Nur Fachri Kurniawan ◽  
Rustan IR

The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of the Regional Government in managing the agricultural sector through the Agricultural Counseling Center in Wonomulyo Subdistrict, Polewali Mandar Regency. The type of research used is qualitative, namely the author describes and analyzes the data studied or obtained in the field, both primary data obtained from the results of observations or interviews, as well as from secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Agricultural Extension Center in improving the welfare of farmers in Wonomulyo Subdistrict has been quite good. The Agricultural Counseling Center acts as a Motivator, Educator, Facilitator, and Change Agent. This is supported by supporting factors and inhibiting factors.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 234
Mochamad Elmo Sidiq ◽  
Amin Purnawan

ABSTRAKProblematik penelitian ini adalah : Apa dasar hukum  Peran Notaris dalam Transaksi Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Lokasi Pembangunan Komplek Perkantoran Pemerintah Kabupaten Sekadau? apa peran Notaris  Dalam Transaksi Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Lokasi Pembangunan Komplek Perkantoran Pemerintah Kabupaten Sekadau? dan apa akibat hambatan hukum atas Peran Notaris dalam Transaksi Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Lokasi Pembangunan Komplek Perkantoran Pemerintah Kabupaten Sekadau?Penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis-empiris yang bersumber dari pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif.Hasil temuan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa Dasar hukum Notaris dan/atau PPAT dalam pertanahan, didasarkan pada Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris dan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor : 1 Tahun 2006 tentang Ketentuan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor : 37 Tahun 1998 tentang Peraturan Jabatan Pejabat Pembuatan Akta Tanah. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 55 Tahun 1993 maupun Peraturan Presiden Nomor 65 Tahun 2006, peralihan hak atas tanah tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui/dihadapan Notaris dan/atau PPAT. Peran nyata keterlibatan notaris dalam pembangunan komplek kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Sekadau adalah pembuatan Akta Notaris Nomor 9 tanggal 06 Juli 2005 tentang Surat Perjanjian Pelepasan Hak atas Tanah di antara PT Sinar Bintang Sakti dan Pemda Kabupaten Sekadau dan Pembuatan Akta Notaris No. 10 tanggal 06 Juli 2005 tentang surat Pengakuan hutang yang pada pokoknya Pemkab Sekadau mengakui mempunyai hutang kepada CHAN INDRA, dengan jaminan tanah yang telah diterima pelepasan hak atas tanah dari CHAN INDRA selaku Direktur PT. Sinar Bintang Sakti. Perdebatan Notaris berwenang untuk membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan akta-akta pertanahan mengakibatkan keraguan mengenai keabsahan terhadap akta notaris yang terdapat dalam proyek pembangunan perkantoran di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sekadau.Kata Kunci : Notaris, Pengadaan Tanah, Kabupaten Sekadau. ABSTRACTIn relation to the authority of Notary, as mentioned in UUJN Number 30 Year2004 jo Law Number 2 Year 2014, Article 15 paragraph (2) letter (f), that Notary has authority to make deed related to land.The problematic of this research is: What is the legal basis of Notary's Role in Transaction of Land Procurement For Development Site of Sekadau Regency Government Complex  what is the role of Notary In Transaction of Land Procurement For Development Site of Sekadau Regency Government Complex ?; and what are the consequences of the legal barrier to the Notary's Role in the Land Acquisition Transaction for the Location of the Sekadau Regency Government Complex ?This research is with juridical-empirical approach that comes from collecting data obtained from primary data and secondary data, then analyzed by qualitative analysis method. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques. Data analysis techniques used qualitative data analysis.The findings of the researcher indicate that the legal basis of Notary and / or PPAT in the land is based on Law Number 30 Year 2004 regarding Notary Position and Regulation of the Head of National Land Agency Number 1 Year 2006 regarding Provisions on Implementation of Government Regulation Number 37 Year 1998 on the Regulation of Officials of the Establishment of Deed of Land. Presidential Decree No. 55/1993 and Presidential Regulation No. 65/2006, the transfer of land rights can be done through / in the presence of a Notary and / or PPAT. The real role of notary involvement in the construction of the Sekadau District Government office complex is the making of Notarial Deed No. 9 dated July 6, 2005 concerning Letter of Agreement on the Release of Land Rights between PT Sinar Bintang Sakti and the Regional Government of Sekadau Regency and the Notarial Deed. 10 dated July 6, 2005, concerning letters of recognition of debt principally Pemkab Sekadau acknowledged to have a debt to CHAN INDRA, with guaranteed land that has been received the release of land rights from CHAN INDRA as Director of PT. Sinar Bintang Sakti. The debate of a Notary is authorized to make deeds relating to land deeds lead to doubts about the validity of the notarial deed contained in office building projects in the Sekadau District Government.Suggestions to lawmakers to anticipate differences in legal interpretation in the future, it is recommended that both Law No. 30 of 2004 in conjunction with Law Number 2 Year 2014 on UUJN and the Notary Profession Code of Ethics, to strengthen the explanation of legislation has been compiled.Keywords : Notary Public, Land Procurement, Sekadau District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 167
Nyoman Utari Vipriyanti ◽  
Dewa Ayu Puspawati ◽  
Putu Lasmi Yulianthi Sapanca ◽  
Made Emy Handayani Citra

