2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Desi Yulianti ◽  
Yusmidiarti Yusmidiarti

Biduri plants (Calatropis gigantea) is a wild plant that is very difficult to destroybecause of rapid breeding. One of the toxins contained in Biduri is saponin. Therefore Biduriplants very well be used as a repellent for Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. The researchobjective was to determine the effectiveness of the roots Biduri larvicides against Aedesaegypti larvae mortality.This research is True Experiments with posttest study design OnlyControl Group Design. Statistical test results obtained by the one way Anova sig. = 0.000 sothat ρ <α (0.05) means that there is a significant influence on differences in dosing solutionBiduri roots are used against Aedes aegypti larvae mortality. Further post hoc test to determinedifferences in average - average each treatment group using Multiple Comparisons Analysis,LSD (Least Square Difference) obtained sig. = 0.00 so that ρ <α (0.05) means that there aresignificant differences in the deadly Aedes aegypti larvae of the four doses were given.Control of Aedes aegypti larvae using Biduri root solution can be done by affixing the rootsolution with 38 ml of solution Biduri root Biduri every 1 liter of water for 24 hours ofexposure.

Wahyu Tusi Wardani ◽  
Rahmadhanti Dwi Andraini

Background: Cloves have an active bacteria-killing substance such as eugenol compound, eugenol acetate and caryophyllene. This research uses clove leaves because they have not been utilized maximally and still considered to be less useful waste. The main component in clove leaf essential oil is eugenol, in clove leaf essential oil is generally between 80-88%.Objective: The purpose of this research is whether clove leaf infusion has antibacterial activity toward Escherchia Coli and how much infusion concentration of clove leaf that is effective toward coli bacteria.Methods: This research was an experimental study by using purposive sampling method, with dry leaf criteria, brown color, and not moldy. Making extracts in this study used the infundation method. This study used three concentrations of clove leaf infusion, namely with a concentration of 1.1%, 2.3%, 4.5%. The antibacterial test used the Kirby Baure method to determine the sensitivity of gram-negative microorganisms Escherchia coli.Results: The results in this study were iradical that from various concentrations in clove leaf infusion samples 1.1%, 2.3%, 4.5% could cause antibacterial effectiveness toward Escherchia coli. The concentration of clove leaf infusion that is effective toward Escherchia coli bacteria is a concentration of 4.5%. Test statistical analysis used One Way One Anova Analysis. Based on the results, there were significant differences between all groups because of the sig. <0.05. While the One Way Anova Post Hoc Analysis test results have 2 results, there was no difference and there were significant differences between treatments.Conclusion: Clove leaf infusion can cause antibacterial effectiveness toward Escherchia coli.Keywords: Clove leaf infusion, Kirby Baure Method, Escherchia coli.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-163
Dewi Safitri ◽  
Yusmidiarti Yusmidiarti ◽  
Elly Wahyuni

The process of washing utensils in the coto stall Minggu market  still not meet the standard number of germs cutlery of allowed. Water used in the washing process is physically still do not meet the requirements because of water used repeatedly without being replaced in a day. These conditions could affect the health of consumers caused by washing utensils the lack of clean and unhygienic. Basil leaves and leather lime with the flavonoid and volatile oil can reduce the number of germs cutlery. Known effect of the use of basil leaves and leather lime in the process of washing utensils on the number of germs. Experimental studies with Posttest Only Control Group Design. Location of research conducted at the soup stall Minggu Market, of Ratu Samban District, City of Bengkulu. The subjects of this research is a leaf of basil (Ocimum sanctum) and the leather lime (Citrus aurantifolia). Research object is the number of germs cutlery. Test used is the One Way Anova. Research using 6 basil leaves and 1 small leather lime can reduce the number of germs cutlery. The One Way Anova test results are known significant value 0,028 < 0,05. This means that there are significant differences between the number of bacterial colonies the control group, basil and leather lime on the number of germs cutlery.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 440
Kharisma Putra D ◽  
Hasmiwati Hasmiwati ◽  
Arni Amir

Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi kasus DBD adalah dengan pengendalian vektor DBD dengan larvisida. Temephos merupakan salah satu insektisida yang telah digunakan lebih dari 30 tahun dan berfungsi mengendalikan larva vektor. Penggunaan temephos yang tidak sesuai aturan dapat menyebabkan penurunan kerentanan pada vektor DBD.  Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah untuk  menilai  status  kerentanan larva Aedes aegypti di tiga kecamatan di Kota Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan post  test  only  with  control  group design. Telur diambil dan dipelihara di laboratorium hingga mencapai larva instar III/IV. Uji kerentanan untuk temephos dilakukan berdasarkan standar WHO. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada Kecamatan Kuranji, kematian larva pada konsentrasi 0,005 mg/L sebesar 10%, 0,01 mg/L sebesar 45%, 0,02 mg/L sebesar 86%, dan pada konsentrasi 0,03 mg/L sebesar 100%. Pada Kecamatan Koto Tangah, kematian larva pada konsentrasi 0,005 mg/L sebesar 24%, 0,01 mg/L sebesar 48%, 0,02 mg/L sebesar 99%, dan pada konsentrasi 0,03 mg/L sebesar 100%. Pada Kecamatan Padang Timur pada konsentrasi 0,005 mg/L didapatkan kematian larva sebesar 12%, pada 0,01 mg/L sebesar 43%, pada 0,02 mg/L sebesar 99%, dan pada 0,03 mg/L sebesar 100%. Hasil uji One way-Anova adalah bermakna dengan nilai p<0,05 pada ketiga kecamatan dan LC99 sedikit diatas 0,02 mg/L. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah status kerentanan Aedes aegypti terhadap temephos di tiga kecamatan berkisar antara rentan dan toleran, belum mencapai resisten sehingga temephos masih dapat digunakan dalam pengendalian vektor DBD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Mira Madona ◽  
Endah Setyaningrum ◽  
Gina Dania Pratami ◽  
Mohammad Kanedi

Pengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti sebagai vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengendalian kimiawi yang semakin lama akan menimbulkan resistensi terhadap nyamuk Ae. aegypti sehingga dibutuhkan insektisida alami. Daun tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) memiliki kandungan flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid dan minyak atsiri bersifat entomotoxicity yang dapat menghambat daya tetas telur nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun tomat sebagai ovisida nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 kelompok perlakuan yaitu 0,1%; 0,3%; 0,5%; 0,7%; 1% dan 0% (kontrol) dengan 25 butir telur pada tiap kelompok dan 4 pengulangan pada tiap perlakuan. Jumlah telur yang tidak menetas diamati setiap 6 jam sekali selama 72 jam, data kumulatif pada jam ke 18 dilakukan uji analisis one way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah telur yang tidak menetas antar perlakuan ada perbedaan secara bermakna (p=0,000) sedangkan hasil uji Post-hoc LSD menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi yang paling efektif sebagai ovisida nyamuk Ae. aegypti adalah konsentrasi 1%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (03) ◽  
pp. 126-133
Siska Toloan Toloan ◽  
Harimat Hendarwan

