scholarly journals Gambaran klinis neuropati pada pasien diabetes melitus di Poliklinik Neurologi RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou periode Juli 2014 – Juni 2015

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Faisal S. Hutapea ◽  
Mieke A.H.N. Kembuan ◽  
Junita Maja P.S.

Abstract: Neuropathy is a sensory, motor or mixed disorder of peripheral nerves. This study aimed to describe the clinical picture of neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus at the Neurology Clinic of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. This was a descriptive retrospective study using medical records of patients who came to the Neurology Clinic of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital from July 2014 to June 2015. The results showed that there were 140 diabetes mellitus cases that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria; 83 cases of diabetes mellitus were associated with neuropathy. Neuropathy were most numerous in female patients, age range of 45-65 years, retired profession, and had long-standing diabetes mellitus over 1-5 years. The most common clinical symptom that the patients complained was cramp. Keywords: neuropathy, diabetes mellitus Abstrak: Neuropati adalah suatu gangguan saraf perifer baik sensorik, motorik atau campuran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran klinis neuropati pada pasien diabetes melitus di Poliklinik Saraf RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Jenis penelitian ini ialah deskriptif retrospektif dengan menggunakan data rekam medik pasien diabetes melitus yang datang ke Poliklinik Saraf RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Juli 2014 - Juni 2015. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terdapat 140 kasus diabetes melitus yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dan 83 kasus diantaranya yang mengalami neuropati. Neuropati paling banyak terdapat pada pasien berjenis kelamin wanita, rentang usia 45-65 tahun, pensiunan, dan telah lama menderita diabetes melitus 1-5 tahun. Gejala klinis yang paling banyak dikeluhkan ialah kram.Kata kunci: neuropati, diabetes melitus

Bruce R. Pachter

Diabetes mellitus is one of the commonest causes of neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a heterogeneous group of neuropathic disorders to which patients with diabetes mellitus are susceptible; more than one kind of neuropathy can frequently occur in the same individual. Abnormalities are also known to occur in nearly every anatomic subdivision of the eye in diabetic patients. Oculomotor palsy appears to be common in diabetes mellitus for their occurrence in isolation to suggest diabetes. Nerves to the external ocular muscles are most commonly affected, particularly the oculomotor or third cranial nerve. The third nerve palsy of diabetes is characteristic, being of sudden onset, accompanied by orbital and retro-orbital pain, often associated with complete involvement of the external ocular muscles innervated by the nerve. While the human and experimental animal literature is replete with studies on the peripheral nerves in diabetes mellitus, there is but a paucity of reported studies dealing with the oculomotor nerves and their associated extraocular muscles (EOMs).

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Ezra G. R. Tambunan ◽  
Karel Pandelaki ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to insulin secretion, insulin action or both. This disease affects many societies and continuously growing in Indonesia. Periodontal disease is an oral health problem which has a relatively high prevalence in the community where periodontal disease in all age groups in Indonesia.The purpose of this study was to determine the periodontal disease in patients with diabetesmellitus in RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. This descriptive study has 68 sample taken with total sampling technique. The sample is examined using evaluation criteria gingival index and CPITN index. The result show that subjects with periodontitis with a score of 4 is the highest as many as 18 people (44%) and subject with a score of 2 is that at least as many as 8 people (19.5%). And subjects with bad gingivitis is the highest as many as 10 people (52.6%) and subject with the good gingivitis is the at least as many as 5 people (26.3%). Based on the result of this study, periodontal disease in patients with diabetes mellitus in RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou most that periodontitis with the number of 41 people (68.3%) compared to gingivitis which is just as many as 19 people (31.7%)Keywords: diabetes mellitus, periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontalAbstrak:Diabetes Melitus (DM) merupakan suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia yang terjadi karena sekresi insulin, kerja insulin atau kedua-duanya. Penyakit ini merupakan penyakit yang banyak diderita kalangan masyarakat dan terus berkembang di Indonesia. Penyakit periodontal merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang memiliki prevalensi cukup tinggi di masyarakat dimana penyakit periodontal pada semua kelompok umur di Indonesia.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyakit periodontal pada penderita diabetes mellitus di RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel 60 orang yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Sampel diperiksa dengan menggunakan kriteria penilaian indeks gingiva dan indeks CPITN. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa yang mengalami periodontitis dengan skor 4 adalah yang paling tinggi yaitu sebanyak 18 orang (44%), dan subjek yang mengalami skor 2 adalah yang yang paling sedikit yaitu sebanyak 8 orang (19.5%). Sedangkan yang mengalami gingivitis yang paling tinggi yaitu gingivitis buruk sebanyak 10 orang (52.6%) dan yang paling sedikit adalah yang mengalami gingivitis ringan yaitu sebanyak 5 orang (26.3%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyakit periodontal yang paling banyak ditemui pada penderita diabetes melitus di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado adalah penyakit periodontitis yaitu sebanyak 41 orang (68.3%) dan yang paling sedikit adalah gingivitis yaitu sebanyak 19 orang (31.7%)Kata kunci: diabetes melitus, periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontal

