2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Tri Ari Prasetyowati ◽  
Ari Yuniastuti ◽  
Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani

ENGLISHThe benefits of exclusive breastfeeding are in accordance with one of the goals of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), namely reducing child mortality and improving maternal health. The research objective is to analyze the implementation of input aspects of promotional efforts for exclusive breastfeeding including: 1) human resources (HR), 2) funding resources, 3) infrastructure, and 4) availability of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This research uses qualitative approach which is focused on efforts to promote exclusive breastfeeding. The informants of the study were determined by purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. Data collection technique uses in-depth interview. The results of the study are: 1) midwives become official workers to promote exclusive breastfeeding, 2) the funding for exclusive breastfeeding promotion comes from the government, 3) the infrastructures to support exclusive breastfeeding are available sufficiently, and 4) standard operating procedures to support exclusive breastfeeding are not available yet. Finally, The Government is recommended to strengthen exclusive breastfeeding promotions by allocating special promotion workers in sufficient number, providing SOPs to promote exclusive breastfeeding. INDONESIAManfaat pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif sesuai dengan salah satu tujuan dari Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) yaitu mengurangi tingkat kematian anak dan meningkatkan kesehatan ibu. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis implementasi aspek input upaya promosi pemberian ASI eksklusif yang meliputi: Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), sumber dana, sarana prasarana, dan ketersediaan SOP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang difokuskan pada upaya-upaya promosi pemberian ASI eksklusif. Informan penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Teknik pengambilan data dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) sumber daya manusia yang melakukan promosi ASI eksklusif adalah bidan, 2) sumber dana promosi ASI eksklusif dari pemerintah berupa dana Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK), 3) ketersediaan sarana prasarana promosi ASI eksklusif sudah memadai, dan 4) belum tersedianya SOP promosi pemberian ASI eksklusif. Oleh karena itu Dinas Kesehatan perlu membuat SOP yang jelas untuk promosi pemberian ASI eksklusif bagi petugas promosi kesehatan. Puskesmas perlu melakukan upaya perekrutan tenaga khusus untuk promosi kesehatan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Melantika Nur Fitria Syahri ◽  
Tiyas Kusumaningrum ◽  
Bagus Setyoboedi

