scholarly journals Analysis of Effectiveness of Mutual Muraja’ah on Juz Amma Reading Fluency for Kindegarten Class at TPQ Raudlatul Qur’an Karang Duwak Arosbaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-121
Mushohihul Hasan ◽  
Faizin Faizin ◽  
Holil Baita Putra

In this study, the researcher raised a learning method problem namely mutual Muroja’ah to read juz amma fluently for kindergarten students at TPQ Raudlatul Qur’an. In this study, researcher used a qualitative descriptive research approach with case study research. The data collection techniques used observation, test, interview and documentation. The analysis techniques used were a) data reduction, b) data display and c) conclusion making. As the result of the study are: a) the mutual muroja’ah method implementation was conducted by many ways such as guided muroja’ah, continuing verse muroja’ah and reading together, b) the method is very effective in helping students to read Alqur’an fluently, in terms of the results of evaluation test every three months that the percentage assessment result show that many students obtain grade B and even some students achieved grade A in terms of reading fluency

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Widyasari Widyasari

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana perencanaan belajar mandiri mahasiswa, mendeskripsikan bagaimana mahasiswa mengevaluasi belajarnya sendiri, dan mendeskripsikan sumber belajar yang mahasiswa PGSD pilih dalam mencapai tujuan belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian studi kasus. Kemandirian belajar mahasiswa PGSD FKIP Universitas Djuanda Bogor berdasarkan penilaian mahasiswa dan dosen dilihat dari aspek perencanaan belajar mandiri, pelaksanaan dan mengevaluasi hasil belajar sendiri maka diperoleh rata-rata persentase tingkat kemandirian belajar mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Djuanda Bogor berada pada tingkat tinggi dengan persentase 32,5% dan pada tingkat sedang dengan persentase 67,5%.KATA KUNCI: kemandirian belajar, PGSD, sumber belajar  THE INDEPENDENCE OF PGSD STUDENTS LEARNING BASED ON THE AVAILABILITY OF LEARNING RESOURCESABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe how student self-study planning, describe how students evaluate their own learning, and describe the learning resources that PGSD students select in achieving learning objectives. This research uses Qualitative Descriptive research approach. The type of research used is case study research. The independence of PGSD FKIP students of Djuanda University of Bogor based on the assessment of students and lecturers viewed from the aspect of independent study planning, implementation and evaluating the results of study itself, then obtained the average percentage level of student learning independence PGSD Djuanda University Bogor is at a high level with a percentage of 32.5% and at a moderate rate of 67.5%. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-224
Nisfatur Rizki ◽  
Agus Sukoco

This study aims to determine break-even point and margin of safety and how to plan profits and sales by using Break Even Point Analysis on Otak-Otak Kang Wahab SME. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive with a case study research approach, by conducting direct interviews with the owner. Analysis have been carried out using Break Even Point Analysis. The data being analyzed in this study are production and non-production reports, product prices, sales volumes and costs. The results show that the sales of SME product which have been analyzed through Break Even Point have break-even point after it reachs 1 months 10 days, with revenue of Rp. 270,309,375 and selling of 2,809 units. Margin of Safety is known to be 82%. In this case, the SME don‘t include asset investments in the form of business places, because they use their own residence, so the cost isn’t considered.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 260
Edy Purwanto ◽  
Aunnurahman Aunnurahman ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

<p>This study aims to (1) find out the stages of planning the development of an equality program in SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District; (2) knowing the implementation of the Equality program development in the SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District; (3) knowing the coordination of the implementation of the Equality program development in SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District; (4) knowing the evaluation of the Equality program development in the SPNF SKB District of Kubu Raya District. This type of research is a case study research with a descriptive research approach. The results of this study are (1) program planning of the UPT SPNF of the Kubu Raya District SKB involving participation from within the institution, namely the UPT SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District and outside the institution, namely the Kubu Raya Education and Culture Office as policy makers; (2) UPT SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District has implemented an<br />equality program in SPNF SKB Kubu Raya District ; (3) UPT SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District has carried out a fairly good coordination with the work units involved in program development, both with government institutions and<br />institutions outside the government, in addition to good communication between each work unit in SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District; (4) UPT SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District has conducted an evaluation to find out the development of<br />the Equality program in SPNF SKB of Kubu Raya District</p>