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Febria Syafyu Sari ◽  
Ridhyalla Afnuhazi

ABSTRAK Diabetes Melitus merupakan penyakit yang paling menonjol yang disebabkan oleh gagalnya pengaturan gula darah. Lidah buaya berkhasiat untuk menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah bagi penderita diabetes dan dapat mengontrol tekanan darah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus lidah buaya (AloeBarbadensis Miller) terhadap penurunan glukosa darah puasa GDP) dan 2 Jam PP (Post Prendial) pada penderita DM (Diabetes Melitus). Desain penelitian merupakan Quasi Eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest – postest design. Sampel terbagi menjadi 14 responden. Data dianalisis dengan paired t-test. Hasil menunjukan rata-rata penurunan glukosa darah puasa pada intervensi (28,42 gr/dl) dan glukosa darah 2 jam pp pada intervensi (40,57 gr/dl). Untuk analisis bivariat terdapat perbedaan antara glukosa puasa dan 2 jam pp dengan glukosa darah puasa GDP) dan 2 Jam PP (Post Prendial) pada penderita DM (Diabetes Melitus). Kesimpulan didapatkanlidah buaya dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian jus lidah buaya dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif keperawatan non farmakologi dalam penyakit diabetes melitus. Kata Kunci : Lidah Buaya ; Diabetes Mellitus THE EFFECT OF VEGETABLE VOCATIONAL JUICE ON FAST BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS AND 2 HOURS OF PP (Post Prandial) IN DIABETES MELLITUS  ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is the most prominent disease caused by the failure of blood sugar regulation. Aloe vera is efficacious can to  reduce blood sugar levels for diabetics and can control blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Aloe Barbadensis Miller on the reduction of fasting blood glucose GDP and 2 hours of PP (post prendial) in patients with diabetes mellitus. The research design is Experimental Quasi with one group pretest - postest design approach. The sample is divided into 14 respondents. Data were analyzed by paired t-test. The results showed an average decrease in fasting blood glucose at intervention (28.42 gr / dl) and 2 hours pp blood glucose at intervention (40.57 gr / dl). For bivariate analysis there was a difference between fasting glucose and 2 hours pp with fasting blood glucose GDP) and 2 hours PP (Post Prendial) in patients with diabetes mellitus. The conclusion is that aloe vera can reduce blood glucose levels. Based on the results of research on aloe vera juice can be an alternative non-pharmacological nursing in diabetes mellitus. Keywords: Aloe Vera ; Diabetes Mellitus

2019 ◽  
aura widad al addawiyah hamzah

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in blood glucose (hyperglycemia). Physical activity has an impact on insulin action in people at risk for diabetes mellitus.Lack of activity is one of the contributing factors that causes insulin resistance in type II diabetes mellitus and diet is the behavior of humans or a group of humans in meeting their dietary needs which include food attitudes, beliefs and choices. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between patterns of physical activity and diet with blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes melitustipe II. The research method used is a qualitative method. The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between patterns of physical activity and diet with blood sugar levels. Conclusions there is a relationship between patterns of physical activity and diet with blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes melitustipe II

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Tesaviani Kusumastiwi ◽  
Lilis Suryani ◽  
Denny Anggoro P

Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit metabolik yang memiliki prevalensi yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Penanganan jangka panjang pada penyakit ini dapat memberikan beban baik fisik maupun mental pada penderitanya. Munculnya masalah kesehatan mental pada pasien diabetes melitus akan memperburuk prognosis pasien. Penanganan holistik baik fisik dan mental diharapkan dapat dilakukan pasien diabetes melitus, salah satunya melalui kelompok swabantu (self help group) yakni kelompok yang terdiri dari para penderita diabetes melitus yang saling berbagi permasalahan dan memberikan dukungan satu sama lain. Program pengabdian masyarakat kelompok swabantu  penderita diabetes mellitus dilaksanakan di Desa Bogoran, Trirenggo, Bantul. Kegiatan swabantu berisi tentang sharing dari masing-masing penderita yang dipantau/dimonitor oleh dokter ahli jiwa. Pada kelompok swabantu di Desa Bogoran, Trirenggo, Bantul ditemukan komorbiditas gejala klinis depresi dan cemas pada penderita diabetes. Beberapa permasalahan yang dialami oleh para penderita adalah manajemen stres, gangguan tidur, kepatuhan minum obat, ketakutan akan komplikasi dan penyesuaian gaya hidup. Kegiatan kelompok swabantu selain dapat membantu para penderita diabetes dalam menangani permasalahan yang dihadapi terkait dengan diabetes melitus, juga dapat memberikan rasa kebersamaan dan saling menguatkan antar penderita diabetes.Kata kunci: diabetes melitus, kelompok swabantu, kesehatan mentalAbstractDiabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has a high prevalence in Indonesia. Long-term treatment of this disease can provide physical and mental burden on the sufferer. The emergence of mental health problems in patients with diabetes mellitus will worsen the patient's prognosis. Holistic handling both physically and mentally is expected to be carried out by patients with diabetes mellitus, one is through self-help groups (self-help group), which is a group consisting of people with diabetes mellitus who share problems and provide support for each other. The community service program for self-help groups with diabetes mellitus was carried out in Bogoran Village, Trirenggo, Bantul. Self-help activities are about sharing from each sufferer who is monitored by a psychiatrist. In the self-help group in the Bogoran Bantul area, comorbid clinical symptoms of depression and anxiety were found in diabetics. Some of the problems experienced by sufferers are stress management, sleep disorders, compliance with medication, fear of complications and lifestyle adjustments. Self-help group activities besides being able to help diabetics in dealing with problems faced with diabetes mellitus, they can also provide a sense of togetherness and mutual support among diabetics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Hafna Ilmy Muhalla

Introduction: Indonesia is ranked 4th in the world for the number of diabetics according to WHO, and most of diabetics experience complications, one of which is ulcer diabetikum. This can be a trigger for the emergence of body image disorders from diabetics, so researchers need to know the picture of ulcus sufferers' body image to later be mapped and make it easier in subsequent handling. The research objective is to describe the image of body image in patients with diabetes mellitus with ulcus complications. Physical changes in the body can affect body image and self-esteem Methods: Design of this study used a descriptive research design, the population in this study were all patients who have diabetes mellitus with ulcus diabeticum in Ibnu Sina Hospital Gresik regency with a sample of 20 respondents, samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires with 15 multiple choices question. Furthermore, the data were analyzed with coding, scoring, tabulating presentatif, and described. Results: The results showed a total of 20 respondents obtained ii'om 5 respondents (25%) have a good body image, 7 respondents (35%) had a poor body image and 8 respondents (40%) who did not have a good body image.  Conclusion: Based on the results of this study indicate that in patients with diabetes mellitus who are already experiencing complications of ulcus diabetic almost half of respondents do not have a good body image, and a small proportion of respondents have a good body image. This is due to several factors, namely the respondents admitted that the wounds on his legs is a sign of personal failure on him therefore to improve body image and the changing assessment of the physical condition and provide social support.

