Russian Accounting Standard (PBU) 18/02: Principles on the balance method use

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1356-1382
E.V. Olomskaya ◽  
A.A. Aksent'ev

Subject. This article discusses the methodological features of Russian Accounting Standard (PBU) 18/02 Income Tax Accounting when using the balance method to account for deferred taxes. It considers whether the clarification of permanent tax differences is justified, and it analyzes in detail the features of accounting for temporary differences and offers a visual and descriptive method for determining and correlating them in accounts. Objectives. The article aims to justify the reason for linking permanent tax differences to such accounting categories as Income and Expenses. It also aims to develop a methodological toolkit that simplifies the perception of the balance method and demonstrates the procedure for determining temporary differences. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, and other general scientific methods. Results. The article justifies the clarification of permanent differences from the position of accounting categories. It offers an original approach that helps visually classify temporary differences. The formalization of the balance method helped identify the logic of its reflection in accounting statements. Conclusions and Relevance. To ensure that accounting is not distorted due to the impact of taxation, it is necessary to develop a unified conceptual framework, as well as develop existing methods and introduce new ones that do not contradict the public concept of interaction between accounting and tax accounting. The research results are intended for training, scientific and practical activities of specialists in the field of accounting and audit, as well as students studying under this program, in order to study the features of applying the balance method for accounting for deferred taxes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 684-696
Dinara R. ORLOVA ◽  
Yuliya S. OTMAKHOVA ◽  

Subject. One of the most important effects of the pandemic on the economy is the labor market transformation. It is projected that there will be a structural transformation of the map of in-demand professions and competencies. The labor market will adapt to the requirements of maximum digitalization of the labor functions process implementation. Objectives. The aim is to study the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market. Our tasks are to investigate the impact of the pandemic on various sectors of the economy, identify new professions in the new environment, find out the skills demanded by employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. The study employs dialectical and systems approaches, general scientific methods of logical and comparative analysis to achieve the intended objective and solve the problem of determining the post-pandemic changes in the labor market. Results. We identified short-term and long-term market transformations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They result in changes in basic competencies and systemic restructuring of the structural and professional component of workforce. Conclusions. The pandemic has a complex and ambiguous effect on the labor market. Companies are committed to accelerating the digitalization of work flows, education, expanding the remote work, and automating tasks within the organization. The impact of the pandemic should be addressed by supporting the displaced workers and monitoring the new opportunities in the labor market.

Eduweb ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-193
Vira Mizetska ◽  
Olena Sierykh ◽  
Hanna Savchuk ◽  
Diana Yevtimova ◽  
Oleh Synieokyi

The aim of the study is to characterize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the administration of the educational process on the examples of legal and linguistic-didactic aspects. The object of the study is systemic and functional changes in science and education under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of the study is public relations in the field of education and science in their legal and linguistic-didactic aspect under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Research methods are general scientific and special scientific methods, in particular, system-structural, formal-legal, hermeneutic; methods of analysis, synthesis. As a result of the research, the peculiarities of administration of educational processes in the conditions of COVID-19 in the aspect of mechanisms of legal support of activity of bodies of education and science, linguodidactics were formulated; the characteristic of systemic changes in the sphere of education which have occurred under the influence of the distribution of a coronavirus is carried out; describe the main approaches contained in the current scientific literature to solve the above problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 34-50
A. A. Aksent’ev

Deferred taxes are an important object of accounting observation to judge the degree of discrepancies between financial and tax accounting. Meanwhile, the information discloses to users the effects arising from the tax planning tools usage for corporate management and forecasting cash outflows associated with the payment of income tax in the future. The paper formalized two concepts of accounting for deferred taxes in the form of models: temporary and timing differences associated with accounting ideologies. The author ha structured the logic of reflecting deferred taxes on accounting accounts using the balance sheet and “cost” methods. Analysis of foreign experience and domestic practice made it possible to conclude that there are controversial issues on the assessment of deferred taxes in reporting, including at present value. Also, the author revealed discrepancies in Russian Accounting Standard (PBU) 18/02 which were conceptually different from a similar international standard and conflicting with it in a number of theoretical and methodological positions. The research results are aimed at scientific and practical workers in the field of financial accounting, taxation and audit.

