scholarly journals Hubungan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat dengan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien yang Menjalani Hemodialisa

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Devi Listiana

Hemodialysis is a process of cleansing the blood by accumulation of waste. Hemodialysis is used for patients with end-stage renal failure or patients with acute illness who need dialysis for a short time. This study aims to study the relationship of therapeutic communication with anxiety levels in hemodialysis patients in hospitals. Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu City. This research is a quantitative study with cross sectional research design. Sampling in this study used an accidental sampling technique of 38 respondents. Data obtained directly by providing questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results obtained: (1) Of the 38 respondents who did therapeutic communication as many as 27 people (71.1%), and who did not do therapeutic communication as many as 11 (28.9%). (2) From 38 respondents there were 20 people (52.6%) severe anxiety, 4 people (10.5%) moderate anxiety, 10 people (26.3%) mild anxiety, and 4 people (10.5%) did not there is anxiety. (3) There is a relationship between therapeutic communication and anxiety level in hemodialysis patients in the Hemodialysis Room of RSUD. Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu, with p-value = 0.003 0.005. It is expected that health workers, especially nurses, use therapeutic communication techniques prior to hemodialysis to reduce the anxiety of patients who will undergo hemodialysis by providing more accurate information regarding actions to be taken to foster a relationship of trust between clients and nurses. Keywords: Therapeutic Communication, Anxiety Level, Hemodialysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-67
V.A Irmayanti Harahap

ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a malignancy in breast tissue that can originate from the ductal epithelium or lobule. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Indonesia. Specific causes of breast cancer are still unknown, but there are many factors that are thought to have an influence on the occurrence of breast cancer including: reproductive factors, hormone use, obesity, fat consumption, radiation, family history and genetic factors, mutation factors This research is a cross sectional study to determine the relationship of genetic history and obesity with the incidence of breast cancer at Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital in 2018. Collecting data from medical records. The population in this study were all women who were treated in Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital as many as 240 people with a sample of 45 people. This research has been carried out on 04 to 19 July 2018 which was held at RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi. The sampling technique in this study was simple random sampling with a checklist sheet. Data analysis in this study used univariate and bivariate analysis in the form of tables and frequencies. The results of this study indicate that the results obtained from the genetic history of 45 people there were 23 (51.1%) people, the picture of obesity there were 25 (55.6%) people with obesity. Based on the results of the study obtained an overview of the incidence of breast cancer, from 45 people there were 24 (53.3%) people with breast cancer and 21 (46.7%) did not have breast cancer. There was a correlation between genetic history and breast cancer incidence in Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital in 2018 with a p value of 0,000. There is a relationship between obesity and the incidence of breast cancer in Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital in 2018 with a p-value of 0.002.  It is expected that health workers can provide input and information to in formulating a program policy to prevent breast cancer in women Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital.   Keywords      : Breast Cancer, genetic history, obesity Reading List : 21 (2005-2018)  

Wulan Citra Sari

ABSTRAK Measles Rubella (MR) merupakan jenis imunisasi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari dua penyakit sekaligus campak (Measles) dan campak jerman (Rubella) diberikan pada semua anak usia 9 bulan sampai dengan 15 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendidikan dan Sikap Ibu terhadap terhadap Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) Pada Balita di Puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih tahun 2018. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 35 responden dengan sampel seluruh populasi teknik accidental sampling, pengumpulan data melalui data di puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih dan pengisian kuisoner. Dan analisis bivariat pengetahuan responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Rubella MR (p value=0,313) tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan responden dengan pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR), pendidikan responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Ruella (MR) (p value=0,000) ada hubungan terhadap pendidikan responden terhadap pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR), sikap responden terhadap imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) (p  value=0,093) tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap responden terhadap imunisai Measles Rubella (MR). diharapkan kepada tenaga kesehatan khususnya yang bekerja di puskesmas Cambai Prabumulih 2018 untuk lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan, kampanye tentang pemberian imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR). Kata kunci             :Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Sikap Terhadap Imunisasi MR ABSTRACK   Rubella Measles (MR) is a type of immunization that functions to protect the body from two diseases as well as measles (Measles) and German measles (Rubella) given to all children aged 9 months to 15 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, education and attitudes of mothers towards the Measles Rubella immunization (MR) in toddlers at the Cambai Prabumulih Health Center in 2018. The design of this study was descriptive survey research with a cross sectional approach. The total population is 35 respondents with a sample of the entire population accidental sampling technique, collecting data through data in the Cambai Prabumulih health center and filling out questionnaires. The bivariate analysis of the respondents' knowledge of the Measles Rubella MR immunization (p value = 0.313) there was no significant relationship between the knowledge of respondents with the provision of Measles Rubella immunization (MR), respondent education to the Ruella Measles immunization (MR) (p value = 0,000) towards respondent's education on giving Measles Rubella immunization (MR), respondent's attitude towards Measles Rubella immunization (MR) (p value = 0.093) there is no significant relationship between respondent's attitude towards Rubella Measles immunization (MR). It is expected that health workers, especially those who work in the Cambai Prabumulih health center in 2018 to further improve counseling, campaign about giving Rubella Measles immunization (MR).   Keywords      : knowledge, education, attitudes toward MR immunization

