scholarly journals Kerapatan Mangrove dan Konservasinya di Bacan Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan Provinsi Maluku Utara

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 25
Abdulrasyid Tolangara ◽  
Hasna Ahmad

AbstrakHutan mangrove merupakan perpaduan antara dua habitat yaitu terrestrial dan aquatik. Dalam perkembangannya ekosistem ini selalu mengalami kerusakan, ini terjadi kerena belum ada perhatian pemerintah untuk mencegahnya. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan  menggunakan model Point Centered Quarter dan pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan garis transek serta plot hitung berukuran 10mx10m untuk pengamatan tingkat pohon. Mangrove yang diukur pada 2 kawasan yaitu kawasan mangrove alami (A) yang teridiri empat stasiun dan kawasan mangrove rehabilitasi (B) juga terdapat empat stasiun. Pohon yang dipilih adalah pohon yang paling dekat di setiap quarter. Data pengamatan kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif  berupa kerapatan jenis mangrove di setiap stasiun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan jenis mangrove  kawasan alami berada pada kategori jarang misalnya stasiun I pada jenis A. alba 512 individu/m2, stasiun II terdapat pada jenis S. alba  456 individu/m2 dan stasiun III pada jenis R. apiculata 326 individu/m2. Sedangkan pada kawasan rehabilitasi berada pada kategori padat hingga sedang, misalnya pada stasiun IV kategori padat yaitu jenis B. gymnorrhiza 3.400 individu/m2, stasiun I kategori padat jenis R. apiculata 2.100 individu/m2, dan stasiun II kategori padat  terdapat pada jenis jenis R. stylosa dan stasiun III kategori sedang terdapat pada jenis R. mucronata 1.324 individu/m2. Ini terjadi akibat aktifitas masyarakat yang selalu memanfaatkan potensi hutan tersebut, tanpa upaya konservasi, maka diperlukan upaya konservasi dengan model pengelolaan yang berbasis masyarakat (Community Based Management).Kata Kunci: Mangrove, Kerapatan, Konservasi, Bacan. AbstractMangrove forest is a combination of two habitats, terrestrial and aquatic. In its development, the ecosystem experiences damage due to the less attention from the government to prevent it. Therefore, information is needed to find out about the comparison of density between natural and rehabilitation areas. The research method used was quantitative descriptive using Point Centered Quarter model and sampling used was transect line with calculation plot in size of 10mx10m for observation of tree stage. Mangrove was measured in two areas, natural mangrove (A) and rehabilitation mangrove (B) both consisted of four stations. Trees chosen were the closest trees in each quarter. Observation data was analyzed quantitatively in form of the density of mangrove type in each station. The research result indicates that the density of mangrove type in natural area was in sparse category, such as in Station I for type of A. Alba the density was 512 individual/m2, Station II with type of S. alba was 456 individual/m2 and Station III in type of R. apiculata was 326 individual/m2. In rehabilitation area, on the other hand, was in dense to moderate category, such as the dense category in Station IV was for type of B. gymnorrhiza of 3,400 individual/m2, Station I was for type of R. apiculata of 2,100 individual/m2, and Station II was for R. stylosa. Whereas, for moderate category in Station III was in R. mucronata of 1,324 individual/m2. It was due to the activity of the community that utilized the forest potential without conservation effort. Therefore, a conservation effort is needed through community based management model.Keywords: Mangrove, Density, Conservation, Bacan

Mohd Shahril Abdul Rahman ◽  
Afrizal Naumar ◽  
Abdul Hakim Mohammed ◽  
Shazmin Shareena Abdul Azis

