e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nancy Kojo ◽  
James Siwu ◽  
Johannis F. Mallo

Abstract: Determination of time of death is very important in criminal or civil cases. Exhumation is demolition of grave or autopsy which is conducted for justice by the authorities and stakeholders and the corpse is subsequently examined by a forensic expert. It is expected that there will be some clues to reveal the time and cause of death. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of exhumation by using the time span ratio of deaths according to the autopsy report and deaths according to the results of the examination after exhumation. This was a retrospective descriptive study with a cross-sectional design using secondary data in the Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Department, Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. There were 13 cases of exhumation from October untul December 2014, with a percentage of 46% effective and ineffective 54%. From the 7 ineffective cases, 3 cases with undetermined time of death because they were preserved. Four cases had the comparison between the letter of request and the results of the examination. The other 6 cases had accuracy of effective. Conclusion: Exhumation cases became ineffective due to the lack of cases found and preservation of the corpses.Keywords: time of death, exhumationAbstrak: Menentukan saat kematian penting dilakukan baik pada kasus kriminal atau sipil. Ekshumasi adalah penggalian mayat atau pembongkaran kubur yang dilakukan demi keadilan oleh yang berwenang dan berkepentingan dimana selanjutnya mayat tersebut diperiksa secara ilmu kedokteran forensik. Dari hasil ekshumasi dapat dilihat temuan pemeriksaan pada mayat yang dapat menentukan atau memperkirakan lama kematian dan penyebab kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan efektif atau tidaknya ekshumasi dilihat dari perbandingan rentang waktu lama kematian menurut permintaan visum dan lama kematian menurut hasil pemeriksaan setelah ekshumasi. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif retrospektif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Data sekunder diperoleh di Bagian Forensik dan Medikolegal FK Unsrat RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado bulan Oktober – Desember 2014. Kasus ekshumasi yang didapat sejumlah 13 kasus: 46% efektif dan 54% tidak efektif. Dari 7 kasus yang tidak efektif, 3 kasus tidak dapat ditentukan lama kematian menurut hasil pemeriksaan karena telah diawetkan terlebih dahulu dan 4 kasus mempunyai perbandingan hari antara surat permintaan dan hasil pemeriksaan. Enam kasus lainnya mempunyai ketepatan atau efektif. Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini, sebagian kasus ekshumasi tidak efektif karena minimnya kasus yang ditemukan dan sebagian kasus sudah dilakukan pengawetan.Kata kunci: saat kematian, ekshumasi

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Nur Azizah Fairuz ◽  
Tito Yustiawan

Inaccurate drugs planning may cause excessive budget, stagnant, and stockout. This research aims to analyze drugs planning in medical logistics of Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya. This research is a descriptive study using cross sectional design. Primary data were obtained through observations and interviews. Secondary data were obtained through drugs planning and drugs consumption data from November to December 2016. Afterward, data were processed and found that 40% drugs item on November 2016 have greater amount of consumption than their planning and 65% drugs item on December 2016 have greater amount of consumption than their planning. The method of drugs planning that used in medical logistics of Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya was consumption method, but it was not calculate the average of drugs consumption. After the calculation based on Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1121 Tahun 2008, there is only 20% drugs item on November 2016 which have greater amount of consumption than their planning and 20% drugs item on December 2016 which have greater amount of consumption than their planning. This research showed that the calculation of drugs consumption for medical logistics in Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya need repairement.Keywords: consumption method, drugs planning, hospital

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Pratiwi Dian Pramana ◽  
Mayetti Mayetti ◽  
Husnil Kadri