Teguh Pribadi ◽  
Herwan Herwan

Background: Feeling anxious due to lack of attention from the surroundings can be solved by providing a good caring performance from the health workers. The nursing experts place caring as the core principle of a nurse in performing his work. Caring behavior refers to giving attention to patients, respecting others, and showing empathy so that a nurse should maintain the relationship with the patients by having this the patients can commit and be responsible with them.Purpose: Knowing nursing caring behavior on anxiety level of hospitalized patients.Methods: This study was a quantitative study. The design was analytical with cross sectional approach. The population of the study consisted of 262 adult patients in average registered at Ryacudu General Hospital, Kotabumi Lampung. The elder and pediatric inpatients were excluded. The samples were 79 respondents. The sampling technique was accidental sampling.Results: Based on the statistical analysis, the p value was 0.487 or the p value > 0.05, there wasn’t nursing caring behavior on anxiety level of hospitalized patients.Conclusion: The health practitioners should improve their nursing quality by following nurse training about therapeutic communication. It is expected that health workers can increase caring so that patient anxiety can be reduced and can improve the quality of health services by providing training to all nursing staff on good and correct therapeutic communication.

2020 ◽  
Kristin Natal Riang Gea

AbstrakKeselamatan pasien merupakan dasar dari pelayanan kesehatan yang baik. Pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan dalam sasaran keselamatan pasien terdiri dari ketepatan identifikasi pasien, peningkatan komunikasi yang efektif, peningkatan keamanan obat yang perlu diwaspadai, kepastian tepat lokasi, prosedur, dan tepat pasien operasi, pengurangan risiko infeksi, pengurangan risiko pasien jatuh. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan penerapan keselamatan pasien pada petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas Kedaung Wetan Kota Tangerang. Metode Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelasi menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sebanyak 50 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar kuesioner. Teknik analisa diatas menggunakan analisa Univariat dan Bivariat. Hasil Penelitian ada Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien pada Petugas Kesehatan, dengan hasil, p value sebesar 0,013 < 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penerapa Keselamatan Pasien pada Petugas Kesehatan. Kesimpulan penelitian ada Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien.. AbstrackPatient safety is the basis of good health services. Knowledge of health personnel in patient safety targets consists of accurate patient identification, increased effective communication, increased safety of the drug that needs to be watched, certainty in the right location, procedure, and precise patient surgery, reduction in risk of infection, reduction in risk of falling patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the application of patient safety to health workers in the Kedaung Wetan Health Center, Tangerang City. The research method uses descriptive correlation using cross sectional approach. The population is 50 respondents. The sampling technique uses total sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet. The analysis technique above uses Univariate and Bivariate analysis. The results of the study there is a Relationship of Knowledge with the Implementation of Patient Safety in Health Officers, with the result, p value of 0.013 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a Relationship between Knowledge and Patient Safety Implementation in Health Officers. The conclusion of the study is the Relationship between Knowledge and the Implementation of Patient Safety.Keywords Knowledge, Patient safety, Health workers

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Ulfah Ilyas ◽  
Maria Sonda ◽  
Hidayati Hidayati

Results of a preliminary study conducted by the author on 28 November 2018 in Kassi-Kassi Health Center Public City of Makassar were interviews with 11 third trimester pregnant women who visited antenatal check, 8 (70%) of pregnant women have not planned where labor, labor companion, potential blood donors and the sticker affixed on the door P4K yet home mom for not knowing the importance of the decal and never be explained by health workers at the first checkups. While 7 (60%) of pregnant mother's husband has not determined the place of labor, labor companion, potential blood donors and did not accompany the mother when the checkups. This study aims to determine the relationship of husband support, knowledge of third trimester pregnant women at health centers with the implementation P4K-Kassi Kassi Makassar.This research uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach, the population in this study is the third trimester pregnant women, using the formula Lameshow obtained sample 85 subjects with a sampling technique is purposive sampling.Statistical analysis showed the Chi-square test obtained significant value p value 0,000 (p<0,05) husband's support with coefficient value (Phi= 0,493), knowledge of third trimester pregnant women p value of 0,001 (p <0,05) with coefficient value (Phi= 0,357). So it can be concluded that there is a relationship of husband support, knowledge of third trimester pregnant women with P4K implementation. Therefore, the husband is expected to support the implementation of the plan P4K safe delivery and is able to prevent pregnancy complications. And for health workers can improve IEC counseling and evaluation of the execution P4K, in particular blood donor candidates planning and sticking stickers P4K at home pregnant women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-181
Nurhafiza Fiza(Fiza) ◽  
Aldiga Rienarti Abidin ◽  
Arief Wahyudi