Nataliia Zhukovskaya ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Kalinina

This article reviews the prerequisites, content and consequences of the impact of global processes on the sovereignty of modern states. The object of this research is the international legal relations and their peculiarities in the current context. The subject is the conditions and forms of restriction of sovereignty of national states, as well as contributing factors. Special attention is given to representations on the “fate” of sovereign rights and variants of their transformation reflected in the scientific literature, as well as change in the vector of development of globalization processes under the influence of strategy of the countries that act in accordance with their sovereign rights and national interests. The main method of “diluting” the state sovereignty are viewed based on the general scientific methods − induction and deduction, analysis, generalization, abstraction, modeling; sectoral methods of studying global processes: political scientific, statistical, formal-legal, specific-historical, and comparative. The research relies on the dialectical approach towards analyzing the concept of state sovereignty. The following conclusions were made: 1) modern world marks to multidirectional trends that testify to the transformation of state sovereignty, narrowing of its separate spheres in the conditions of globalization, or on the other hand, change in the vector of development of the global processes; 2) there is virtually no formal legal equality of the countries set by the leading norms of international law and underlying sovereignty; however, the national states continue demonstrating the resistance to global challenges; at the same time, the most “impregnable” for leveling sovereign rights is not the economy or politics, but cultural-historical values (the sphere of humanities); 3) in the conditions of globalization, the prospect of losing sovereignty depends on the degree of resistance to external challenges demonstrated by a particular state.

