2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-81
Baharudin ◽  
Indah Satria ◽  
Ramanda Ansori

Rule of Law village Badran Sari and Nuts Rejo in the system of hierarchy legislation of village regulations is no longer mentioned explicitly as a type of legislation. That is, the position of village rule is considered only as a further description of the higher legislation, but there is no local government to give village empowerment. The process of establishing a village regulation covering the implementation of the village regulation Program Badran Sari and Nuts Rejo in central Lampung District, Badran Sari Village is already in accordance with the Village Regulation reference Number 6 year 2014 about the village and the role of village head and the village consultative agency while Natan Rejo village has not applied the village regulation and regulations in accordance with Law No. 6 of 2014 but it is appropriate as the absolute rule of the village head without any discussion and consultation with the community in advance. Constraints faced in the establishment of regulations village Badran Sari and Nuts Rejo in central Lampung regency. In the village of Badran Sari that they are experiencing obstacles that relate to the reason of the retribution in the village government, while the village of Nuts Rejo Kecamtan Elephant City is the quality of the performance of villages and BPD is less maximal, lack of socialization of village government to the community, and the performance capabilities of village governance.

2020 ◽  
Nurdian Susilowati ◽  
Amir Mahmud ◽  
Ratieh Widhiastuti ◽  
Wisudani Rahman- ingtyas

This study aims to identify the activities and construct an internal control model of village funds management based on the Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs No. 20 of 2018. The internal control model can be used to actualize good village governance. This study attempts to conduct in-depth interview to village officials and observation in Jambu District, Semarang. Based on the results of this study, the village funds management defines the activities as follows: (a) preparing the budget plan based on the programs set in Village Government Budget (APBDes) proposed as development, government, empowerment, and social activities; (b) carrying out the activities; (c) accountability; and (d) evaluation. Further, the fundamental components of internal control are control environment as the integrity and village officials’ ethics, the leadership of village chief, and the accountability. When village officials possess a strong integrity and ethics, frauds can be minimized. In the other hand, the financial statement is accountable. Besides, the democratic leadership of village chief can increase the accountability and communication so that the policy can be implemented properly as the objectives proposed. Furthermore, it is important to explore the role of society in internal control system of village funds management.   Keywords: internal control, village funds management, good village governance

Imam Subqi ◽  
Saipullah Hasan ◽  
Erin Riani

Abstract: There are 41.12% (29.0370) children experiencing a lack of nutritional intake in children in Wonosobo Regency, this has adversely affected the growth of both physical and non-physical for children due to breast milk intake and unhealthy environment. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of the LPTP through the religious approach in handling the reduction of stunting rates, and how the role of the LPTP in assisting the reduction of stunting rates in the village of Pagarejo Wonosobo with qualitative research using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The results of this study indicate that (1) that the assistance provided by LPTP with a religious approach is based on the Al-Qur’an Al-Baqarah verse 233, that is, Allah has instructed a mother to breastfeed her child for up to two years. A father also has a responsibility to be able to provide for the family such as giving proper clothes to his children. (2) In creating conditions of social welfare and a good quality of life, it is necessary to create an environment that is supportive, responsive and empowers individuals and communities. Through the coordination carried out by the LPTP, the Village Government and Local Government to reduce stunting rates is one way to realize community welfare through the RPJM, RKP and APBDes.Keywords: LPTP; Religion; Stunting.Abstrak: Ada 41,12% (29,0370) anak mengalami kurangnya asupan gizi pada anak di Kabupaten Wonosobo, ini telah berdampak buruk bagi pertumbuhan baik fisik maupun non fisik bagi anak akibat asupan air susu ibu dan lingkungan yang kurang sehat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran LPTP melalui pendekatan Agama dalam penanganan penurunan angka stunting, dan bagaimana peran LPTP dalam pendampingan penanganan penurunan angka stunting di Desa Pagarejo Wonosobo dengan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Action Research (PAR). Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukan bahwa (1) pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh LPTP dengan pendekatan agama di dasarkan pada Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah ayat 233, yakni Allah telah memperintahkan pada seorang ibu agar menyusui anaknya sampai dua tahun lamanya. Seorang ayah juga memiliki tanggung jawab untuk bisa memberikan nafkah bagi keluarga seperti memberi pakaian yang layak kepada anak-anaknya. (2) Dalam menciptakan kondisi kesejahteraan sosial dan kualitas hidup yang baik diperlukan penciptaan lingkungan yang mendukung, responsif dan memberdayakan individu dan masyarakat. Melalui koordinasi yang dilakukan oleh LPTP, Pemerintah Desa dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengurangi angka stunting adalah salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui RPJM, RKP dan APBDes.Kata Kunci: LPTP; Agama; Stunting.

Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Sumiati Sumiati ◽  
Djumahir Djumahir

Strategic management plays an important role in village governance to improve the quality of public services. The Village Government receives substantial funding but has not been followed by adequate strategic management governance. Changes in policy, environmental change and the ability to deliver better quality public services have become the demand for village governments to adapt their institutions for developments and changes. This research focuses on the influence of power and commitment on the application of Strategic Management in Village Government (Study on Village Government in Sidoarjo District). This study aims to explain whether power and commitment have a significant effect on strategic management in Village Government. The research was conducted by using questionnaires to test the research variables from Respondents. The results explain the influence of the two variables and the results are analyzed using WarpPLS. The results of this study indicate that the two variables positively affect the implementation of strategic management in village government. Expert and reverend based power and continuance commitment have a positive effect on the implementation of strategic management in village government. The results of this study will play a significant role in helping Village Governments analyze the factors that influence strategic management governance

I Gede Deddy Rahmat

Abstract:  This research aims to determine and test the effectiveness of the role of the village government in creating a Tourism Village strategy to build competitive advantage in the Era of Industry Revolution 4.0 and to find out the factors that hinder and influence the role of the village government in managing the village of Blimbingsari Tourism Village which is a Special Interest Tourism Village (Spiritual). This research used descriptive qualitative method. The informants in this research were the Headman of Blimbingsari, Village Secretary, BUMDes Treasurer, Secretary of the Tourism Committee, Homestay Owners, Village Community Leaders and Academics. The technique of data collection is done by using triangulation technique (combined), the results of qualitative research emphasize the quality of the meaning of good research.The research results obtained by researchers from interviews, observations, and documentation are the role of the Blimbingsari Tourism Village Government to be carried out well. The Blimbingsari Tourism Village Government has a good role as a stabilizer, innovator and motivator. The provision of internet infrastructure and human resource development is a factor in the development of Blimbingsari tourism village in building competitiveness in the era Industry Revolution 4.0. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji efektifitas peran pemerintah desa dalam menciptakan strategi Desa Wisata untuk membangun keunggulan bersaing di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menghambat dan mempengaruhi peran pemerintah desa dalam pengelolaan desa Desa Wisata Blimbingsari yang merupakan Desa Wisata Minat Khusus (Rohani). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Perbekel Desa Blimbingsari, Sekretaris Desa, Bendahahara BUMDes, Sekretaris Komite Pariwisata, Pemilik Homestay, Tokoh Masyarakat Desa dan Akademisi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi (gabungan), hasil penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan pada kualitas makna penelitian yang baik.Hasil penelitian yang didapat peneliti dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi adalah peran Pemerintah Desa Wisata Blimbingsari dilakukan dengan baik. Pemerintah Desa Wisata Blimbingsari memiliki peran yang baik sebagai stabilitator, innovator dan motivator. Pengadaan infrastuktur internet dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia menjadi faktor pada pengembangan desa wisata Blimbingsari dalam membangun daya saing di era Revolusi Industri 4.0. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Cut Laely ◽  
Murniati Murniati