ABSTRAK Keberhasilan suatu rumah sakit dipengaruhi oleh tenaga kesehatan atau sumber daya manusia yang disiplin, yang mencerminkan kesadaran dan kesediaan mentaati semua peraturan perusahaan dan norma-norma sosial yang berlaku. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi disiplin  kerja diantaranya ketepatan waktu, pemanfaatan sarana, balas jasa, tanggung jawab dan ketaatan terhadap aturan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan disiplin kerja karyawan non medis di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain analitik Cross Sectional study.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga non medis di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center (PMC) yang berjumlah 70 orang . Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik total sampling. Analisis Univariat dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan karakter masing-masing variabel yang diteliti, sedangkan analisis Bivariat dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kedua variabel independen dan dependen. teladan pemipin P value 0.016, balas jasa P value 0.000, keadilan P value 0.000, pengawasan melekat P value 0.011, sanksi hukuman P value 0.008 dengan disiplin kerja. Ada hubungan antara teladan pemipin, balas jasa, keadilan, sanksi hukuman. Di sarankan agar Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center (PMC) dapat meningkatkan penerapan prinsip keadilan dalam lingkungan kerjanya untuk dapat meningkatkan disiplin kerja karyawan ABSTRACT The success of a hospital is influenced by health workers or human resources who are disciplined, which reflects the awareness and willingness to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms. Factors affecting work discipline include timeliness, utilization of facilities, remuneration, responsibility and adherence to rules. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the work discipline of non-medical employees at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital. This type of quantitative research is analytic cross sectional study design. The population in this study is all non-medical staff at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital, amounting to 70 people. The sampling technique used was total sampling technique. Univariate analysis was carried out to describe the character of each variable under study, while Bivariate analysis was carried out to see the relationship between the two independent and dependent variables. leadership models P value 0.016, reward P value 0.000, fairness P value 0.000, supervision attached P value 0,11, sanctions P value 0.008. There is a relationship between leadership models, reward, fairness, supervision attached, sanctions. it is recommended that Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital to increase the implementation of fairness principle in the work environment in order to improve employee’s discipline Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital  

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Rita Sari ◽  
Anifatmawati Anifatmawati

<em>Background: DHF is still an endemic problem for people. Prevention and eradication of DHF until now has not been able to free the community from DHF. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and implementation of DHF prevention with the incidence of DHF in South Pringsewu in the working area of Pringsewu Public Health Center in 2015. Methods: The subjects of this study are the South Pringsewu community of 80 respondents. This research type is analytic survey, using quantitative research methods with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique in this research uses systematic sampling technique. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test with a confidence level of 95%. Results: The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between the level of knowledge and the incidence of DHF with p value 0.012 (p value &lt;0.05) and there was a correlation between the implementation of prevention with DHF incidence with p value 0.002 (p value &lt;0.05). Conclusion: The incidence of DHF is related to the factor of lack of knowledge and the implementation of prevention of DHF endemic emergence</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Zuhrah Gia Tamah ◽  
Muliyadi Muliyadi ◽  
Sri Yulia

Background: Surgery is medication of invasive technique causing physical trauma and risk of death. This high risk can cause a psychological effect namely anxiety in the form of recovery process duration after a surgery.A patient that will go through a surgery feels anxious and needs an intervention of information fulfillment. Objective of the Study: This study aimed to find out the relationship between information fulfillment of pre-surgery patients and their level of anxiety at Muhammadyah Hospital of Palembang in 2017. Method: This study was quantitative using an analytical descriptive design with cross- sectional approach. The sampling technique was accidental sampling with the number of samples of 35 respondents. The data were collected using questionnaire with 12 items of information fulfillment statements and 20 items of statements of anxiety level. This study used bivariate analysis with chi square test. Results: The patients having poor information fulfillment were 22 respondents (62.9%), while those feeling anxious were 23 respondents (65.7%). The results of the statistical test showed that there was a relationship between information fulfillment and level of anxiety (p value = 0.024). Conclusion and Suggestion: Information fulfillment is very important to be carried out to decrease the anxiety of pre-surgery patients. It is expected that health workers particularly nursesapply their knowledge and formulate how to decrease the anxiety of the patients facing a surgery and information standard of pre-surgery condition that can be provided by the nurses in the form of pre-surgery nursing care.