Borkovska I.P. ◽  
Karachun Yu.H.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify the main types of encouraging constructions in English letters of confidentiality.Methods. Both general scientific methods and linguistic methods are used in the work. The research is methodologically based on analysis, descriptive method, continuous selection, definitional, semantic and syntactic analysis.Results. A confidential letter as a text version of the sub-style of commercial correspondence within the official business functional style is interpreted as a regulated type of business letters, which has both specific and general features, due to the affiliation of genre groups to one functional style. It is characterized by certain language features; stability of stylistic devices of the genre, its form provides the communicative properties of the document, which are manifested in the composition and architectonics. The text of the confidential letter provides information about the reason for writing the letter, states the need to ensure the confidentiality of information related to the contract, regulates specific mechanisms of cooperation between partners in the use and disposal of classified information. Since the main purpose of such a letter is to force the recipient to perform certain actions, a confidential letter contains many constructions with a motivating value. Encouraging constructions in the texts of business letters are diverse in their semantics, among which the most frequent constructions express directives.The directive is implemented in the form of three types, which are classified by the degree of categoricalness: the actual directive (with the maximum degree of expression of categoricalness); directive-instruction (the degree of categoricalness decreases); directive-request (categoricalness is minimal, but the directive remains). Typical language formulas are presented, which help to classify these types of speech.Conclusions. Therefore, a confidential letter refers to regulated letters, the purpose of which is to establish the procedure for the use of confidential information. To do this, the addressee uses encouraging constructions, diverse in their semantics, among which constructions that express directives stand out.Key words: business letter, genre, modal verbs, confidentiality, directives. Мета. Мета цієї статті – виявити основні типи cпонукальних конструкцій в англомовних конфіденційних листах.Методи. У роботі використано як загальнонаукові методи, а саме: аналізу, описовий метод, суцільного вибирання, так і лінгвістичні методи: дефініційний, семантичний та синтаксичний аналізи.Результати. У процесі дослідження доведено, що діловий лист виокремлюється як жанр, який має критерії, що характерні будь-якому жанру, а саме: текстовий варіант ділового листа має свою назву завдяки наявності формуляру, який і відповідає назві цього документа; ділові листи оформлюються з урахуванням чітких вимог до композиції, що співвідноситься з жанро-вою формою; сюжет, що представлений у тексті листа, наповнений мовними етикетними формулами; діловий лист має обсяг, який відповідає типу листа; жанрова група ділових листів представлена різними текстами-варіантами.Конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів зі своїм набором реквізитів, архітектонікою і композицією. Текстова частина дає інформацію про привід складання листа, констатує необхідність забезпечення конфіденційності відо-мостей, пов’язаних із договором, регулює конкретні механізми співпраці партнерів під час користування і розпорядження секретною інформацією. Оскільки основна мета такого листа – змусити адресата виконати певні дії, конфіденційний лист міс-тить значну кількість конструкцій зі спонукальним значенням. Спонукальні конструкції в текстах ділових листів різноманітні за своєю семантикою, які можуть виражати розпорядження, прохання, пропозиції. Розпорядження реалізуються у вигляді трьох типів, які прокласифіковано за ступенем категоричності: власне-розпорядження (з максимальним ступенем вираження категоричності); розпорядження-інструкція (ступінь категоричності знижується); розпорядження-прохання (категоричність мінімальна, але директивність зберігається).Представлено типові мовні формули, які допомагають класифікувати зазначені типи мовлення. Типова мовна формула для першого типу мовлення, а саме власне-розпорядження, акцентує увагу на тому, що суб’єкт повинен здійснити певні дії, необхідні для досягнення результату. Ефективність виконання розпорядження визначається правильно поставленою метою адресантом та адекватним вибором мовних засобів, серед яких превалюють модальні дієслова will, must, shall. Розпоряджен-ня-інструкція належить до другого типу розпоряджень, коли ступінь категоричності в повідомленні знижується. Такий тип розпорядження означає висловлювання вимоги щодо правил і необхідних умов типових дій у тій чи іншій ситуації. Розпоря-дження-прохання реалізує комунікативну мету адресанта змусити адресата підписати лист або зробити заключні дії, необхідні для підписання контракту.Висновки. Отже, конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів, текст яких розвивається в певну жанрову форму і реалізує мовний задум адресанта встановити порядок використання конфіденційної інформації. Конфіденційний лист як текстовий варіант жанру ділового листа містить спонукальні конструкції, які характеризуються різноманітністю мовних засобів вираження.Ключові слова: діловий лист, жанр, модальне дієслово, конфіденційність, розпорядження.

2019 ◽  
pp. 146-152
Oleksandr Kalinin

Introduction The amount of capital that individual, corporate and institutional investors are willing to invest in certain assets is increasing every year. This leads to a revitalization of entrepreneurial activity and growth of the economy as a whole. It is also very active in creating certain disparities in the distribution of investment flows at the cross-sectoral level. There are industries that perceive investors more positively, and other industries perceive less positively. Among these industries, and even more types of businesses, are diversified companies or conglomerates that are perceived by investors as a chaotic set of assets that management is unable to manage effectively. Purpose The purpose of this article is to study the global trends in managing strategies for competitive advantage in the capital market by diversified enterprises. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of management and planning the choice of growth strategy for diversified enterprises; to analyze the systems of strategic management of investment marketing for diversified companies; develop solutions to improve the marketing management system for various companies in the context of attracting investment. Method (methodology) In the course of the research, the following general scientific methods are used: analysis and synthesis, grouping and systematization of revealing the essence of investment marketing, its structure, principles of its formation, development of the concept of diagnostics of efficiency of investor attraction systems and control of this process; induction and deduction - to summarize the theoretical aspects of the peculiarities of the formation of the structure of investment marketing; statistical and economic - to evaluate the investment attractiveness of a diversified enterprise. Results It was suggested to the conglomerate companies to distance their company brand from its subsidiaries as much as possible so that there was no problem in identifying the main focus of the conglomerate's business activity. For the analysis of companies that should be considered for placement of their own and borrowed funds by conglomerates and to demonstrate this investment policy, investors can distinguish the following areas of analysis of potential companies: whether the leadership of a company in a particular segment can lead to the possibility of controlling the pricing of goods or / or company services; whether it is possible to create a competitive business through the attraction of additional investment opportunities. Thus, solving the problem of finances, and more precisely the ability to run a business for a certain time, can bring to positive indicators of profit and return on invested capital; the impact on the aggregate industry reserve of profits, which makes it possible to receive more profit from the industry of related fields from consumers than competitors can, thus ensuring long-term competitiveness. Also regarding the display of client base of goods and services that we can distinguish for investors is: demonstrating the presence of privileged clients; the existence of diversified profit strategies; availability of special copy - protected goods and business models; the presence of unique and difficult to copy distribution and communication channels; the presence of barriers to competitors (patents. Brand, licensing, large investments in market entry, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 872-877
G. A. Bordovsky ◽  
A. D. Shmatko

