scholarly journals The Coaching of Family Welfare and Empowerment Group of Krueng Barona Jaya through the Making of Soap

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 631-638
Mirna Rahmah Lubis ◽  
Husni Husin ◽  
Lia Mairiza ◽  
Yoessi Oktarini

The Krueng Barona Jaya is a sub-district in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, Indonesia. This sub-district is located near the Ulee Kareng area, Banda Aceh. The Krueng Barona Jaya sub-district has at least more than 16,000 people spread across a number of locations. Most of the residents in Krueng Barona sub-district earn their living as farmers, domestic workers, civil servants, entrepreneurs, and 31.53% have temporary jobs. This situation can be improved by providing various training to residents to help them establish their own or group businesses. The community service activity is intended to improve public understanding about technology of making liquid soap. To achieve this objective the team sincerely helped provided training on the process of making liquid soap for mothers in the family-welfare-empowerment group. The results of interviews with the community and sub-district officials showed that the women of the group were very enthusiastic in participating in soap making training and other similar activities. The results of interviews with the community and sub-district officials showed that the women of the group were very enthusiastic in participating in soap making training and other similar activities. The results of the discussion indicated that the participants’ mastery of making soap was very good. This training and coaching opens people’s mind to change their habits and thinking patterns.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-109
Hardian Mursito ◽  
Aulia Ar Rakhman Awaludin ◽  
Theresia Evy Yulianti Nedeak

In general, the residents of RT 004 RW 03 have a level of education at the junior and senior high school levels. This is due to the economic factors and the absence of encouragement from parents for their children to continue their education to a higher level. Moreover, women who do not continue their education at school are unemployed or decide to become housewives, because they do not have the skills to live independently. Most of the mothers are only housewives who only take care of their children and husbands. This condition cannot improve the economic condition of the family that is not fixed and coupled with the high economic burden that requires each family to be able to think creatively in order to survive amid the economic pressure. The objectives of this community service activity included: Assisting women’s group of Family Welfare and Empowerment in the formation of business groups, assisting women’s group of Family Welfare and Empowerment on how to utilize and cultivate the broiler rabbits as a small entrepreneur. The implementation of this training activity was expected to help in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in rabbit cultivation for underprivileged people through the formation of a small business group of women of Family Welfare and Empowerment and in the form of published scientific articles. Abstrak Warga masyarakat yang berada di RT 004 RW 03 pada umumnya adalah lulusan SMP dan SMU. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi dan tidak adanya dorongan dari orang tua agar anak-anak mereka melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Terlebih anak perempuan yang tidak melanjutkan sekolah akhirnya menganggur atau hidup berumah tangga, karena mereka tidak mempunyai bekal keterampilan untuk bisa hidup mandiri. Sebagian besar ibu-ibu hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang hanya mengurusi anak dan suaminya. Kondisi ini tidak dapat memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi keluarga, penghasilan yang tidak tetap dan ditambah beban ekonomi yang tinggi menuntut setiap keluarga untuk dapat berfikir kreatif agar dapat bertahan hidup ditengah himpitan ekonomi. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain: Membantu Ibu PKK dalam pembentukan kelompok usaha yang harus dibentuk, membantu Ibu PKK dalam cara pemanfaatan dan pengolahan kelinci pedaging sebagai wirusaha kecil. Diharapkan setelah kegiatan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan menumbuhkan semangat berwirausaha budidaya kelinci bagi masyarakat prasejahtera melalui pembentukan kelompok usaha kecil ibu PKK dan berupa luaran artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan.

