scholarly journals The Relation of Human Suffering in God's Grace

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-73
David Ming

Suffering is a legacy of the existence of the world of souls [humans] living on earth. Suffering is not imagination, not some nightmare, on the contrary is real, actual, but not academic. Suffering comes when humans are born. Humans cannot escape suffering. Suffering comes from various angles of life. Suffering comes from a broken relationship with God. Starting from the failure of Adam and Eve's relationship with God, humans began to feel suffering. Humans cannot resist the suffering they experience. The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of human suffering and its consequences, and how to overcome suffering. The author uses a descriptive method of literature and research results as follows: first, mercy is the perfect character of the deity of God. God's mercy from eternal to eternal until humans are afraid of God. Kindness is the essence of the quality of divinity, but God shows mercy on an ongoing basis through His sovereign will. Second, the source of God's mercy. The source of God's mercy is God's goodness and love expressed mysteriously. God's mercy is stated to guide someone to live righteously. People who receive God's mercy are living in godly living conditions and they need God's protection or care. Third, God's mercy cannot be stopped by humans. Instead humans can be made to not understand by God. God is free to act surprisingly, correcting human deviation. God is free to allow the test of Satan and not to tell anyone about it that was tested. God is also free to regulate  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-209
Moh Takwil

Whether or not Islamic education is highly dependent on the quality of leadership that is in it, an Islamic education leader must be able to direct his lead to achieve educational goals. In this journal discusses Al-Ghazali's thoughts about ideal leadership in Islamic education. This study uses literature review through primary sources from Al-Ghazali's thought books and secondary from various sources, then analyzed and criticized using content analysis. The research results obtained are that in substance the leadership must always aim to achieve the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Al-Ghazali always puts on all activities aimed at achieving the pleasure of Allah Almighty. There are four basic components of personal leaders in the world of Islamic education. First he must have managerial skills that are able to make planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. Second, he must have a trustful and responsible nature. Third, he must be a role model, which is a good example so that his leadership feels comfortable carrying out his orders. The fourth is always in running the leadership bound by syara law.

1988 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
I. W.C. Van Wyk

Embarrassment of the theologian concerning the theodicy problem Questions concerning human suffering need not be embarrassing to the theologian. The absence of God should not be a problem for the believing sufferer. God is never absent. His v/rath over sin is just another aspect of his presence in the world. The cross is the proof of this statement. God is also not an unjust God, His righteousness comes forth from his grace, not from the rev^rarding of deeds. God's grace can aslo only be known through the theology of the cross. Suffering cannot be led back to God's punishment of specific sins. Suffering is due to the original sin and therefore the communio peccatorum needs the communio sanctorum desperately.

1973 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-19 ◽  
J. Harold Ellens

Worship is essentially a horizontal relationship between the human persons involved, not a vertical relationship with God. It is a human celebration of the historical datum that “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.” That celebration is not essentially sermon pedagogy nor mood inspiration. The purpose of worship is the achievement of emotional health and spiritual wholeness in the form of relief from destructive anxiety by means of celebration of God's grace. God is involved in two ways. It is His event in Christ which is celebrated and He is spectator to the celebration. Worship involves humans in two ways. It is our act of Christian relationship to each other and it is our experience and expression of celebrating God's nature and behavior. Typical worship reinforces pathologies of anxiety and self-deception. Worship which is genuine will heal humans of overriding guilt, crippling shame and severe anxiety. That is the purpose of worship in God's economy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Ayu Putri Prihatiningsih ◽  
Joko Nurkamto ◽  
Teguh Sarosa

<p>The purposes underlying this study are (1) to describe an English textbook entitled “Passport to the World 1” in general; (2) to analyze the quality of the English textbook in developing communicative tasks and types of communicative materials. This research used a descriptive method. The data source of this research is the textbook for seventh grade of Junior High School, published in 2009 by PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri. In collecting data, this study takes four of ten units in the textbook randomly. The study uses theory of Cunningsworth (1995) to analyze the textbook in general and Communicative Language Teaching principles to analyze the tasks and material of the textbook. The result of the study shows that (1) the description of the textbook in general is fairly good (62.5 %); (2) the quality of communicative tasks is good (68.7%), and the quality of types of material in CLT is very good (75.03%). The textbook has all criteria of communicative tasks and materials, but each unit of the the textbook is still not complete. It means that the textbook is appropriate to be used and it  will be better if the teacher also completes each unit which is not appropriate communicative criteria by using other sources in order to develop students’ communicative competence.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
Said Aqil Siradj