Aim. The presented study aims to analyze the impact of the pandemic on Russian education at different levels.Tasks. The authors consider the specific features of distance learning at different levels of education: general, vocational, and extended; identify the positive and negative effects of modern information technologies on the organization and results of education.Methods. This article uses general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy.Results. The major problems that arose during the mass introduction of innovative technologies at educational institutions during the pandemic and the positive results of their application are identified. Despite the ambiguous attitude to distance learning, this format has certain positive aspects due to the modernization of the educational process.Conclusions. Digital technologies open up additional opportunities for personal development and self-improvement, giving access to information, digital tools, materials, and services. They make it possible to transfer the interaction between students and the academic staff to a new level, expand opportunities for self-check, improve motivation, and increase interest in gaining knowledge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 826-834
Irina Izyumskaya

Introduction: the article is devoted to the historic background of the prison system in the Kuban and features of the prison institutions formation in Yekaterinodar – the center of the Kuban Oblast, formed in 1860. The article, based on the comprehension of historical experience and analysis of archival materials, shows the impact of the 1860– 1870 state-legal reforms on construction of new and enlargement of current prisons and studies the specifics of prisoner detention conditions. It reveals the role of the Yekaterinodar Military Prison Committee “Prisons Custody Society” in enhancement of Yekaterinodar’s penitentiary institutions: organization of places of detention and provision of the necessary detention regime; control over detainee’s welfare; improvement of medical care for prisoners, etc. Purpose: to reflect development features of penitentiary institutions in the Kuban as a whole and Yekaterinodar in particular. The methodological basis of the research consists of philosophical, general scientific and private scientific methods (dialectical, system-structural, historical-genetic, comparative, formal-legal, etc.). Discussion: based on a brief analysis of the works of N.I. Galkina, N.V. Slavinskii, M.K. Batchayeva, S.A. Lobova, etc., devoted to the issues under consideration, as well as the study of materials contained in the funds of the State Archive of Krasnodar Territory, the author presents chronological background of formation and development of the Kuban prison institutions. As a result of the conducted research, the researcher comes to the following conclusion: since Yekaterinodar acquired the status of a civil city in 1867, there was a sharp increase in out-of-town visitors, which led to a rise in the number of crimes and, accordingly, persons serving sentences in the form of imprisonment. It involvedthe expansion of existing prison facilities and construction of new ones, in particular, the Yekaterinodar regional prison in 1876. The establishment of the Yekaterinodar Military Prison ommittee “Prisons Custody Society” in 1867, which was in charge of the entire Kuban penitentiary system, helped achieve some success in prison guardianship within its competence. The development of guardianship in relation to prisoners should be considered one of the mechanisms that solved the problem of improving prisoners’ situation. This activity was financed by state and private charitable funds. The author also notes that the Kuban prisons addressed acute problems, characteristic, however, of the entire penitentiary system, such as insufficient funding of prison facilities, unsuitability of prison facilities, i.e. overcrowding, and harsh detention conditions.