Heny Arwati ◽  
Sri Wijayanti Sulistyawati ◽  
Lynda Rossyanti

The community service activity was carried out with the partner of Karang Taruna Bimantara, as a youth organization located in kampung Kalikepiting Jaya VI, RT 5, RW 5, Kelurahan Pacarkembang, Kecamatan Tambaksari, Surabaya City. This activity was aimed at reviving this organization which has been inactive for a long time and empowering the youths in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. The activities offered were providing enlightenment about Covid-19, assistance in producing liquid soap, hand sanitizers and non-medical cloth masks which could be developed into productive economic businesses. The implementation of these activities also involved the organization of Family Welfare Education (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga or PKK) which was an organization of mothers in this kampung.  The enlightenment were included Covid-19 and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, their prevention and transmission. By producing the items than can be used to prevent transmission of Covid-19 followed by obedience to the health protocols, they could participate in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. In order to increase their knowledge on productive economy, the enlightenment on productive economy, marketing of goods and financial management of business, the enlightenment was also given. Hopefully the activities which can be developed into a productive economy business can increase the income of this kampung. The enlightenment provided pre-test and post-test. Comparison of both tests resulted in an insignificant increased in knowledge on both topics. More participants and more questions are recommended to improve the more significant scores of tests. The sales of liquid soap and hand sanitizer resulted in profit can be used to reproduce. Furthermore, more assistance is needed to develop a business into a productive economy.abstrakKegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan bersama mitra Karang Taruna Bimantara yang berada di kampung Kalikepiting Jaya VI, RT 5, RW 5, Kelurahan Pacarkembang, Kecamatan Tambaksari, Kota Surabaya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menghidupkan kembali organisasi yang sudah lama tidak aktif ini dan memberdayakan para pemuda dalam rangka pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Kegiatan yang ditawarkan antara lain adalah penyuluhan tentang Covid-19, bantuan pembuatan sabun cair, hand sanitizer dan masker kain non medis yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi usaha ekonomi produktif. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini juga melibatkan ibu-ibu yang tergabung dalam organisasi PKK (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) yang merupakan wadah ibu-ibu di kampung ini. Penyuluhan yang diberikan adalah mengenai Covid-19 dan penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk, pencegahan dan penularannya. Dengan memproduksi barang-barang yang dapat digunakan untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19 diikuti dengan ketaatan terhadap protokol kesehatan, mereka dapat berpartisipasi dalam mencegah penularan Covid-19. Untuk menambah pengetahuan mengenai ekonomi produktif juga diberikan penyuluhan mengenai ekonomi produktif, pemasaran barang dan cara pengelolaan keuangan hasil usaha. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi usaha ekonomi produktif ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan RT setempat. Dalam penyuluhan diberikan pre-test dan post-test. Perbandingan kedua tes menghasilkan peningkatan pengetahuan yang tidak signifikan pada kedua topik tersebut. Untuk meningkatkan nilai tes yang lebih signifikan, maka diperlukan jumlah peserta dan pertanyaan yang lebih banyak. Penjualan sabun cair dan hand sanitizer menghasilkan keuntungan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memproduksi lagi. Pendampingan dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan usaha ini menjadi ekonomi produktif. 

Wiwik Gusnita ◽  
Rahmi Holinesti ◽  
Ranggi Rahimul Insan ◽  
Kasmita Kasmita ◽  
Dikki Zulfikar

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mencarikan solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam menghasilkan aneka kudapan yang beranekaragam yang berbasis bahan pangan lokal. Wanita sebagai pengelola rumah tangga, haruslah mampu menggali potensi dan sumber daya keluarga yang ada. Jika sumber daya tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik, niscaya akan sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan taraf kehidupan dan ekonomi keluarga. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dipandang perlu untuk memberikan keterampilan boga untuk ibu rumah tangga, sehingga diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dapat digunakan untuk berwirausaha untuk meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga. Berdasarkan analisis masalah di atas, maka usulan model kegiatan adalah : Pelatihan peningkatan kreatifitas membuat aneka kudapan berbasis bahan pangan lokal, serta pendampingan teknis bagi ibu –ibu rumah tangga yang tergabung dalam PKK Sungai Kunyit Kecamatan Sangir Balai Janggo Kabupaten Solok Selatan, mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, sampai pengelolaan usaha. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan PKM yaitu : Memberikan beberapa alat, bahan pelatihan, serta modul materi pelatihan yang akan dilaksanakan; Penyajian materi sesuai dengan isi buku resep ditambah mengenai materi gizi makanan, hygine dan sanitasi, manajemen dapur, dan kewirausahaan terkait usaha yang akan dijalankan; serta Pelatihan pembuatan beberapa jenis aneka kudapan berbasis bahan pangan lokal. Target luaran kegiatan adalah : Peserta dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menghasilkan aneka kudapan; Peserta mampu menata dan mengelola usaha mereka dengan baik dan berkelanjutan; terdapatnya aneka kudapan khas berbasis pangan lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh bagi konsumen; serta  dihasilkannya publikasinya ilmiah hasil PKM melalui jurnal nasional maupun media masa.Kata kunci: Kudapan, Pangan lokal, Ekonomi keluarga ABSTRACT This community service activity aims to give the good solutions which is faced by the community, especially housewives in producing a variety of snacks that are based on local potential resources. Women as household managers must be able to explore the potential and existing family resources. If these resources can be put to good use, it will undoubtedly be very helpful in improving the standard of living and family welfare. Related to this, it is important to provide skills to housewives, so that it is expected to be able to add knowledge and skills that can be used for entrepreneurship to improve the family welfare. Based on the analysis of the problem above, the proposed activity model is : Training to increase creativity in making various snacks based on potential local resources, as well as technical assistance for housewives who are members of housewife group in Sungai Kunyit. Starting from planning, implementation, and business management, by providing several tools, training materials, as well as modules that will be implemented; Presentation of material in accordance with the contents of the recipe book plus regarding food nutrition, hygiene and sanitation materials, kitchen management, and entrepreneurship related to the business to be run; and training on making several types of various snacks based on potential local resources. The target outcome activities are : Participants can increase their knowledge and skills in producing various snacks; able to organize and manage their business well and sustainably. For the team, to produce the scientific publication of this community service programme through journal or newspaper.Keywords: Snack, Potential local resources, Family welfare