AbstrakSindrom nefrotik terdiri dari proteinuria massif, hipoalbuminemia, edema, serta dapat disertai hiperkolesterolemia. Proteinuria merupakan gejala utama pada sindrom nefrotik, sedangkan gejala klinis lainnya dianggap sebagai manifestasi sekunder. Kehilangan protein melalui urin menyebabkan terjadinya hipoalbuminemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan antara proteinuria dan hipoalbuminemia pada anak dengan sindrom nefrotik. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi retrospektif dengan desain Cross Sectional. Data sekunder diambil dari rekam medik pasien yang didiagnosis sebagai Sindrom Nefrotik Anak di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Dr. M. Djamil Padang Periode Januari 2009 - April 2012. Penelitian berlangsung dari Oktober 2011- Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukan insiden tertinggi sindrom nefrotik pada kelompok umur >6 tahun terutama pada anak laki-laki dengan rasio 1,43:1. Sebagian besar pasien memiliki kadar protein urin semikuantitatif +3 dengan rata-rata kadar protein urin kuantitatif 3,121 ± 2,157 gr/24 jam. Hampir seluruh pasien mengalami hipoalbuminemia (98,2%). Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara proteinuria dan hipoalbuminemia (p > 0.05). Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh jumlah subjek yang kurang, sehingga penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan berlangsung lebih lama agar didapatkan jumlah subjek yang lebih besar.Kata kunci: Anak dengan sindrom nefrotik, Proteinuria, HipoalbuminemiaAbstractNephrotic syndrome consist of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and may be accompanied by hypercholesterolemia. Proteinuria is a major symptom of nephrotic syndrome, while the other clinical symptoms considered secondary manifestations. Loss of protein in the urine leads to hypoalbuminemia. This study aims to identify the relationship between proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia in children with Nephrotic Syndrome. Method of this research performed a retrospective study with cross sectional design. Secondary data were taken from medical record of patients that were diagnosed as Nephrotic Syndrome Children in General Hospital Dr. M. Djamil Padang period January 2009 - April 2012. The study was held on October 2011 - December 2012. The result of this study showed that the highest incidence of Nephrotic Syndrome in the age group >6 years old especially in male with the ratio 1,43:1. Most of patients have levels of semiquantitative urinary protein +3 with average levels of quantitative urinary protein 3.121 ± 2.157 gr/24 hours. Almost all of the patients had hypoalbuminemia (98.2%). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia (p> 0.05). This may be due to the less number of subjects, so further research is expected to last much longer in order to have a larger number of subjects.Keywords:Nephrotic syndrome children, Proteinuria, Hypoalbuminemia

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Rica Frastia Prahardani ◽  
Lutfi Agus Salim

Gestation is the growth of an embryo which starts from conception and ends at the beginning of labor. The most common direct causes of complications in pregnancy respectively are preeclampsia (28.7%), bleeding (22.42%), and infection (3.45%). The most common infection that is experienced by mothers due to complications of pregnancy is due to premature ruptured membranes (65%). The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of pregnant women who experienced premature ruptured membranes at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong. This is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The population is all pregnant women with premature ruptured membranes (KPD) at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong, in April–May 2015, totalling 36 women. The sample was all pregnant women with premature ruptured membranes (KPD) at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong, throughout April–May 2015 and the sampling technique used was non probability sampling. The secondary data were obtained from medical record data at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong, from April to May 2015. The results showed that the characteristics of pregnant women with KPD were that they were mostly 20–35 years of age (91.7%), had primiparous parity (63.9%), were mostly working mothers (72.2%), and had secondary education (80.6%).

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Rica Frastia Prahardani ◽  
Lutfi Agus Salim

Gestation is the growth of an embryo which starts from conception and ends at the beginning of labor. The most common direct causes of complications in pregnancy respectively are preeclampsia (28.7%), bleeding (22.42%), and infection (3.45%). The most common infection that is experienced by mothers due to complications of pregnancy is due to premature ruptured membranes (65%). The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of pregnant women who experienced premature ruptured membranes at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong. This is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The population is all pregnant women with premature ruptured membranes (KPD) at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong, in April–May 2015, totalling 36 women. The sample was all pregnant women with premature ruptured membranes (KPD) at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong, throughout April–May 2015 and the sampling technique used was non probability sampling. The secondary data were obtained from medical record data at Assalam Hospital, Gemolong, from April to May 2015. The results showed that the characteristics of pregnant women with KPD were that they were mostly 20–35 years of age (91.7%), had primiparous parity (63.9%), were mostly working mothers (72.2%), and had secondary education (80.6%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Mohamad Anis Fahmi

Background: Low public awareness of the impact of smoking makes the implementation of smoke-free areas (KTR) difficult. Smoke-free areas aim to protect the public from the direct and indirect effects of smoking. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the application of smoke-free areas and the prevalence of active and ex-smokers in Indonesia. Method: This study implemented a cross-sectional design, using secondary data from the Riskesdas 2018 on active and ex-smokers. KTR application data were obtained from the Profile of Non-Communicable Diseases in 2016. A Pearson product-moment test was conducted by a computer application to determine the correlation coefficient (r). This coefficient was used to describe the level of correlation between the two variables; significance was determined as a p value of 5%. Results: This study showed that the average application of KTR throughout Indonesia was 50.83%, active smokers comprised 23.49% of the population, and ex-smokers comprised 4.94%. Most active smokers were in Java and Sumatra, while the majority of ex-smokers were in Java and Sulawesi and the majority of KTR was in Java. This study shows that there is a positive correlation between KTR application and the percentage of ex-smokers (r = 0.46; p value = 0.01). Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between the application of KTR and an increase in ex-smokers. The government needs to increase the application of KTR policies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Selfesina Sikoway ◽  
Yanti Mewo ◽  
Youla Assa