The Role of Women in village is the most important factor in development of village,but in Blang Village, Syamtalira Aron, North Aceh Regency, there is no role of women in the village governance structure. This is due to the fact that there are no opportunities for women to play an active role in village governance and cultural culture that opposes women to play a role in village governance. This study aims to determine the cause of the absence of women's role in the village government structure and determine the efforts that can be made for women to be able to play an active role in governance structure of village. Researchers used qualitative methods and data collection techniques through initial observation and direct interviews. The results of the study were the absence of an active role among women caused by the limited space for women to play an active role in the village government structure. Distrust of women so that women are placed in daily activities that generally have been carried out routinely by the community. Many factors cause limited space for women in Blang Village, namely factors of community organization, factors of power, factors of public and private, factors patriarchal ideological, and the most fundamental, culture that cause the role active of women can not be accepted at the community in the village government structureAbstrakPeran perempuan dibutuhkan dalam pembanggunan Gampong, namun di Gampong Blang Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron Kabupaten Aceh Utara tidak terdapat peran perempuan dalam struktur pemerintahan gampong. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor tidak tersedianya peluang bagi kaum perempuan untuk berperan aktif dalam pemerintahan gampong serta kultur budaya yang menentang kaum perempuan untuk berperan di pemerintahan gampong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab tidak optimalnya peran perempuan di struktur pemerintahan gampong dan mengetahui upaya yang dapat dilakukan agar perempuan dapat berperan aktif dalam struktur pemerintahan gampong. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui obsrvasi dan wawancara langsung. Hasil penelitian adalah tidak adanya peran aktif dari kalangan kaum perempuan karena disebabkan masih ada keterbatasan ruang gerak bagi kaum perempuan untuk ikut berperan aktif dalam struktur pemerintahan gampong dan ketidakpercayaan terhadap perempuan sehingga menjadikan perempuan hanya ditempatkan pada kegiatan sehari-hari yang umumnya telah dilakukan secara rutin oleh masyarakat. Banyak faktor penyebab terbatasnya ruang gerak bagi perempuan di Gampong Blang, yaitu faktor organisasi masyarakat, faktor kekuasaan, faktor ruang publik dan privat, faktor ideologi patriakis, serta yang paling mendasar adalah faktor budaya patriarki masyarakat Gampong Blang yang menyebabkan peran aktif perempuan tidak dapat diterima dalam struktur pemerintahan gampong.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Dekki Umamur Ra’is ◽  
Yeni Tata Rini

Abstact : The process of implementing village development activities requires a good planning. In the preparation of development planning, the village government is required to be accountable and participatory, considering that this is the mandate of the Regulation. In addition the quality of village development will be determined by the extent of the role of the community in providing aspirations, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the village development as well as the extent to which the village government is able to implement the values of accountability so that the community has access to information and data related to village development. This study using a qualitative approach. Primary data sources in this study were obtained through interviews with the objects interviewed, including: Pemerintahan Desa, Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, Tokoh Perempuan, Tokoh Masyarakat, and Tokoh pemuda. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, it is known that the level of involvement of the villagers in Sumberngepoh in the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring development is still lower. Communities that should be involved have not been well involved, such as vulnerable groups, disabled people, marginal communities, the poor, and women are still not actively involved. While in terms of accountability, based on the results, it is known that the delivery of information related to the planning and implementation process of village development has started well, although there are many things need to be improved. Such as the process of submitting the reports related to the implementation of previously planned development. Keywords : Participatory, Development Planning and Accountability. Abstrak: Proses pelaksananaan kegiatan pembanguna desa memerlukan perencanaan yang baik. Dalam penyusunan perencanaan pembangunan, pemerintah desa dituntut untuk akuntabel dan parisipatif, mengingat hal tersebut merupakan amanah UU Desa. Selain itu kualitas pembangunan desa akan ditentukan oleh sejauh mana peran masyarakat dalam memberikan aspirasi, melaksanakan, mengawasi, dan mengevaluasi pembangunan desa serta sejauh mana pemerintah desa mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai akuntabilitas sehingga masyarakat memiliki akses terhadap informasi dan data terkait pembangunan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan objek yang diwawancarai, antara lain: Pemerintahan Desa, Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, Tokoh Perempuan, Tokoh Masyarakat, dan Tokoh pemuda. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa tingkat keterlibatan warga Desa Sumberngepoh dalam proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan pembangunan masih belum maksimal. Masyarakat yang sepatutnya terlibat belum terlibat dengan baik, seperti kelompok masyarakat rentan, difabel, masyarakat marjinal, masyarakat miskin, dan kaum perempuan masih belum terlibat secara aktif. Sementara dari sisi akuntabilitas, berdasarkan dari hasil anlisa diketahui bahwa penyampaian informasi terkait proses perencanaan dan pelaksaan pembangunan desa sudah mulai baik, walaupun masih banyak hal-hal yang perlu diperbaiki. Seperti proses penyampaian laporan terkait pelaksaan pembangunan yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. Kata Kunci : Partisipasi, Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Akuntabilitas.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Setiadi Setiadi ◽  
Henny Ekawati ◽  
Fadlan Habib

