scholarly journals Nasionalism: Character Education Orientation in Learning Development

Dian Arief Pradana ◽  
Mahfud Mahfud ◽  
Candra Hermawan ◽  
Herdiana Dyah Susanti

The values of nationalism can be learned from educational materials that are oriented towards character development. Character education is part of a revolutionary zone among students, therefore character education is a very important part to be urgently developed in the minds of the student head because students are the next generation who will lead the nation and state. Character learning that is oriented towards the values of nationalism can overcome various social problems. Building character for the current generation is one of the goals of national education. The Ministry of National Education (2011) describes the matter of character building through educational institutions that in the implementation process designing students to have caring care and responsibility. This analysis concerns that character education is part of the formation of identity, selfconcept, self-esteem, psychology, personality, character, individualistic behavior, character and character. This writing method uses a descriptive method. Discussion: 1). Zone of Nationalism and Learning. 2). Character Education and Learning Development. Conclusion: Character learning in universities is one of the development of learning which should provide an effective space in internalizing the values of Nationalism in shaping the character and civilization of the Indonesian nation to students


Merajalelanya korupsi menandai bahwa persoalan pendidikan karakter bangsa harus menjadi perhatian semua pihak, pemimpin bangsa, aparat penegak hukum, pendidik dan tokoh-tokoh agama, golongan dan lain sebagainya. Pembangunan karakter harus dibentuk. Studi ini dilakukan berangkat dari keprihatinan saya persoalan yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam hal pendidikan karakter, lalu menganalisis fakta-fakta yang ada, dan dari sana menawarkan berbagai alternatif penyelesaian. Dari hasil analisis dan pembahasan, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pembangunan karakter jika ingin efektif dan utuh mesti menyertakan tiga institusi, yaitu keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Karena itu, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menyambung kembali hubungan dan educational networks yang nyaris putus antara ketiga institusi pendidikan ini. Tanpa tiga institusi itu, program pendidikan karakter sekolah hanya menjadi wacana semata tidak akan berhasil karena tidak ada kesinambungan dan harmonisasi. The current state of corruption should encourage every citizens of the nation, all parties, the leaders of the nation, law enforcement officials, educators and religious leaders, to focus their attention to character building. Character development should be established as part of the national strategy to improve nation’s life. The study begins from my concern about the backwardness of character education in Indonesia, and then from there I attempts to propose alternative solutions. The article concludes that to be successfull, character development should include the participation of three important institutions of social life: family, school and community. Therefore, the first step  is  to reconnect the educational institutions with other institutions. Without the three institutions, the school character education program is only a discourse which will not succeed because there is no continuity and harmonization.

Nurlaila Nurlaila ◽  
Muassomah Muassomah ◽  
Munirul Abidin

This research is motivated by the demoralization of most of the students who still behave badly due suboptimal character education. This research describes and analyzes the character values according to the Ministry of National Education which are instilled in students in the process of Arabic learning, and the inhibiting and supporting factors for the application of these character values. The study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The results showed that the application of character values in the process of Arabic learning is included in the planning, implementation, and assessment. The teacher integrated character education in the process of Arabic learning by using various approaches, methods, and strategies. Character values that are applied in the process of Arabic learning consist of 21 values. Integrating character values in the process of Arabic learning is inseparable from the inhibiting factors and supporting factors which include nurture and nature factors. Thus, Arabic teachers always try to instill character values to students effectively so that students not only understand the subject matter but also gain positive characters. This research suggests follow-up research studies by comparing two or more educational institutions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-207
Nanik Setyowati

Character building is a very important part of national education goals. As stated in the law no. 20 of 2003 on the national education system which states that the purpose of national education is to develop the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and piety to God Almighty, noble character, healthy knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become citizens of democratic and to be responsible. And one of the researchers' concerns in this context is to try to discuss the implementation of character education in educational institutions, especially in the madrasah. The research methodology used a qualitative approach. Data collection using interview methods and snowball sampling, observation, and documentation techniques. Sources of data in this study were Madrasah Principals, teachers and students in both research objects. Data analysis techniques are data reduction that has been obtained then presented / in the form of display data, and the conclusion or verification. The thinking model used is inductive. The location of the research is in MTsN. Ponorogo and MTs Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo. From the results of the study found that (1) Implementation of character education in MTsN Ponorogo and MTs Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo has been formulated in vision and mission of Madrasah. (2) The efforts of MTsN Ponorogo and MTs. Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo in developing character education is designing activities that terms with the values ​​of character and build madrasah culture. (3) Characteristic implementation of character education in MTsN Ponorogo is to maximize the role of Counseling Guidance (BK) in instilling character in students. While in MTs Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo Implementation of character education is deliberately designed through the development of madrasah culture with the management of all components in Madrasah.

