e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Gracecylia R. Salampessy ◽  
Ni Wayan Mariati ◽  
Christy Mintjelungan

Abstack: A person who has entered the elderly group will experience a change in the composition of saliva, causing the production of saliva does not function normally and lead to a complaint of dry mouth or xerostomia. This study aimed to identify and clarify the picture of xerostomia in the elderly group who use denture in Minahasa district. Xerostomia is a common problem that many occur in the elderly. Clinically, patients with dry mouth will feel dry on the lips and the corners of the mouth become irritated. This was a descriptive study using a cross sectional design. This study was carried out in all elderly nursing homes in Minahasa district. The samples of this study were all elderly who used denture in nursing homes in Minahasa district. Salivary flow rate was measured with a measuring cup. The results showed that xerostomia was found in 93.75% of the elderly, more dominant in females (96.7%), and more frequent in the age group 65-69 years (63.3%). Conclusion: Xerostomia was more common in female elderly, therefore, it is expected that the elderly have to maintain their oral health by eating nutritious foods and vitamin C.Keywords: denture, elderly, xerostomia.Abstrak: Seseorang yang sudah memasuki kelompok lansia akan mengalami perubahan dalam komposisi saliva, sehingga menyebabkan produksi saliva tidak berfungsi dengan normal dan mengakibatkan keluhan mulut kering atau xerostomia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan gambaran xerostomia pada kelompok lansia yang menggunakan gigi tiruan di kabupaten Minahasa. Xerostomia merupakan masalah umum yang banyak terjadi pada lansia. Secara klinis pasien dengan mulut kering akan terasa kering pada bibir dan bagian sudut mulut mengalami iritasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di seluruh panti werda di kabupaten Minahasa. Sampel penelitian ini ialah semua lansia yang menggunakan gigi tiruan di panti werda di kabupaten Minahasa. Pengukuran laju aliran saliva dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode gelas ukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa xerostomia ditemukan pada 93,75% dari populasi, kelamin lebih dominan pada perempuan (96,7%), dan tersering pada rentang usia 65-69 tahun (63,3%). Simpulan: Xerostomia sering terjadi pada lansia terutama yang berjenis kelamin perempuan. Diharapkan para lansia dapat menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan mengonsumsi makanan bergizi dan kaya vitamin C.Kata kunci: gigi tiruan, lansia, xerostomia

e-GIGI ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Stevany A.D. Tawas ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan ◽  
Damajanty H.C. Pangemanan

Abstract: Generally, in elderly there is a change in saliva composition due to the decreased production of saliva which leads to dry mouth or xersotomia. Clinically, a patient with dry mouth will feel dry on his/her lips and the mouth corners become irritated. This study was aimed to obtain the profile of xerostomia in the elderly at Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur. This was a descriptive study using a cross sectional design. This study was conducted in Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur. Samples of this study were obtained by using total sampling method. The study was performed on 35 peoples aged 60 to 75 years (according to WHO standard) as subjects. Salivary flow rate was measured with a measuring cup. The results showed that xerostomia was found in 87.5% of the subjects, more dominant in females (96.7%), and more frequent in the age group 65-69 years (66.7%). Conclusion: At Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur, xerostomia was more common in female elderly and age group 65-69 yearsKeywords: xerostomia, elderly Abstrak: Umumnya seseorang yang sudah memasuki usia lanjut akan mengalami perubahan dalam komposisi saliva akibat produksi saliva berkurang yang bermanifestasi sebagai xerostomia. Secara klinis pasien dengan xerostomia akan merasa kering pada bibir dan bagian sudut mulut mengalami iritasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran xerostomia pada kelompok usia lanjut di Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur. Terdapat 35 subyek usia lanjut dengan usia 60-75 tahun (menurut standar WHO). Pengukuran laju aliran saliva dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode spitting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa xerostomia ditemukan pada 85,7% dari subyek. Jenis kelamin perempuan lebih dominan (96,7%) dan tersering pada rentang usia 65-69 tahun (66,7%). Simpulan: Pada kelompok usia lanjut di Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur xerostomia lebih sering terjadi pada yang berjenis kelamin perempuan dan usia 65-69 tahun.Kata kunci: xerostomia, usia lanjut

e-GIGI ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Joshua D.G. Tulandi ◽  
Lydia Tendean ◽  
Krista V. Siagian

