scholarly journals Eco Learning Camp, Wisata Pendidikan

Jurnal Common ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-214
Santi Susanti ◽  
Henny Sri Mulyani

This paper aims to describe the Eco Learning Camp endeavors in building individual awareness to care for the environment through environmental-based value education. Efforts to build awareness about the environment must be carried out, considering the quality of environment conditions significantly decreased.  Extreme temperature changes and global warming are the real conditions we felt these days. Many ways can be done to instill this awareness. One of them is to educate people with value education, which is taken by the Eco Learning Camp managed by Yayasan Sahabat Lingkungan Hidup (The Friends of the Environment Foundation). Through a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach, data collection is done through interviews with informants, observation and literature review. The results showed, through a series of designed activities, Eco Camp delivered knowledge about the environment in the form of practical informal education so that participants directly felt what the activities were like. Activities carried out include ecological lifestyle, group games, building motivation, farming, and other activities, delivered in a fun way with a lead of a guide. The conclusions are educational tourism in Eco Camp provides cognitive, affective and psychomotor impacts on participants, especially children who attend education. Cultivating ecological life habits, internalized in participants are motivated to carry out activities related to ecological lifestyles, such as not littering or bringing their self drinking water bottle to school rather than carrying mineral bottled drinking water.

O. J. Ediae ◽  
E. P. Enoma ◽  
O. S. Igbogbo ◽  
I. C. Ezema ◽  
E. N. Ekhaese

Acoustics in churches design is concerned with the impact of sound on both the worshippers and the building as well. The aim of this study is to investigate sound audibility and quality with the use of acoustic materials and most appropriate architectural form. Qualitative and case study approach were adopted, the qualitative method involves the collection of narrative data in a natural setting, with a view to gaining insight. While the case study involved an intensive study of specific phenomena through investigations. These methods were chosen due to the nature of this research, personal observation and interviews were extensively carried out. Research shows that, architectural forms are special vaccines necessary to achieve quality of sound in churches and large halls in general.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Darmin Tuwu ◽  
Bambang Shergi Laksmono ◽  
Abu Huraerah ◽  
Laode Harjudin ◽  

The Corona virus outbreak changes life habits, interaction patterns and people's behavior. The impact is very large and massive, not only targeting the health aspects but also the economic, psychological, social, political, educational, cultural, religious, etc, so that it needs to deal with proper government policies. The article uses a qualitative method with a case study approach that concentrates on the dynamics that occur in society after the implementation of policies related to COVID-19. Methods of data collection through observation, interviews, and content analysis of online media publications. The focus of the study is government policy, community response, and the events that follow after the policy was implemented in the period March to August 2020 in Kendari City. The results show that after the implementation of the policy to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there will be dynamics and noise in the community. The noise, panic, and stress were triggered by 3 things, first, the Mayor of Kendari's instruction that prohibited Kendari City residents from doing activities outside their home for 3 consecutive days without clear social security; second, the issue of the arrival of foreign workers from China, and third, the patient suspected of being infected with Corona escaped from the hospital isolation room. Public response to controversial government policies has ranged from non-compliance, violating health protocol rules, to anxiety and uproar in the community. In order not to cause uproar and controversy, government policies should be made to answer needs, solve problems, and improve the welfare of society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-107
S. Nor Hasanah Yasir

Abstract: This paper aims to uncover the management of improving the quality of Tarbiyah Faculty lecturers at UIN Malang about why and how universities conduct management to improve the quality of lecturers related to Tri Dharma. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a case study approach of naturalistic inquiry. There are three dominant factors that influence the quality of the Tarbiyah Faculty lecturers at UIN Malang choosing the management of improving the quality of lecturers, namely internal factors, external factors, and the leader's excellence factors which then have divine, natural, human, scientific and global characteristics. The fundamental reason for the Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Malang to choose management to improve the quality of lecturers is to realize the big ideals of making UIN Malang as the center of Islamic civilization with the power of solidity of faith, spiritual depth, majesty of knowledge, breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity. Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap manajemen peningkatan kualitas dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Malang tentang mengapa dan bagaimana PTIN melakukan manajemen peningkatan kualitas dosen terkait dengan Tri Dharma PTIN. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode kualitatif denagn pendekatan studi kasus bersifat inquiry naturalistik. Ada tiga faktor dominan yang memengaruhi kualitas dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Malang memilih manajemen peningkatan kualitas dosen, yaitu faktor internal, faktor eksternal, dan faktor keunggulan pemimpin yang selanjutnya memiliki karakteristik ilahiyah, alamiah, insaniyah, ilmiah, serta global. Alasan mendasar Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Malang memilih manajemen peningkatan kualitas dosen ialah ingin mewujudkan cita-cita besar yaitu menjadikan UIN Malang sebagai pusat peradaban Islam dengan kekuatan kekokohan aqidah, kedalaman spritual, keagungan ahlak, keluasan ilmu, dan kematangan profesional