The Covid 19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the economy of Bali as a domestic and foreign tourist destination. The tourism sector, as the main contributor to the largest contributor to Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), experienced a contraction, which had an impact on other sectors. One of the sectors affected in the agricultural sector, especially the marketing of food products. In the new normal era in Bali, it is necessary to strengthen the rural economy through the application of technology but the process of implementing these innovations is not always successful. The success of collective action is determined by the rational boundaries of society. The rational boundaries of society can be expanded by the presence of symmetrical information. The research objective was to analyze the role of collective action on the application of the Integrated System of Rice Ducks as an effort to increase farmers' income. This research is a case study in Subak Lanyah, Tabanan Sub District, Tabanan-Bali District. Primary data were collected through direct observation and questionnaires while secondary data were collected through literature studies. Analysis of the role of collective action in the application of the integrated system of rice ducks (STIP) was carried out statistically descriptive of farm costs and farmer income. The results showed that the STIP innovation as an effort to increase farmers' income was successfully implemented through Collective action. The collective action mechanism plays a role in strengthening social capital which encourages the application of STIP technology so that the income of Subak member farmers in Subak Lanyah, Tabanan-Bali increases. The success in implementing STIP technology is done by building a process of communication, trust, and networks of farmers with the government, private sector, and universities.of communication, trust, and networks of farmers with the government, private sector, and universities.


Perception is a direct response of something. The process of a person knows things through his five senses. This study aimed to determine paddy farmers perceptions on the role of agricultural extension worker and Gapoktan in Bukit Raya Village, Tenggarong Seberang Subregency, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. This study collected primary data and secondary data. Sampling used purposive method and number of samples of 40 respondents. Data were analyzed by descriptive. The results of this study showed farmers perception on the role of field agriculture instructure has a total score of 3,551 and it is classified as good. While farmers perception on the role of Gapoktan has a total score of 1,706 and it is classified as good.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-69
Hairunnisa Hairunnisa ◽  
Muhammad Noor

The purpose of the study was to describe, and to analyze the Community Information Group in Achieving Public Information in Sidomulyo Village, Anggana, Kutai Kartanegara. Data collection was done by Snowball Sampling method by determining Key Informant using purposive sampling method toward respondent in Sidomulyo Village. Primary data obtained from direct interviews with respondents based on interview guidelines, while secondary data obtained from the book. The results showed that in the absorption of community aspirations and information distribution by KIM is still running well However, there are weaknesses in human resources in internal KIM members busy each - each with a profession so that the performance of KIM less than the maximum. The Community Information Group (KIM) to accommodate the aspirations is already running but does not increase significantly. The form of application in the dissemination of information through blogs, Websites, and Social Media. This is good only to improve communication between the village apparatus and the Kutai Kartanegara Regional Government. The role of coach is expected by KIM Sidomulyo Village because for facilities and services if it can be fulfilled by village apparatus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-47
Yudhi Lestanata ◽  
Ilham Zitri

Human life is highly dependent on natural resources. It is the main and fundamental capital to meet the needs of human life. In this regard, optimizing the use of natural resources must be achieved by considering the potential aspects, conformity sustainability, and consistency, of the benefits to realize its sustainability. To achieve this optimization required the maintenance action at the point of normal balance. This study aims to find out how the role of Local Government in optimizing the potential of tourism in Kenawa Island and what are the factors inhibiting the optimization of tourism potential in Kenawa Island. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, taking the location in Poto Tano Village Poto Tano Sub-district, West Sumbawa Regency, data source in this research is primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of the research indicates that the optimization efforts undertaken by the Regional Government in developing the tourism potential of Kenawa Island are with community participation, environmental carrying capacity, promotion, the involvement of all stakeholder, local ownership involvement, resource utilization continues, accommodating community aspirations, monitoring and program evaluation, environmental accountability, community training. Kehidupan manusia sangat tergantung pada sumber daya alam. Sumber daya alam merupakan modal utama dan fundamental untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kehidupan umat manusia. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka optimalisasi penggunaan sumber daya alam harus dicapai dengan mempertimbangkan aspek potensi, kesesuaian, kelestarian dan konsistensi manfaat untuk mewujudkan keberlanjutannya. Untuk mencapai optimalisasi ini diperlukan adanya tindakan pemeliharaan pada titik keseimbangan yang normal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengoptimalisasikan potensi wisata di Pulau Kenawa serta apa saja yang menjadi faktor penghambat dalam optimalisasi potensi wisata di Pulau Kenawa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriftif kualitatif, mengambil lokasi di Desa Poto Tano Kecamatan Poto Tano Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat, sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya optimalisasi yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan potensi wisata Pulau Kenawa adalah dengan partisipasi masyarakat, daya dukung lingkungan, promosi, keterlibatan segenap pemangku kepentingan, keterlibatan kepemilikan lokal, pemanfaatan sumber daya berlanjut, mengakomodasi aspirasi masyarakat, monitor dan evaluasi program, akuntabilitas lingkungan, pelatihan pada masyarakat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 606-616
Rizki Ananda ◽  
Mardianto Mardianto ◽  
Hasan Matsum

