2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-123
Norma Farizah Fahmi ◽  
Dwi Aprilia Anggraini ◽  
Yogi Khoirul Abror

Onikomikosis merupakan infeksi pada lempeng kuku yang dapat disebabkan oleh jamur dermatofita (Tinea unguium), non dermatofita atau yeast. Onikomikosis adalah kelainan kuku yang disebabkan oleh jamur dermatofita dan non-dermatofita. Infeksi onikomikosis menyebabkan kerusakan pada kuku yang menyebabkan lempeng kuku menebal, rapuh dan mudah hancur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui identifikasi jamur kuku tangan dan kaki pada pekerja penitipan hewan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan di empat tempat penitipan hewan yang berbeda sebanyak 20 sampel di Surabaya dan tempat pemeriksaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Analis Kesehatan STIKES Ngudia Husada madura. Metode pemeriksaan yang dilakukan melalui metode pengamatan langsung dan metode kultur jamur. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 sampel sebanyak 11 sampel (55%) positif Tinea unguium (jamur kuku). Pada pengamatan metode kultur jamur hasil positif sebanyak 6 sampel (30%) dengan kode P1, P4, P8, P11, P15 dan P20 terinfeksi oleh jamur Aspergillus sp , Penicillium 10% dengan kode P5 dan P14, Rhizopus sp 5% kode P18, Microsporum gypseum sebanyak 5% kode P13, dan Trichophyton mentagrophytes 5% kode P19. Hasil screening pada penelitian ini menunjukkan para pekerja belum memiliki hygiene diri yang baik khususnya dalam memelihara kebersihan kuku kaki dan tangan sehingga menyebabkan faktor resiko terjadinya infeksi jamur kuku.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ni Wayan Desi Bintari ◽  
Anggraeni Suarsana ◽  
Putu Rina Wahyuni

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Onychomycosis adalah kelainan kuku yang disebabkan oleh jamur dermatofita dan non-dermatofita. Infeksi banyak diidap oleh penduduk yang beraktivitas dengan air seperti peternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui identifikasi jamur kuku pada peternak babi di Banjar Paang Kaja dan Banjar Semaga Desa Penatih Kecamatan Denpasar Timur. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan di Banjar Paang Kaja dan Banjar Semaga Desa Penatih Kecamatan Denpasar Timur dan tempat pemeriksaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Analis Kesehatan STIKes Wira Medika Bali. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peternak babi di Banjar Paang Kaja dan Banjar Semaga Desa Penatih Kecamatan Denpasar Timur dengan jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 20 probandus. Metode pemeriksaan yang dilakukan melalui metode pengamatan langsung dan metode kultur jamur. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 sampel sebanyak 8 sampel (40%) positif Tinea unguium (jamur kuku). Dari 20 sampel pada pengamatan metode langsung mendapatkan hasil positif sebanyak 2 sampel (10%) dengan kode S1 dan S3. Sedangkan pada pengamatan metode kultur jamur hasil positif pada peternak babi di Banjar Paang Kaja dan Banjar Semaga Desa Penatih Kecamatan Denpasar Timur sebanyak 8 sampel (40%) dengan kode S1, S3, S4, S8, S10, S12, S13, dan S15 terinfeksi oleh jamur Aspergillus flavus (75%), Aspergillus sp.1 (12,5%), Aspergillus niger (12,5%) dan Rhizopus sp1 (12,5%).<br />Kata kunci: Onychomycosis, Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Tinea unguium is nail disorder caused by dermatofita and non-dermatofita fungus. Tinea unguium is a common infection in breeder. The purpose of this research is to find out the occurance of Tinea unguium (fungus nail) infection in Pig Breeder at Banjar Paang Kaja and Banjar Semaga, Penatih Village, East Denpasar Distric. Type of this research is descriptive research. Sampling of this research is taken in Banjar Paang Kaja and Banjar Semaga, Penatih Village, East Denpasar Distric. Sample analyses took place in Microbiology Laboratory, Medical Laboratory Technologist of STIKes Wira Medika Bali. Population of this research is pig breeder in Banjar Paang Kaja and Banjar Semaga. Reasearch sample were 20 pig breeder who obtained by total sampling method. Tinea unguium identification of this study observed by direct observation (microscopy) and cultur method. The result of this study showed that 8 sampels (40%) is Tinea unguium positive. Direct observation method showed that 2 sampling (10%) is Tinea unguium positive (S1 and S3), while in culture method observation showed that 8 sample (40%) is Tinea unguium positive (S1, S3, S4, S8, S10, S12, S13 and S15). Identification of fungus showed that Tinea unguium in pig breeder caused by Aspergillus flavus (75%), Aspergillus sp.1 (12,5%), Aspergillus niger (12,5%) and Rhizopus sp1 (12,5%).<br />Keywords: Onychomycosis, Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 377-380 ◽  
Cidia Vasconcellos ◽  
Carolina Queiroz Moreira Pereira ◽  
Marta Cristina Souza ◽  
Andrea Pelegrini ◽  
Roseli Santos Freitas ◽  