Improving the quality of life of a community or an individual is an important aspect for society. This can be achieved in a number of ways that involve the participation of a number of parties. One way is through a community-based sanitation program (SANIMAS). However, community participation is another challenge that we should consider in order to ensure the success of promoting participation in a community-based program as one of the ways to improve the quality of life of society as a whole. The aim of present study is therefore to identify factors influencing community participation in a SANIMAS program. Community participation was measured in the form of frequency and quantitative descriptive distribution on the basis of the Likert scale. Findings discusses a number of internal and external factors related to community participation in the SANIMAS program. It contributes to the current literature review of various internal and external factors that promote the participation of the community in improving their quality of life. This study may be used as a reference for the Government and may be established at other locations for the development of environmental infrastructure in the context of the participation of the urban community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Roseven Rudiyanto ◽  
Septian Hutagalung

Abstrak Desa Watu Tiri merupakan sebuah desa di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat yang memiliki potensi alam dan budaya di bidang pariwisata. Akan tetapi, masyarakat lokal masih belum mampu mengelola potensi tersebut dengan baik. Pengelolaan potensi wisata dengan pendekatan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat merupakan instrumen pengembangan masyarakat dalam memperkuat partisipasi dan kemampuan masyarakat lokal untuk mengelola sumber daya pariwisata. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk identifikasi potensi alam dan budaya di Desa Watu Tiri, dan pengelolaannya dengan pendekatan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan forum diskusi merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasilnya, Desa Watu Tiri memiliki poin-poin penting yang mendukung penerapan pengelolaan potensi wisata dengan pendekatan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Namun demikian, pemerintah Desa Watu Tiri masih harus mengerjakan hal yang menghambat penerapan pengelolaan potensi dengan pendekatan tersebut. Kata kunci: pariwisata, pengelolaan, masyarakatManagement of Tourism Potential of Watu Tiri Village by Community-Based Tourism ApproachAbstractWatu Tiri is a village in West Manggarai Regency, which has natural and cultural potential in the tourism sector. However, local people are still not able to manage this potential properly. Management of tourism potential with a community-based tourism approach is an instrument of community development in strengthening the participation and ability of local communities to manage tourism resources. The purpose of this research is to identify the natural and cultural potential in Watu Tiri Village, and its management with a community-based tourism approach. Qualitative methods with observation data collection techniques and discussion forums are the methods used in this study. As a result, Watu Tiri Village has important points that support the implementation of tourism potential management with a community-based tourism approach. However, the government of Watu Tiri village still has to do things that hinder the application of potential management with that approach. Keyword:  tourism, management, community

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ika Feni Setiyaningrum ◽  
Rika Harini ◽  
Niken Wirasanti

Ekosistem mangrove memiliki manfaat fisik, biologis, maupun ekonomis. Pengelolaan mangrove menjadi ekowisata adalah model pemanfaatan mangrove yang bernilai ekonomis dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi mangrove eksisting dan model pengelolaan wisata mangrove yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Gedangan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transect line plot, wawancara key informan, dan membagikan kuisioner kepada masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa kondisi mangrove eksisting didominasi oleh R.mucronata yang merupakan hasil program tanam mangrove pemerintah setempat sejak tahun 2011. Kondisi vegetasi kategori pancang tergolong rapat, sedangkan pada tingkat pohon tergolong jarang. Mangrove Gedangan dikelola menjadi wisata edukasi atas inisiatif masyarakat setempat dengan modal swadaya. Terdapat dukungan dari komunitas eksternal maupun pemerintah setempat dalam pengelolaannya. Penanaman mangrove masih terus dilakukan oleh pemerintah maupun lembaga pendidikan setempat. Peraturan pelarangan perusakan mangrove telah diterapkan. Dampak ekonomi yang dirasakan masyarakat antara lain menjadi sumber penghasilan pokok maupun tambahan dengan mengambil berbagai sumber daya ekosistem mangrove. Mangrove ecosystems have physical, biological and economic benefits. Mangrove management into ecotourism is a model of the use of mangroves that have economic and sustainable value. This study aims to determine the existing mangrove conditions and mangrove tourism management models carried out by the local community. The study was conducted using the transect line plot method, key informant interviews, and distributing questionnaires to the community. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the existing mangrove conditions are dominated by R. mucronata which is the result of the local government's mangrove planting program since 2011. The condition of the sapling category is classified as dense, while at the tree category is classified as rare. Mangrove in Gedangan is managed as an educational tourism at the initiative of the local community with self-help capital. There is support from external communities and the local government in its management. Mangrove planting is still being carried out by the government and local education institutions. Regulations prohibiting mangrove destruction have been implemented. The economic impacts felt by the community include being a source of basic and additional income by taking various mangrove ecosystem resources.   

