scholarly journals Sense of Coherence, Social Support, Maternal-Fetal Attachment, and Antenatal Mental Health: A Survey of Expecting Mothers in Urban India

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Moksha Pasricha ◽  
Suhaavi Kochhar ◽  
Ashumi Shah ◽  
Avantika Bhatia

Introduction: Pregnancy is associated with psychological, physiological and social shifts, and can be a vulnerable time in a woman's life. Despite a growing understanding of the importance of antenatal mental health, there is a paucity of research on psychosocial factors relevant to this phase, especially in developing countries. The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations of expecting mothers' sense of coherence, perceived social support, and maternal-fetal attachment with mental health outcomes.Method: Participants (N = 122) were nulliparous expectant mothers residing in urban India. Cross-sectional data was collected using an online questionnaire.Results: Participant reports of perceived social support and sense of coherence were negatively correlated with symptoms of antenatal depression, while reports of maternal-fetal attachment, sense of coherence, and social support were positively associated with antenatal well-being. In a multilinear regression model, perceived social support and sense of coherence uniquely contributed to symptoms of antenatal depression, while maternal-fetal attachment and sense of coherence uniquely contributed to antenatal well-being.Discussion: The findings of this study highlight the role of perceived social support, sense of coherence and maternal-fetal attachment in contributing to expecting mothers' mental health and well-being in urban India. These findings have implications for clinical practice and research, intending to the subjective experiences of pregnant women to improve antenatal mental health. Future research investigating these psychosocial factors using longitudinal designs is warranted and would help clinicians and practitioners identify women at risk for perinatal mental health concerns.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 154
Nida Tsaura Sjariati ◽  
Linda Primana

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif non-eksperimental dengan metode korelasional. Fenomena Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) yang tinggi di Indonesia, khususnya di Purwakarta, menjadi dasar dilakukannya penelitian dimana adanya kelekatan ibu dan janin merupakan salah satu variabel yang dapat mencegah angka kematian ibu hamil. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara persepsi dukungan keluarga (perceived family support) terhadap kelekatan ibu dan janin. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Purwakarta dengan mengadaptasi alat ukur Maternal Fetal Attachment dan Perceived Social Support from Family yang kemudian diberikan pada 120 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik regresi linear dengan program SPSS versi 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat terdapat korelasi yang signifikan pada persepsi dukungan keluarga terhadap kelekatan ibu dan janin (p<0,01) dengan kontribusi sebesar 9 persen. Selain itu, terdapat pula temuan tambahan dari analisis statistik lintas tabulasi data demografi responden terhadap kelekatan ibu dan janin yaitu terdapat pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terhadap kelekatan ibu dan janin. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa persepsi dukungan keluarga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kelekatan ibu dan janin, serta pengaruh variabel pendidikan terhadap kelekatan ibu-jann perlu dikaji lebih lanjut. 

Laura Muñoz-Bermejo ◽  
José Carmelo Adsuar ◽  
Salvador Postigo-Mota ◽  
Inés Casado-Verdejo ◽  
Claudia Mara de Melo-Tavares ◽  

Background: Elderly caregivers present increased physical and mental health problems. These factors can lead to a lack of autonomy and a need for social support. This study aims to analyse the relationships between perceived social support and mental health status in elderly caregivers aged 65 and older. Methods: a cross-sectional study based on data from the Spanish National Health Survey (ENSE-17) carried out on 7023 people. The study population was restricted to 431 caregivers aged ≥65 years. A study of the correlation between the mental health state and the perceived social support was carried out. Both variables were related to the sex of the caregiver. Results: Perceived social support by older caregivers is significantly related to mental health (p = 0.001), and stress (p < 0.001). Also, there is a significant relationship between perceived social support and mental well-being (p = 0.001), self-esteem (p = 0.005) and stress (p = 0.001) in older women caregivers. Conclusions: Older caregivers have adequate mental well-being and perceive high social support. Perceived social support can contribute to improving the mental well-being of older caregivers.