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-312
Dewi Nurul Musjtari ◽  
Maesyaroh Maesyaroh

THE IMPROVEMENT OF COMMUNITY LEGAL AWARENESS IN SANGGRAHAN II, MUNTUK VILLAGE, DLINGO SUB DISTRICT, BANTUL DISTRICT, DIY PROVINCE. The formulation of the problem in the community service activities is how is the process of increasing legal awareness for the community in Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub District, Bantul District, DIY Province. The method used is counseling, training, focus group discussion, and mentoring. The activity was carried out with the participation of administrators, the Family Welfare Program group and the community. The results of this community service activity were that the process of increasing legal awareness for the community in Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub-District, Bantul District, DIY Provine was carried out with 3 (three) types of activities including: legal Comuncation on the legal awareness (neighbors and familylLaw), training for facilitator of the legal awareness and mentoring in resolving disputes in the community of Sanggrahan II, Muntuk Village, Dlingo Sub District, Bantul District, DIY Province.

Zuhud Rozaki ◽  
Arie Kusuma Paksi

Desa Terong memiliki cukup banyak kasus stunting. Perhatian terhadap pemenuhan pangan yang bergizi perlu dilakukan. Upaya peningkatan gizi masyarakat lewat pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan dengan penanaman tanaman buah seperti papaya California dan alpukat yang bergizi bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan gizi dan ekonomi masyarakat sasaran dengan memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Masyarakat sasaran sangat antusias dengan kegiatan pengabdian ini, terlihat dari jumlah peserta saat penyuluhan dan penyerahan bibit pepaya california dan alpukat. Meskipun hasil dari tanaman buah tersebut membutuhkan waktu, masyarakat sasaran merasa bahwa upaya ini cukup membantu dalam usaha perbaikan gizi masyarakat. Bahkan masyarakat berpikiran bahwa penanaman tanaman buah di lahan pekarangan ini bisa menjadi potensi pengembangan desa menjadi desa wisata berbasis buah. Jangka panjang dari dampak kegiatan pengabdian ini sangat berarti mulai dari level keluarga sampai wilayah desa. Pemenuhan gizi keluarga secara mandiri lewat lahan pekarangan perlu dikembangkan, masyarakat perlu lebih disadarkan. Selain memberikan asupan gizi yang baik, juga bernilai ekonomis. Kata kunci: Lahan Pekarangan, Pepaya California, Alpukat, Gizi Masyarakat, Stunting ABSTRACT Keywords: Homegarden, California Papaya, Avocado, Community Nutrition, StuntingStunting cases in Terong Village are quite high. Attention on the nutrient food fulfillment need to be more serious. Efforts to increase people nutrition through homegarden utilization with planting california papaya and avocado can be solution here. This community service activity aims to increase people nutrition and economic through homegarden utilization. Method which was used is extension and assistance. The targeted community was very enthusiastic about this community service program, it can be seen from the number of participants during extension and handing over California papaya and avocado seeds. Although the results of the fruit crops need time, the targeted community feels that this effort is quite helpful to improve people nutrition. The targeted community thinks that planting fruit trees on homegarden can be a potential for village development to become a fruit-based tourism village. The long-term impact of these community service activities is significant from the family level to the village area. Fulfillment of family nutrition independently through the homegarden utilization, the community needs to be more aware. In addition to providing good nutrition, it is also economically valuable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Sakhi Herwiana ◽  
Mukminatus Zuhriyah ◽  
Ria Kamilah Agustina