<p>Abstrak: Perkembangan dunia kontemporer memperlihatkan kecemasan global umat manusia. Dengan kemampuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, tidak jarang manusia Modern melakukan hal-hal yang membahayakan kemanusiaan secara umum. Islam, dengan pandangan batiniahnya, menempatkan manusia sebagai makhluk Ilahiyah yang memiliki fungsi menjelmakan cahaya Ketuhanan di dalam kehidupan. Tulisan ini berusaha memperlihatkan bahwa pembumian ajaran-ajaran sufistik merupakan langkah signifikan dalam mengarahkan tatanan kehidupan dunia yang ramah, anggun dan penuh rahmat bagi sekalian alam. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa bertasawuf pada hakikatnya adalah aktivitas berupa kesadaran manusia yang paling dalam tentang hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, lingkungan dan sesamanya, yang terilhami oleh kualitas asmâ‘ dan shifat Allah dan kemudian terwujud dalam perilaku sosialnya.</p><p> </p><p>Abstract: Developing Social Order through the Morality of the Application of Tasawuf Teachings. The rapid development of contemporary world results in global anxiety of humankind. With the prosperity of scince and technology, modern man has often performed actions that are against humanity in general. Islam with its esoteric perspective places man as godly creature functioning to existentiate the light of the Divine in life. In this writing is it is attempted to show that the application of sufistic teachings is a significant step in directing a friendly and peaceful life of the world order, merciful of God necessary for the whole creatures. The author concludes that in reality, applying tasawuf is an activity that reflect man’s deep consciousness of his relationship with God, the environment and his fellow man inspired by the quality of the names and character of God which are then persevered in the social activities.</p><p><br />Kata Kunci: tasawuf,‘irfani, moralitas,dzawq<br /><br /></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-90
Marlon Butarbutar

ABSTRAK Wabah covid -19 telah menjadi pandemic di hampir semua negara di dunia. Pandemi ini membuat para ilmuwan berpikir keras mencari penyebab adanya virus tersebut dan sekaligus berjuang hingga kini menemukan obat dan vaksin yang tepat. Pandemic ini telah menimbulkan kepanikan di masyarakat dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Karena kemunculan virus ini sangat berbahaya dan bisa mematikan serta penyebarannya yang cepat, membuat orang menyangka bahwa virus ini adalah semacam hukuman Tuhan atas manusia, bahkan ada juga yang bertanya apakah virus ini bagian dari tanda-tanda bahwa akhir zaman sudah tiba. Kepanikan ini membuat para pemimpin agama tidak mudah untuk menjawab pertanyaan dan menanggapi berbagai pernyataan yang liar. Karenanya penulis ikut bersumbangsih melihat covid 19 ini dalam perspektif eskatologi Paulus. Penulis akan menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk memberi gambaran mengenai covid ini dan memberi penjabaran secara teologis hasil dari penelusuran terhadap teks-teks tulisan Paulus mengenai akhir zaman, yang tentunya mengkaitkannya dengan peristiwa covid yang sedang melanda dunia. Tulisan ini akan memberi gambaran apakah memang Paulus juga memberi gambaran tentang akhir zaman yang ada kaitannya dengan penderitaan yang dialami manusia akibat penyakit dll. Atau sesungguhnya keberadaan covid hanyalah penyakit sampar biasa yang tidak berkaitan dengan akhir zaman. Karenanya melalui penelusuran dan penafsiran terhadap teks-teks yang berkaitan dengan akhir zaman, maka penulis akan menguraikan hubungan antara keberadaan covid ini dengan eskatologi menurut tulisan Paulus.   ABSTRACT _______________________________________________________________ The COVID-19 outbreak has become a pandemic in almost all countries in the world. This pandemic has made scientists think hard to find the cause of the virus and have struggled to find the right medicine and vaccine. This pandemic has caused panic in the world community, including Indonesia. Because the appearance of this virus is very dangerous and can be deadly as well as its rapid spread, people think that this virus has been activated by God on humans, some even ask whether this virus is part of the signs that the end of time has arrived. This panic makes it difficult for religious leaders to answer questions and statements that are liars. Therefore the authors share in seeing Covid 19 from the perspective of Paul's eschatology. The author will use a descriptive method to provide an overview of covid and provide a theological explanation of the results of tracing Paul's writings regarding the end of time, which of course relates it to the covid events that are hitting the world. This paper will give an idea of ??whether Paul also gave a picture of the end times which is related to human suffering due to disease etc. Or the existence of covid is just an ordinary pestilence that has nothing to do with the end times. Because of the investigation and interpretation of texts relating to the end of time, the author will describe the relationship between the existence of covid and eschatology according to Paul's writings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Yaffi Arrizki Kusumanugraha