SAGE Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 215824402091796
Iva Burešová ◽  
Martin Jelínek ◽  
Jaroslava Dosedlová ◽  
Helena Klimusová

In line with the current psychological approach to health in general, mental health is perceived not only as the absence of psychopathological disorders, but also the presence of well-being. The study contributes to the identification of possible sources affecting mental health in adolescence. This cross-sectional study focuses on the role of personality traits, dispositional optimism, and perceived social support in predicting mental health in adolescence. Mental health was assessed using Mental Health Continuum, personality traits using Big Five Inventory, dispositional optimism using Life Orientation Test—Revised and social support by Close Relationships and Social Support Scale. The research sample consisted of 1,239 respondents aged 12 to 19 years (mean age 15.56 years), 54.3% females and 45.7 % males. Sequential regression analysis revealed that demographic variables and personality characteristics together explained 33.5% of mental health variance, the strongest predictors being extraversion and neuroticism. Including dispositional optimism and perceived social support resulted in a significant increase of the explained variance. All predictors together explained 46.0% of the mental health variance.

Salmand ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-159
Majid Sadoughi ◽  
Fatemeh Hesampour ◽  

Objectives: Today, psychological care for the elderly has received increasing attention due to potential threats posed by aging, loneliness, gradual decline in physical activity, increase of chronic diseases, social isolation, and physical and mental disabilities. The positive psychology approach to mental health seeks to promote the mental health of people by identifying and developing mental abilities and competences. The present study aimed to predict psychological well-being of the elderly based on the components of positive psychology including spirituality, gratitude to God, and perceived social support. Methods & Materials: This is a descriptive correlational study conducted on 211 elderly people aged 60-70 years (109 males and 102 females) who were selected randomly. Data collection tools were a demographic form (surveying age, gender, education, marital status, and socioeconomic status), and Paloutzian and Ellisons’ Spirituality Well-Being Scale, short form of Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Scale, Emmons and Crumpler’s Gratitude to God Questionnaire, and Zimet’s Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS software V. 22 by using descriptive (Mean and Standard Deviation), Pearson correlation test, and stepwise regression analysis. Results: Mean and Standard Deviation of different study variables were reported as follows: Psychological well-being =7.1±10.68; Spirituality =90.22±15.36; Gratitude to God =14.09±2.41; Social support from family members =21.6±4.2; Social support from friends =16.5±5.8; and Social support from significant others =20.23±5. The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that spirituality (F1,209=62.02, P=0.001), social support from family members (F1,208=11.06, P=0.001), and gratitude to God (F1,207=4.80, P=0.001) could significantly explain 27% of the psychological well-being variance in the elderly.  Conclusion: Increased spirituality, gratitude to God, and perceived social support especially from family members can improve psychological well-being of the elderly. Hence, Strengthening and paying special attention to their spiritual needs and perceived social support as well as planning health care for them can help increase their psychological well-being. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 374-400
Kopcsó Krisztina ◽  
Pohárnok Melinda ◽  
Polgár Petra Ibolya

