
Težnja zmanjševanja vojaških izdatkov je značilna tudi za sodobno Slovenijo, čeprav se razsežnost in spekter groženj, ki nam grozijo, nista zmanjšala. Ravno nasprotno. Spremenile so se zgolj oblike teh groženj in pojavile nove, tako imenovane sodobne grožnje. Zmanjševanje vojaških izdatkov prinaša manjšo varnost državljanov in okrnjen nacionalni steber obrambe, kar se je pokazalo ob zadnji grožnji nacionalni varnosti, ob tako imenovani migrantski krizi, ko je na nepripravljenost Slovenske vojske in nizko stopnjo nacionalne varnosti opozoril celo vrhovni poveljnik obrambnih sil, predsednik države Borut Pahor. Poleg slabljenja domačega obrambnega sistema se je v zadnjih letih za nekatere grožnje nacionalni varnosti kot zelo šibka pokazala tudi pomoč evropskih institucij in Nata, zato je samozadostnost v nacionalnem varnostnem sistemu toliko bolj pomembna. The tendency to reduce military expenditure is characteristic of the modern Slovenia as well, although the dimensions and the array of threats we face have not been reduced. Quite the opposite - they have merely changed their form and were joined by new, the so-called modern threats. The reduction of military expenditure contributes to the weaker security of the citizens and a stunted defence pillar, which proved to be the case in the recent threat to the national security, namely the migrant crisis. During that period, even the Commander-in-Chief, President Borut Pahor drew attention to the lack of readiness of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the low level of national security. In addition to the deteriorating Slovenian defence system, EU institutions and NATO have in the recent years also provided poor assistance with regard to certain threats to national security, which makes the self-sufficiency in the national security system all the more important.

Pavel Kotyza ◽  
Josef Slaboch

Being a member of the EU, today the Czech Republic is not entirely dependent on domestic production of food and farming commodities. Since borders inside the EU are open, particular commodities can flow without any tariff measures. But food self-sufficiency belongs to internal factors of national security and therefore it deserves sufficient attention. The aim of this article is to evaluate, based on an analysis, the self-sufficiency rate of the Czech Republic and Poland in selected commodities of crop production between marketing years 2000/2001–2009/2010, with special attention to the most important and cultivated commodities – basic cereals, oilseeds, corn and potatoes. Based on analyses of self-sufficiency rate it can be concluded, that both countries can be considered as stabilised with restpect to rate of self-sufficency of selected crops – none of the presented groups falls under 80%. For most described commodities the trend of self-sufficiency rate in the Czech Republic and Poland is stabilised or growing. Only production of potatoes is coming close to critical treshhold in CZ, therefore national strategies should be put in place to maintain the self-sufficiency rate above the critical limit. After an analysis of internation trade it can be concluded that the Czech Republic is specialised exporter of not-processed commodities but country significantly falls behind Poland in competitiveness of processing of commodities.

Sergey Ryumkin ◽  
Inga Malykhina

National security is always directed at ensuring the country's sovereignty, protection of national interests, as well as the provision of sustainable economic development. Food security is a specific dimension of national security. The development of the circumpolar territories in the northern areas of the Asian part of Russia shifts the emphasis of food supply and gives new impetus to the development of agricultural production. In this chapter, the authors argue that the self-sufficiency of northern territories in the Asian part of Russia may be achieved by 2030 by means of development of vegetable production.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (27) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Krzysztof Świderski

The detachments of Territorial Defence Force (TDF, Polish: Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej) are an important element in the new structure of the Polish Army. The article presents the challenges the Territorial Defence Force, a new branch of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, are currently facing. The author discusses the origin of TDF as well as the basic normative and legal documents that specify the role and tasks of TDF in the national security system. The principles of recruitment to TDF, the basic criteria laid down for candidates for service and a timeline of TDF development in 2016–2019 are described. Particular attention is paid to the cooperation between TDF and operational forces in case of an armed conflict, which poses a serious challenge to the new type of armed forces. Additionally, research suggests that the range of tasks assigned to TDF indicates their significant role within the crisis management system. This requires the TDF command to work closely with public administration and to gain trust and esteem in local communities in the regions of their operation.

Significance Spending on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) rose in the 2021 budget despite fears that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government would scale back military expenditure to fund pandemic-related social spending. Neither recent scandals nor the forthcoming general election are likely to imperil the CAF’s positive budgetary outlook. Impacts Canada is spending CAD163mn on a five-year project that will modernise the NORAD air defence system. The Arctic continues to be a central defence concern and Ottawa is upgrading facilities there. Confidence in a sustained level of military spending should benefit Canadian defence companies as they seek foreign contracts.