The implementation of Law No. 6 2014 faces obstacles due to the weak quality of village officials and institutions. This has an impact on the weakening role of the village government in its function as a development accelerator. It is necessary to increase the capacity of the apparatus in order to understand how development planning processes should be carried out at the village level, and how these processes are supported by strong village government institutions. In addition, there needs to be a control mechanism for the village government. This can be done by strengthening the role of the BPD. With the increased quality and capacity of village government apparatus and institutions, as well as strong civil society control played by the BPD, there will be a synergy in implementing good development at the village level. Village officials are no longer the sole player in village development. Efforts to create these ideal conditions continue to be in progress at the village level and will always be dynamic due to the influence of supralocal powers which are sometimes not in line with the development and will of the local community.====Implementasi UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 menghadapi kendala akibat lemahnya kualitas aparat dan kelembagaan desa. Hal ini berdampak pada semakin lemahnya peran pemerintah desa dalam fungsinya sebagai akselerator pembangunan. Perlu adanya peningkatan kapasitas aparat agar memahami bagaimana proses-proses perencanaan pembangunan harus dilakukan di tingkat desa serta bagaimana proses-proses tersebut didukung oleh kuatnya kelembagaan pemerintah desa. Selain itu, perlu ada mekanisme kontrol terhadap pemerintah desa. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan penguatan peran BPD. Dengan meningkatnya kualitas dan kapasitas aparat dan kelembagaan pemerintah desa serta kontrol masyarakat sipil yang kuat yang diperankan oleh BPD, akan ada sinergi pelaksanaan pembangunan yang baik di tingkat desa. Aparat desa tidak lagi menjadi pemain tunggal pembangunan desa. Upaya penciptaan kondisi ideal ini terus berproses di tingkat desa dan akan selalu dinamis akibat pengaruh kekuasaan supralokal yang terkadang tidak sejalan dengan perkembangan dan kehendak masyarakat lokal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Muhammad Ilham Dubaili

This research aims to know how the role of village government in community empowerment in agriculture in the village of Bulo Wattang PancaRijang District Sidenreng Rappang and what factors influence the role of village government in community empowerment in the field of agriculture in the village Bulo Wattang Panca Rijang District Sidenreng Rappang. The data collection techniques that are done in this study are observations, interviews, Koesioner, and library studies. The Data is then analyzed using the frequency and percentage table. The population in this study was the farmers in the village of Bulo Wattang as much as 260, while a sample of a population of 72 farmers. Results of this research shows that the role of village government in the community empowerment in agriculture in the village Bulo Wattang Panca Rijang District Sidenreng Rappang with a cumulative result of 64% categorized as "good". The factors that influence the role of village government in community empowerment in the field of agriculture in the village Bulo Wattang Panca Rijang District Sidenreng Rappang (68%), education system (65%), open System (65), orientation to progress (66%), good synergy (66%), interest groups (66%) and quality of human resources (68%) With accumulated results of 65.5% or categorized as "good".

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-344
Bayu Adhinata ◽  
I Ketut Darma ◽  
Ni Wayan Sirimiati ◽  

Village independence is a central issue that is of concern to the government at this time. Village funds provided by the central and regional governments are a way to realize development starting at the village level. The assumption is that when the village is economically, socially, and politically independent, it will support the strength of the state. However, village funds must also be appropriately managed so that village development can be maximized. Good management is an absolute focus to make it happen. Pecatu Village as one of the villages that receive village funds must also make good arrangements to create an independent Pecatu Village, one of which is through village financial management towards an independent village. This study aims to see how the implementation of good village governance through good village financial management is to create an independent village. This study uses a qualitative approach to seeing and analyzing the phenomena and events that occur in the village of Pecatu. The informants in this study were the Head of Pecatu Village, the Head of Government Affairs, the Head of Financial Affairs, and the people of Pecatu Village. The results of this study indicate that Pecatu Village has implemented the principles of good village governance in village financial management to create village independence. One of the efforts to create an independent village is through optimizing the role of village-owned enterprises that help improve the community's economy and village income.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-52
Burhanudin Dwi Rokhmatun

The Village Archives Program (Arsip Masuk Desa/AMD) is a program launched by ANRI since 2009. The objective of AMD Program is to increase the role of archives in administering village government administration in order to improve services to the village community. AMD Program targets are the increasing quality of archival management in village government in accordance with archival rules and legislation.Archival courses presented in the AMD Program includes the Making of Official Scripts, Letters Management, Arrangement and Use of Archives, and Disposal of Archives. The scope that became the object of AMD is the archive created in the Village Government, Village Consultative Board (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa/BPD), and Kelurahan. The obstacles faced in the implementation of the AMD Program stem from the inequalities of potential, conditions, and resources, including village-to-village gaps in the areas of budget and human resources, and socio-cultural differences. Alternative solutions that can be implemented in the implementation of the AMD Program include the formulation of a clear concept, mapping the condition and resources of the village, as well as the preparation of human resources and budget.

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