Abstract: Elderly is the final step of evolution in human life in which the function of oral cavity starts to degrade and impact life, as well as to reduce the aesthetic and phonetic functions. However, the loss of aesthetic and phonetic functions in the elderly stage can be restored by using dentures. This study was aimed to assess the perception about denture aesthetic and phonetic functions among elderly people at International Full Gospel Fellowship Church in Manado. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. There were 73 respondents in this study obtained by using total sampling method and consisted of elderly people who used dentures and agreed to fill the questionnaires. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tables. The results showed that based on satisfaction of using denture, the perception of the respondents had the highest score of 361 points (good category). Based on the aesthetic function, the perception of the respondents had the score of 330.3 points (good category); and based on the phonetic function, the perception of the respondents had the score of 334 points (good category). Conclusion: The perception of aesthetic and phonetic functions of dentures among the elderly people at International Full Gospel Fellowship Manado belonged to good category.Keywords: elderly, perception, denture, aesthetics, phonetics Abstrak: Lansia (lanjut usia) merupakan tahap akhir perkembangan dalam kehidupan manusi dimana mulai terjadinya penurunan fungsi pada rongga mulut yang berdampak pada kehidupan lansia dan penurunan fungsi estetik dan fonetik. Kehilangan fungsi estetik dan fonetik pada lansia dapat dikembalikan dengan pemasangan gigi tiruan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi lansia terhadap fungsi estetik dan fonetik gigi tiruan lepasan di komunitas Gereja International Full Gospel Fellowship Manado. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 73 responden yaitu lansia yang memakai gigi tiruan, diperoleh dengan metode total sampling, dan bersedia mengisi kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh diolah secara deskriptif kemudian disajikan berdasarkan distribusi dalam bentuk tabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi lansia berdasarkan kepuasan pada penggunaan gigi tiruan memiliki skor tertinggi yaitu 361 termasuk kategori baik, persepsi lansia berdasarkan fungsi estetik memiliki skor sebanyak 330,3 termasuk kategori baik,dan persepsi lansia terhadap fungsi fonetik sebanyak 334 termasuk kategori baik. Simpulan: Persepsi lansia terhadap fungsi estetik dan fonetik gigi tiruan lepasan di komunitas Gereja International Full Gospel Fellowship Manado termasuk kategori baik.Kata kunci: persepsi, lansia, gigi tiruan, estetik, fonetik

e-CliniC ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nadya N. Rompis ◽  
Olivia C. P. Pelealu ◽  
Ora I. Palandeng

Abstract: In general, the importance of sense of smell gets little regards from people. This eventually leads to disorders and injuries which impair or terminate the physiological functions and capabilities of the nasal organs. Some of the commonly observed disorders are allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinusitis, and epistaxis. One of the groups that requires health services the most is the senior citizens. This study was aimed to obtain an overview of nasal health among the elderly at Balai Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Terlantar Senja Cerah Manado. This was an observational descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The results showed that there were 31 elderly people as subjects; 3% had masses in the left and right nasal cavities and 3% had narrowing of left nasal cavity. Concha examination revealed that 3% of elderly had hyperemia and edema. Mucous examination showed that 3% of elderly had hyperemia. Secrete examination found 3% of elderly had mucoid secretion. Moreover, septal deviation was found in 6% of elderly and post-nasal drip was found in 3% of elderly. Conclusion: Most elderly at Balai Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Terlantar Senja Cerah Manado had good nasal health.Keywords: nasal health, nasal examination Abstrak: Peran indra penghiduan kurang mendapat perhatian khusus dari masyarakat hingga pada akhirnya timbulnya gangguan atau cidera yang dapat menghilangkan kemampuan dan fungsi fisiologis dari organ hidung. Beberapa kelainan pada hidung yang sering ditemukan antara lain rinitis alergi, polip hidung, sinusitis, dan epistaksis. Salah satu kelompok masyarakat yang paling membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan ialah penduduk lanjut usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kesehatan hidung pada lansia di Balai Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Terlantar Senja Cerah Manado. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 31 subyek lanjut usia. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan dari 31 subyek tersebut, terdapat massa di kavum nasi kanan dan kiri sebesar 3%, kavum nasi kiri sempit sebesar 3%. Hasil pemeriksaan konka, ditemukan edema dan hiperemis sebesar 3%. Pemeriksaan mukosa ditemukan keadaan hiperemis sebesar 3%. Hasil pemeriksaan sekret, ditemukan sekret mukoid sebesar 3%. Pemeriksaan septum ditemukan deviasi sebesar 6%. Post nasal drip ditemukan sebesar 3%. Simpulan: Sebagian besar lansia di Balai Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Terlantar Senja Cerah Manado menunjukkan kesehatan hidung yang terbilang baik.Kata kunci: kesehatan hidung, pemeriksaan fisik hidung