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-236
Muhammad Ichsan Kabullah ◽  
Feri Amsari ◽  
Wein Arifin ◽  
Fauzan Misra

The regulations of campaign finance have highly problematic for local electios (Pilkada) in Indonesia. However, the campaign finance system changed gradually over the following years, many alleged campaign violations committed by candidates during local elections. In this study, the researcher wants to assess campaign finance regulations based on the accountability concept. The measurement of accountability in the campaign finance regulations has been divided into two perspectives, which are legal and finance. The study used a qualitative method with a case study approach in Jambi's three regions, which held local elections (Pilkada) in 2018. This study argues that the current regulations have not solved the whole problem of campaign funds. The level of corruption by candidates remains stubbornly high due to less authority and weak sanctions. At the same time, most campaign finance regulations have never been enforced. As a result, revising Acts on the election, enhancing law enforcement, and raising public awareness need to promote for ensuring the quality of local democracy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-299
Edi Jaswin ◽  
Hasan Basri ◽  
Heru Fahlevi

The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of performance-based budgeting in achieving minimum service standards (MSS) based on the mechanisms of performance-based budgeting, constraints the obstacles, strategies, and evaluation towards the achievement of MSS. The research method employed in this study was qualitative method with case study approach. The research was conducted to 7 respondents, the respondents were directly involved in performance based budgeting minimum service standar. The study found that the implementation of performance-based budgeting to achieve MSS refers to the regulation as outlined in the Medium Term Development Plan, the Strategy Plan, and Work Plan. There were some obstacles and challenges faced in achieving MSS i.e. limited human resources due to the lack of understanding of about Indicators of MSS, limited budget, and weak evaluation towards the implementation of the program. The strategies used to achieve MSS was taken by drawing the descriptions the progress of target achievement, identifying of needs analysis, determining achievement targets, organizingprograms and activities, determining budget requirements, and conducting monitoring and evaluation. The evaluation of the results of MSS achievement can be done at the stage of the planning, implementation, and post-implementation of the activities. It is recommendent that the local government should improve the quality of human resources by providing a training, allocating adequate budget and evaluating the achievement the MSS, as well as having goals, strategies, and targets in order to achieve MSS.Keywords: Implementation, Performance Based Budgeting, Minimum Service StandardsAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi penganggaran berbasis kinerja dalam mencapai Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) dilihat dari mekanisme penyusunan anggaran berbasis kinerja, kendala dan hambatan dalam pencapaian SPM, strategi dalam pencapaian SPM, dan evaluasi capaian SPM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode  kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 7 responden yang terlibat langsung dalam penyusunan anggaran berbasis kinerja dalam pencapaian Standar Pelayanan Minimla. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penganggaran berbasis kinerja dalam pencapaian SPM mengacu pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang dituangkan dalam RPJMD,Rencana Strategis dan Rencana Kerja. Kendala dan tantangan dalam pencapaian SPM yaitu Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang kurang memahami tentang indikator capaian SPM dan penyusunan anggaran berbasis kinerja, anggaran yang kurang dan pelaksanaan evaluasi yang rendah. Strategi yang dilakukan untuk pencapaian SPM adalah melakukan diskripsi kondisi capaian SPM, melakukan identifikasi analisa kebutuhan, penentuan target capaian SPM,penyusunan program dan kegiatan, penyusunan kebutuhan anggaran, dan melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi. Evaluasi hasil pencapaian SPM dapat dilakukan pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pasca pelaksanaan kegiatan. Direkomendasikan kepada pemerintah daerah untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas SDM melalui pelatihan, menyedikan anggaran yang cukup dan melakukan  evaluasi dalam pencapaian SPM serta mempunyai sasaran, strategi dan target dalam pencapaian SPM.Kata kunci: Impelementasi , Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja, Standar Pelayanan Minimal

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Afriantoni Afriantoni ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim

This study aimed to describe in depth between the link of school policy and the school quality improvement. The method in this study is a qualitative method using the case study presented descriptively. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Babat Tomat Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. Based on this study it was found that the First, free school policy can help the economy / ease the burden of school costs to be incurred by the parents. Second, the policy constraints of the application for free school educa-tion at SMAN 2 Babat Toman is not very effective, so that the students' interest is not increasing, infrastructure is one of the obstacles in the implementation of free school education, how the quality of schools will be increased if it is not supported by facilities and complete infrastructure. Third, the quality of school education free SMAN 2 Babat Toman already realized well with regard to input, input turns unselected maximum, that is the students. Fourth, the implementation of free school education in Banyuasin, the quality of school SMAN 2 Babat Toman Muba Sumsel was not increased. This means that the implementation for free school education quality of school SMAN 2 Babat Toman was not increased.Keywords : free schools, school quality, case studies

