scholarly journals Personalized System of Instruction Models Using “POJOK” Digital Module Based Toward Basket Ball Learning Outcome

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Silvy Juditya ◽  
Dhani Agusni Zakaria ◽  
Veny Juaniarni Hardi ◽  
Ruslan Rusmana

The development of technology demands a lot of changes in the world of education, as well as in physical education learning so that physical education teachers in schools must be able to choose and apply learning models that can be juxtaposed with technology-based learning media, therefore the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of learning models. personalized system of instruction (PSI) based on the application of the electoral module "PJOK" on basketball learning outcomes. To achieve these objectives, the research method used is an experimental method with a one group pre-test-post-test design. The data source of this research involved in this study, namely 120 students aged 13-15 years at SMPN 8 Cimahi with purposive random sampling technique. The research instrument used was a basketball basic movement skills test instrument (ITKG BB) for ages 13-15. The data analysis used was paired simple t-test and the results of this study obtained a t-count value of 61.87 with a significance level of 0.00. Looking at the results of data analysis, the conclusion of this study is that there is an influence of the personalized system of instruction (PSI) learning model based on the application of the electoral module "PJOK" on basketball learning outcomes.Key words: Personalized System of Instructioned models (PSI), E-Modul, Basket Ball

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Ucu Abdul Ropi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa pengaruh latihan handstand diluruskan dengan bangku terhadap peningkatan keterampilan handstand dalam senam lantai pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Langkap Lancar. Sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian di atas, maka penulis menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan “One Group Pre Test Post Test Design”. Populasi dan sampel  penelitian ini adalah siswa putra kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Langkap Lancar yang berjumlah 55 orang, dari populasi tersebut yang dijadikan sampel sebanyak 17 orang dengan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu siswa yang memiliki penguasaan cukup dalam keterampilan handstand. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan sebagai pengumpul data  adalah tes hasil pembelajaran hands stand berdasarkan format penilaian KTSP. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data dari penelitian yang penulis lakukan, maka penulis dapat mengambil beberapa kesimpulan sebagai langkah akhir dari penelitian sebagi berikut; Latihan  Handstand diluruskan dengan bangku memiliki nilai t-hitung sebesar 4,65 lebih besar daripada t-tabel 1,70 dalam taraf nyata 0,95 dengan dk= 18 atau dapat dinyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan latihan menggunakan Handstand diluruskan dengan bangku terhadap hasil peningkatan handstand dalam senam lantai pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Langkap Lancar. Guna mengembangkan kemampuan yang lebih luas serta hasil dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah yang lebih baik. Penulis menyarankan kepada para pelatih/guru-guru penjaskes, untuk memperhatikan dan memberikan program latihan untuk pengembangan kondisi fisik dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran dengan baik sehingga tujuan dari belajar penjaskes akan tercapai.This study aims to determine the effect of the handstand exercise straightened with a bench on the improvement of handstand skills in floor exercise among students of SMA Negeri 1 Langkap Lancar. In accordance with the research objectives above, the authors used an experimental method with "One Group Pre Test Post Test Design". The population and sample of this study were male students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Langkap Lancar, amounting to 55 people, from that population 17 people were sampled by purposive sampling technique, namely students who had sufficient mastery of handstand skills. The research instrument used as a data collector was a hands-stand test results based on the KTSP assessment format. Based on the results of processing and data analysis from the research the author did, the authors can draw some conclusions as the final step of the research as follows; Handstand exercise straightened with a bench has a t-count value of 4.65, greater than t-table 1.70 in the real level of 0.95 with dk = 18 or it can be stated that there is a significant effect of using a straightened handstand with a bench on the results of improvement handstand in floor exercise for students of SMA Negeri 1 Langkap Lancar. In order to develop broader abilities and results in the learning process in better schools. The author suggests the trainers / physical education teachers to pay attention and provide training programs for the development of physical conditions in the process of learning activities properly so that the objectives of learning physical education will be achieved. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dupri Dupri