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. e0242832
Nada Buranarom ◽  
Orapin Komin ◽  
Oranart Matangkasombut

Hyposalivation is an important problem in elders and could interfere with several oral functions and microbial ecology. While the number of independent elders who retain more natural teeth increases worldwide, few studies examined hyposalivation in this population. Thus, this study aims to examine relationships between hyposalivation, oral health conditions and oral Candida colonization in independent dentate elders and evaluate factors associated with salivary flow and Candida carriage. We conducted a cross-sectional study in fifty-three dentate elders (≥65 years old with at least 4 pairs of posterior occlusal contacts) with no, or well-controlled, systemic conditions. Participants were interviewed for medical history, subjective dry mouth symptoms, oral hygiene practices and denture information. Unstimulated and stimulated salivary flow rates, objective dry mouth signs, gingival, tongue-coating, and root-caries indices were recorded. Stimulated saliva was cultured on Sabouraud-dextrose agar for Candida counts. Candida species were identified using chromogenic Candida agar and polymerase chain reaction. Statistical significance level was set at p<0.05. The results showed that hyposalivation was associated with higher gingival and tongue-coating indices (p = 0.003 and 0.015, respectively), but not root-caries index. Hyposalivation was also associated with higher prevalence of oral Candida colonization (p = 0.010; adjusted OR = 4.36, 95% confidence interval = 1.29–14.72). These two indices and Candida load were negatively correlated with unstimulated and stimulated salivary flow rates. Interestingly, non-albicans Candida species were more prevalent in denture wearers (p = 0.017). Hence, hyposalivation is a risk factor for poorer oral health and oral Candida colonization in independent dentate elders. Because of its potential adverse effects on oral and systemic health, hyposalivation should be carefully monitored in elders.

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Pingkan E.O. Lengkong ◽  
Damajanti H. C. Pangemanan ◽  
Ni Wayan Mariati