Elméleti háttér: Az anya–magzat kötődés gyakran vizsgált, ugyanakkor bizonytalan tartalmú konstruktum. A korábbi kutatásokban egymásnak ellentmondó eredmények születtek a jelenség dimenzionalitásával és korrelátumaival kapcsolatban. Cél: A szerzők célja, hogy a magyarországi várandósok populációjára reprezentatív mintán vizsgálják meg az anya– magzat kötődés konstruktumát, és felmérjék annak bizonyos szociodemográfiai és pszichoszociális változókkal való együttjárását. Módszerek: Az elemzés a Kohorsz ’18 Magyar Születési Kohorszvizsgálat első, várandós szakaszának adatain történt, harmadik trimeszterben járó várandósok körében (n = 7115). Az adatok forrását a védőnők által szóban, valamint önkitöltős formában begyűjtött kérdőíves adatok szolgáltatták. Az anya– magzat kötődés felmérése a Maternal–Fetal Attachment Scale magyar nyelvű, 20 tételes változatával történt. Eredmények: A Maternal–Fetal Attachment Scale-HU-20 kétfaktoros struktúrába szerveződött, egy 15- és egy 5-tételes alfaktorba. Az elfogadható belső konzisztenciájú faktorokat Hangolódás (Cronbach-α = 0,795) és Interakció (Cronbach-α = 0,606) alskáláknak neveztük el. Kétváltozós statisztikai elemzésekben az anya–magzat kötődés összpontszáma a vizsgált változók (kor, gesztációs hét, társas támogatottság, pozitív és negatív párkapcsolati interakciók, depresszió, általános és várandóssággal összefüggő szorongás, paritás, iskolai végzettség, partnerkapcsolati helyzet, jövedelem) mind-egyikével szignifikáns összefüggést mutatott, legszámottevőbb összefüggést a társas támogatottsággal (τb = 0,166; p < 0,001) és a pozitív párkapcsolati interakciókkal (τb = 0,202; p < 0,001). A két aldimenzió számos prediktor változóval eltérő mértékben és/vagy irányban függött össze. Többváltozós elemzésben a vizsgált változók hatása, a kor, a negatív párkapcsolati interakciók és a partnerkapcsolati helyzet kivételével szignifikánsnak bizonyult, továbbá az alacsonyabb iskolai végzettségű és alacsonyabb jövedelmű csoporthoz való tartozás inkább a kötődés interaktív aspektusaival, míg a magasabb végzettség a kötődés hangolódó aspektusaival járt együtt. Következtetések: Az anya–magzat kötődés reprezentatív mintán való vizsgálata hozzájárulhat az anya–magzat kötődést befolyásoló demográfiai és pszichoszociális tényezők kölcsönhatásainak megismeréséhez és az eltérő társadalmi hátterű nők várandósság-élményének jobb megértéséhez.Introduction: Maternal–fetal attachment is a widely studied concept with debated latent content. Previous research found controversial results considering its dimensionality and associations. Aim: Investigation of the construct of maternal–fetal attachment, and its associations with certain sociodemographic and psychosocial variables in a representative sample of Hungarian pregnant women. Method: The analysis was conducted among pregnant women in the third trimester (n = 7115), from Cohort ’18 Growing up in Hungary. Questionnaire data were collected from participants by health visitors. Maternal–fetal attachment was assessed using the 20-item version of the Hungarian Maternal–Fetal Attachment Scale. Results: A two-factor solution emerged, consisting of the dimensions „attunement” (15 items, Cronbach’s α = 0.795) and „interaction” (5 items, Cronbach’s α = 0.606) with acceptable internal consistencies. Bivariate analyses showed significant associations between the total score of maternal–fetal attachment and maternal age, education, parity, partnership status, income, gestational age, perceived social support, positive and negative interactions with the partner, depression, general and pregnancy related anxiety. Highest correlations were found with perceived social support (τb = 0.166, p < 0.001) and positive interactions with the partner (τb = 0.202, p < 0.001). The two subscales were associated with the variables with varied magnitude and/or direction. In the multivariate analyses, all the variables had significant effect on maternal–fetal attachment except maternal age, negative interactions with the partner and partnership status. Lower maternal education and income were more strongly associated to “interaction”, while higher maternal education was more strongly associated to “attunement”. Conclusions: The study of maternal–fetal attachment in representative samples helps us understand the interaction between relevant sociodemographic and psychosocial variables and provides insight into the varied experience of maternal–fetal relation of women from different social background.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Antje Bühler ◽  
Gerd-Dieter Willmund

Background: With the purpose of preventing SARS-Cov-2 traveling with the troops, pre-deployment and post-deployment quarantine are mandatory for the German military. This study investigates which factors could be addressed in order to facilitate adherence and mental health during isolation.Method: Six hundred three soldiers completed questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of pre-deployment quarantine: Mini-SCL (BSI), Perceived Social Support (FSozU-K22), Unit Cohesion, Military Quarantine Adherence Questionnaire (MQAQ), and quarantine-associated factors including informedness about Covid-19, perceived individual risk, benefit of quarantine, clarity of quarantine protocol, need of intimacy, social norms, stigma, practicality of the quarantine, financial disadvantages, boredom, and health promoting leadership.Results: Using stepwise regression analyses, up to 57% of the quarantine adherence was explained by social norms, boredom, perceived benefit/effectiveness of the quarantine, clear communication of the quarantine protocol and perceived risk of an infection, with social norms explaining 43%. In respect to mental health (Mini-SCL) at the beginning of quarantine, only 15% is explained by being in a partnership, (un)fulfilled need for bonding/intimacy, perceived unit cohesion, and perceived social support. Up to 20 % of the variance in mental health at the end of quarantine is explained by accumulated days of isolation before pre-deployment quarantine, age, clear communication of the quarantine protocol, perceived social support, fulfilled need for bonding/intimacy and perceived stigma. Mental health and quarantine adherence did correlate significantly, but to a slight extent. No differences between the beginning and the end of pre-deployment quarantine were found for the overall group in respect to mental health, quarantine adherence, perceived social support and perceived unit cohesion, while their trajectories differed for different subgroups including age, gender, rank, and accumulated days of quarantine: With increasing accumulated days of isolation prior to pre-deployment quarantine, mental health declined over the course of quarantine, though to a small degree.Conclusion: Findings suggest that addressing the norms of fellow soldiers and dependents alike could contribute to quarantine adherence in pre-deployment quarantine. Ongoing research should examine long-term effects on mental health, including these of accumulated days of quarantine, also taking into account post-deployment quarantine.