This research is motivated on the basis of the decline in responsibility and tolerance of students at school, this condition is characterized by high rates of juvenile delinquency, brawls between students and moreover the influence of technology that is so strong makes students rarely socialize with the surrounding community and fellow students at school. This study reveals the differences in the TPSR model with cooperative learning models in increasing students' attitudes of responsibility and tolerance in physical education learning and also distinguished between students in the area with students who study in cities. The method used in this study was Quasi Experiment with the design of the pretest post-test two treatment designs. The population of this study amounted to 192, to obtain a sample in this study the sampling technique using Cluster Random Sampling technique so that the sample of this study was obtained in the amount of 128. The treatment was on two different models namely the TPSR model and cooperative learning models. The instrument used was a questionnaire of responsibility and tolerance, multivariate analysis (Manova). The results of this study found that cooperative learning models were better able to develop responsibilities while the Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) model of students' tolerance attitudes towards physical education learning. Both of these models can be used as physical education learning models that instill character and activity in carrying out the learning process AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi atas dasar sudah menurunnya sikap Tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa disekolah, kondisi ini ditandai oleh tingginya angka kenakalan remaja, tawuran antar siswa dan lebih lagi pengaruh teknologi yang begitu kuat membuat siswa jarang bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sekitar dan sesama siswa disekolah. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan perbedaan Model TPSR dengan model cooperative learning dalam meningkatkan sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran penjas serta juga dibedakan antara siswa di daerah dengan siswa  yang  sekolah  dikota.  Metode  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain the pretest post-test two treatmenr design. Populasi penelitian ini siswa MAN 1 Teluk Kuantan sedangkan sampel penelitian ini dipilih dengan mengunakan teknik Claster Random Sampling sehingga diperolah sampel penelitian ini adalah MAN 1 Teluk Kuantan Kelas X3 dan X4. Perlakuannya pada dua model yang berbeda yaitu model TPSR dan model cooperative learning. Instrument yang digunakan adalah angket Tanggung jawab dan toleransi, analisis dengan multivarian (Manova). Model cooperative learning lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) dalam hal mengembangkan Sikap Tanggung jawab siswa pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. Model Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model cooperative learning dalam mengembangkan sikap toleransi siswa pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani 

Jurnal MD ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-160
Cintami Farmawati

A da'i must have a good personality when entering the field of da'wah so as to move or spur the mad'u to arise awareness in performing charity and that the goal of da'wah can be achieved. This study aims to explain effect of da’i personality and da'wah bil-hal towards spiritual motivation of mad’u. Its population is all mad'u and da'i in Boarding School of Bahrul Ulum of Pemalang Regency. The sample in this study is 77 mad'u which is divided into 35 people (45,5%) women and 42 people (54,5%) men. As for the entire population of da'i is used as a sample, which is 4 da'i. Sampling technique used is nonprobability sampling. The measuring tools used are personality scale, bil-hal da'wah scale, and spiritual motivation scale in the form of Likert. The data analysis used is Multiple Regression Analysis at 0.05 significance level. The results showed that there was a significant effect of da’i personality and da’wah bil-hal towards spiritual motivation of mad’u. The variables that show the most dominant positive tendencies and significantly influence the spiritual motivation of mad'u are the personality of extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, religious, education, organization and social.