Abstrak Latar Belakang : Gizi buruk adalah penyumbang angka morbiditas dan mortalitas pada anak. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya menyatakan kasus gizi buruk secara 100% telah teratasi. Fakta menunjukkan di kecamatan Sukomanunggal mengalami peningkatan angka gizi buruk. Pemerintah telah melakukan upaya perbaikan melalui program - programnya, tetapi kualitas perawatan dan pola asuh ibu belum diketahui. Sehingga dilakukanlah penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman ibu dalam merawat anak balita usia 6-24 bulan dengan status gizi buruk post diagnosis di kecamatan Sukomanunggal kota Surabaya. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Jumlah partisipan sebanyak 15 partisipan dan dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengalaman ibu. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dilengkapi dengan catatan lapangan. Hasil : Hasil penelitian didapatkan (53%) ibu mengubah pola pemberian makan (jumlah, menu, frekuensi) dan dari (53%) (83,3%) memberikan makanan secara aktif dan responsif. Ibu memiliki persepsi bahwa masalah gizi pada balita disebabkan faktor keturunan (60%) dan faktor nafsu makan (40%).  Ibu memberikan makanan tambahan (selingan) berupa snack sehat (80%) dan makanan ringan (20%). Ibu tidak memberikan vitamin kepada balitanya (53%). Ibu memiliki pola PHBS yang baik, yaitu (87%) balita tidak memiliki kebiasaan memasukkan barang yang dipegangnya ke mulut dan (53%) ibu mengajari serta membiasakan balita mencuci tangan. Ibu memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang baik terhadap program puskesmas, (73%) ibu rutin membawa balitanya ke posyandu, (67%) ibu patuh memberikan PMT-P, (87%) ibu mengimunisasikan balita secara lengkap, dan (54%) ibu memberikan obat cacing rutin kepada balitanya. Tetapi hanya (26%) ibu yang melakukan konsultasi ke tenaga kesehatan. Kesimpulan : Perawatan yang dilakukan oleh ibu terhadap balitanya yang mengalami gizi buruk, yaitu melakukan perubahan pola pemberian makan dengan strategi praktik pemberian makan yang aktif dan responsif, memberikan makanan tambahan (selingan) berupa snack sehat yang berbahan lokal serta mengurangi konsumsi makanan ringan yang berlebihan, menerapkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), patuh terhadap program puskesmas dan melakukan konsultasi lebih lanjut ke tenaga kesehatan. Abstract Background : Malnutrition is a contributor to the morbidity and mortality rates in children. The Surabaya City Health Office stated that cases of malnutrition were 100% resolved. The facts show that in Sukomanunggal there has been an increase in the number of malnutrition. The government has made efforts to improve through its programs, but the quality of care and parenting is unknown. So a study was conducted to explore the experiences of mothers in caring for toddlers aged 6-24 months with malnutritional’s status post diagnosis in Sukomanunggal, Surabaya. Method : This research was a qualitative study. The number of participants was 15 participants and was selected using the purposive sampling method. The variable in this study was the experience of mothers. The data collection technique used was indepth interviews equipped with field notes. Results : The results showed that (53%) mothers changed their feeding patterns (number, menu, frequency) and from (53%) (83.3%) gave food actively and responsively. Mother had a perception that nutritional problems in toddlers were due to heredity (60%) and appetite factors (40%). Mothers provided additional food (interlude) in the form of healthy snacks (80%) and snacks (20%). Mothers did not give vitamins to their children (53%). Mothers had a good hygienic habits pattern, that was (87%) toddlers did not have the habit of entering the items they hold in their mouths and (53%) mothers teach and get children to wash their hands. Mothers had a good level of adherence to the puskesmas program, (73%) mothers routinely brought their babies to posyandu, (67%) mothers obediently gave supplementary feeding, (87%) mothers fully immunized their children, and (54%) mothers gave medication routine worms to her toddler. But only (26%) mothers consulted health workers. Conclusion : The care performed by mothers on their children who experience malnutrition, it is changing the pattern of feeding with an active and responsive feeding practice strategy, providing supplementary food in the form of healthy snacks made locally and reducing excessive consumption of snacks, apply hygienic habits, adhere to the puskesmas program and conduct further consultations with health workers.

Nur Hanifah ◽  
Alief Budiyono

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has issued a policy regarding home learning (Online/BDR). This makes parental assistance to children in learning disciplines more strategic. Until now, not many have studied research on parental assistance in disciplining children's learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected in in-depth interview techniques and participatory observation. The data source is the primary source (parents, either father or mother) which is approached purposively, and followed by snowball sampling. The data were further validated by source triangulation technique. The collected data was then analyzed using the Miles & Huberman interactive data analysis technique. The results of the study resulted in 3 models of mentoring in disciplining children to learn in the pandemic era, namely: First, the Oral Model (Inviting children to study, Encouraging children, and Reminding if there are tasks that have not been done). Second, the Action Model (Limiting the use of gadgets, Accompanying and helping/teaching children to learn, Creating a regular study schedule, Learning homework, and training children to be independent and interested in learning), Third, Additional Models (Consultation with teachers, Explaining the Covid-19 situation, and Provide additional tutoring/learning facilities

Sakaria J Anwar ◽  
Lala M Kolopaking ◽  
Rilus A Kinseng ◽  
Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis

This paper aims to discuss the impact of state intervention on social capital of fishermen community in small islands. The research was conducted in Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar. The data was collected through in-depth interview and limited observation from twelve informants determined by snowball sampling. Questionnaires were also spread to about 40 respondents. The data was then analyzed qualitatively to explain researchs data and facts. The results of the research show that state intervention for the last ten years on small islands communities has impact on various aspects such as the diminishing loyalty and trust among locals to the government. Therefore, the intervention reduce the communitys participation, individually and collectively, in development activities. The situation, in turn, could affect the diminishing political capacity of the locals and government in the implementation of development in the islands. The state intervention, however, strengthened social solidarity, local value practices and the enthusiasm to understand religious values which in turn could tighten the internal bond of a community. This bond can become a potential strength to build communities in small islands.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dampak intervensi negara pada kapital sosial komunitas nelayan di pulau-pulau kecil. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pulau Barrang Lompo, Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi terbatas dari dua belas informan ditentukan oleh snowball sampling. Kuesioner juga menyebar ke 40 responden. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk menjelaskan data penelitian dan fakta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi negara selama sepuluh tahun terakhir pada masyarakat pulau-pulau kecil memiliki dampak pada berbagai aspek seperti, mengurangi loyalitas dan kepercayaan di antara penduduk setempat kepada pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, partisipasi mereka, secara individu dan kolektif, dalam kegiatan pembangunan kurang. Ini akan berakibat pada berkurangnya kapasitas politik penduduk setempat dan kapasitas pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan pulau. Kendati demikian intervensi negara juga memperkuat solidaritas sosial, praktek nilai lokal dan semangat untuk memahami nilai-nilai agama yang pada gilirannya dapat memperkuat ikatan internal masyarakat. Ikatan ini selanjutnya dapat menjadi kekuatan potensial untuk membangun masyarakat di pulau-pulau kecil.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Ivonne Ayesha

Padi Kuriak Kusuik sebagai komoditas unggul spesifik lokal, semakin berkurang produksi akibat rendahnya produktivitas dan berkurangnya lahan. Keberlanjutan usahatani padi Kuruik Kusuik perlu diupayakan. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan menentukan tingkat keberlanjutan usahatani padi Kuriak Kusuik di Nagari Koto Tangah, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat. Penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara purposive sampling (sengaja), berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa daerah tersebut memiliki karakter yang erat hubungannya dengan masalah yang diteliti, sehingga cukup relevan dengan tujuan penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer merupakan data utama yang diperoleh melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan (observasi) dan hasil wawancara mendalam (in depth interview) dengan petani, kelompok tani dan. Informan dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling dan identifikasi stakeholders dilakukan dengan metode snowball sampling. Hasil penetian menemukan bahwa 1) Indeks keberlanjutan usahatani padi Kuriak Kusuik untuk aspek biofisik dikategorikan kurang berlanjut dengan nilai 47,12 persen, aspek sosial dan aspek ekonomi cukup berlanjut dengan nilai masing-masing 69,79 persen dan 70,47 persen; 2) Pencapaian indeks keberlanjutan usahatani padi Kuriak Kusuik termasuk pada kategori cukup berlanjut dengan nilai 55,51 persen.

e-NERS ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Saiful Salim ◽  
Sarah M. Warouw ◽  
Julia Rottie