Andréa Neiva da Silva ◽  
Carla Ribeiro Guedes ◽  
Cláudia Du Bocage Santos-Pinto ◽  
Elaine Silva Miranda ◽  
Larissa Machado Ferreira ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted on academic routine because of the social distancing measures. This study examined the relationships of sociodemographic characteristics, social distancing aspects and psychosocial factors on psychosocial well-being among undergraduate students during the social distancing period due to COVID-19. A web-based survey was conducted of undergraduate students at a public university in Brazil (n = 620). Demographics, socioeconomic status (SES), social distancing factors, negative affectivity (DASS-21), sense of coherence (SOC-13), social support and psychosocial well-being (GHQ-12) were measured. The direct and indirect links between was variables was tested using structural equation modelling. The estimated model showed that greater social support, higher sense of coherence and lower negative affectivity were directly associated with better psychological well-being. Female gender, higher SES, not working during the social distancing period and availability of online modules were indirectly associated with psychological well-being through psychosocial factors. Working during the social distancing period and availability of online modules mediated the link of age, gender, SES with psychological well-being. Our findings suggest the need to provide psychological support, online teaching and financial aid to undergraduate students during the social distancing period due to COVID-19 pandemic to improve their psychological well-being.

2021 ◽  
pp. 140349482199371
Andreas Lindegaard Jakobsen ◽  
Claus D. Hansen ◽  
Johan Hviid Andersen

Aims: The link between perceived social support and mental health has received much attention from numerous scientific fields in recent years. Most studies, however, have examined associations only over relatively short follow-up periods using global measures of perceived social support and dichotomous negative indicators of mental health. We investigated the long-term association between perceived social support from friends, parents and teachers and multiple positive hedonic and eudemonic indicators of mental health, including hope, meaningfulness and subjective well-being. Methods: This study used questionnaire data from 2004, 2007 and 2010 from the West Jutland Birth Cohort study with linked register data. The study population consisted of 3681 adolescents born in 1989. Multiple linear and ordered logistic regression were used to analyse the association between perceived social support at age 14/15 years and mental health indicators at age 20/21 years while controlling for possible confounders, including the Big Five personality traits and baseline symptoms of depression. Results: The results show that perceived social support from friends in adolescence was positively associated with all indicators of mental health in early adulthood. Furthermore, perceived paternal social support was positively associated with meaningfulness and subjective well-being, while perceived social support from teachers was positively associated with meaningfulness. Conclusions: Overall, the results from this study indicate that perceived social support in adolescence, particularly support from friends, could promote positive mental health outcomes in early adulthood.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110307
Tania Gaspar ◽  
Diego Gomez-Baya ◽  
Joana S. Trindade ◽  
Fábio Botelho Guedes ◽  
Ana Cerqueira ◽  

The main objective of this study is to explore the impact of the psychosocial factors (social support, resilience, and mental health) on the family functioning and on the parent’s perception of their children’s well-being. Participants were 1757 parents of children aged 6 to 16 years, 77.3% female ( N = 1359), and 22.7% male ( N = 398), aged between 20 and 80 years ( M = 41.61 and SD = 5.71). A path analyses model indicated that social support and resilience, which were positively associated, presented positive effects on parental mental health and on family functioning. No effect was observed on family functioning by parental mental health after including the effects by social support and resilience. Finally, this model pointed out that better family functioning, more social support, and more resilience skills were related to better child well-being. Implications to research and to prevention and psychological intervention in relation to parental skills and family functioning are presented in order to promote children well-being and healthy development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (12) ◽  
pp. 1735-1738 ◽  
Dilip V. Jeste

Positive psychiatry is the science and practice of psychiatry that focuses on psycho-bio-social study and promotion of well-being and health through enhancement of positive psychosocial factors (such as resilience, optimism, wisdom, and social support) in people with illnesses or disabilities as well as the in community at large (Jeste and Palmer, 2015). It is based on the principles that there is no health without mental health and that mental health can be improved through preventive, therapeutic, and rehabilitative interventions to augment positive psychosocial factors. Positive psychiatry is not a naïve, feel-good pseudoscience that views the world through rose-colored glasses. It is an evidence-based approach to understanding normal behavior as well as psychopathology and to improving well-being by measuring and enhancing positive psychosocial factors (Jeste et al., 2015).

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