Povzetek Varnost danes ni ogrožena le zaradi oboroženih konfliktov, temveč predvsem in vedno pogosteje zaradi kompleksnih kriz. Učinkovit odziv nanje zahteva od nacionalnovarnostnega sistema stalno prilagajanje in pripravljenost na nepredvidljivost varnostnih razmer s prožno strukturo, razvito koordinacijo in z zmogljivostmi, sposobnimi ukrepanja na podlagi sistemskih in jasnih pravil na področju kriznega upravljanja. Prispevek osvetljuje pomen kriznega upravljanja v sodobni družbi s poudarkom na obrambnem področju, na katerem na podlagi teoretičnih in praktičnih spoznanj daje predloge, ki bi lahko bili za Slovensko vojsko kakovosten izhodiščni okvir za razpravo pri oblikovanju nujnih odgovorov na sodobne izzive kriznega upravljanja. Slovenija, njen nacionalnovarnostni sistem kot tudi vse njegove sestavine, vključno s Slovensko vojsko, si ne smejo in ne morejo dovoliti, da krizo pričakajo nepripravljeni ter brez vnaprej izoblikovanega in delujočega celovitega koncepta na področju kriznega upravljanja. Ključne besede: kriza, krizno upravljanje, krizno odzivanje, vaje kriznega upravljanja. Abstract Today, security is not threatened only because of armed conflicts, but mostly and increasingly because of the complexity of crises. An effective response to those crises requires the national security system to constantly adapt and remain ready for the unpredictable nature of the security situation. This can be achieved with a flexible structure, well-developed coordination and capabilities apt to react on the basis of clear and system rules in the field of crisis management. The article highlights the importance of crisis management in the modern society with the emphasis on the field of defence. It provides theory- and practice-based suggestions, which could serve as a quality frame of reference for a discussion in the process of preparing crucial responses to the contemporary challenges of crisis management. Slovenia, its national security system along with its components, including the Slovenian Armed Forces, cannot and should not presume to enter a crisis unprepared and without a pre-framed, effective and comprehensive crisis-management concept. Key words: Crisis, crisis management, crisis response, crisis management exercises.


Povzetek Grožnje nacionalni varnosti se preoblikujejo zelo hitro. Prebivalci države pričakujejo, da se bo nacionalnovarnostni sistem učinkovito in uspešno odzval na te grožnje. Izvedbeno se lahko nacionalnovarnostni sistem države odzove samo tako, da v sistem zagotavljanja nacionalne varnosti vključi vse svoje vire v upanju sinergičnih učinkov. Uporaba oboroženih sil za zagotavljanje notranje varnosti je bila izredna naloga oboroženih sil. Obramba oziroma obrambna sposobnost vojske, ki se izvaja v notranjosti države za notranjo stabilnost in varnost države ob zakonskih in primarno konceptualno določenih nalogah vojske in policije, predstavlja zakonodajni in operacionalizacijski izziv države. Ključne besede Slovenska vojska, Policija, izredna pooblastila vojske, operacionalizacija. Abstract Nowadays, threats to national security are transforming extremely rapidly. The people of a country expect the national security system to respond effectively and successfully to these threats. Implementation-wise, a country's national security system can only respond by including all its resources in the national security system hoping to achieve synergistic effects. The use of the armed forces to ensure internal security was an extraordinary task of the armed forces. The defence and the defence capacity of the military, which are in addition to the legal and primarily conceptually determined tasks of the military and the police aimed at ensuring internal stability and national security in the interior of the country, represent a legislative and operational challenge of the state. Key words Slovenian Armed Forces, Police, extraordinary powers of the army, operationalization.


Pred vami je prvi od treh člankov, ki bodo obravnavali četrto generacijo vojskovanja. Te obsežne teme se bomo najprej lotili s postavitvijo geopolitičnega konteksta za Republiko Slovenijo z vidika novih varnostnih izzivov. Posebej se bomo v prvem delu ukvarjali s kontekstom spopada, na katerega bi se morali pripraviti in se ustrezno organizirati. V naslednjih dveh delih pa bomo podrobneje pogledali izzive, postavljene pred nacionalnovarnostni sistem in Slovensko vojsko v tem geopolitičnem kontekstu. Predstavili bomo nujne spremembe in mogoč pogled na njihovo uresničevanje v nacionalnovarnostnem sistemu in Slovenski vojski znotraj njega. This is the first in a series of three articles dealing with fourth generation warfare. To understand the fourth generation warfare as it applies to Slovenia we will first set the geopolitical context in light of the upcoming security challenges. Specifically, the article in front of you deals with the context of conflict we should organize and prepare for. In the subsequent two articles we will look in more detail at the challenges facing the national-security system as a whole, and the Slovenian Armed Forces in particular. We will put forward proposals for some of the required changes in the national-security system and the SAF.