This study aims to analyze the development of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) at BKM At-Taqwa Mosque, Medan Area University (UMA). The focus of the discussion includes (1) the role of the At-Taqwa Mosque BKM as a center for PAI development at the UMA campus mosque; (2) the process of developing IRE at the UMA campus mosque; and (3) the supporting and inhibiting factors for the development of IRE in BKM At-Taqwa UMA. This study uses a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive method. The primary data of the research is the mosque management or BKM Masjid At-Taqwa UMA, while the secondary data is the community of the UMA campus. Data collection was obtained by means of observation, interviews, and document studies. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that (1) At-Taqwa Mosque BKM plays an important role in making the campus mosque a center for IRE development on the UMA campus; (2) the process of developing IRE at the UMA campus mosque is carried out in the form of the ta'lim assembly and TPA in the mosque; (3) as for the supporting factors in the development of IRE at BKM At-Taqwa UMA, namely an organized agenda, adequate number of worshipers, cooperation from BKM management, inviting qualified resource persons/lecturers, and funding support sourced from community infaq. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2A) ◽  
pp. 19 ◽  
Meksy V. G. Timbulus ◽  
Mex L. Sondakh ◽  
Grace A.J. Rumagit

The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the role of farmers in the village agricultural extension Rasi, District Ratahan, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The study was implemented for 4 months, namely from March to June 2016. This study uses primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews with farmers based on a list of questions (questionnaire), while secondary data obtained from the Office of Agricultural Extension Agency for Fisheries and Forestry (BP3K), District Ratahan, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The sampling method in this study is using a non-probability. Analysis of data using a Likert Scale based on the answers of 25 questions to measure the perception of the role of farmers to extension workers with total respondents as many as 36 people. These results indicate that the total score of the level of farmers' perceptions of the role of agricultural extension for 3678 and are in the perception index of 81 percent, thus the perception of farmers as very good. Perception is in excellent farmers also on an indicator of increased productivity results, level of innovation ease of extension can be easily put into practice, the results of innovation extension can be easily seen or observed, productivity increased output is larger than before farmers using agricultural extension innovation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 267
Riyanto Riyanto ◽  
Umar Ma'ruf ◽  
Sri Kusriyah Kusriyah

This study aims to determine the implementation of the role of the police in traffic criminal acts of traffic violations in an effort to build the image of the police as a community protector and inhibiting factors and solutions. The method used is sociological juridical, descriptive analytical research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods are field studies and library studies. The data analysis method uses qualitative analysis. As a knife of analysis, crime prevention theory and law enforcement theory are used. The results showed that the implementation of the role of the police in tackling traffic violations in an effort to build the image of the police as a community protector was carried out through preemptive, preventive and repressive efforts. Pre-emptive efforts are carried out through socialization activities whose main purpose is to instill moral values in society to obey the law. Preventive efforts are carried out through operations or patrols to prevent traffic violations. While repressive efforts carried out through actions in the form of reprimands or tickets to violators. Inhibiting factors in implementing the role of the police in tackling traffic violations in an effort to build an image as a community protector are the lack of professionalism of the traffic police, the legal awareness of the community is still low, and there is a culture of lawlessness from the community.Keywords: The Role Of The Police; Criminal Acts; Traffic Violations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Sumantri Sumantri ◽  
Ratna Ratna

This study aims to determine the role of agricultural extension workers in oil palm farming in Sabbang Village, Sabbang District, North Luwu Regency. This research was conducted in January 2019 with the number of farmers being sampled as many as 31 respondents. Data collected in the form of primary data with secondary data, while the method of collecting data through interviews and observation. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics using a Likert scale. The results showed that the role of agricultural instructors in oil palm farming in Sabbang Village as a whole can be categorized as quite well with a score of 91.76 in carrying out their duties and functions. The role of the agriculture instructor in carrying out education is categorized very well with a score of 108.2, The role of the agricultural instructor in carrying out facilitation is categorized not good with a score of 77, The role of the agriculture instructor in conducting consultations is categorized as quite well with a score of 96, with a score of 81.4, the role of agricultural extension agents in carrying out monitoring and evaluation is categorized as quite well with a score of 96.2.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 257
Pinanus ., Werenengga ◽  
Elsje Pauline Manginsela ◽  
Melsje Y. Memah

This study aims 1. Know the role of agricultural information in increasing the production and income of coconut farmers. 2. Identify sources of information from which coconut farmers obtain agricultural information. Place of study is Pandu Village Bunaken Sub-District Manado City. This research was conducted for three months, ie from August to October 2017. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from 10 coconut farmers using questionnaires. While the secondary data obtained from the Office of Village Pandu Bunaken Manado City. Sampling method in this research using purposive sampling method that is those who belong to upper layer farmers. The results showed 1. The role of agricultural information obtained by coconut farmers that to obtain good production and income is by the processing of land, pest plants, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, production and processing and transport of copra. 2. Sources of agricultural information obtained by coconut farmers is information from fellow farmers and agricultural extension workers.

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