Masa nifas adalah hal sangat penting untuk diperhatikan guna untuk menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Senam Nifas Terhadap Penurunan Tinggi Fundus Uteri Dan Lochea Pada Ibu Pasca Bersalin Yang Mendapatkan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Dan Mobilisasi Dini Di Praktek Bidan Mandiri Kota Depok Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan desain penelitian Quasy Exsperimental dengan pendekatan post test only control group design. Populasi yang diambil yaitu 65 ibu pasca bersalin. Sampel diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling besar sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus Federer setiap variabel bebas terdiri atas 3 kelompok dan setiap kelompok sebanyak 9 sampel sehingga jumlah total sampel 27 ibu pasca bersalin. Pengumpulan data berupa data primer dan uji yang digunakan yaitu uji One Way Anova. Dapat dilihat dari nilai signifikan uji One Way Anova pada penurunan tinggi fundus uteri hari pertama sampai hari kesepuluh dengan nilai signifikan yaitu p-value < 0,05 yang artinya H0 ditolak atau ada perbedaan secara signifikan dan dilihat. Hasil post hoc test tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kelompok inisiasi menyusu dini, inisiasi menyusu dini dan mobilisasi dini dan kelompok inisiasi menyusu dini, mobilisasi dini dan senam nifas terhadap penurunan tinggi fundus uteri.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (03) ◽  
pp. 327-332 ◽  
Dina Elkassas ◽  
Abla Arafa

ABSTRACT Objectives: To assess the effect of cleansing treatments following saliva and blood contamination at different bonding stages to dentin. Materials and Methods: Labial surfaces of 168 permanent maxillary central incisors were ground flat exposing superficial dentin. Specimens were divided into: uncontaminated control (A), contamination after etching (B), contamination after adhesive application (C), contamination after adhesive polymerization (D). Groups were further subdivided according to cleansing treatments into: rinsing (B1, C1, D1), re-etching (B2, D3), sodium hypochlorite application (B3), ethyl alcohol application (C2), acetone application (C3), rinsing and rebonding (D2), re-etching and rebonding (D4). Composite microcylinders were bonded to treated substrates and shear loaded micro-shear bond strength (μSBS) until failure and treated surfaces were examined with scanning electron microscope. Debonded surfaces were classified as adhesive, cohesive or mixed failure. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test. Results: The μSBS values were ranked as follow; Group B: A > B3 > B2 > B1 > B, Group C: A > C3 > C2 > C1 > C, Group D: A > D4 > D1 = D2 ≥ D3. Debonded surfaces showed adhesive failure in Group B while cohesive failure in Groups C and D. Conclusions: Cleansing treatments differ according to bonding step; re-etching then rebonding suggested if etched substrate or polymerized adhesive were contaminated while acetone application decontaminated affected unpolymerized adhesive.

e-GIGI ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Juvensius R. Andries ◽  
Paulina N. Gunawan ◽  
Aurelia Supit

Abstrak: Minyak cengkeh berguna sebagai antibakteri alami. Minyak esensial dari cengkeh mempunyai fungsi anestetik dan antimikrobial. Zat yang terkandung dalam cengkeh yang bernama eugenol dapat membunuh bakteri termasuk bakteri yang resisten terhadap antibiotika, salah satunya adalah bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Bakteri ini merupakan mikroorganisme penyebab utama terjadinya karies. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri ekstrak cengkeh terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans secara in vitro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan post test only control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan coba ekstrak cengkeh dengan konsentrasi 40%, 60%, dan 80%, Ciprofloxacin, aquades dengan pengulangan sebanyak lima kali. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan one-way ANOVA dan post-hoc uji LSD ( = 0,05). Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik penelitian uji efek antibakteri ekstrak cengkeh terhadap bakteri streptococcus mutans secara in vitro, dapat disimpulkaan bahwa ekstrak cengkeh memiliki efek antibakteri dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans secara in vitro. Hasil uji lanjut post-hoc uji LSD menunjukan daya hambat ekstrak cengkeh 40%, 60%, 80%, lebih kecil (p<0,05) dalam menghambat Streptococcus mutans secara in vitro dibandingkan Ciprofloxacin. Kata Kunci: Ekstrak cengkeh, Streptococcus mutans.   Abstract: Clove oil is useful as a natural antibacterial agent, essential oil of clove has anesthetic and antimicrobial effect. Substances contained in clove called eugenol can kill bacteria including antibiotic resistant bacteria, one of which is the bacteria Streptococcus mutans. This bacteria is a major cause for caries. The purpose of this study was to mengetahui clove extrack antibacterial effects againts Streptococcus mutans bacteria in vitro. This study is an experimental study using a post test only control group design. This research try using clove extract with a concentration of 40%, 60%, and 80%, Ciprofloxacin, aquades repetition five times. Data collected and analyzed by one-way ANOVA and post-hoc LSD test (α = 0.05). Based on the results of the statistical test to test the effects of anti-bacterial research clove extracts against Streptococcus mutans bacteria in vitro, can disimpulkaan that clove extracts have antibacterial effects in inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in vitro.further test result post-hoc LSD test shoved its inhibitory clove extract 40%, 60%, 80% smaller (p<0,05)in hibiting Streptococcus mutans in vitro compared Ciprofloxacin. Keywords: clove extract, Streptococcus mutans

