Sri Sabakti

Many folklores have same motives, but different in development adjust to the community that support the story. Differences in the development of the story in folklore shows the influences of local cultures to the storyteller. The differences cause various versions of folklore. It is also seen in folklore Mahligai Keloyang from Indragiri Hulu Regency and Koba Malin Deman from Rokan Hulu Regency. Therefore, this study aimed to find the similarities and the differences of the two folklores. The analysis of the similarities and differences of The legend Mahligai Keloyang and Koba Malin Deman applied dynamic structuralism theory, the theory which does not only emphasizes the intrinsic elements, but also pay attention to extrinsic elements in literature. Due to the fact that the study was also intended to compare two folklores, the research method used is descriptive comparative method. Based on the analysis of the structure of the story, it is found that there are similarities and differences in the stories Mahligai Keloyang and Koba Malin Deman which includes elements of the theme, the characters, the settings, and the plots. Based on the analysis of the cultural values in the folklores, some similarities and differences of religious values, moral values, and social values are found.AbstrakBanyak cerita rakyat yang mempunyai motif yang sama, tetapi berbeda pengembangannya disesuaikan dengan masyarakat pendukung cerita tersebut. Perbedaan pengembangan cerita dalam cerita rakyat memperlihatkan adanya pengaruh budaya lokal kepada si pencerita. Perbedaan itulah yang menimbulkan berbagai versi cerita rakyat. Hal ini juga terlihat dalam cerita rakyat “Mahligai Keloyang” dari Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dan “Koba Malin Deman” dari Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan kedua cerita rakyat tersebut. Analisis terhadap persamaan dan perbedaan cerita legenda “Mahligai Keloyang” dan “Koba Malin Deman” dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori strukturalisme dinamik, yaitu teori yang tidak hanya menekankan pada unsur-unsur intrinsik, tetapi juga memerhatikan unsur ekstrinsik dalam karya sastra. Karena penelitian ini juga bermaksud membandingkan dua cerita rakyat, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif. Berdasarkan analisis struktur cerita didapati bahwa persamaan dan perbedaan yang terdapat dalam cerita “Mahligai Keloyang” dan “Koba Malin Deman” meliputi unsur tema, tokoh, latar, dan alur. Mealui analisis nilai budaya pada kedua cerita rakyat tersebut diperoleh persamaan dan perbedaan tentang nilai agama, nilai moral, dan nilai sosial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Heri Fadli Wahyudi

The cultivation of spiritual values to learners is a very vital step in shaping the characteristics and character of the human person, because the internalization of spiritual values is closely related to the cultivation of religious values, and is part of the formation of adolescent character as the next generation of religion and nation. This research is to find out the process of planting and internalizing spiritual value education conducted at The Senior high school of Mafaza Institute located in the Maguntapan Bantul area of Yogyakarta, while the type in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach, while the subject in this study is teachers or teachers at this institution as well as some M.A. Mafaza students. While the data collected passes through the process of interviews, observations and documentation which then the author of the data analysis to draw conclusions. The results of this study show the following: 1). The process of planting and internalizing values and spiritual in this institution is carried out with an understanding of the material in the classes. 2). Then as a follow-up in the form of application in programs and activities such as requiring mandatory congregational prayers, sunnah worship and others, there are also activities such as the loving mosque and the the Adiwiata program. So from there it is seen that all aspects in value and spiritual, namely the aspect of Aqidah and Worship become the center of attention in planting to their students. So that it covers everything, either in the pattern of vertical relationship (Servant-Godnya) or horizontal (Servants and Environment).

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 926-939
Vasudev Das

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to diagnostically explore the phenomenon of judicial corruption in Nigeria, its causative factors and generate strategies such as sonic therapeutic intervention, among others, that would facilitate an amelioration of the situation. The judiciary which is supposed to be last hope of justice for the Nigerian citizenry has been proven beyond reasonable doubt to have been infected with the virus of corruption, and therefore, an urgent call for action to rectify the situation is imperative. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a qualitative approach rooted in case study tradition. Findings The findings showed that power and testosterone, cheating proclivity, family pressure, qualitative passion and ignorance, low self-control, inordinate kleptocratic desire, unrestrained mind and sensory modalities, phenomenological mindset and identity crisis as endogenous contributive factors of judicial corruption in Nigeria. Research limitations/implications The limitation of the study stemmed from the fact that inasmuch as a perception of corruption and corruption are cultural phenomena, the study results cannot be generalizable. Practical implications The practical implication of the research is rooted in the fact that the Nigerian judiciary can gain from the study results and recommendation(s) if implemented without fear or favor for the overall renewal of the judiciary and the nation at large. Social implications The study is geared toward ameliorating the Nigerian corrupt judiciary or repositioning the judiciary on its pivotal dignity, and hence, its social implication cannot be overemphasized inasmuch as a positive social change would prevail if the study results and recommendation(s) are aligned with and implemented. Originality/value Inquiry on judicial corruption through the lens of qualitative research with Nigeria as a case study is highly understudied, and hence, this research fills the gap in the financial crime literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 12
Vural Karagul