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Agus Supriyadi

Character education is a vital instrument in determining the progress of a nation. Therefore the government needs to build educational institutions in order to produce good human resources that are ready to oversee and deliver the nation at a progressive level. It’s just that in reality, national education is not in line with the ideals of national education because the output is not in tune with moral values on the one hand and the potential for individuals to compete in world intellectual order on the other hand. Therefore, as a solution to these problems is the need for the applicationof character education from an early age.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Zainun Wafiqatun Niam

Character building is an important step in the process of education, especially Islamic education. The occurrence of various forms of immoral behavior from the community, especially students is an increasingly problematic education today. Character building needs to be done early on to students, both within the family and educational institutions. This paper is intended to look at the process of character building in one of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah institutions in Yogyakarta that applies the Fullday school model with a boarding school education base. The formulation of the problem to be answered is about how the process of implementing the Fullday school system in fostering children's character and how to foster children's character with boarding-based values. The results of the study show that character building through the Fullday school program can run more effectively because the teacher's guidance to students is more intensive. In addition, the planting of the values of the pesantrenan can provide students with supplies, such as serving the parents, living a simple and thrifty life, discipline, and so on. Character education and coaching in MI Nurul Ummah is the parents' choice because education obtained by children outside the home can be guaranteed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-437
Putri Munita

One of the functions of education is to form the character of students. Character building is a system of inculcating character values ​​to students through competency achievement activities in accordance with the level of education. Character education at the institutional level leads to the formation of values ​​that underlie individual behavior applied in society. The problem that arises in this research lies in fostering student character so that it gives rise to several research questions such as: How to plan students’ character development at Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh in building student character, How is the implementation of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program  in fostering student character and what are the implications of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program in fostering students’ character. The purpose of this study is to determine the efforts made by ustaz ustazah in planning student character development in Ma'had, to determine the implementation of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program and to find out what are the implications of the Ma'had UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh program. in building student character. The research method in this thesis uses qualitative research methods in the form of descriptive analysis. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results in this thesis research indicate that planning at the beginning of the program that  students are required to live in a dormitory and the role of dorm supervisor is very important for students in the dormitory. They carry out disciplinary attitudes through congregational prayers, Implementation of the Ma'had program through the Tsaqafah Islamiyah program, the Tahsin program and the Dormitory program. The ma'had program is very beneficial for students, because undergoing activities in a dormitory is like living in an Islamic boarding school. Surely, it really helps them in doing good things, especially in worship to get closer to the Khaliq and many other positive things that students get during this program. They can manage their time in discipline.

2021 ◽  
Shely Cathrin ◽  
Reno Wikandaru ◽  
Indah Listiana ◽  
Devi Ratnasari ◽  
Warsidah Warsidah ◽  

Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) have become character-building institutions trusted by the Indonesian people; however, as educational institutions, pesantren must adapt to the national education curriculum which can be challenging. The purpose of this study was to critically identify and analyze the implementation of the educational curriculum at the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo, based on the educational philosophy point of view. A qualitative approach was employed, using the hermeneutics method. Interpretation, description, synthetic analysis, internal coherence, holistic, reflection, and heuristics were used. The results indicated that the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo combined two educational curriculums. Analysis from the educational philosophy perspective found that the implementation of education was based on essentialism educational philosophical ideas, which assume that education is full of flexibility and helps students to adhere to noble values, spiritual characteristics, and human guidance to achieve a more noble life. Keywords: pesantren, curriculum, combination, essentialism, education

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Wachidi ◽  
Phong Thanh Nguyen ◽  
E. Laxmi Lydia ◽  
K. Shankar

character education and Values growth normally happens over various years and inside various situations. Since relatives are the primary people with whom one comes into contact the impact of the family keeps on being critical to a kids's values  and character development. This reality is especially suitable in the preschools and early school years. As understudies progress through state funded schools, it is significant that their training give instructional chances, unequivocal and verifiable that help them build up their convictions about what is correct and great.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Sri Wahyuni