Zoriana Dvulit ◽  
Natalia Petryshyn ◽  
T. Kharchuk ◽  

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to formulate a proposal to improve the technology of planning the supply of goods as part of the financial planning of import operations of PE "Art-Energo" in accordance with the problems identified during the analysis of the enterprise. Among the objectives of the study are: - consideration of the current state and features of the functioning of the system of financial planning of import operations at the enterprise during the analysis of its activities; - identification of the most urgent problem that arises in the supply of goods within the financial planning of import operations of the enterprise; - formation of a proposal to solve the identified problem of financial planning of import operations and justification of its feasibility. Design/methodology/approach. To achieve the goals, special and general scientific methods were used, including: graphic method was used to visualize the cycle of financial planning of imports of PE "Art-Energo"; expert method was used to determine the weight of the criteria for evaluating suppliers in the system of financial planning of import operations of PE "Art-Energo"; comparison was used to justify the most favorable terms of cooperation and to select the best contractors; systematization was used for calculations of liquidity indicators; generalization was used to develop recommendations for working with partners by category in the system of financial planning of import operations of PE "Art-Energo". Findings. In the article is shown that the conditions of cooperation with foreign counterparties directly affect not only the competitiveness of the enterprise, but also the financial performance of its activities. It was found that non-parity terms of cooperation with suppliers can be one of the causes of cash gaps, which in turn leads to the inability of the company to repay its obligations on time and, consequently, to insolvency. It is established that the maneuverability of working capital is significantly reduced with the full advance of products, which is the main condition for cooperation of suppliers with PE "Art-Energo", so there is a need to transform the payment system. In order to increase the efficiency of the technology of planning the supply of goods as part of the financial planning of import operations, it is proposed to introduce a system of supplier evaluation in the activities of the enterprise. The hypothesis of a positive relationship between the introduction of supplier evaluation system as a tool of improvement the financial planning of import operations of PE "Art-Energo" and the growth of the company's ability to pay current liabilities, including timely payments on accounts payable due to operating cash flow is proven. Practical implications. The introduction of a supplier evaluation system based on the evaluation of estimation according to the relevant criteria and the classification of partners by category will help ensure transparency of the contractor selection mechanism, eliminating subjective preferences, thereby minimizing the impact of the human factor. That is why such a way to improve the technology of planning the supply of goods can find practical application not only in the case of PE "Art-Energo", but also for any other trading company. Originality/value. In the article, the authors suggest the use of a supplier evaluation system based on the results of the audit and the assignment of the rating to the contractors, that allow to identify their weaknesses and clearly formulate the tasks that need to be solved by the supplier in order to effectively cooperate with PE "Art-Energo". Eliminating the actual shortcomings of the supply system and the introduction of supplier evaluation system helps the company to reduce costs, risks, increase the quality of goods and ensure the stability of work.

Anna L. Kalashnikova

The article considers the semantic function of precedent phenomena in the interpretation of a political communicative event in the texts of modern network anecdotes. The material of the study was anecdotes, which actualize the verbal formula “Whoever calls names is called that himself” used by V.V. Putin in response to a statement by Joe Biden during an interview on ABC on March 17, 2021. In the process of analyzing the material, contextual and discursive analysis techniques were used, as well as elements of Intent-analysis and general scientific methods of generalization and comparison. Since ordinary humorous communication reflects the real ideas of Russian citizens about political events in the country, an analysis of the texts of jokes will reveal stable ideas about the government and the international political situation that have developed in the public consciousness. The study reveals that in the texts of anecdotes that appeared as a reaction to the political dialogue of J. Biden and V. Putin, the most frequent are precedent phenomena dating back to children’s folklore. The analyzed cycle of anecdotes is dominated by the topic of children’s yard quarrel, with which relations between the presidents of Russia and America are associatively correlated. Fiction, history and jurisprudence became other areas-sources of precedent phenomena in anecdotes about J. Biden and V. Putin. Due to the use of precedent phenomena dating back to various sources and causing numerous associations, there is a semantic variability in the interpretation of the same political event in ordinary humorous communication.

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