You are looking at this year’s second issue which is dedicated to the Slovenian national security system, the role of the armed forces within it, and their future. The authors of this issue primarily come from the areas of the military and defence. It may be a coincidence, but the Slovenian national security system, the Slovenian Armed Forces and their future seem to play a less important role in times of solving other more challenging issues and situations. The need for rationality, economy, innovativeness and the achievement of maximum possible impact with minimum resources used is understandable, yet the national security system, as an integral part of international security, may thus become very fragile and vulnerable. The French economist and statesman of the 17th century, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, believed that trade was the source of finance, while finance was the vital nerve of war. Is it possible to assume that the lack of trade, and thus finance, may lead to social unrest and, consequently, the destabilisation of the national security system? Constant cuts in the defence budget should not hinder thinking and writing about the future of the Slovenian national security system and its individual elements which include the defence system and the Slovenian Armed Forces. What are the challen- ges and opportunities? In the introduction, Lieutenant-General Ştefan Dănilă, Chief of the General Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces expresses his views on the Role and use of the armed forces in the future. His thoughts are published at the beginning of this issue to give readers the impression of how the future of the armed forces is viewed in the country about ten times larger than Slovenia. Pavel Vuk, Sašo Nacevski and Renata Vrtovšek address the Defence strategy in the hierarchy of strategic documents on national security of the Republic of Slovenia by carrying out a comparative analysis of defence strategies of six countries and pre- senting guidelines for the preparation of a new defence strategy of the Republic of Slovenia. Gregor Garb devotes his attention to the Role of financial resources in the imple- mentation of a modern security paradigm regarding defence in selected countries. He describes and compares guidelines for the funding of defence systems in five countries – the Republic of Slovenia and its neighbours. Ivan Žnidar acquaints readers with Transformation challenges to safety and security at Slovenian sea. He states that comprehensive approach, cooperation, coordination and integration of various services for safety at sea present some of the answers to the question of the rationalisation of the modern security environment. Boris Rutar presents the Human Terrain System in the case of Afghanistan. He informs readers of achievements and applicability as well as new opportunities for NATO members. Blažka Erznožnik writes about the Importance of security forces training for the stabilisation of Afghanistan: NATO literacy project and the role of the Slovenian Armed Forces. She believes that the elimination of illiteracy presents a perfectly obvious means of support that significantly contributes to the long-term stability of Afghanistan and exposes the social usefulness of the armed forces. To conclude, a country’s stability depends on its financial situation, which in turn affects its defence capability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-19
Grudi Angelov ◽  
Dimitar Tashkov ◽  
Emil Enev

Abstract At the beginning of the twenty-first century, understanding of transformation encompasses not only organizational and structural processes, but also processes related to the literacy of those who deal with transformation. The paper does not analyze the literal meaning of the concept of literacy as reading and writing abilities. Within the Armed Forces system, literacy can be considered from several aspects - doctrinal, managerial, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and technical. Since transformation is not an one-time act, but a permanent function of the National Security System, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the continuity of the process of developing literacy of today’s leaders. The purpose of this paper is to present some of the arguments for the need of transformation of literacy (knowledge and skills) of the leaders of the transformation processes at the operational and tactical levels, so that they are able to skillfully apply the modern technological innovations in the preparation of the management bodies of the Armed Forces.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 24
Behar Selimi

The institution of the President in the Republic of Kosovo represents a new political and constitutional institution, as is the Republic itself. As such, he is still untested against constitutional responsibilities with which he is charged by the country's constitutions. Moreover, the President has not yet been tested on the security crisis management, as in reality he still cannot exercise all of his powers as Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, as these competencies for now are being exercised by the political and military structures of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO). However, in a constitutional and legal sense, the President of Kosovo enjoys all the powers for the realization of his constitutional role as a "representative of the unity of the people and guarantor of the democratic functioning of the institutions of the country'' and also as Commander of the Armed Forces with executive powers. Once the competences of the President in the authority of foreign policy are added then he appears to be one of the most powerful presidents, as compared with the presidents of parliamentary republics. It is exactly the powers of the President on national security issues that will be the topic of treatment in this paper, through an analysis not only the issues that are completely of the defense and security character, but also authorities dealing with other issues that can be used on behalf or in the name of national security.

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