Abstract: Removable partial dentures (RPDs) is a denture that replaces one or more missing teeth in the maxilla or mandible and can be removed by the patient. Patients maintain hygiene habits removable partial dentures can be seen from the frequency, time, and method used to clean dentures varies between individuals and different communities. The purpose of this study is to describe the behavior and how to care RPDs for the elderly in Panti Wredha Minahasa.This type of research is a descriptive study with cross sectional study. The samples were all elderly who meet the inclusion criteria were age 60-80 years using RPDs in seven nursing homes in Minahasa.Based on the research that has been conducted, most respondents RPDs cleaning by brushing without toothpaste 1 (3.3%) and brushing with toothpaste totaled 29 respondents (96.67%). A total of 13 respondents (43.3%) did immersion RPDs. Most respondents simply did immersion by using water that are 17 respondents (56.67%), and no one do immersion using a chemical solution. Most respondents, 13 respondents (43.3%) RPDs cleaning once a day, as many as 28 respondents (93.33%) did not find any difficulty in cleaning RPDs, all respondents (100%) did not get instruction after assembling, as many as 22 respondents (73.3%) using RPDs at night when sleeping.Conclusion: from the study based on behavior, most respondents use RPDs at night when sleeping. Based on how to brush, most respondents RPDs cleaning by brushing use a toothbrush and toothpaste. Based on how to care for the soaking, most respondents did soaking with water.Keywords: removable partial dentures, elderlyAbstrak: Gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan (GTSL) adalah gigi tiruan yang menggantikan satu atau beberapa gigi yang hilang pada rahang atas atau rahang bawah dan dapat dilepas oleh pasien. Kebiasaan pasien memelihara kebersihan gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan dapat dilihat dari frekuensi, waktu, dan cara yang digunakan untuk membersihkan gigi tiruan bervariasi pada setiap individu dan masyarakat yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku dan cara merawat GTSL pada lansia di Panti Wredha Minahasa Induk. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Sampel adalah semua lansia yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yaitu yang berusia 60-80 tahun, menggunakan GTSL di tujuh Panti Wredha di Minahasa Induk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, responden paling banyak membersihkan GTSL dengan cara menyikat tanpa pasta gigi 1 orang (3,3%) dan menyikat gigi dengan pasta gigi berjumlah 29 responden (96,67%). Sebanyak 13 responden (43,3%) tidak melakukan perendaman GTSL. Responden terbanyak hanya melakukan perendaman dengan menggunakan air yaitu 17 responden (56,67%), dan tidak seorangpun yang melakukan perendaman dengan menggunakan larutan zat kimia. Sebagian besar responden yaitu 13 responden (43,3%) membersihkan GTSL sekali sehari, sebanyak 28 responden (93,33%) tidak menemukan kesulitan dalam membersihkan GTSL, semua responden (100%) tidak mendapatkan isntruksi setelah pemasangan, sebanyak 22 responden (73,3%) menggunakan GTSL pada saat malam hari ketika tidur. Simpulan: dari hasil penelitian berdasarkan perilaku, sebagian besar responden menggunakan GTSL pada saat malam hari ketika tidur. Berdasarkan cara menyikat, responden paling banyak membersihkan GTSL dengan cara menyikat memakai sikat gigi dan pasta gigi. Berdasarkan cara merawat dengan merendam, sebagian besar responden melakukan perendaman dengan menggunakan air.Kata kunci : gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan, lansia

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Putri Yuriandini Yulsam ◽  
Fadil Oenzil ◽  
Efrida Efrida

AbstrakPenyakit jantung koroner (PJK) merupakan salah satu penyakit non-infeksi yang menjadi sorotan dunia. Hal ini terkait dengan adanya perubahan gaya hidup seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. WHO pada tahun 2008 memperkirakan 17,3 juta jiwa meninggal akibat penyakit kardiovaskular, 7,3 juta jiwa diakibatkan oleh PJK dan 6,2 juta akibat strok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran insidens riwayat hipertensi dan diabetes melitus pada pasien PJK di RS. Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan potong lintang yang dilakukan di Bagian Rekam Medik RS. Dr. M. Djamil Padang yang berlangsung dari Februari 2012 sampai Maret 2013. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 184 rekam medik, tetapi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi sebanyak 124 sampel Pengolahan data dilakukan secara manual dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi pasien PJK berdasarkan usia yaitu kelompok usia 51-56 tahun sebesar 30,64% dan sebagian besar adalah laki-laki (75%). Prevalensi riwayat hipertensi pada pasien PJK didapatkan sebesar 46,77%, sedangkan riwayat diabetes melitus sebesar 10,48%.Kata kunci: penyakit jantung koroner, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus AbstractCoronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the non-infectious disease that become the world spotlight. It is associated with a change in lifestyle paralel to the era development. WHO in 2008 estimated that 17,3 million people died from cardiovascular disease, 7,3 million attributable to CHD, and 6,2 million died due to stroke. The objective of this study was to describe the incident history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus in patient with CHD in Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang. This was a descriptive study with cross sectional design which carried out in Medical Record of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang from February 2012 until March 2013. The population in this study were 184 medical record, but the samples had the inclusion and exclusion criteria were 124 medical record. All data were processed and analysed by manually and then the data shown by frequency distribution table. The result showed the highest distribution of CHD patient based on age is in the age group of 51-56 years, and majority were male (75%). The prevalence of hipertension history in CHD patient is 46.77% while a history of diabetes mellitus is 10,48%.Keyword: coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 532
AdiastutiE Parmadiati ◽  
NurinaF Ayuningtyas ◽  
Desiana Radithia ◽  
DiahS Ernawati ◽  
Saka Winias ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Ni Wayan Parmini ◽  
Janno B. B. Bernadus ◽  
Angle M. H. Sorisi