Abstract. The construction industry is one of the most developed industries around the world. Similar to the housing construction industry, consumers who buy a house on the developers sometimes have a complaint about the units they buy. Because of the consumer complaints, the developers expend more money to use the services of foreman complaints. Quality of foreman complains determines the result of consumer complaint work. Elements of competence that affect the performance of the foreman complain were analyzed using SPSS and descriptive percentage. Descriptive method of percentage of frequency calculated in percent. The elements analyzed are the skills competence, the work experience competence, the discipline competence and the wage competency. The results of the research showed that the elements that affected the foreman complaints are the skills competence 88.56%, the work experience competence 85.56%, the skills competence 88.56% the discipline competence 89.07% and the wage competency 89.73%. The strategies that must be implemented to improve the performance of the foreman complain are to supervise the continues improvement of the team owner, and also repeat orders according to the portion (the foreman capacity), selecting the workman or labor that will be used by the foreman to do a job and also make a skill assessment from the foreman and his team, conducting training programs for the foreman and the craftsman can also be a strategy to improve the performance of the foreman complain.

2020 ◽  
pp. 74-77
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Savitskaya ◽  
Vladimir Mikhailovich Savitskij

The article is devoted to a description of cognitive attitude complexes that underlie linguistic thinking and function in the form of cultural codes. Such complexes form a cognitive substrate of linguistic thinking. It has ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic specificity. Research methods: analysis, comparison, descriptive method, interlinguistic comparison of mercantilist and military cultural codes on the basis of English and Russian linguocultural materials. Research results. It is outlined that the cognitive substrate of the linguistic thinking performs the function of modelling reality, acting as a complex of cultural codes. It is shown that the codes used by a person in his / her linguistic thinking are divided into internal and external ones. Internal codes are spiritually close to their user; he / she forms thoughts in them, and as for external codes, he / she only verbally formulates thoughts, translates them from internal to external code. Among the internal codes, there is a cultural code that is closest to the person because of his / her state, occupation, etc. It is concluded that the person views the surrounding world through the prism of the most familiar sphere of life, making it a model of the world and a cultural code.

2018 ◽  
Vol 193 ◽  
pp. 01025 ◽  
Elena Vasilyeva

The article is devoted to the creation and development of eco-cities, also known as "steady cities". Experience of creation of the eco-cities in the countries of the world is analyzed during the research. Classification of the eco-cities is offered. The basic principles of eco-cities functioning are considered; Special attention is paid to the formation of the closed production cycle with the maximum return to technological processes and the use of energy saving technologies. According to the author, creation and development of such settlements will make a great contribution to the solution of environmental problems of modern Europe. Improvement of the environment, quality of living conditions of humans, improvement of the population health and providing a healthy lifestyle are possible within the eco-cities. The author believes, that creation of eco-cities is possible in Russia (some examples of the first projects are given). But the author emphasizes, that in our country this tendency is just being started and besides it has no legislative regulation and state support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 413
Danang Dwi Harmoko

<p>The Indonesian literacy index in 2020 is still low, to be precise at 0.54. Even though literacy skills, especially in the digital field, are an important component in facing challenges in the future. Therefore, various efforts are needed to increase the national digital literacy index. This study aims to provide an overview of the importance of digital literacy education to improve the quality of human resources to face the demographic bonus in 2030-2040. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, while the data were taken from various literature sources, both print and online. The result of this research is that digital literacy education is very important for improving the quality of Indonesia's human resources. Individuals who have digital literacy will have certain characteristics, such as 1) the ability to use digital potential maximally, 2) digital resilience, 3) become positive and productive individuals, and 4) become part of the world community</p>

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