Joan Natasya Lambe ◽  
Ariani Widayanti ◽  
Suprihati Suprihati

This study describes how the concept of personal branding content creator Jenda Munthe is constructed through the #tanyajawabJenda content on his Instagram account. The results of this study will provide an understanding of the construction of personal branding in Instagram social media content, through case studies conducted on efforts to establish personal branding content creator Jenda Munthe. From the results of the analysis conducted using eight personal branding concepts from Montoya & Vendehey (2002) in this study, proves that Jenda Munthe has succeeded in building his personal branding well, fulfilling the eight concepts. Of the eight concepts, Jenda Munthe's personal branding is most strongly supported by the concept of The law of specialization, The law of unity, The law of persistence and The law of goodwill. These four concepts make Jenda Munthe's personal branding through the content of #tanyajawabJenda, known as an angry content creator with a regional Batak accent, easily accepted by Instagram social media users. Jenda Munthe's personal branding through his Instagram content has finally opened up new career opportunities for Jenda Munthe as a content creator who previously worked as a Criminology Journalist. The phenomenon that occurred in Jenda Munthe provides a reality finding  that to become a content creator, a personal branding concept is needed through content on a media, such as Instagram social media. This research uses qualitative research methods, with the type of case study research and qualitative descriptive research type.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Mila Septian Haryati

Penelitian  ini bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  perw ujudan nasionalisme  pada capas (calon   Paskibra)   yang   aktif   mengikuti   ekstrakurikuler   Paskibra.   Pendekatan penelitian  menggunakan  deskriptif  kualitatif  dengan jenis penelitian  studi kasus. Teknik    pengumpulan    data   menggunakan    teknik    dokumentasi,   observasi, w aw ancara, dan focus grup discussion. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman terdiri dari: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahw a perw ujudan sikap menjaga persatuan yang dimiliki  oleh  sisw a  yang  mengikuti  ekstrakurikuler  paskibra adalah:  menjaga kerukunan  dalam  berteman,  mengutamakan  kepentingan bersama,  menerapkan sikap saling menghargai, menerapkan sikap kerja sama tanpa membeda-bedakan suku dan agama, serta menjalin solidaritas dalam kelompok, kemudian perw ujudan sikap menghargai prestasi yang dimiliki oleh capas antara lain: berlatih keras untuk menjadi pemenang  dalam berbagai kegiatan di sekolah , menghargai kerja keras kepala  sekolah,  guru,  teman,  dan  semua yang  ada dalam  lingkungan  sekolah, menghargai temuan, ide, dan gagasan yang telah dihasilkan, memajang tanda-tanda penghargaan  dan prestasi,  memberikan penghargaan  atau hasil prestasi  kepada w arga sekolah. AbstractThis study aims to determine the embodiment of nationalism in capas (Paskibra candidates)  w ho  actively  participate  in  Paskibra  extracurricular.  The  research approach uses qualitative descriptive through case study research type. Data collection techniques used are documentation,  observation, interview , and focus group  discussion.  Data  analysis  techniques  used  is  the  Miles  and  Huberman models consisting of: data reduction, data presentation, and draw ing conclusions. The results of the study show ed the realization of attitude of maintaining unity by students   w ho   take   part   in  extracurricular   activities.   They  are:  maintaining friendship  in  friends,  prioritizing  common  interests,  applying  mutual  respect, applying cooperation w ithout discriminating betw een ethnicities and religions, and establishing  solidarity in groups. The attitude of embodying the achievements of capas  are:  practicing   hard   to  be  a  w inner  in  various  activities  at  scho ol, appreciating the hard w ork of the principal, teacher, friends, and all people in the school environment, appreciating the findings and ideas that have been generated, displaying   signs   of   appreciation   and   achievement,   and   giving   aw ards   or achievements to school.Keywords: Nationalism, Paskibra Extracurricular

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-168
Slamet Nuryanto

The study was aimed at describing the management function of extracurricular activities in Al Irsyad 01 Elementary School of Purwokerto along with supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of such activities. This is a qualitative descriptive research with case study as research approach. Data collection is done by in-depth interview, documentation, and participant observation. To maintain the validity of the data, this study uses extension opt-in techniques, observational persistence and triangulation. The findings of this study indicate the existence of an extracurricular activity program conducted by the school for one academic year, the existence of organizational structure on each type of extracurricular activities, including the process of planning, implemention, and evaluation of extracurricular activities.