Konstantina Adinda Putrilani ◽  
Renariah Renariah ◽  
Neneng Sutjiati

Ketika mempelajari bahasa Jepang di sekolah, aspek dasar yang harus dipelajari siswa adalah huruf Jepang. Dalam sistem penulisan, bahasa Jepang memiliki empat huruf, yaitu huruf kanji, hiragana, katakana, dan roomaji. Tetapi sebelum tahap belajar huruf kanji, terlebih dahulu siswa mempelajari huruf hiragana dan katakana yang biasa disebut huruf kana. Huruf kana terdiri atas 96 huruf dimana huruf hiragana dan huruf katakana tersebut bentuknya mirip. Hal ini menyebabkan siswa kesulitan untuk mempelajari huruf kana. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu media untuk mempermudah pembelajar mempelajari huruf kana. Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan adalah media permainan. Dalam penelitian ini, media permainan yang digunakan adalah media permainan sudoku yang sudah di modifikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran huruf kana, sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan media permainan sudoku. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan media permainan sudoku terhadap pembelajaran huruf kana, dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media permainan sudoku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimen quasi dengan desain eksperimen yaitu one group pre-test - post-test. Sampel penelitian adalah anggota Japanese Club sebanyak 20 orang yang diambil dari populasi SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes, angket dan obsevasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, nilai t hitung sebesar 6.53. Nilai t tabel sebesar 2.09 pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan 2.86 pada taraf signifikansi 1%. Dengan demikian, diperoleh hasil t hitung lebih besar dibandingkan nilai t tabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% (6.53 > 2.09). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguanaan media permainan sudoku dalam pembelajaran huruf kana sangat efektif. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil analisis data angket, responden memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap penggunaan media permainan sudoku yaitu menarik, dan mudah diikuti. When studying Japanese at school, basic aspects must study is the Japanese letter. In its writing system, Japanese has four letters, namely kanji, hiragana, katakana, and roomaji. Before the stage of kanji learning, firstly, students have to learn hiragana and katakana which are commonly called kana. Kana, composed of 96 letters where the letter of the hiragana and katakana are barely different. This causes difficulties for students to learn kana. Therefore, we need a media to facilitate learners to learn kana. One medium that can be used are game as the learning media. This study, the media used is a sudoku game that has been modified. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge students’ ability in learning kana, before and after using the sudoku game as a media. In addition, this study also aims to analyze the influence of sudoku game usage as the media in learning kana Letters, and to find out the students' response to the use of sudoku game as a media. This study uses a quasi experiment method with the one group pre-test - post-test as experiment design. Samples were 20 students from Japanese Club members who were taken from a population of SMP Laboratorum Percontohan UPI Bandung. The instrument used was test, questionnaire and observation. Based on the data analysis, the t value at 6.53. T table at 2.09 on a significance level of 5% and 2.86 at 1% significance level. Thus, the results obtained that t value is greater than t table at a significance level of 5% (6.53> 2.09). This shows that the usage of sudoku game as media is a very effective in learning kana. In addition, based on data analysis of the questionnaire, the respondents gave a positive response to the use of media sudoku game that are attractive, and easy to follow

Rachel Belmont ◽  
Duane Knudson ◽  
Paula Hentschel Lobo da Costa ◽  
Evelyse dos Santos Lemos

Biomechanical knowledge is essential for professional practice of physical education teachers, but it is still little applied by them. This study examined the effectiveness of a continuing education program based on meaningful learning theory to improve understanding of biomechanical principles and their application by physical education teachers. A pedagogical intervention study was developed using a mixed methods approach. Statistical analysis was performed to compare pretest and post-test scores, and content analysis to categorize the teachers' evaluation of classes. The program created significant increases in mastery of biomechanical concepts in teachers studied who had strong perceptions of the course, peer interaction, and application to professional practice. Difficulties perceived were related to lack of time to study and prior biomechanical knowledge.

Bustanul Arifin ◽  
Nurhasan Hasan ◽  
Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal

Intructional model in Physical Education becomes an important part to achieve the success of learning objectives at every level of education. Physical Education intructional  model consists of various models that can be applied by the teacher. The intructional  model carried out will affect a student mastery, including in passing technique learning in volleyball that has not got maximum results. Physical Education teachers implement several learning modifications, from teaching style to the use of supporting media for passing learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the most suitable intructional  model for the under passing technique mastery in volleyball. The literature review technique was employed by collecting literatures from google scholar, science direct, and research gate websites. The search keyword was passing intructional  model in volleyball or volleyball teaching models. The review method was chosen to find a solution related to the most appropriate volleyball intructional  model for passing technique from the findings of previous research. Fourteen national journals and 1 international journal were selected based on volleyball passing learning model keyword on google scholar and had been reviewed. The results showed that there are various learning methods applied in volleyball passing learning, including practical learning models with various movement drills, pair practice, cooperative learning, game learning, jigsaw, discovery learning, peer teaching, command learning, and use of walls as media. This study concludes that, in the volleyball passing mastery, there are various models that can be applied. It recommends that further research studies the most suitable practical learning models to be applied at the Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 259-272
Aysel Kizilkaya Namli ◽  

In the study, the aim is to determine the effects of the application of first aid training lessons on sports injuries. The group of the study was determined by the simple random sampling method included in the random sampling technique and consists of 20 physical education teachers who are still on duty in the 2020-2021 academic year. All of the physical education teachers are experienced teachers who have taken first aid lessons in undergraduate education. Vignette technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. With the technique in question, teachers were asked to express their opinions following the first aid scenarios. The interviews were made over the phone and recorded with the consent of the participants. Content analysis was used in the study, and the validity and reliability of the data were provided. The opinions received from the participants were examined and themes were created by the content analysis and given with direct quotations. The opinions of the participants were interpreted by comparing with the findings of the experts in the field in accordance with the vignette technique. According to the results of the study, it was determined that physical education teachers gave similar answers to expert opinions about all scenarios. However, the accuracy rates of these answers vary with the scenarios. Therefore, it was determined that teachers' first aid knowledge varies, in some cases, they behave closely to expert opinions, and in some others, they move away from expert opinions. It has been observed that this situation resembles similar studies in the literature. When the mentioned results are compared with the literature; it is recommended that first aid training be sustainable and implementation techniques are continuously improved.