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Nindy Danisa Wulandari

Development of food security implemented to meet the human basic needs that provide benefits fairly and equitably based on self – reliance, and not contrary to public faith. Referring to the government regulation No 22 of 2009 concerning Food Consumption Diversification Acceleration (P2KP). However, it is not supported by the development of women farmers. The method use in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis using SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treath). The samples in this study is the purposive sample. Result of a study showed the amount of income earned from the group of women farmers in the one month is 150,000/ members. Proper development strategies used in the development strategies used in the development KWT Melati is a Growth Oriented Strategy is very profitable strategy to seize opportunities with the strength. Pembangunan ketahan pangan dilaksanakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia yang memberikan manfaat secara adil dan merata berdasarkan kemandirian, dan tidak bertentangan dengan keyakinan masyarakat. Mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah No 22 Tahun 2009 mengenai Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan (P2KP). Namun, hal ini tidak didukung dengan adanya pengembangan kelompok wanita tani. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treath). Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan sampel purposive. Hasil penelitian menunjukan besaran pendapatan yang diperoleh dari adanya kelompok wanita tani dalam satu bulan adalah Rp.150.000/bulan/anggota. Strategi pengembangan yang tepat digunakan dalam pengembangan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Melati adalah Growth Oriented Strategy.

Erika Alarcón-Ruiz ◽  
Luis Daniel Ordoñez-Pacheco

The synergy that exists between geography, computer science and advances in information technologies has allowed the consolidation of geographic science from an integral perspective and allowing the correlation of basic elements for the analysis of the territory in an applied science called Geomatics. The research result in this field are linked to the collection and analysis of observation data, which are collected through satellites, ground stations, ocean buoys, the global positioning system (GPS), aerial sensors (photogrammetry), Weather balloons and traditional techniques for measuring and describing land. To process this data, Geographic Information System (GIS) has been developed, involving aspects of hardware and software with applications that are as diverse and varied as the users themselves. Also, presents an analysis of the main SIG's, its main features and applications , because despite having a scientific structure and IT support that allows one effective land management in rural or urban type, yet there is a wide area of opportunity solving and Previ or endo the emergence of conflicts interactions between human activities and geographical characteristics.

Anushka Singh

Liberal democracies claim to give constitutional and legal protection of varying degrees to the right to free speech of which political speech and the right to dissent are extensions. Within the right to freedom of expression, however, some category of speeches do not enjoy protection as they are believed to be ‘injurious’ to society. One such unprotected form of political speech is sedition which is criminalized for the repercussions it may have on the authority of the government and the state. The cases registered in India in recent months under the law against sedition show that the law in its wide and diverse deployment was used against agitators in a community-based pro-reservation movement, a group of university students for their alleged ‘anti-national’ statements, anti-liquor activists, to name a few. Set against its contemporary use, this book has used sedition as a lens to probe the fate of political speech in liberal democracies. The work is done in a comparative framework keeping the Indian experience as its focus, bringing in inferences from England, USA, and Australia to intervene and contribute to the debates on the concept of sedition within liberal democracies at large. On the basis of an analytical enquiry into the judicial discourse around sedition, the text of the sedition laws, their political uses, their quotidian existence, and their entanglement with the counter-terror legislations, the book theorizes upon the life of the law within liberal democracies.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 643
Jiangang Shi ◽  
Wenwen Hua ◽  
Daizhong Tang ◽  
Ke Xu ◽  
Quanwei Xu

Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and customer satisfaction theory, we constructed a satisfaction model for supply–demand satisfaction for community-based senior care (SSCSC) combined with the psychological perspective of the elderly, and four dimensions of basic living needs (BLNs), living environment (LE), personal traits (PTs), and livability for the aged (LA) were selected to construct the model. The data were obtained from 296 questionnaires from seniors over 50 years old (or completed by relatives on their behalf, according to their actual situation). Twenty-two observed variables were selected for the five latent variables, and their interactions were explored using structural equation modeling. The results showed that LA was the most significant factor influencing SSCSC, and it was followed by BLNs and LE. PTs did not show a direct effect on LA, but they could have an indirect effect on SSCSC through influencing BLNs and LE. Based on the current state of community aging satisfaction, we propose to establish a community elderly care service system based on the basic needs of the elderly population, providing differentiated and refined elderly care services and improving the level of aging-friendly communities. This study provides references for the government to formulate relevant policies and other supply entities to make strategic decisions and has important implications for further enhancing community elderly services to become an important part of the social security system for the elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ramadhani Kigume ◽  
Stephen Maluka

Abstract Background Globally, there is increased advocacy for community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes. Like other low and middle-income countries (LMICs), Tanzania officially established the Community Health Fund (CHF) in 2001 for rural areas; and Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA) for urban population since 2009. This study investigated the implementation of TIKA scheme in urban districts of Tanzania. Methods A descriptive qualitative case study was conducted in four urban districts in Tanzania in 2019. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and review of documents. A thematic approach was used to analyse the data. Results While TIKA scheme was important in increasing access to health services for the poor and other disadvantaged groups, it faced many challenges which hindered its performance. The challenges included frequent stock-out of drugs and medical supplies, which frustrated TIKA members and hence contributed to non-renewal of membership. In addition, the scheme was affected by poor collections and management of the revenue collected from TIKA members, limited benefit packages and low awareness of the community. Conclusions Similar to rural-based Community Health Fund, the TIKA scheme faced structural and operational challenges which subsequently resulted into low uptake of the schemes. In order to achieve universal health coverage, the government should consider integrating or merging Community-Based Health Insurance schemes into a single national pool with decentralised arms to win national support while also maintaining local accountability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Ni Luh Ketut Sri Sulistyawati ◽  
Ni Putu Shintia Wedani ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Mas Wiartha

Turnover intention is very much avoided by companies because it can create instability for labor conditions in the company. Turnover intention can be caused by factors of age, length of work, environmental factors, job stress, and job satisfaction. Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve has made various efforts to ensure employee job satisfaction, however, there are many complaints that employees experience regarding workloads that are felt to be quite heavy, causing work stress. Overall, the culinary division has the highest turnover rate compared to other divisions. The population and sample in this study were 50 employees of the culinary division. Methods of data collection using interviews, questionnaires, documentation and observation. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of multiple linear regression obtained the equation Y = 0.655 - 0.246X1 + 0.399X2. Based on the t test, job satisfaction partially has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention and job stress partially has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. The results of the determination analysis show that simultaneously job satisfaction and job stress have a contribution of 47% to turnover intention.

I Gusti Ayu Made Asri Dwija Putri ◽  
I.G.K.A Ulupui ◽  
Ni Gusti Putu Wirawati

The purpose of this study, namely to obtain empirical evidence that the implementation of corporate governance affect the performance of “Bank Perkreditan Rakyat” ( rural banks), and the role of local culture “Tri Hita Karana “to the BPR’s performance. The population is all BPR located in Badung and Denpasar. The samples using purposive sampling method. The data in this study were collected using a questionnaire are distributed directly to the object of research. “BPR” number into the sample in this study was 65 Banks. Data analyzed by model Multiple Regression Analysis. The research result show that the principles of corporate governance and the local cultural effect on the performance of BPR in Badung and Denpasar. “Bank Perkreditan Rakyat”. The implication of the study is important for the government to solve the economic problem using Corporate Governance and Tri Hita Karana concept.  

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