scholarly journals The Feasibility of Interactive Multimedia Validation Data Results on Folk Poetry Texts Learning in MTS Nurul Amaliyah Tanjung Morawa

Nurul Silfi Dhawira ◽  
Syahnan Daulay ◽  
Khairil Ansari

This study is aimed to know the feasibility of interactive multimedia validation data results on folk poetry texts learning. The development of interactive multimedia is focused on folk poetry text material. The students are expected to learn independently through interactive multimedia that has been adjusted by the developer. The research and development population is VII grade students of MTS Nurul Amaliyah Tanjung Morawa. The research was using the 4D method, which involves four stages of research: define, design, development, and disseminate. The product of this research results in the form of interactive multimedia development of folk poetry texts is Adobe Flash CS5 media. The results shows that the feasibility of the media and material scored an average of 88.8 % with the criteria of "good" and 86.4% with the criteria of "good" in the development of interactive multimedia on folk poetry text learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Rossy Luckita Sasmita ◽  
Harun Sitompul ◽  
Dina Ampera

Abstrak: (1) menghasilkan multimedia interaktif pembelajaran yang layak digunakan, mudah dipelajari mahasiswa dan dapat dipakai untuk pembelajaran individual, (2) untuk mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan pada mata kuliah Tata Rias Wajah Khusus. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan produk Borg dan Gall yang dipadu dengan model pembelajaran Dick dan Carey. Model pengembangan produk pembelajaran ini merupakan model yang disusun secara terprogram dengan urutan yang sistematis dan memenuhi karateristik mahasiswa dalam belajar. Model ini meliputi enam tahapan, yakni: studi literatur, perencanaan atau desain pengembangan, pengembangan produk, validasi ahli, uji coba, revisi, produk akhir. Subjek uji coba terdiri dari dua ahli materi, dua ahli desain pembelajaran dan ahli rekayasa perangkat lunak dan desain grafis, tiga mahasiswa untuk uji coba perorangan, sembilan mahasiswa untuk uji coba kelompok kecil dan lima puluh delapan untuk uji coba lapangan. Data tentang kualitas produk pengembangan ini dikumpulkan dengan angket. Data-data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Kata kunci : Multimedia Interaktif, Pengembangan bahan ajar. Tata rias wajah khusus Abstract: This study aims to: (1) to produce interactive multimedia education proper use, easy to learn students and can be used for individual learning, (2) to assess the effectiveness of the media that was developed in the subject of Face Makeup Special. This type of research is the development of research that uses models Borg and Gall product development combined with Dick and Carey model of education This education product development model is a model that is prepared in a programmed sequence of systematic and meet the characteristics of students in learning. This model includes six stages, namely: literature studies, planning or design development, product development, validation expert, testing, revision, the final product. Subject trial consists of two subject matter experts, two instructional design experts and software engineers and graphic design, three students for individual testing, nine students for small group trial and fifty-eight for field trials. Data about the quality of the products of this development are collected by questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Keywords: Interactive Multimedia, Development of teaching materials. Special makeup

Lola Fibriani ◽  
Muhammad Damris ◽  
Risnita Risnita

The purpose of this study was to develop a multimedia learning to improve student motivation and outcomes in studying chemical equilibrium. Development of interactive multimedia development model is adapted from Lee and Owens, the steps were analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The Media developed combined texts, animations, videos, references, summaries, profiles, pictures and narration to visualization abstract concepts of chemical equilibrium. After validation and trials at small group the media was used in a teaching class.  It shoved that the media may be helpful for low motivations students in studying chemical equilibrium and improved students achievement.

Hastuti Wibowo ◽  
Syamsurizal Syamsurizal ◽  
Upik Yelianti

Research and development of interactive multimedia development model is adapted from Lee & Owens;the steps were analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of learningmaterials proportion analysis based curriculum: tissues: organs: totipotensi was 40%: 40%: 20%. Theresults of need analysis of science process skills indicated that students are lack of ability in terms ofgrouping and concluding skill. The analysis also reveals that students need multimedia, which isinteresting and aesthetics. In the design phase, developers create a storyboard based on the results of theanalysis. In development stage, we input all information in storyboard to the media. According to mediaexperts, the product is scored well and very well. Trials phase is conducted in a small groups and largegroups. The results of tests shows that the skills of students increased from 69.34 to 89.30, and knowledgeof students also increased from 75.7 to 91.9. The effectiveness of interactive multimedia structure andfunction of plant tissue seen by the changes in knowledge, performance, and the positive response ofstudents using interactive multimedia and facilitate students doing science process skills.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Yeni R. Saselah ◽  
Muhammad Amir M ◽  
Riskan Qadar