BACKGROUND: Superficial fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes, yeasts or filamentous fungi. They are correlated to the etiologic agent, the level of integrity of the host immune response, the site of the lesion and also the injured tissue. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to isolate and to identify onychomycosis agents in institutionalized elderly (60 years old +). METHODS: The identification of the fungi relied upon the combined results of mycological examination, culture isolation and micro cultures observation under light microscopy from nail and interdigital scales, which were collected from 35 elderly with a clinical suspicion of onychomycosis and a control group (9 elderly with healthy interdigital space and nails). Both groups were institutionalized in two nursing homes in Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil. RESULTS: The nail scrapings showed 51.40% positivity. Of these, dermatophytes were found in 44.40% isolates, 27.78% identified as Trichophyton rubrum and 5.56% each as Trichophyton tonsurans, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum gypseum. The second more conspicuous group showed 38.89% yeasts: 16.67% Candida guilliermondii, 11.11% Candida parapsilosis, 5.56% Candida glabrata, and 5.56% Trichosporon asahii. A third group displayed 16.70% filamentous fungi, like Fusarium sp, Aspergillus sp and Neoscytalidium sp (5.56% each). The interdigital scrapings presented a positivity rate of 14.29%. The agents were coincident with the fungi that caused the onychomycosis. In the control group, Candida guilliermondii was found at interdigital space in one person. CONCLUSION: Employing a combination of those identification methods, we found no difference between the etiology of the institutionalized elderly onychomycosis from that reported in the literature for the general population.

Antibiotics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 737
Marina Pekmezovic ◽  
Melina Kalagasidis Krusic ◽  
Ivana Malagurski ◽  
Jelena Milovanovic ◽  
Karolina Stępień ◽  

Novel biodegradable and biocompatible formulations of “old” but “gold” drugs such as nystatin (Nys) and amphotericin B (AmB) were made using a biopolymer as a matrix. Medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA) were used to formulate both polyenes (Nys and AmB) in the form of films (~50 µm). Thermal properties and stability of the materials were not significantly altered by the incorporation of polyenes in mcl-PHA, but polyene containing materials were more hydrophobic. These formulations were tested in vitro against a panel of pathogenic fungi and for antibiofilm properties. The films containing 0.1 to 2 weight % polyenes showed good activity and sustained polyene release for up to 4 days. A PHA monomer, namely 3-hydroxydecanoic acid (C10-OH), was added to the films to achieve an enhanced synergistic effect with polyenes against fungal growth. Mcl-PHA based polyene formulations showed excellent growth inhibitory activity against both Candida yeasts (C. albicans ATCC 1023, C. albicans SC5314 (ATCC MYA-2876), C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019) and filamentous fungi (Aspergillus fumigatus ATCC 13073; Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 9533, Microsporum gypseum ATCC 24102). All antifungal PHA film preparations prevented the formation of a C. albicans biofilm, while they were not efficient in eradication of mature biofilms, rendering them suitable for the transdermal application or as coatings of implants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Rosa Mardiana ◽  
Safrida Safrida ◽  
Nurul Husna