The objective of this community service activity / PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is to provide knowledge to participants (parents and children) about the importance of character education from early age through the family. This program was motivated by problems that happens in society in Ngusikan, Jombang, East Java, children in that area addicted to play gadgets and have a tendency to anti-social behavior and lack of social courtesy. The method in this program used a dialogical collaborative-participatory approach includes in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for the delivery of material, direct practice to make storytelling media, testing, practice of using fairy tale media and mentoring assisted by KKNT students. The number of participants in this program is approximately 40 participants, including students. This community service activity (PKM) was followed by women who have job as a housewife. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and was a new experience. This community service activity went well and was greeted with enthusiasm from the participants..

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-123
Suherman Suherman ◽  
Andrian Haro ◽  
Sholatia Dalimunthe

Nowadays, solid and transparent soap is often used as a display of wedding souvenirs, air freshener, and handicrafts. With the presence of a solid and transparent soap in very unique display and interesting this can make the soap is sold at a relatively more expensive price in the market. Regarding with the development of solid soap products that can produce several good benefits, this activity needs to be trained, developed and empowered to the parties who have the potential to produce these products. One of the parties that has the potential to be trained is the housewives in the PKK group (Family Welfare Empowerment) at Rawamangun, East Jakarta. This community service activity is done by using lecture and simulation/demonstration method through innovative product development of souvenir soap by using palm cooking oil. The results of the training show the enthusiasm and willingness of the participants to be able to perform individually in the manufacture of solid soap souvenir products and they can produce in large quantities. With this training, the housewives can practice themselves at home and be motivated to open business opportunities through these product so it can be feasible for sale in the market

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty ◽  
Abdul Haqqi Adnan ◽  
Nurul Arijah Atrabina

Waste is a problem that must be faced by residential communities both in urban and rural settlements, so it needs to be systematically structured and sustainable. Conventional waste handling that has been implemented by the community cannot produce an appropriate solution, this is evident that there is still a large volume of waste that has not been managed properly. The purpose of implementing community service activities in the village of Sedapurklagen in Benjeng Gresik is to utilize household waste through compoter and biopori as well as the application of Biopori to treat household waste that can also reduce waterlogging during rain. The implementation method is used so that the purpose of this service activity is to empower the community about managing household waste to be composted through composter, as well as training on composting from composter and biopori. The target of this activity is the mothers of family welfare coaching (PKK) in the village of Sedapurklagen, Benjeng Gresik. The result of this service is that the community has begun to process organic waste to make compost and million biopori pipes around the Posapur, Sedapurklagen Gresik to reduce the presence of standing water during the rainy season. 

Hikma Ellya ◽  
Nurlaila Nurlaila ◽  
Nukhak Nufita Sari ◽  
Rila Rahma Apriani ◽  
Ronny Mulyawan ◽  