Abstract: Hemoglobin (Hb) is a parameter used to determine anemia prevalence. The average level of normal Hb at the end of pregnancy is around 12.5 g/dL, meanwhile, aproximately 5% of pregnant women have Hb level less than 11.0 g/dL. To date, Hb level below 11.0 g/dL especially at the end of pregnancy should be considered as an abnormal phenomenon and is usually caused by iron deficiency and not by hypervolemia which is commonly found in pregnancy. This study was aimed to determine the hemoglobin level of third semester pregnant women in Robert Wolter Mongisidi Hospital Manado. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Subjects were 39 third semester pregnant women who visited the Obstetric Department of Robert Wolter Mongisidi Hospital and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The results showed that 25 subjects (64.1%) had low hemoglobin levels and 14 subjects (35.9%) had normal level of hemoglobin. In conclusion, most third semester pregnant women had low hemoglobin levels.Keywords: hemoglobin rate, third trimester pregnant women, anemia Abstrak: Hemoglobin (Hb) darah merupakan parameter yang digunakan untuk menetapkan prevalensi anemia. Nilai normal Hb pada akhir kehamilan rata-rata 12,5 g/dL, dan sekitar 5% wanita hamil konsentrasinya kurang dari 11,0 g/dL. Nilai Hb dibawah 11,0 g/dL terutama pada akhir kehamilan perlu dianggap abnormal dan biasanya disebabkan oleh defisiensi besi dan bukan karena hipervolemia yang umumnya ditemukan pada kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil trimester III di Rumah Sakit Robert Wolter Mongisidi Manado. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subyek penelitian ialah 39 ibu hamil trimester III yang berkunjung di Poliklinik Kebidanan di Rumah Sakit Robert Wolter Mongisidi Manado yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 25 subyek (64,1%) memiliki kadar hemoglobin rendah dan 14 subyek (35,9%) memiliki kadar hemoglobin normal. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah sebagian besar ibu hamil trimester III memiliki kadar hemoglobin rendah.Kata kunci: kadar hemoglobin, ibu hamil trimester III, anemia

Raditya Angga Pradipta

Logging the forest production is a high risk work. The condition of the forest acreage is difficult, the imbalance between the tools used by condition of the field and the skills of workers can lead to accidents. One of supporting job in the process of logging the forest production is the operation of the chainsaw that has hazards and risks which must be controlled. The main objective of this research was to risk assessment in the operational of the chainsaw in the work to cutting down trees in Perhutani KPH Madiun. This research was an observational research that conducted using cross sectional design and descriptive analysis. Data were used primary data based on interviews, observations and secondary data collected from the company. This research performed based on work activities of operating chainsaw. The result showed that based on idetification of hazards in activities of operating chainsaw in cutting trees, there were18 hazards Risk assessment showed that from 18 pure risks, there were 4 low risks,7 medium risks and 7 high risks. The conclusion from this research is the risk most dominant obtained from the risk assessment is high risk and risks while each one had the amount of 7 danger or 39 % of all the potential here hazards, to at a job should not be continued, work that needs to be set repeated or attempts to control at work to reduce the risk. Control must be reviewed for conformity before work began.Keywords: cut timber, identification hazards, risk assessment

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ireine S. Waworuntu ◽  
John . Porotu'o ◽  
Olivia A. Waworuntu

Abstract: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). In Indonesia, there are about 430.000 new cases, of which 61.000 cases ended in death. This disease has many clinical varieties, therefore, a gold standard for the right and exact diagnosis is needed. The examination of sputum by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining must be more improved for public health service. This study aimed to determine the profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (acid-fast bacteria) among patients with coughing ≥2 weeks at Ranotana, Wenang and Sario Primary Health Cares (PHCs) by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were obtained by using total sampling method during the period of September 2015 - December 2015. The results showed that there were 38 cases of coughing ≥2 weeks as follows: 15 cases at Wenang PHC, 13 cases at Ranotana PHC, and 10 cases at Sario PHC. The examination of acid-fast bacteria from the 38 cases of three PHCs showed that 1 case (2.7%) had acid-fast bacteria (++). Conclusion: In this study, there was only one case (2,7%) with positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Keywords: cough more than two weeks, tuberculosis, BTA Abstrak: Tuberkulosis adalah suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). Indonesia memiliki sekitar 430.000 kasus baru dimana 61.000 kasus berakhir dengan kematian. Penyakit ini memiliki gejala klinis yang bervariasi sehingga perlu ditetapkan standar baku untuk menegakkan diagnosis lebih cepat dan akurat. Pemeriksaan sputum dengan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen harus lebih ditingkatkan pada pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran Mycobacterium tuberculosis (basil tahan asam, BTA) dengan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen pada pasien batuk ≥2 minggu di Puskesmas Wenang, Puskesmas Ranotana, dan Puskesmas Sario Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan cara total sampling pada kurun waktu September 2015 - Desember 2015. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 38 kasus batuk ≥2 minggu yaitu 15 kasus di Puskesmas Wenang, 13 kasus di Puskesmas Ranotana dan 10 kasus di Puskesmas Sario. Pada pemeriksaan (BTA) di Puskesmas Wenang, Puskesmas Ranotana dan Puskesmas Sario didapatkan BTA (++) 2,7% sedangkan BTA (-) 97,3%.Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 1 kasus (2,7%) Mycobacterium tuberculosis positif