Abstract: One of the fundamental efforts to ensure the achievement of the highest quality of child development is the provision of breast milk (milk) from birth until the age of two years. Mother's Milk (Air Susu Ibu, ASI) is the most perfect food for babies because it contains many nutrients that are high-value required for the growth and development of the nerves and brain and gives substances immunity against some diseases. Breast milk can meet the nutritional needs of infants during the first six months (exclusive breastfeeding). The government up until now continues to promote the program through the promotion of increased use of exclusive breastfeeding, but unexpectdly still there are mothers, who do not exclusively breastfeed their babies. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between maternal characteristics and the successfulness of exclusive breastfeeding. The desaigned study  was Analytic Observational, with cross sectional approach, with a sample of 65 people. Determination of the samples was done by using a non-probability (purposive sampling). Data collection was accomplished by using questionnaires. Processing data using the computer program SPSS version 20 was presented in narrative form and table. Statistical test used was chi-square with significance level α = 0.05. The results of statistical tests showed that the obtained maternal characteristics values ​​are as follows: for Age characteristic the p-value = 0.25 (p > α), the education characteristic p-value = 0.04 (p < α), a job characteristic p-value = 0.015 (p < α), and the knowledge characteristic p-value = 0.042. (P < α). There is no relationship or association between the age and the exclusive breastfeeding success. There is a relationship of education, employment, knowledge of the mother and the success of exclusive breastfeeding. However the relationship obtained is a significant negative relationship because highly educated mothers, mother who work or carier women and mothers who are actually more knowledgeable are there who fail to braestfeed exclusively. From this this study it can be suggested to the clinic to have to do counseling/ training or dairy feeding for working mothers (Pegawai Negeri Sipil / Swasta), proposed to the Government, the mayor and the head of private institutions to be able to grant permission or instructions to all employees mothers who have a six months old baby to be given permission to go home for breastfeeding while still on the working hours. Keywords: Maternal characteristic, exlusive breastfeeding.   Abstrak: Salah satu upaya mendasar untuk menjamin pencapaian tertinggi kualitas tumbuh kembang anak adalah dengan pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) sejak lahir hingga usia dua tahun. Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan yang paling sempurna bagi bayi karena mengandung banyak zat-zat gizi yang bernilai tinggi yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan saraf dan otak, memberikan zat-zat kekebalan terhadap beberapa penyakit. Air susu ibu dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bayi selama enam bulan pertama (ASI eksklusif). Sampai sekarang pemerintah terus berupaya mempromosikan program ASI eksklusif melalui gencarnya promosi peningkatan penggunaan ASI eksklusif, namun masih saja didapatkan ibu menyusui bayinya tidak secara eksklusif sesuai yang diharapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik ibu dengan keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Analitik Observasional dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, dengan jumlah sampel 65 orang. Penentuan besar sampel dengan menggunakan Non probability (purposive Sampling). Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Pengolahan data menggunakan komputer dengan program SPSS versi 20 yang disajikan dalam bentuk narasi dan tabel. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi-Square dengan tingkat signifikasi α = 0,05. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa karakteristik ibu (umur) diperoleh nilai p-value = 0,25 (p > α), pendidikan diperoleh nilai p-value = 0,04 (p < α), pekerjaan diperoleh nilai  p-value = 0,015 (p < α), dan pengetahuan diperoleh nilai p-value = 0,042. (p < α). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak ada hubungan umur dengan keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan ada hubungan pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengetahuan dengan  keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Namun hubungan yang didapatkan adalah hubungan yang bermakna negatif dikarenakan ibu yang berpendidikan tinggi, ibu yang bekerja dan ibu yang berpengetahuan baik justru lebih banyak yang tidak berhasil memberikan ASI eksklusif. Dari penelitian ini dapat disarankan kepada pihak puskesmas untuk perlu dilakukannya penyuluhan/pelatihan tentang pemberian ASI perah kepada ibu-ibu pekerja (PNS/Swasta), mengusulkan  ke Pemerintah Daerah dalam hal Wali Kota dan pimpinan instansi swasta untuk dapat memberikan izin/intruksi kepada seluruh pegawai ibu-ibu yang mempunyai bayi enam bulan kebawah agar dapat diberi izin pulang ke rumah untuk menyusui bayinya meskipun masih jam kerja. Kata kunci: Karakteristik Ibu, ASI eksklusif.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 377
Any Wahyu Purwandari ◽  
Mussadun -

