2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Supriyono Supriyono

This paper presents a reflective study on people character development efforts using G*GOLD (Greatness, Gratitude, Obedience, Love, and Discipline) Approach. This study focuses on the reflection of how G*GOLD Approach has contributed to the people character development and this aims at describing the potential impact to contribute to people character development. It has been found out that this approach potentially makes contribution to people character development. Therefore, it is suggested that a further scientific research on the G*GOLD Approach in developing people character for the benefit of the Nation character building is conducted.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Supriyono Supriyono

This paper presents a reflective study on people character development efforts using G*GOLD (Greatness, Gratitude, Obedience, Love, and Discipline)  Approach. This study focuses on the reflection of how G*GOLD Approach has contributed to the people character development and this aims at describing the potential impact to contribute to people character development. It has been found out that this approach potentially makes contribution to people character development. Therefore, it is suggested that a further scientific research on the G*GOLD Approach in developing people character for the benefit of the Nation character building is conducted. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-67
Ghina Maslihah Muharrom ◽  
Gina Nursyayidah Mukaromah ◽  
Hendi Agus Dian ◽  
Neng Syifa Ulfiah ◽  
Elfan Fanhas Fatwa Khomaeny

ABSTRAK Pendidikan membangun karakter merupakan proses panjang yang harus dimulai sejak masa kelahiran anak walaupun baru dirasakan dampaknya setelah anak-anak tersebut tumbuh dewasa. Pendidikan karakter sejak dini merupakan pondasi awal dalam membentuk karakter di masa mendatang. Sikap bersahaja harus ditanamkan pada anak mulai sejak dini karena untuk memilah dan memilih antara apa yang dibutuhkan dan tidak dibutuhkan. Hidup bersahaja banyak memberi manfaat bagi kehidupan karena dapat memperteguh hati untuk selalu bersyukur atas apa yang Allah berikan dan hidup akan lebih berarti bagi sesama. Salah satu membiasakan anak usia dini bersahaja yaitu dengan cara menabung. Menabung berarti menyisihkan sebagian uang yang dimiliki untuk disimpan dalam jangka waktu tertentu. tujuan orang-orang dalam menabung pada umumnya sangatlah berbeda-beda tapi intinya adalah untuk memenuhi ekspektasi atau harapan di masa depan. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, maka penelitian yang berupa kata-kata dan gambar dalam pengumpulan data-data, data tersebut mengandung makna yakni makna yang sebenarnya atau suatu nilai yang baik. Menanamkan sikap bersahaja pada anak usia dini dengan cara pembiasaan menabung.   Kata Kunci : anak usia dini, sikap bersahaja, pembiasaan menabung     ABSTRACT Character building education is a long process that must be started from childbirth even when it is felt after the children grow up. Early character education is an early foundation for character building in the future. Simple attitudes should be instilled in children starting early because to sort and choose between what is needed and not needed. Simple life provides many benefits for life because it can strengthen the heart to always be grateful for what God gives and life will be more meaningful to others. One of the habitual early childhood that is by way of saving. Saving means setting aside some of the money held for a certain period of time. the purpose of the people in saving in general is very different but the point is to meet expectations or expectations in the future. By using qualitative methods, the research in the form of words and images in the collection of data, the data contains the meaning of the true meaning or a good value. Embedding a simple attitude in early childhood by way of saving habituation.   Keywords: early childhood, modesty, saving habits  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-437
Putri Munita

One of the functions of education is to form the character of students. Character building is a system of inculcating character values ​​to students through competency achievement activities in accordance with the level of education. Character education at the institutional level leads to the formation of values ​​that underlie individual behavior applied in society. The problem that arises in this research lies in fostering student character so that it gives rise to several research questions such as: How to plan students’ character development at Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh in building student character, How is the implementation of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program  in fostering student character and what are the implications of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program in fostering students’ character. The purpose of this study is to determine the efforts made by ustaz ustazah in planning student character development in Ma'had, to determine the implementation of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program and to find out what are the implications of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program. in building student character. The research method in this thesis uses qualitative research methods in the form of descriptive analysis. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results in this thesis research indicate that planning at the beginning of the program that  students are required to live in a dormitory and the role of dorm supervisor is very important for students in the dormitory. They carry out disciplinary attitudes through congregational prayers, Implementation of the Ma'had program through the Tsaqafah Islamiyah program, the Tahsin program and the Dormitory program. The ma'had program is very beneficial for students, because undergoing activities in a dormitory is like living in an Islamic boarding school. Surely, it really helps them in doing good things, especially in worship to get closer to the Khaliq and many other positive things that students get during this program. They can manage their time in discipline.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Wachidi ◽  
Phong Thanh Nguyen ◽  
E. Laxmi Lydia ◽  
K. Shankar

character education and Values growth normally happens over various years and inside various situations. Since relatives are the primary people with whom one comes into contact the impact of the family keeps on being critical to a kids's values  and character development. This reality is especially suitable in the preschools and early school years. As understudies progress through state funded schools, it is significant that their training give instructional chances, unequivocal and verifiable that help them build up their convictions about what is correct and great.