Uni Hardika Rahayu ◽  
Ernawati . ◽  
Yuyun Tafwidhah

Latar Belakang: Komunikasi terapeutik merupakan komunikasi yang dilakukan perawat dalam upaya mempercepat proses penyembuhan pasien anak. Hambatan dalam komunikasi terapeutik yaitu kecemasan yang dirasakan orang tua pasien anak. Upaya untuk menurunkan kecemasan orang tua pasien anak dapat dilakukan melalui pelaksanaan teknik komunikasi terapeutik perawat. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara komunikasi terapeutik perawat terhadap tingkat kecemasan orang tua di Ruang Perawatan II Rawat Inap Anak RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional terhadap 82 responden orang tua pasien anak dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil: Karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia sebagian besar berusia 26-35 tahun dalam kategori dewasa awal (53,7%), jenis kelamin yaitu perempuan (75,6%), dan tingkat pendidikan berpendidikan SMA (48,8%). Penerapan komunikasi terapeutik menunjukkan hasil kurang baik (62,2%), dan tingkat kecemasan orang tua pasien anak menunjukkan kecemasan ringan (46,3%) serta sedang (12,2%). Hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai p value = 0,004 (p< 0,05). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara komunikasi terapeutik perawat terhadap tingkat kecemasan orang tua di Ruang Perawatan II Rawat Inap Anak RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak. Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Terapeutik, Kecemasan Orang Tua Pasien Anak Referensi: 35 (2005-2017) ABSTRACT Background: Therapeutic communication is communication by nurses in an effort to accelerate the healing process of pediatric patients. Obstacles in therapeutic communication are anxiety felt by parents of pediatric patients. Efforts to reduce the anxiety of parents of pediatric patients can be done through the implementation of nurse therapeutic communication techniques. Purpose: Knowingthe relationship of nurse therapeutic communication on anxiety level of parent in the Care Room II Inpatient of the Children of Hospital Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Pontianak. Methode: Quantitative research uses observational analytic design with a cross sectional design of 82 respondents parents of pediatric patients with consecutive sampling technique. Data analysis method uses chi-square test. Results: Characteristics of respondents based on the age of most respondents aged 26-35 years in the category of early adulthood (53.7%), sex, namely women (75.6%), and education level of high school education (48.8%). Application of therapeutic communication showed less results good (62.2%), and parents' anxiety level of children showed mild anxiety (46.3%) and moderate (12.2%). Statistical test results obtained p value = 0.004 (p <0.05). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the therapeutic communication of nurses on anxiety level of parent in the Care Room II Inpatient of the Children of Hospital Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Pontianak. Keywords: Therapeutic Communication, Parents Anxiety of Pediatric Patients Referensi : 35 (2005-2017).

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 402-410
Nadya Eka Fitri ◽  
Diana Chusna Mufida ◽  
Bagus Hermansyah ◽  
Yunita Armiyanti ◽  
Dini Agustina ◽  

Globally, helminthiasis is one of the infectious diseases that are often associated with the incidence of tuberculosis. Helminth co-infection modulates the immune system of TB patients by reducing Th-1 response that functions as protector against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This condition disrupts the process of eliminating bacteria so that its development becomes more progressive. The impact is the activation of latent TB and the success of TB treatment. A Soil-transmitted Helminth (STH) is a group of intestinal worms that often infect humans. Previous studies prove that environmental sanitation and personal hygiene are risk factors associated with STH infection. The study to determine the relationship of environmental sanitation and personal hygiene with the incidence of STH co-infection in TB patients at Puskesmas Puger, Jember in September until December 2019. This study uses a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique uses total sampling. A total of 32 TB patients met the criteria as study sample. The data analysis uses Fisher Test. Results showed the prevalence of STH co-infection was relatively low (18.8%); most of the respondents had good environmental sanitation and personal hygiene conditions. Bivariate analysis showed p-value (0,476) for environmental sanitation and p-value (1,000) for personal hygiene. This study concludes that there is no correlation between environmental sanitation, personal hygiene, and STH co-infection in TB patients at Public health center in Puger.

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