ABSTRACT The key to the implementation of the Village Development Planning Forum (Musrenbangkel) is community participation, so that the priority of development programs in accordance with community needs. However, there is a decrease in the implementation of community participation because no realization of development programs proposed society, especially the poor, as well as the implementation tends to be formal and monotonous so as to make people bored and tired. It happened also in the Kelurahan Semanggi which has the densest population with the highest number of poor people in Sub District of Pasar Kliwon. Under these conditions, the purpose of this study was to determine the public participation in the implementation of Musrenbangkel in Kelurahan Semanggu by reviewing Musrenbangkel process, forms of public participation, the level of community participation, as well as internal and external factors that affect the level of community participation. The method used is descriptive quantitative with a Likert scale for questionnaire, frequency distribution and multiple linear regression, as well as qualitative descriptive with purposive sampling and snowball sampling. This study shows that the bottom-up approach to the implementation of Musrenbangkel only be a compromise because the people (still) very dependent on the role of community and government leaders, as well as very poor community initiatives that the government (still) in control in determining local development priorities. Keywords: community participation, Musrenbangkel, Village ABSTRAK Kunci dari pelaksanaan Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Kelurahan (Musrenbangkel) adalah partisipasi masyarakat, supaya prioritas program pembangunan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Namun demikian, dalam perkembangannya terjadi penurunan partisipasi masyarakat karena tidak terealisasinya program-program pembangunan yang diajukan masyarakat, terutama masyarakat miskin, serta penyelenggaraannya yang cenderung formal dan monoton sehingga membuat masyarakat bosan dan jenuh. Hal tersebut terjadi pula di Kelurahan Semanggi yang memiliki penduduk terpadat dengan jumlah penduduk miskin terbanyak di Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui partisipasi masyarakat pada pelaksanaan Musrenbangkel di Kelurahan Semanggi dengan cara mengkaji proses Musrenbangkel, bentuk partisipasi masyarakat, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat, serta faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat partisipasi masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert, distribusi frekuensi dan regresi liner berganda, serta deskriptif kualitatif dengan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Hasil analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan bottom up pada pelaksanaan Musrenbangkel hanya bersifat kompromis karena masyarakat (masih) sangat bergantung pada peran tokoh masyarakat dan pemerintah, serta masyarakat sangat miskin inisiatif sehingga pemerintah (masih) memegang kendali pada penentuan prioritas pembangunan daerah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 231 ◽  
Aat Ruchiat Nugraha ◽  
Susie Perbawasari ◽  
Feliza Zubair

<em>Cultural values will strengthen the attractions of a place. Viewed from the potential side, cultural values will provide benefits on social, ecological, and economic aspects. This research uses explorative method with data collection technique through in-depth interview, observation, and literature study. The results of research indicate that the elements of culture will strengthen the tourism sector if communicated well and sustainably among stakeholders in an effort to develop the object of tourism through local branding. The conclusion of this research resulted that the existence of culture applied through the display of arts and local wisdom that utilizes the beauty of natural panorama can strengthen and increase the popularity of a tourist attraction if it has established good communication between the government, capital owners, community and other interest groups.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
Uzma Taqi ◽  
Erum Shahid ◽  
Uzma Fasih

Purpose:  To analyze the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) in different ophthalmic settings of Pakistan during Covid 19. Study Design:  Cross sectional online survey. Place and Duration of Study:  Baqai Medical University & Karachi Medical and Dental College, from 11th to 25th January 2021. Methods:  This online survey included doctors working as consultants, medical officers and trainees in ophthalmology setups. A self-designed questionnaire on Google forms was sent online to see the implementation of standard operating procedures during COVID 19. Results:  A total of 400 participants were selected by snowball sampling technique. A response rate was 105 (26.5%). Females were 66 (62.86%). Among all participants, 36.19% responded that they always screened patients for COVID 19 at reception. Doctors who always wore masks were 96.19%. Out of those who responded, 16.19% and 11.43% always wore protective goggles and disposable gowns respectively. Only 55.24% practiced hand sanitization, 18.10% washed hands with soap and 30.48% cleaned slit lamps after seeing each patient. Doctors who always asked for PCR before ocular surgery under general anesthesia were 65 (61.90%) and for local anesthesia were 36 (34.29%).  Direct Ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, and gonioscopy were performed when necessary by 56.19%, 80.00%, 80.00% of doctors respectively. Only 69.5% were satisfied with precautionary measures. Conclusion:  Clinic management needs improvement in implementing SOPs among patients in an eye OPD. Fifty percent of the ophthalmologists received PPE by their administration. Only 69.5% doctors were satisfied with precautionary measures. Key Words:  COVID 19, standard operating procedures, Pakistan, Ophthalmology

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Innana Mardhatillah ◽  
Yaslis Ilyas