Banjarbaru merupakan kota pemukiman yang sebagian besar penduduknya tinggal di lahan sempit. Diversifikasi tanaman pekarangan perlu dilakukan di Kota Banjarbaru. Salah satu tanaman pekarangan yang mulai dibudidayakan masyarakat perkotaan pada saat ini dikenal dengan sebutan bayam Brazil (Alternanthera sissoo). Tanaman ini mulai diimpor dan diperkenalkan ke beberapa negara Asia Tenggara, seperti Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan introduksi tanaman Bayam Brazil sebagai tanaman pekarangan di Kota Banjarbaru. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah metode penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilaksanakan di Aula Gawi Sabarataan Balai Kota Pemerintah Kota Banjarbaru selama satu hari. Peserta kegiatan berjumlah 59 orang yang terdiri dari Ketua Kelompok Wanita Tani, Ketua Dasa Wisma, dan Tim Penggerak PKK Kota Banjarbaru. Pendampingan penanaman bayam Brazil dilakukan di beberapa kelompok wanita tani. Masyarakat Kota Banjarbaru sangat antusias untuk menanam tanaman bayam Brazil di pekarangan. Hal ini karena tanaman bayam Brazil dapat dikonsumsi, mudah diperbanyak, mudah dibudidayakan, dan memiliki bentuk yang estetik. Kata kunci: Bayam Brazil, Lahan Pekarangan,Urban Farming ABSTRACT Banjarbaru is a residential city that mostly lives in narrow land. Diversification of yard plants needs to be done in Banjarbaru. One of the yard plants that began to be cultivated by urban communities today is known as Brazilian spinach (Alternanthera sissoo). This plant began to be imported and introduced to several Southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. This community service activity aims to provide assistance in the introduction of Brazilian spinach plants as vegetable backyard in Banjarbaru Town. The method of activity used in community service is the method of counseling and assistance.  Counseling activities were held at Gawi Sabarataan Hall of Banjarbaru for one day. The participants of the activity numbered 59 people consisting of the Chairmans of the Farmer Women Groups, the Chairmans of Dasa Wisma, and the PKK (Family Welfare Development) Mobilization Team of Banjarbaru City. Assistance in planting Brazilian spinach was carried out in Farmer Women Groups. Banjarbaru people are very enthusiastic to grow Brazilian spinach plants in the yard. This is because Brazil spinach plants can be consumed, easily reproduced, easy to cultivate, and have an aesthetic shape. Keywords: Brazilian Spinach, Backyard, Urban Farming

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Sri Wulan Anggraeni ◽  
Lusiana Rahmatiani ◽  
Refiza Praditya Alam

Latar belakang dalam pengabdian ini adalah dampak yang ditimbulkan dari covid 19 sangat dirasakan bagi keluarga, tak terkecuali pada aspek perekonomian dan psikologis keluarga.. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini adalah bertujuan untuk memberikan pelayanan konseling kepada keluarga yang terdampak covid 19 untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi keluarga agar dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan lebih baik lagi. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah Keluarga yang terdampak covid 19 Kecamatan Telagasari Desa Kalijaya Kabupaten Karawang yang berjumlah satu keluarga yang terdiri dari 4 orang yaitu ayah, ibu, dan dua anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap awal yang diri dari membangun hubungan konseling dengan klien, mendefinisikan masalah, penjajakan, dan menegosiasikan kontak, selanjutnya tahap kerja yang meliputi penjajakan masalah, bantuan yang diberikan terhadap klien, dan tahap akhir yaitu progress klien. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah proses konseling berhasil untuk meningkatkan motivasi keluarga yang terdampak covid 19. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya perubahan yang terjadi pada klien setelah mengikuti kegiatan konseling yaitu perubahan klien tidak terpuruk lagi dan berusaha bangkit mencari nafkah dan anak-anak klien tetap semangat, sehingga dikatakan untuk program layanan konseling ini dikatakan berhasil. Kata Kunci: Layanan Konseling, Keluarga, Covid 19 The background in this service is that the impact of Covid 19 is felt on families, including the economic and psychological aspects of the family. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide counseling services to families affected by Covid 19 to increase family motivation. in order to live life better. The targets of this activity are families affected by covid 19, Telagasari Subdistrict, Kalijaya Village, Karawang Regency, which consists of one family consisting of 4 people, namely father, mother, and two children. The method used in this activity consists of several stages, namely the initial stage which consists of building a counseling relationship with clients, defining problems, exploring, and negotiating contacts, then the work stage includes exploring problems, assistance provided to clients, and the final stage, namely progress. client. The results obtained were that the counseling process was successful in increasing the motivation of families affected by covid 19. This is evidenced by the changes that occur in clients after participating in counseling activities, namely changes in clients do not fall anymore and try to get up to earn a living and the client's children remain enthusiastic, so that the counseling service program is said to be successful. Keywords: Counseling Services, Family, Covid 19          

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