Dinie Anggraeni Dewi

ABSTRACT The current state of corruption should encourage every citizens of the nation, all parties, the leaders of the nation, law enforcement officials, educators and religious leaders, to focus their attention to character building. Character development should be established as part of the national strategy to improve nation’s life. The study begins from my concern about the backwardness of character education in Indonesia. The article concludes that to be successfull, character development should include the participation of three important institutions of social life: family (informal), school (formal) and community (nonformal) so as to create sustainability and harmonization. Keywords: Character nation, Young Generation, Formal Education, Informal Education, Nonformal Education. ABSTRAK Merajalelanya korupsi menandai bahwa persoalan pendidikan karakter bangsa harus menjadi perhatian semua pihak, pemimpin bangsa, aparat penegak hukum, pendidik dan tokoh-tokoh agama, golongan dan lain sebagainya. Pembangunan karakter harus dibentuk. Latar belakang penulisan, dari keprihatinan penulis tentang persoalan yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam hal pendidikan karakter bangsa. Dari hasil analisis dan pembahasan, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pembangunan karakter bangsa jika ingin efektif dan utuh mesti menyertakan tiga institusi, yaitu keluarga (informal), sekolah (formal) dan masyarakat (nonformal) sehingga tercipta kesinambungan dan harmonisasi. Kata Kunci: Karakter Bangsa, Generasi Muda, Pendidikan Formal, Pendidikan Informal dan Pendidikan Nonforma

Dian Arief Pradana ◽  
Mahfud Mahfud ◽  
Candra Hermawan ◽  
Herdiana Dyah Susanti

The values of nationalism can be learned from educational materials that are oriented towards character development. Character education is part of a revolutionary zone among students, therefore character education is a very important part to be urgently developed in the minds of the student head because students are the next generation who will lead the nation and state. Character learning that is oriented towards the values of nationalism can overcome various social problems. Building character for the current generation is one of the goals of national education. The Ministry of National Education (2011) describes the matter of character building through educational institutions that in the implementation process designing students to have caring care and responsibility. This analysis concerns that character education is part of the formation of identity, selfconcept, self-esteem, psychology, personality, character, individualistic behavior, character and character. This writing method uses a descriptive method. Discussion: 1). Zone of Nationalism and Learning. 2). Character Education and Learning Development. Conclusion: Character learning in universities is one of the development of learning which should provide an effective space in internalizing the values of Nationalism in shaping the character and civilization of the Indonesian nation to students

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 34-50
Dr. Lubna Farah

The most important foundation of education is character development, and character education is described as a curriculum specifically developed to teach children about the quality and traits of good character. Children's literature can be meant in building Islamic character. Discussion focuses on how literature can be brought into the curriculum in helping to develop character traits in a meaningful manner. Children's literature gradually forms character traits and attitudes that everyone is proud to acknowledge. There is considerable disagreement about what children’s literature is, in particular, “good children’s literature” very little appears to have been written about the problems that can be associated with character-building literature. Children's literature is also used by health professionals for therapeutic purposes (bibliotherapy) to prevent unhealthy habits and addictions, or address psychosomatic disorders. Finally, storybooks and web-based/digital literature can be an effective vehicle for health content, to encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles among Muslim children. Children’s literature provides an avenue for students to learn about their cultural heritage and the cultures of other people.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Putri Amilosa ◽  
Sumedi Sumedi

The background of this research is the education and development which show and develop about religious attitude as the bridge to internalize Islamic knowledge in the daily life. The character development is needed to every teacher for creating how Islamic education can be the base of life in daily activity.A boarding school with it's background and culture to be place which researcher try to know about their model of religious character for studen and implementation. This research is a qualitative field research by taking background of Muhamamdiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. This research is a character education approach. Subject of this research such as Directors, teachers, students of Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The data collecting has done by conducting a sociological dan psychological approach.  Methods of thinking in the analysis of data research is inductive by collecting and combing special words into a unified information. The results show that the character building model used by Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta is by using pesantren system and the teaching of Islamic sciences which directly regulate the dynamics of santri to have good religious character such as being kind people, polite, responsible, and diligent to worship.


Merajalelanya korupsi menandai bahwa persoalan pendidikan karakter bangsa harus menjadi perhatian semua pihak, pemimpin bangsa, aparat penegak hukum, pendidik dan tokoh-tokoh agama, golongan dan lain sebagainya. Pembangunan karakter harus dibentuk. Studi ini dilakukan berangkat dari keprihatinan saya persoalan yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam hal pendidikan karakter, lalu menganalisis fakta-fakta yang ada, dan dari sana menawarkan berbagai alternatif penyelesaian. Dari hasil analisis dan pembahasan, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pembangunan karakter jika ingin efektif dan utuh mesti menyertakan tiga institusi, yaitu keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Karena itu, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menyambung kembali hubungan dan educational networks yang nyaris putus antara ketiga institusi pendidikan ini. Tanpa tiga institusi itu, program pendidikan karakter sekolah hanya menjadi wacana semata tidak akan berhasil karena tidak ada kesinambungan dan harmonisasi. The current state of corruption should encourage every citizens of the nation, all parties, the leaders of the nation, law enforcement officials, educators and religious leaders, to focus their attention to character building. Character development should be established as part of the national strategy to improve nation’s life. The study begins from my concern about the backwardness of character education in Indonesia, and then from there I attempts to propose alternative solutions. The article concludes that to be successfull, character development should include the participation of three important institutions of social life: family, school and community. Therefore, the first step  is  to reconnect the educational institutions with other institutions. Without the three institutions, the school character education program is only a discourse which will not succeed because there is no continuity and harmonization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-226
Riswati Ashifa ◽  
Dinie Anggraeni Dewi

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the values ​​of Pancasila as a national character development strategy in the era of globalization, whether they have been implemented properly or not. The research method that I use in this research uses non-interactive qualitative methods. The results of this study indicate that character building has been carried out by all means, but until now it has not been implemented optimally. This can be seen from the large economic, political and social disparities, unjust rule of law, corruption, collusion and nepotism that spread to all sectors. Seeing the dire situation and condition of the nation's character, our government took the initiative to prioritize the character building of the Indonesian nation. This can be seen from the national development mission itself which consists of eight missions and character education is the first mission in realizing the vision of national development.

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