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muh. Firyal Akbar ◽  
Sri Handyani Suprapto ◽  
Widya Kurniati Mohi

This research is generally aimed at strengthening Muhammadiyah union institution in one of Muhammadiyah's business charity in Gorontalo Province, whereas specifically the purpose of this research is to know objective description about reality that happened at campus of Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo from organizational culture that developed on campus This, taking into account the organizational culture found in Muhammadiyah in accordance with the PHIWM. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. Research time started from January to June 2017 From the results show that the employees have not implemented properly. Indicators of hard work still have not shown good results because most employees still do not understand the main duties and functions in work. Discipline indicators are also not well implemented where there are still many employees who enter the campus through the provisions of the time set as well while attending events on campus and when entering the time of prayer still not heed these things. The last indicator is the optimization in the work also has not shown the maximum results because only a few who are able to work effectively in accordance with the work agenda that they set previously.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

Kulon Progo Regency is one of the districts that has many innovations, one of which is community empowerment in collaboration with a modern shop abbreviated as the shop name owned by the people (tomira). This research was motivated by the achievements of the Kulon Progo district government in carrying out development and innovation in the development of the Kulon Progo region by fully involving the Kulon Progo district community through community empowerment. This initiative was taken by the government of Kulon Progo Regency to improve community empowerment and protect the people of Kulon Progo Regency from various economic threats. Considering that in the past few years many modern shops have mushroomed in each district/city, so this is what makes Kulon Progo Regency move quickly to empower the community by collaborating between MSMEs or cooperative with modern shops. This study uses a qualitative method which case study approach. With the empowerment that has been done, the original products of Kulon Progo Regency or local products can be traded in modern stores so that local products in Kulon Progo Regency can compete with national products in these modern stores. The existence of such cooperation will indirectly improve the image of Kulon Progo Regency and lift the original products of Kulon Progo Regency. The lifting of the original products of Kulon Progo Regency will have a positive impact on the community, where indirectly the economy of the community will increase so that there will be prosperity for the community. Kabupaten Kulon Progo adalah salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki banyak inovasi, salah satunya adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat bekerja sama dengan toko modern disingkat nama toko yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat (tomira). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pencapaian pemerintah kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam melakukan pengembangan dan inovasi dalam pengembangan wilayah Kulon Progo dengan melibatkan sepenuhnya masyarakat kabupaten Kulon Progo melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat. Inisiatif ini diambil oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan melindungi masyarakat Kabupaten Kulon Progo dari berbagai ancaman ekonomi. Menimbang bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir banyak toko-toko modern telah menjamur di setiap kabupaten/kota, jadi inilah yang membuat Kabupaten Kulon Progo bergerak cepat untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dengan berkolaborasi antara UMKM atau bekerjasama dengan toko-toko modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, dengan metode yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Dengan pemberdayaan yang telah dilakukan, produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo atau produk lokal dapat diperdagangkan di toko modern sehingga produk lokal di Kabupaten Kulon Progo dapat bersaing dengan produk nasional di toko modern ini. Adanya kerjasama tersebut secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan citra Kabupaten Kulon Progo dan mengangkat produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Pencabutan produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo akan berdampak positif bagi masyarakat, di mana secara tidak langsung perekonomian masyarakat akan meningkat sehingga akan ada kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Eny Puspita Ningrum

Education is an important thing that has become a necessity for every human being in order to achieve a better quality of life. Education cannot be separated from the educational curriculum, which is where the curriculum continues to develop following every development of society and technological advances. The curriculum is the heart of education and is dynamic in nature where the curriculum must always be updated or changed. From this curriculum reform and change, it is a challenge for teachers to continue to innovate to improve the quality of education. By using a qualitative research method a case study approach, it is hoped that it can explain the real picture that is being experienced by the teacher at SMK Ibnu Sina. which focuses on the Sharia Banking major due to changes in the adjusted curriculum because the world is being faced by COVID-19. In the era of COVID-19, the educational curriculum must be adjusted, which in the beginning learning can be face-to-face now has turned into a distance learning online learning model.

2007 ◽  
Vol 85 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-158 ◽  
Heather Dunning ◽  
Allison Williams ◽  
Sylvia Abonyi ◽  
Valorie Crooks

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