Surah 'Abasa Verses 1-10 are the verses that contains the formation of the leadership character of the Prophet through the warning ('itab) of Allah to His Prophet. So the research aims to find the character building of the leadership of Islamic educational institutions through the Surah 'Abasa verses 1-10. Using the Tahlili Tafsir Method with the tafsir bir-ra’yi (diroyah), this research results in the concept of character building leadership of Islamic educational institutions through the Surah 'Abasa verses 1-10, among others, the first verse shows the importance of the dimensions of performance and appearance of a leader, the second verse shows the dimensions of social status. The third verse contains an element of the self-esteem dimension, and the fourth verse includes an aspect of the educational dimension, the fifth and sixth verses are aware of their duty to serve the people or their subordinates, the seventh and eighth contain elements of a priority scale dimension, and the two last verses (nine and ten) contain elements of the khauf and raja dimensions, put God first in all activities.ABSTRAKSurat ‘Abasa Ayat 1-10 merupakan ayat-ayat yang berisikan pembentukan karakter kepemimpinan Nabi melalui teguran (‘itab) Allah kepada NabiNya. Maka penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan character building kepemimpinan lembaga pendidikan Islam melalui Surat ‘Abasa ayat 1-10. Penggunaan Metode Tafsir Tahlili dengan pendekatan tafsir bir-ra’yi (dirayah), maka penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa konsep character building kepemimpinan lembaga pendidikan Islam melalui Surat ‘Abasa ayat 1-10 antara lain, ayat pertama menunjukkan pentingnya dimensi performa dan penampilan seorang pemimpin, ayat kedua menunjukkan kepada dimensi status sosial, ayat ketiga mengandung unsur dimensi self esteem, ayat keempat mengandung unsur dimensi edukasi, ayat kelima dan keenam menyadari akan tugasnya melayani rakyat atau bawahannya, ayat ketujuh dan kedelapan mengandung unsur dimensi skala prioritas, ayat sembilan  dan sepuluh mengandung unsur dimensi khauf dan raja’ atau mengutamakan Allah dalam segala aktivitas 

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Cepi Riyana

Abstract. The formation of character is one of the national education goals. Article 1 of the 2003 Education Law states that among the objectives of national education is to develop the potential of learners to have intelligence, personality and noble character. Currently karakterbangsa strengthening of the strategic priorities of national education progra, given the state of the nation must be returned to the characterization of identity bangsa.Berbagai efforts should be made to build character education, including through modeling (modeling) characters through 3D animations Fim impressions. The strength of this medium is its appeal capable mengypnosis children so charges can be internalized character education in children. The purpose of this research is to "develop Animation 3D Virtual Reality for Education Character in elementary school," This study uses the Research & Development (R & D) through the stages: (1) analysis of the needs of the Media, (2) Media Development, (3) Validation and Product dissemination. Subjects were students of primary schools, with three locations in West Java (Bandung, Cimahi, Bandung regency). The results of this study indicate that the model is designed with ABC animation (animation character building) a positive impact on habituation as a first step to the formation of character in elementary students.Keywords: Character Education, Film 3D AnimationAbstrak. Pembentukan karakter merupakan salah satu tujuan pendidikan nasional. Pasal 1 UU Sisdiknas tahun 2003 menyatakan bahwa di antara tujuan pendidikan nasional adalah mengembangkan potensi peserta didik untuk memiliki kecerdasan, kepribadian dan akhlak mulia. Saat ini penguatan terhadap karakter bangsa menjadi prioritas program strategis pendidikan nasional, mengingat kondisi bangsa harus dikembalikan pada karakterisasi jati diri bangsa. Berbagai upaya perlu dilakukan untuk membangun pendidikan karakter, diantaranya melalui pemodelan (modeling) karakter melalui tayangan Fim Animasi 3D. Kekuatan media ini adalah daya tariknya yang mampu menghipnosis anak sehingga muatan-muatan pendidikan karakter dapat diinternalisasi pada diri anak. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah “mengembangkan Film Animasi 3D untuk Pendidikan Karater di Sekolah Dasar”, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research & Development (R&D) melalui tahapan : (1) Analisis kebutuhan Media, (2) Pengembangan Media , (3) Validasi dan Diseminasi Produk. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa SD, dengan lokasi di tiga wilayah Jawa Barat (Cimahi, Kabupaten Bandung Barat dan Cianjur). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model animasi yang didesain dengan ABC (animation character building) berdampak pada pembiasaan positif sebagai langkah awal untuk pembentukan karakter pada siswa SD.Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Karakter, Film 3D Animasi

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