Data and information on the health profile of Indonesia in 2016 showed only 29.5% of infants receive exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months, the low level of exclusive breastfeeding made the government issue a regulation on exclusive breastfeeding in Government Regulation Number 33 of 2012. The study aimed to analyze the policy implementation of exclusive breastfeeding at Cicalengka Community Health Center. The study used qualitative analysis with in-depth interview method, focus group discussion and literature study. The result of this study shows that breastfeeding policy implementation in health centers is not optimal, as seen from the low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. Socialization of the policy has not been done as a whole, the time and task division is unclear and has no special budget and the standard operating procedures is not really used in carrying out the policy. Communication is the most influential factor in the implementation of the policy. There is no support and commitment from all employees in the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding policy. The suggestion is to consistently socialize to employees and the public, carry out supervision in an effort to secure the policy, run the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), allocate budget activities in 2018, create a memorandum of understanding with other agencies, and Self-assessment and program evaluation absolutely must do continuously.

2017 ◽  
Nuning Kurniasih

Indonesian Book Forum or Forum Buku Indonesian is a forum for Indonesian books lover in Telegram. This group enables the members to discuss over, share, and exchange books or information about books, including e-book. This study aims to investigate books information exchange in Telegram Group of FBI by observing the interaction in the group, the collecting process, analyzing, validating and investigating, information sharing and education in Telegram Group of Forum Buku Indonesia. This is a qualitative study using virtual ethnography method. The data collection of this study incorporates participative observation in the group since February to July 2017, in-depth interview and literature study. The informant was chosen based on purposive sampling technique. Triangulation is done by theories triangulation. The results show that there is no guarantee the Telegram group of Forum Buku Indonesia can provide every book or information request. Everything is done voluntarily. The group admins play the role to encourage the members to participate actively in sharing books information and help other members to find the books needed. There is also information exchange on how to use Telegram besides information exchange of books. These rules of group placed on Pinned Message feature. The most founded information shared is books file forwarded from other group or Telegram channel. In order to identify the members’ information needs, they are asked to write down their information needs specifically. Books sharing done by forwarding information from other group or channel, while resume and meta data of books, sharing links of books or e-books file can be downloaded directly. Admins and the members share information from other group or channel always include the information sources. The education process is given by asking the members to read the rules regarding books finding include using search menu on Telegram in order to check whether the books needed have been posted before or not. This research is expected to contribute to the government in increasing the reading interest of the community in the digital era.Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia:Forum Buku Indonesia (FBI) merupakan tempat berkumpulnya pencinta buku Indonesia (Indonesian books lover) di Telegram. Di grup ini, semua member bisa berdiskusi, berbagi dan bertukar buku atau informasi tentang buku termasuk e-book. Grup ini dibuat pada 26 Februari 2017 sebagai sebuah supergroup oleh Sartana. Sampai dengan 30 Juli 2017, jumlah anggota grup ini mencapai 2400 anggota. . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pertukaran informasi buku yang ada di Grup Telegram Forum Buku Indonesia dengan melihat interaksi yang terjadi di dalam grup, proses pengumpulan, analisa, validasi dan investigasi, share informasi serta edukasi pada Grup Telegram Forum Buku Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi virtual. Pengumpulan data pada etnografi virtual didasarkan pada data yang diperoleh secara online dari lingkungan virtual. Teknik pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dengan memilih seorang admin sekaligus anggota yang paling aktif pada bulan Juni-Juli 2017. Triangulasi dilakukan dengan triangulasi teori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anggota grup mengumpulkan informasi tentang buku dari kampus dan teman mereka, memvalidasi dan menganalisa buku yang dibagikan dengan cara membaca cepat pada isi buku, menginvestigasi permintaan buku dengan bertanya lenih spesifik buku yang mereka butuhkan, membagikan buku atau file buku dengan membagikan link atau file yang dapat di-download dan melakukan proses edukasi dengan meminta anggota grup untuk membaca aturan dan menggunakan fitur pencarian untuk mengetahui apakan buku yang mereka butuhkan pernah di-posting atau belum. Penetian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pemerintah didalam meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat di era digital.

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