Daun biduri (Calotropis gigantea L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai antifungi. Daun biduri dijadikan sebagai antifungi berdasarkan zat kimia yang terdapat didalamnya seperti tannin, saponin flavonoid dan polifenol. Jamur Trichophyton mentagrophytes dapat menyebabkan penyakit kulit yang ditandai dengan timbulnya bercak melingkar dan bersisik atau gelembung kecil yang dikenal dengan istilah Tinea atau kurap. Jamur ini memiliki habitat (terutama pada daerah yang beriklim tropis dan basah) di tanah, manusia dan hewan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas ekstrak daun biduri (Calotropis gigantea L.) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan jamur Trichophyton mentagrophytes dan untuk mengetahui berapakah konsentrasi optimal ekstrak daun biduri (Calotropis gigantea L.) untuk menghambat pertumbuhan jamur Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry dan Laboratorium kimia FKIP kimia Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh pada tanggal 26 April sampai 21 Agustus 2018. Daun biduri diekstraksi dengan menggunakan metode maserasi yang direndam selama 5 hari dengan 2 kali pengulangan dan diuapkan dengan menggunakan alat rotary evaporator hingga memperoleh ekstrak sebanyak 30 ml berwarna hijau kehitaman dan kental. Uji daya hambat terhadap jamur Trichophyton mentagrophtes dilakukan dengan metode difusi disc difussion pada media Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) dengan konsentrasi 20%, 35% dan 50%. Antifungi ketoconazole yang dibuat dalam bentuk suspensi sebagai kontrol positif dan aquadest sebagai kontrol negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diameter zona hambat yang diperoleh dari ekstrak daun biduri pada konsentrasi 50% sebesar 9,16 mm termasuk dalam kategori sedang, pada konsentrasi 35% sebesar 8,66 mm termasuk dalam kategori sedang, konsentrasi 20% sebesar 8,16 mm termasuk dalam kategori sedang, pada ketoconazole suspensi sebesar 11,83 mm termasuk dalam kategori kuat dan pada aquadest sebesar 0 mm yang tidak memiliki daya hamba

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 953
Gloria Ines Estrada Salazar ◽  
José A. Chacón-Cardona

Resumen:Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de las dermatomicosis en personas de diferentes instituciones de atención social en la ciudad de Manizales durante el año 2011. Método: Mediante la toma de muestras de los sitios que presentaban algún tipo de lesión sospechosa de ser una micosis cutánea, se hizo un análisis directo con KOH y cultivo en medios de Saboureaud y Mycosel. Se aplicó un instrumento de recolección de información para establecer  factores asociados con la presencia de estos microorganismos.Resultados: Los hongos levaduriformes encontrados con mayor frecuencia fueron: Candida albicans, Trichosporon sp, y los mohos saprofitos Penicillium sp, fusarium sp; seguido de hongos dermatofitos como: Trichophyton mentagrophites, Trichophyton rubrum, Epidermophyton floccosum y Microsporum gypseum. Las lesiones secas y descamativas se encontraron con mayor frecuencia. El compartir baños y vivir en hacinamiento y el uso de elementos comunes fueron los factores asociados más importantes en este estudio.Conclusiones. Las dermatomicosis son frecuentes en poblaciones vulnerables y se asocian a diferentes factores muy similares a los encontrados en otros estudios de igual naturaleza.    Palabras clave: dermatomicosis, onicomicosis, jóvenes, ancianos, factores asociados. Summary:Objective: To determine the frequency of ringworm in people of different social care institutions in the city of Manizales in 2011.Method: Using the sampling sites that had some kind of suspicious lesion from a cutaneous mycosis, direct analysis with KOH and culture media was Saboureaud and Mycosel. An instrument of data collection was used to establish factors associated with the presence of these microorganisms.Results: The yeast found most frequently were: Candida albicans, Trichosporon sp and Penicillium molds saprophytes sp, Fusarium sp, followed by dermatophyte fungi such as Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, Epidermophyton floccosum and Microsporum gypseum. Dry scaly lesions were found more frequently. The shared bathrooms and living in overcrowded and the use of common elements were the most important in this study associated factors.Conclusions: Dermatomycoses are common in vulnerable populations and are associated with different very similar to those found in other studies of the same nature factors. Keywords: ringworm, onychomycosis, young, old, associated factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 57
Jacqueline Dalbelo Puia ◽  
Leandro Camargo Borsato ◽  
Marilize Cristina Gonçalves de Oliveira ◽  
Adriano Thibes Hoshino ◽  
Marcelo Giovanetti Canteri ◽  

Wheat seeds can be infested and/or infected by microorganisms that might cause deterioration of this propagation structure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health quality of sixteen wheat genotypes grown in northern Paran&aacute;. Therefore, seeds of each genotype were submitted to the blotter test with 16 repetitions, 400 seeds per sample, for phytosanitary quality evaluation. The identification of the fungi was performed based on their morphological characteristics and quantified data. The results revealed variations in incidence, with 20 fungi genera in the analyzed samples. The fungi Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. and Bipolaris sp. were found in 100% of the analyzed samples, while Mucor sp. and Alternaria sp. were in 89% and 78% of the samples, respectively. The main pathogens that cause diseases in the aerial part of wheat were not found, or were low incidence in all materials analyzed. The pathogens with the highest incidence associated with wheat seeds were groups of storage fungi and known to produce mycotoxins.