<p>The aims of this study were to produce an interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash Cs6 Professional in one vocational school (SMK) and to know the students' response to the use of the media used. The subject of this study was 34 students in Samarinda. This study is a research development. The data were gained from a questionnaire by expert validity and response by students. The result was an interactive multimedia that could be operated in computer and Android-based handphone. Students' response to interactive multimedia in the topic chemical equilibrium used was 97,8 % positive. The conclusions were multimedia resulted are eligible to be applied in learning of chemical equilibrium in vocational school dan had a positive response from the students.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Nusuki Syariati Fathimah ◽  
Ishartiwi Ishartiwi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan multimedia permainan interaktif pembelajaran berhitung yang layak bagi anak diskalkulia usia prasekolah. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu pada langkah pengembangan multimedia Alessi & Trollip mencakup tiga fase pengembangan yang meliputi perencanaan, perancangan, dan pengembangan. Subjek uji coba dalam penelitian ini yaitu dua orang ahli media, dua orang ahli matematika, dan sembilan anak diskalkulia usia prasekolah. Hasil penelitian berupa produk multimedia permainan interaktif pembelajaran berhitung bagi anak diskalkulia usia prasekolah berupa permainan puzzle dan logika yang dikemas dalam bentuk compact disc (CD) dengan menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS3. Multimedia permainan interaktif terdiri dari dua area permainan, yaitu area visual-spasial yang mencakup permainan geometri, klasifikasi, dan simbolisasi dan area sekuensial yang mencakup permainan prosedur, korespondensi, dan bilangan. Multimedia permainan interaktif dinilai  sangat layak berdasarkan hasil penilaian ahli media 88,33% dan ahli materi 91,6% serta berdasarkan hasil penilaian respon pengguna 85,18%.Kata kunci: multimedia permainan, berhitung, diskalkulia, prasekolah DEVELOPING INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA GAMES OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING TO PRESCHOOL DYSCALCULIC CHILDRENAbstractThis research aimed to develop interactive multimedia games of mathematics learning that was eligible for preschool dyscalculic children. This developmental study refered to the multimedia development phase suggested by Alessi & Trollip consisting of: planning, design, and development. The testing subjects consisted of two media experts, two mathematics experts, and nine preschool dyscalculia children. The results of the study was interactive multimedia games of mathematics learning for preschool dyscalculic children in the form of puzzles and logic games packaged in a compact disc (CD) form using the Adobe Flash CS3 software. The interactive multimedia games had two game areas, consisting of visual-spatial area that consisted of geometry, classification, and symbolization games and sequential area that consisted of procedure, correspondence, and number games. The interactive multimedia games were considered very eligible based on the results from the media experts 88.33% and from the subject matter experts 91.6% and based on the results from user’s responses 85.18%.Keywords: multimedia games, mathematics, dyscalculia, preschool 

Euis Gartika ◽  
Wardani Rahayu ◽  
Erry Utomo

This study aims to produce the development of interactive multimedia that is feasible to use in the mathematics of building space. The subjects of this study were in class V of Panaragan 1 Elementary School in Bogor, Semplak 2 Elementary School, and Bogor 1 Police Public Elementary School. This interactive multimedia development uses a type of research and development concerning the model developed by Lee and Owens, there are 5 stages: assessment / analyze, instructional design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The media developed was validated by material and media experts before being tested on students. The instruments used to collect the data were 4.4 expert media feasibility test questionnaires, material expert questionnaire feasibility test 4.3 trial language feasibility expert 4.2, declared feasible for use in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 238
Ade Oktaviani Sinaga ◽  
Ardi Ardi ◽  
Erma Erma

The purpose of this research is to collect initial information to develop interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash. The type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative research. The method used to collect data was done through interviews with biology teachers and distributing observation questionnaires to students of class XI MIPA. In addition, the results of daily tests obtained by students are also used as data in this study. The results of the study revealed that students had difficulty in understanding the material on Cells and Cell Bioprocess, this is because this material has many submaterials and is abstract. In addition, the media used by the teacher is also not effective in overcoming the learning difficulties of students, as well as the varied learning styles of students. This makes students look less active and causes the low value of student learning outcomes or is still under the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). Therefore, interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash is needed on Cells and Cell Bioprocess materials for class XI SMA/MA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-104
Aisyah Amini ◽  
Riri Okra