Bhaskar MK ◽  
Sanjay Zachariah ◽  
Annette Menezes

Background: Diabetes mellitus can be observed in any age group and gender. If it is not treated on time, it can lead to development of other disorders. The present study aims to evaluate the association of age, gender, duration of diabetes and HbA1C with thyroid profile in patients with diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: The study included 100 diabetic patients based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study protocol was explained to each patient and informed consent was obtained. All the patients demographic and clinical data was recorded and analysed. SPSS (16.0) version used for analysis. Results: Patients between 41-50 years of age showed more of hypothyroid profile. Males are less prone to thyroid disorders compared to females. Patients with DM less than 10 years showed hypothyroid profile. Maximum hypothyroid patients showed HbA1C level less than 7%. Conclusion: The study results conclude that as age progresses, females are more prone to thyroid disorders compared to males. Keywords: Age, Diabetes Mellitus, Thyroid, Gender, HbA1C, Euthyroid

Neeti R. Sheth ◽  
Nabilah A. Sareshwala ◽  
Sushil G. Chaudhary ◽  
Hiren D. Matai

Background: Awareness about diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus.Methods: 50 patients of diabetes mellitus attending Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India, were randomly selected during January 2017 to March 2017. 11-point questionnaire obtained on detailed search of literature on published reports were administered by interviewers well versed in English and Gujarati.Results: Total of 50 patients were randomly selected.42%- females and 58% - males. Mean age - 58.5 years. Age range 40 to 71 years. Patients with good sugar control -26% and poor control - 74%. 94% of the patients were taking treatment for DM and 6% were not on any treatment. 48 % of the patients were illiterate, 10% were graduate and 42% had education below 12th standard. 50% were aware about DM affecting the eye .38% had taken eye treatment and 62% had not. 26% were aware of DM affecting eye inspite of good control and 26 % aware of the need of check-up in poor control. 40% aware of the complications related to DM.Conclusions: Better literacy rates is contributory to public awareness, however trend for poor practice needs to be radically changed with aggressive public motivation emphasizing the necessity of screening and follow ups.

e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Febrina R. Wuwung ◽  
Ora I. Palandeng ◽  
Olivia C. P. Pelealu

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a group of chronic metabolic disease which can affect nearly every organ system in the body. Complications of this disease are diverse and include retinopathy, nepropathy and neuropathy. It has a high prevalence and continued to increase. The relationship between diabetes mellitus and hearing loss have been studied. This study aimed to obtain the average of hearing threshold in patients with diabetes mellitus. This was a descriptive observational study with a cross sectional design. Total 38 diabetes mellitus patients were included in the study. Hearing threshold obtained based on air conduction pure tone audiometry average at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. The results showed that subjects were 65.8% females and 32.4% males. There were 9 subjects (23.6%) with normal hearing, 24 subjects (63.2%) with bilateral hearing loss, and 5 subjects (13.2%) with unilateral hearing loss. Of the 29 subjects with hearing loss, the levels were mild and moderate. None of the subjects had moderately severe, severe, or profound. Conclusion: The majority of subjects in this study had hearing loss.Keywords: diabetes mellitus, hearing threshold, pure tone audiometryAbstrak: Diabetes melitus merupakan suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik kronik yang dapat mempengaruhi hampir setiap sistem organ dalam tubuh. Komplikasi penyakit ini beragam, termasuk retinopati, nefropati dan neuropati. Prevalensinya cukup tinggi dan diperkirakan akan terus meningkat. Terdapat beberapa penelitian yang menghubungkan diabetes melitus dan gangguan pendengaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ambang pendengaran rata – rata pada penderita diabetes melitus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan desain penelitian potong lintang. Sampel total ialah 38 pasien diabetes melitus. Ambang pendengaran rata – rata diperoleh berdasarkan hantaran udara audiometri nada murni rata-rata pada frekuensi 500, 1000, 2000, dan 4000 Hz. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa subjek penelitian 65,8% perempuan dan 34,2% laki – laki. Terdapat 9 orang (23,6%) yang mempunyai pendengaran normal, 24 orang (63,2 %) mengalami gangguan pendengaran bilateral dan 5 orang (13,2%) dengan gangguan pendengaran unilateral. Dari 29 subjek penelitian dengan gangguan pendengaran mengalami gangguan pendengaran kategori ringan dan sedang. Tidak ditemukan subjek penelitian dengan gangguan pendengaran kategori sedang berat, berat atau sangat berat. Simpulan: Mayoritas subjek penelitian mengalami gangguan pendengar.Kata kunci: ambang pendengaran, audiometri nada murni, diabetes melitus

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