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 70-75

Objective: To identify the factors responsible for noncompliance of Anti Tuberculous Treatment in TB patients. StudyDesign: Cross Sectional Descriptive Study. Place & Duration: The study was Carried out at Chest diseases and Tuberculosis unit BahawalVictoria Hospital Bahawalpur from 15th May 2007 to 15th August 2007. Subject & Method: The tuberculous patients who abandoned antituberculoustreatment repeatedly were interviewed for determination of their reasons to be defaulter before completing therapy byquestionnaire method. The patients were AFB positive on every non-compliance episodes. Results: The total number of 100 noncompliantpatients were interviewed. It was noted that 63% were males and 37% were females among them. There were 72% married and 28%unmarried from total patients. The treatment source was asked and found that 92% used government health out let only and 8% used privateservices also from them. Conclusion: TB is curable disease so health education should be imparted through electronic media andcommitted field teams stressing to take regular and complete ATT according to the physician advice removing the social belief against TBdrugs. Decentralized government and private sector coordination is essential to give treatment at doorstep to reduce dropout and defaultertendency. Stigma of TB as a disease of the illiterate & poor still persists.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Michael B. Tawale ◽  
Lydia Tendean ◽  
Lusiana Setiawati

Abstract: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an inability to achieve an erection sufficient for intercourse with his partner which causes dissatisfaction for both of them. The etiology of ED is classified as psychogenic, organic, drug abuse, and also by post-surgery. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a disease caused by aging. BPH clinical signs usually appear in more than 50% of men aged ≥50 years. This was a survey-descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were obtained by using purposive sampling technique. Respondents were patients at Efrata Adventist Clinic in Manado. The instrument in this study was modified IIEF-5 questionnaire. The results showed that based on the duration of BPH, respondents who suffered from BPH >3 years were as many as 75.0% and <1 year were 7.1%. Based on the ages, respondents of 61-70 years were 46.5 and of 41-50 years were 7.1%. The erectile dysfunction of respondents was classified as moderate 42.9%, mild-moderate 32.1%, severe 17.9%, and mild 7.1%. Conclusion: Most of the erectile dysfunction with BPH >3 years was classified as moderate.Keywords: erectile dysfunction, BPH Abstrak: Disfungsi ereksi (DE) yaitu suatu ketidakmampuan untuk mencapai ereksi yang cukup untuk melakukan senggama bersama pasangannya sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpuasan diantara keduanya. Etiologi DE diklasifikasikan menjadi psikogenik, organik, penyalahgunaan obat-obatan dan juga oleh pasca tindakan bedah. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh penuaan. Tanda klinis BPH biasanya muncul pada lebih dari 50% laki-laki yang berusia 50 tahun ke atas. Jenis penelitian ialah survei deskriptif-observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling pada seluruh pasien di Klinik Advent Efrata Tikala Manado. Variabel penelitian ialah pasien BPH di Klinik Advent Tikala Manado. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner IIEF-5 yang telah dimodifikasi. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan berdasarkan lama menderita BPH, responden yang menderita BPH >3 tahun sebesar 75,0%; 1-2 tahun sebesar 17,9%; dan <1 tahun sebesar 7,1%. Berdasarkan usia responden berusia 61-70 tahun sebesar 46,5% dan 41-50 tahun sebesar 7,1%. DE pada BPH paling banyak termasuk klasifikasi sedang (42,9%), diikuti ringan-sedang (32,1%), berat (17,9%) dan ringan (7,1%). Simpulan: Sebagian besar pasien DE dengan BPH >3 tahun termasuk dalam klasifikasi sedang. Kata kunci: disfungsi ereksi, BPH

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