The purpose of this study is to examine if Turkish people prefer their leaders with spiritual leadership characteristics. The findings reveal that Turkish people prefer their leaders with spiritual values and characteristics.  In addition, Turkish people in both the East and West part of Turkey, after spiritual leadership values and characteristics, want to see their leaders with religious values. However, the magnitude of preferences of religious values in the East part of Turkey is higher than in the West part of Turkey.These results can be implemented training the high ranked government officials such as bureaucrats and district governors to empower them with spiritual leadership values and characteristics; therefore, they could provide better services for the benefits of people. Also, political parties can bring spiritual leadership values to their agenda. They can emphasize on these values in their party programs and to raise awareness among the party leaders and members to inspire and sustain people. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Anang Haderi

Abstract: This article will elaborate the sufism thought of Fethullah Gulen. He has transformed Sufism from purely spiritual experience turned into an activity that is directly in contact with the issue of Muslims and human beings on this earth. Two of the most prominent organizer of the mystical transformation is education and the world peace movement. He tried to bring peace to the world across cultures, religions and ethnicities. The thought pattern of Gülen which is based on religious values and the universality has created a concept which is more popular in the community, but do not abandon spiritual values. The transformation of ideas and concepts of sufism who taught the importance of devotion to others, selflessness and love of neighbor. Abstrak: Artikel ini akan mengelaborasi pemikiran tasawuf Fethullah Gulen. Ia telah mentransformasikan tasawuf dari yang hanya bersifat pengalaman spiritual berubah menjadi sebuah aktivitas yang langsung bersentuhan dengan persoalan umat Islam dan manusia di bumi ini. Dua agenda yang paling menonjol dari transformasi sufistiknya itu adalah pendidikan dan gerakan perdamaian dunia. Ia berupaya mewujudkan perdamaian dunia lintas budaya, agama maupun etnis. Pola pemikiran Gülen yang dilandasi nilai-nilai keagamaan dan universalitas telah menciptakan konsep yang lebih memasyarakat namun tidak meninggalkan nilai-nilai spiritual. Transformasi dari pemikiran dan konsep tasawwuf yang mengajarkan pentingnya pengabdian kepada orang lain, tidak mementingkan diri sendiri dan cinta terhadap sesama. Keywords: transformasi, tasawuf, perdamaian, pendidikan, generasi emas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-63
Tabah Rizki ◽  
Sany Dwita

This study aims to interpret in depth the cultural values ​​of Confucianism reflected in the management control system of Chinese ethnic families in Minangkabau. This study uses qualitative interpretive. The process of this research is interactive and meaning that is not measured by statistical data and aims to explore various information more in depth and makes it possible to get things implied by data collection carried out in triangulation. Data analysis is inductive and the results of qualitative research emphasize the meaning of generalization. This interpretive research method seeks to formulate a question and then analyze it based on the question of participants' perceptions studied. This research was conducted in one of the food trading businesses in the city of Padang, namely UD. KBF. The results of the study can be concluded by interpreting Confucian cultural values ​​in the implementation of the management system of Chinese ethnic family companies. This study found that Confucian values ​​were reflected in the implementation of the company's management control system UD. KBF. The values ​​applied by the company's leadership are

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Rini Setyaningsih

<p><em>This study aims to determine the strategy of the Head of the Institute for Development of Islamic Studies (LPSI) of Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta in internalizing religious values </em><em></em><em>to students. The research method uses deskptive qualitative. The Chief Strategy of LPSI to internalize the religious values </em><em></em><em>of students through the 3 stages, first</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>externalizing values </em><em></em><em>where the LPSI collaborated with the Campus Introduction Program (PPK) committee in providing important information related to the campus Islamization program.</em><em> </em><em>second,</em><em> </em><em>certification Quranic activity supervisors and student organizations in providing Islamic knowledge. third, value internalization. in the academic realm and in the non-academic realm</em><em></em></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>strategy</em><em>;</em><em> internalization</em><em>;</em><em> religious</em><em>.</em><em></em></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi Kepala Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Islam (LPSI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta dalam menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai religius kepada mahasiswa. Metode penelitian mengunakan kualitatif deskptif. Strategi Kepala LPSI untuk menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai religius mahasiswa melalui 3 tahapan pertama, eksternalisasi nilai dimana pihak LPSI bekerjasama dengan panitia Program Pengenalan Kampus (PPK) dalam memberikan informasi penting terkait program Islamisasi kampus., kedua, objektivitas, pihak LPSI bekerjasama dengan seluruh dosen AIK dan sertifikasi, pembimbing kegiatan tahsinul-Qur’an dan organisasi mahasiswa dalam memberikan ilmu pengetahuan agama Islam. ketiga, internalisasi nilai dalam ranah akademik dan dalam ranah non-akademik.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci:<em> </em></strong>strategi;  internalisasi;  religius;</p>

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