Naning Puji Suryantini ◽  
Asirotul Ma'rifah ◽  
Ariu Dewi Yanti ◽  
Ariu Dewi Yanti

Fluor albus is prone to occur in women of reproductive age. Ratus-V can be a non-pharmacological therapeutic choice for treating albus fluorine. They consider this treatment can prevent fluorine albus and maintain moisture in intimate areas so that the cleanliness and intimate health of the area is maintained. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of Ratus-V on Fluor Albus. This research uses Pre-experimental. The research design used was the One-Group Pretest - Posttest Design, with a population of all women working in the cable assembly section at PT. SAI Ngoro Mojokerto sub-district was 180 respondents. The sample in this study amounted to 30 respondents. The sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling. Statistical test results value = 0,000 where value < less than 0.005 means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. meaning the influence of Ratus-V on fluor albus in women who work in cable assembly at PT. SAI Ngoro Mojokerto Regency. As for the conclusion of this study, working women who have entered childbearing age who have fluor albus can use Ratus-V as a natural vaginal treatment as well as an alternative non-pharmacological drug in dealing with fluorine albus. Keywords: Ratus-V, Fluor Albus

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Novie Elvinawaty Mauliku

House flies (Musca domestica) are a vector that caused diary so it needs to be controlled by using plant-based insecticide such as Lime (Citrus aurantifolia). Lime had active contains such as saponins, tannins, flavonoids and essential oils. This study was to impact of lemon juice to the death of house flies (Musca domestica). This study design is the True Experiment. The lime was defined  with three concentrations there are 25%, 27% and 29% of the death of house flies (Musca domestica) which is given three repetitions to 300 samples. Data was analyzed using univariate, bivariate used Kruskal Wallis and post hoc analysis used bonferonni tests to determine the effectiveness of concentration. The results found out that the percentage of dead houseflies (Musca Domestica) at a concentration of 25% on average by 53%, the concentration of 27% on average by 71% and 29% concentrations by an average of 92%. Statistical test results obtained that there are differences in various concentrations of lime juice to the death of house flies (Musca Domestica) with a p value (0.014). The  effective concentration was at a 29% concentration against houseflies death 92%..

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 44-49
Indra Rahmawati ◽  
Bagus Uda Palgunadi ◽  
Lailia Dwi Kusuma Wardhani ◽  
Ni Made Dewi Lestari

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of kecombrang flower extract (Etlingera elatior jack on the death of Culex quenquefasciatus Say larvae. Experimental animals used were Culex quenquefasciatus Say larvae, amounting to 625 tails. The design used was a randomized complete design with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The five treatments consisted of two test groups, namely the treatment group consisting of concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, and the control group consisting of positive control namely abate and negative control namely aquades. Observation of mosquito larvae death was done every 2 hours for 12 hours. The data obtained were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA test and continued with the Duncan test. Based on the results of the one way ANOVA calculation the value of sig.0.00 <0.05 means that there are significant differences between treatments. Duncan test results on the treatment of 10% and 15% kecombrang flower extract have the ability as a larvicide high and equal to positive control (abate). Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the extract of kecombrang flower (Etlingera elatior jack had the ability to larvae against the Culex quenquefasciatus Say mosquito.

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