ALKI is an e-module that serves as a learning medium for grade X students majoring in MIA at SMAN 1 MAPAT TUNGGUL. E-module ALKI was created with the aim of assisting teachers in delivering materials and helping students understand more about chemical materials by repeating lessons, working on exercises, and strengthening memory by playing flashcards. The thing behind the design of alki e-module is the lack of motivation to learn students, difficulty and the absence of internet network in Mapat Tunggul area, students should not take home the package book, the smartphone owned by students is not used to study, and when doing homework with the help of the internet most students just copy the answer without understanding the origin of the answer. This research method is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4-D research model (four-D) that is with define, Design, Development, and Disseminate stages. In the Development stage, the development stage of ALKI e-module media is carried out. The media development model used in this study is MDLC(Multimedia Development Life Cycle) luther-sutopo version which consists of 6 stages, namely conception, design, material collection, manufacturing process, testing and distribution. The result of the research is a mobile-based ALKI e-module product. With 0.81 validity test results declared valid,0.93 Practicality test results are practiced very practically,and 0.80 effectiveness test results are declared very effective. So, it can be concluded that alki e-module based on mobile application as a learning medium has been valid, practical and effective.

Tommi Daniel Hutajulu ◽  
Sriadhi .

Abstract This development research generally aims to (1) develop interactive multimedia-based learning media for Private Vocational School Imelda Medan, (2) to know the assessment of media experts and material experts on learning media, and (3) to know the feasibility of learning media based on the assessment of media experts and material experts. The method used in this research is Research and Development. This research was conducted at Imelda Private Vocational School Medan. Research and Development Results: (1) This development research process is carried out with several stages adapted from the borg and gall version development research model simplified into 4D. There are stages such as: Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. Define stage includes definition, design stage includes storyboarding, development stage includes development of interactive multimedia-based learning media, validation of media experts and material experts, as well as revision of learning media from media experts and material experts and disseminate stage covering the trial stage. The target of this research is the Expert Lecturer of Medan State University. Testing of interactive multimedia by material validators showed that multimedia learning resulted both in material validation with an average score of 4.52 and for media validation with an average score of 4.59. Then obtained the conclusion that developed media is worth to use. Keywords : Interactive Media, Interactive Multimedia Abstrak Penelitian pengembangan ini secara umum bertujuan untuk (1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif untuk SMK Swasta Imelda Medan, (2) mengetahui penilaian ahli media dan ahli materi terhadap media pembelajaran, dan (3) mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran berdasarkan penilaian ahli media dan ahli materi . Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development ) . Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Swasta Imelda Medan. Hasil Penelitian  dan Pengembangan : (1) Proses Penelitian pengembangan ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan yang diadaptasi dari model penelitian pengembangan versi borg and gall yang disederhanakan menjadi 4D. Adapaun tahapan tersebut yaitu : Define, Design, Development, dan Disseminate. Tahap define meliputi pendefenisian , tahap design meliputi pembuatan storyboard, tahap development meliputi pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif ,validasi ahli media dan ahli materi, serta revisi media pembelajaran dari ahli media dan ahli materi dan tahap disseminate meliputi tahap uji coba. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah Dosen Ahli Universitas Negeri Medan. Pengujian terhadap multimedia interaktif oleh validator materi menunjukan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran  yang dihasilkan baik pada validasi materi dengan skor rata-rata 4.52 dan untuk validasi media dengan skor rata-rata 4.59. Maka diperoleh kesimpulan media yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan. Kata kunci : Media Interaktif, Multimedia Interaktif

Wenny Anggraeni ◽  
Syahnan Daulay ◽  
M. Oky Ferdian Gafari

The media serves to direct students to gain various learning experiences. The aim of this study is to know the feasibility of interactive multimedia development in children' story of character education-based. Sources of data in this study were obtained from: 1) Respondents: 7th grade students of Junior High School Panca Budi Medan which amount to 23 students, 2) Informants: validators, students and Indonesian language teachers of Junior High School Panca Budi Medan. The results of the feasibility of learning media validation by instructional media design experts was declared "very good" The assessment of the content feasibility aspect was declared "very good" with a total average percentage of 91%. The assessment of the presentation feasibility was declared "very good" with a total average percentage of 83%. The assessment of the graphic feasibility was declared "good" with a total average percentage of 77%.

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