Abstract: Diarrhea is one of the main cause of infant mortality in developing countries. Blastocystis spp can cause acute infection as well as manifest as chronic diarrhea in infants due to damaged intestinal mucosa. This study aimed to detect Blastocystis spp in the feces of children with diarrhea. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Population consisted of all feces of children suffering from diarrhea. There were 33 samples in this study examined with the copro Elisa test. The results showed that of the 33 samples there were 60.6% of negative criteria and 39.4% of positive criteria. The highest percentage age group with diarrhea was ≤1 year of age (48.5%), while the lowest one was age group of 5-9 years (9.1%). Male sex was the dominant one. Conclusion: Most of the faeces of children with diarrhea belonged to the negative criteria tested with Copro Elisa.Keywords: Blastocystis Spp, children, diarrheaAbstrak: Diare merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian balita di negara berkembang. Blastocystis spp dapat menyebabkan infeksi akut dan dapat bermanifestasi menjadi diare kronik pada balita akibat rusaknya mukosa usus dan malabsorbsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi Blastocystis spp pada tinja anak penderita diare. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ialah semua tinja anak yang menderita diare. Jumlah sampel diperoleh sebanyak 33 buah dan dilakukan pemeriksaan Copro Elisa. Hasil pemeriksaan dengan Copro Elisa memperlihatkan dari 33 sampel diperoleh kriteria negatif 60,6% dan kriteria positif 39,4%. Kelompok usia yang terbanyak menderita diare ialah usia ≤1 tahun (48,5%), sedangkan yang terendah pada usia 5-9 tahun (9,1%). Untuk jenis kelamin didapatkan jenis kelamin laki-laki 60,6%, dan jenis kelamin perempuan 39,4%. Simpulan: Sebagian besar tinja anak yang menderita diare termasuk kriteria negative dengan pemeriksaan Copro Elisa.Kata kunci: Blastocystis spp, anak, diare

Venetia Aranha ◽  
SM Meghana ◽  
Sandip Kulkarni ◽  
Monica Yadav

Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, is a subjective sensation arising due to the reduced salivary flow. The dry mouth interferes with normal oral functions such as swallowing, chewing and speech. An increase in the incidence of dental caries and oral infections that may impact the oral health is also seen. The aetiology of dry mouth may be due to systemic diseases, drugs or by radiation to the head and neck, the causes hence being multifactorial. The prevalence of dry mouth is commonly seen in nearly half of the elderly population and one fifth of the younger individuals. Salivary substitutes are used to manage xerostomia. However, for long- standing xerostomia, a lot of potential systemic therapies exist. Oral health care providers are now making significant contributions to the diagnosis and are aware of the latest trends in the management of xerostomia. This review aimed to illustrate the current trends in the management of xerostomia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Enny Khotimah ◽  
Amalia Amalia

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection are characterized by a systemic inflammatory response in acute respiration. The inflammatory response can be checked by laboratory tests with C-Reactive Protein. The purpose of this study was to determine CRP levels in elderly patients with comorbidities who were confirmed positive for Covid-19. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a cross-sectional design using accidental sampling technique obtained a sample of 56 patients. This research was conducted at Pasar Rebo Hospital. Based on the univariate statistical test, the frequency distribution of males was 29 people (51.8%) while women were 27 people (48.2%), the elderly group with the highest group was in the elderly group with an age range of 65-69 years as many as 22 people (39.3%), elderly patients with comorbid Hypertension dominate as many as 18 people (32.1%). The results of laboratory examinations showed an increase in levels of C-Reactive Protein which varied, this was accompanied by the condition of patients who had clinical comorbidities. Covid-19 in the elderly also worsens the symptoms and course of Covid-19, due to decreased immune function, the immune system of organs and the many clinical comorbidities that occur.

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