Mousaion ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
Samson Mutsagondo ◽  
Getrude Maduyu ◽  
Godfrey Tsvuura

This paper discusses the challenges of records management that arise from the use of adapted buildings as records centres in Zimbabwe, despite the advantages of using such buildings. A qualitative research approach was used as well as a case study research design. Data were collected from seven officers of the Gweru Records Centre through semi-structured interviews. Personal observation was used to triangulate findings from interviews. It was found that the use of adapted buildings as records centres was a cheaper and quicker way of establishing records centres throughout the country. However, a number of preservation, security and management challenges cropped up as the conditions of the buildings and the environment of the adapted buildings were not conducive to the proper and professional management of records. This study is important in that it explores the prospects and challenges of using adapted buildings as records centres in Zimbabwe, an area that has not been researched by many authors. This provokes archival authorities and the government to seriously consider establishing purpose-built records and archival centres.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 285-294
Alicya Cindy Pradana ◽  
Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf

Sumber pendapatan Desa Mojorejo pada tahun 2020 yang berjumlah Rp. 1. 880.871.300 dengan adanya rencana pembangunan pada berbagai sektor terutama pada pembangunan jalan di beberapa  dusun dengan total jumlah anggaran mencapai ±Rp. 900.000.000 kemudian pembangunan gedung BUMDES (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) sebesar Rp. 100.000.000 dan pemberdayaan masyarakat Desa Mojorejo dengan sebagian besar anggaran berasal dari DD (Dana Desa) mampu memberikan peluang berupa tindakan penimpangan dalam pengelolaan keuangan desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk pembinaan dan pengawasan keuangan Desa oleh Pemerintah Derah Kabupaten Lamongan di Desa Mojorejo Kecamatan Modo khususnya dalam pengelolaan keuangan desa yang mana peneliti menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan upaya pembinaan dan pengawasan oleh Pemerintah Daerah yang dilaksanakan Inspektorat Kabupaten Lamongan dan Dinas PMD (Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa) Kabupaten Lamongan memberikan dampak yang jelas terkait pengelolaan keuangan Desa Mojorejo dimana pengelolaan keuangan desa menjadi terkontrol dan disiplin melalui upaya monitoring dan evaluasi seacara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kata Kunci: Pembinaan dan Pengawasan, Pemerintah Daerah, Keuangan, Desa, Inspektorat, Dinas PMD, BPD.     Mojorejo village’s income sources in 2020 amounting to 1.880.871.300 Rupiahs with development plansin various sectors, especially in road construction in several hamlets with a total ±Rp. 900.000.000 Rupiahs and then the construction of BUMDES (Village Owned Enterprise) building of 100.000.000 Rupiahs and public empowerment with a large portion of the budget coming from Village Fund (Dana Desa) could provide opportunities in the form of irregularities in village financial management. This research was conducted to determine how the form of guidance and supervision of Village finances by the Regional Government of Lamongan Regency in Mojorejo Village, Modo District, especially in village financial management where the researcher uses a qualitative research approach and this type of descriptive research. The research result show the role of guidance and supervision by the Regional Government carried out by the Inspectorate of  Lamongan Regency, the Dinas PMD Kabupaten Lamongan, and financial supervisory agencies (Inspectorate) have had a clear impact on the financial management of Mojorejo Village where the financial management becomes controlled and disciplined through direct and indirect monitoring and evaluation efforts. Keywords: Guidance and Supervision, Local Government, Finance, Village, Inspectorate, Dinas PMD, BPD.

Agung Nurrahman ◽  
Gatiningsih Gatiningsih ◽  
Muhammad Tri Syaputra

This research focuses on how leadership has a major role in addressing environmental issues, especially through the garbage bank program as a form of case study. Furthermore, the problems that occur in the midst of society are often rely solely on political will or political desire to solve them. The research is to know and learn Lurah's (head of village) leadership in the management of waste banks specifically. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques through structured interviews, documentation and observations. Researchers conducted an analysis using leadership theory from Yukl, where the theory discusses leadership comprehensively. Researchers only focus on five parts of the concept that are considered relevant, namely: visionary, guidance, affiliative, democratic and communicative concepts. The results of this study based on these dimensions are good enough Lurah (head of village) leadership. But there are several things that are considered able to optimize the running of the program through the role of Lurah (Head of village) leadership, namely: first, involving active knots and community leaders such as MUI, academics to support scientific aspects, and professionals in the field of practical management. Keywords: Leadership, Head of Village, Environmental Issues, Waste Management, Waste Bank  

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 224-240
Indasah Indasah ◽  
Dedi Saifulah ◽  
Anita Restu Korbaffo

This research is a type of descriptive research using a qualitative approach design using a case study research design. Funding for the TB program in Pasuruan Regency was sourced from the APBD and also Health Operational Assistance sourced from the Special Allocation Fund decreased. The budget for TB prevention prevention programs is absorbed entirely But the performance of achieving the discovery targets is still not significant. Still not found the whole case, complete treatment has not been maximized, some even DO. TB control activities allocated for TB prevention and control services appear to be relatively small compared to the TB treatment budget. Based on all the challenges faced, a strategy was formulated to eliminate TB within the next 5 years by strengthening the leadership of a quality TB service program with a sustainable program across stakeholders

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