Kappa Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Fartina Fartina ◽  
Khaerus Syahidi ◽  
Laxmi Zahara ◽  
Zaotul Wardi ◽  

This study aims to determine the differences in student achievement who are taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who are taught using science comic media. This type of research is experimental research. The population in this study is all students of class VII MTs. The State of Selong Model and the sampling was determined by using cluster random sampling technique to select the class and simple random sampling to select the students in that class. The second sampling technique is random sampling by drawing lots, cluster random sampling, namely the class is divided into experimental class I, namely the class that is taught using interactive multimedia drills model (class VII-E) and the experimental class II, namely the class that is taught using comic media. science (class VII-F), each of which consists of 36 students. And simple random sampling, where students are drawn after data collection to reduce the sample to 30 students to facilitate hypothesis testing. The data collection technique used post-test while the data analysis technique to test the hypothesis was the t-test. The results of data analysis using t-test showed that there were differences in student achievement who were taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who were taught using science comic media. This can be seen in the post-test results where t-count > t-table is 2.206 > 2.002. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there are differences in student achievement who are taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who are taught using science comics

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
Felinda Astuti ◽  
Henny Welsa ◽  
Ignatius Soni Kurniawan

This research was conducted to examine the effect of menu variations and tastes, perceptions of price, cleanliness on customer satisfaction at Duta Minang Restaurant Jln. Brig. Gen. Katamso. This study uses the dependent variable namely menu variation and taste, price perception, cleanliness and independent variables, namely customer satisfaction. The sampling technique used is Simple Accidential Sampling. Simple Accidential Technique Sampling, which is known as opportunity sample or free sampling, was chosen because of comfortable accessibility and proximity to the researcher. Samples are only taken at consumers of Duta Minang Restaurant Jln. Brigadier General Katamso totaling 100 people. The procedure for collecting data uses questionnaires that are distributed to be filled by Duta Minang consumers. Data processing uses multiple regression analysis with SPSS 16.0 tools. Based on data analysis and the results of hypothesis testing in this study it can be concluded that menu variations and tastes have a positive effect on consumer satisfaction with a significance level of 0,000. Price perception has a positive effect on customer satisfaction with a significance level of 0,000. Cleanliness has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction with a significance level of 0.016. This gives the implication that companies with good hygiene can increase customer satisfaction. And simultaneously the variable variations in menu and taste, price perception, and cleanliness positively influence consumer satisfaction with the value of F obtained at 207,528 and an error rate of 5%, the ability of the regression equation in this study, to explain the magnitude of variation that occurs in the dependent variable of 86 , 2% while 13.8% is explained by variables that the researcher cannot explain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Angga Kristiyajati ◽  
Ariyadi Wijaya

The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of the use of visualization of proofs upon discovery learning models in mathematics learning in terms of understanding concepts. This study is an experimental design which used quantitative methods to obtain data on student conceptual understanding. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. The population sample used in this study was 11th grade secondary students, chosen from 11 IPA 2 of SMAN 8 Yogyakarta, 11 IPA 3 of SMAN 8 Yogyakarta, 11 IPA 3 of SMAN 2 Yogyakarta, 11 IPA 4 of SMAN 2 Yogyakarta, 11 IPA 1 of SMAN 11 Yogyakarta, and 11 IPA 2 of SMAN 11 Yogyakarta. In each school, two classes were chosen with one class was given a discovery learning treatment with visualization of proofs (PWW) and the other class was given a discovery learning treatment without visualization of proofs. The measurement instrument used in this study was an essay test instrument with five questions. Discovery learning is said to be effective if the average value of conceptual understanding is at least 75. Based on the results of this study, although the data obtained did not meet the assumptions of normality, the number of members of the sample were more than 30 so that the data analysis could use parametric statistics. Using a hypothesis testing with a significance level of 0.05, it was found that the use of visualization of proofs was effective in mathematics discovery learning models if it was viewed from conceptual understanding.

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