H. O. Stanley ◽  
M. E. Amesi

This study was conducted to assess the outdoor air quality of some urban slums in Port Harcourt. Six sampling sites were selected, from the Port Harcourt urban slums; two sites from each slum represented with a suffix 1 or 2.  The slums are designated Marine base (#1 and #2), RSU BG, Obudu 2, Bundu (#1 and #2). The air quality was analyzed using portable handheld air quality analyzer and the microbiological parameters were determined by standard cultural method. The study revealed that the sampled sites were laden with bacterial and fungal species. namely; Klebsiella sp., Micrococcus sp., Escherichia sp., Pseudomonas sp., Baccilus sp., Aeromonas sp., Streptococus sp., Serratia sp., Aerococcus sp., Proteus sp. Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Candida sp., Aspergillus sp., Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp. and Tricorderma sp. Highest obtained noise level was at Marine base 1 which was  66 db, highest relative humidity of 54.8% at RSU BG, CO2  (ppm) values of 4.8, 80, 796, 850, 638, 698 for Marine base 2, Marine base 1, Obudu 2, RSU BG, Bundu 1 and Bundu 2 respectively. The values for NO2 (ppm) was (0.05, 0.053, 0.071, 0.022, 0.035, 0.023), suspended particulate matter (ppm) was (7.1, 8.7, 9.5, 9.5, 6.2, 6.2), SO2 (ppm) was (0.42, 0.15, 0.50, 0.34, 1.26, 0.41) CO (ppm) was (4.8, 1.7, 2.2, 3.0, 3.9, 3.6) and volatile organic compound (ppm) was (1.0, 1.1, 0.9, 75 and 1.2). This study has shown that Port Harcourt urban slums are experiencing some degree of contamination not acceptable for healthy living that requires attention to curb. These areas require all-round improvement in sanitation.   M Give one sentence on methodology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Serapio Romero Gavilán

Trabajo de investigación desarrollado con el objetivo de conocer la frecuencia de la dermatofitosis humana en una comunidad con desigualdad social. Hipótesis: la dermatofitosis humana es una afección fúngica muy frecuente en comunidades con desigualdad social. Zona de estudio: comunidad con desigualdad social periurbana de la ciudad de Ayacucho. Tipo de estudio: no experimental. Diseño de estudio: descriptivo-transversal. Muestra: no probabilística, individuos con signos de afecciones compatibles a micosis superficial. Metodología: muestras de escamas de piel, pelos, fragmentos de uñas de pies y manos, escamas de planta, espacios interdigitales y otras partes de cuerpo, fueron tomadas con una hoja de bisturí de filo romo o con el borde de un portaobjetos previa desinfección con alcohol al 70% y colocadas en sobres de papel oscuro etiquetados, en el laboratorio de Epidemiología y Micología de la Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, se realizó la observación directa con KOH al 20% y la siembra en placas Petri conteniendo Agar Sabouraud y Agar selectivo para hongos patógenos, después de una incubación a 25ºC por hasta 14 días; las colonias coincidentes con dermatofitos fueron observados al microscopio para identificarlos. Resultados: se ha encontrado que 85/153 (55,5%) presentaron diversas formas de dermatofitosis, no se observó preferencia de la dermatofitosis humana con relación al género (p> 0,05), los factores asociados a la dermatofitosis determinados estadísticamente (p< 0,05) fueron la higiene, el piso de la vivienda y la crianza de animales, se han identificado las especies de Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis y Microsporum gypseum.

Rachna Kapila ◽  
Geeta Verma ◽  
Aparajita Sen ◽  
Arti Nigam

Background: Vermicomposting is the agricultural technique of conversion of organic wastes to a fertile product, which can result in better crop growth and production. However, even though earthworms are the main organisms participating in the process, the microbes associated with it also have an important role to play. These microbes degrade the waste products biochemically and are responsible of the conversion processes. Few studies are carried out on microbial diversity and related enzymes activities in the vermicompost prepared from different organic waste materials. Methods: In this paper, we isolated both bacteria and fungi from seven different types of vermicompost, using different selective media. We also studied the activity of hydrolytic enzymes that are associated with the isolated microbes.Result: It was observed that bacteria like Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Klebsiella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Actinomycetes, Pigment producing Actinomycetes, Streptomyces, Azotobactor and fungi like Penicillium purpurogenum, Aspergillus sp., Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, Rhizopus sp., Mucor hiemalis, Myrothecium verrucaria etc. were present in our vermicompost preparations. The presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing microorganisms and PGPR indicated the good fertilizer value of the vermicompost samples. It was also observed that the diversity of microbes present supported significant levels of CMCase Exoglucanase, Xylanase, β-Glucosidase, Phosphatase and Urease activities.

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