scholarly journals As práticas corporais de aventura nas aulas de educação física durante o ensino remoto: planejando o movimentar-se com a prancha de equilíbrio

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Kauana Possamai ◽  
Pedro Henrique Monticelli da Luz ◽  
Rogério Santos Pereira ◽  
Isadora Vieira Prates ◽  
Fabiane Castilho Teixeira Breschiliare

OBJETIVO: Apresentar a proposta de planejamento e a construção de uma prancha de equilíbrio para o ensino das Práticas Corporais de Aventura para alunos dos anos finais do ensino fundamental, no contexto do ensino remoto. MÉTODOS: Foi elaborado a partir da Disciplina Estágio Supervisionado em Educação Física Escolar II, desenvolvida no 2° semestre de 2020, do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. texto considera a análise conjuntural da Educação Física no ensino remoto e da unidade educativa que serviu de base para se estruturar este planejamento. A proposta de intervenção foi pensada buscando considerar os conteúdos yoga e meditação que estavam sendo trabalhados pela professora da turma. RESULTADOS: Destaca-se que o conteúdo Práticas Corporais de Aventura surgiu a partir de um levantamento prévio feito com os estudantes sobre conteúdos que tinham interesse em aprender. Foi planejado um conjunto de cinco módulos de conteúdos para duas turmas do nono ano da escola-campo. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que essa experiência pedagógica proporcionou aos envolvidos um conjunto de aprendizados significativos para o incremento da prática pedagógica docente. E que, a ausência do contato mais efetivo com os estudantes e com a realidade da escola-campo impactou a experiência formativa dos graduandos em Educação Física.ABSTRACT. The body practices of adventure in physical education classes during remote teaching: planning to move with the balance board.OBJECTIVE: To present the proposal for planning and building a balance board for teaching Adventure Body Practices to students in the final years of elementary school, in the context of distance education. METHODS: It was developed from the Discipline Supervised Internship in School Physical Education II, developed in the 2nd semester of 2020, of the Licentiate Degree in Physical Education at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The text considers the conjunctural analysis of Physical Education in remote education and the educational unit that served as the basis for structuring this planning. The intervention proposal was designed seeking to consider the yoga and meditation contents that were being worked on by the class teacher. RESULTS: It is noteworthy that the Corporal Practices of Adventure content emerged from a previous survey made with students about content they were interested in learning. A set of five content modules was planned for two classes in the ninth year of the field-school. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that this pedagogical experience provided those involved with a set of significant learnings for the increment of the teaching pedagogical practice. And that the lack of more effective contact with students and with the reality of the school-field impacted the formative experience of undergraduates in Physical Education.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 26-29
Milena Avelaneda Origuela ◽  
Cinthia Lopes da Silva ◽  
Elisângela Aparecida Macedo Fraga

Las comunidades virtuales de internet son un fenómeno de la actualidad, constituyéndose en fuente de investigación y medio de acceso a los discursos sociales. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los discursos de dos comunidades virtuales «Yo amo Educación Física» y «Yo odio Educación Física», del website Orkut. El surgimiento de tales comunidades se constituye como elemento para reflexión acerca de los significados atribuidos a las clases de Educación Física escolar y a la tradición de esas clases en Brasil. Como procedimiento metodológico es realizada investigación bibliográfica e investigación de campo, con base en principios de la etnografía, caracterizando una discusión eminentemente cualitativa. En las entrevistas con los participantes de ambas comunidades fue posible observar que hay varios relatos de malas experiencias en las clases, tanto por parte de los que dicen «amar» Educación Física como de los que dicen «odiar» esa disciplina escolar. La justificativa para eso es la tradición de esas clases en Brasil, siendo predominante una visión de cuerpo y de las prácticas corporales exclusivamente biológica. Esa tradición implica un accionar pedagógico por parte de los profesores direccionado para la universalización de las expresiones de los alumnos, desconsiderando sus diferencias.Palabra clave: Cultura; Prácticas Corporales; Clases de Educación Física; Internet; Escuela; Comunidades virtuales.Abstract: Virtual communities on internet are a current phenomenon. They are sources of research and access to social discourses. The present paper has the objective to analyze discourses in two virtual communities: «I love Physical Education» and «I hate Physical Education» on Orkut website. The emergence of these communities constitutes an element for reflection about the signifiers assigned to Physical Education classes at school and the tradition of these classes in Brazil. Bibliography and field research were the methodological procedures based on ethnography principles characterizing a mainly qualitative discussion. During the interviews with participants from both communities, it was able to realized that there are many complaints of badly succeeded classes by people who say «to love» Physical Education as by the ones who say «to hate» this subject at school.           The reason for that is the tradition of these classes in Brazil, which are mainly an exclusively biological view of the body and body practices. This tradition implies a pedagogical action by the teachers focused on standardizing the students and not considering their differences.Key words: Culture; Body Practices; Physical Education classes; Internet; School; Virtual communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-164
Jéssica Karina Silva Ferreira ◽  
Paula Cristina Da Costa Silva

INTRODUÇÃO: As práticas corporais de aventura na natureza são pouco exploradas nas aulas de Educação Física na Educação Infantil, seja pela lacuna na formação inicial dos professores, por carência de literatura sobre o tema ou infraestrutura adequada nas escolas. OBJETIVO: Apresentar desafios, limites e possibilidades de inserção das práticas corporais de aventura na natureza nas aulas de educação física na educação infantil, em um projeto transversal de Educação Ambiental, mediante uma abordagem lúdica, atraente e significativa. MÉTODOS: A experiência deu-se em 2017, em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, da rede pública, do município de Viana, Espírito Santo, nas aulas de educação física na perspectiva do “se-movimentar”, como parte de projeto transversal de Educação Ambiental. O projeto envolveu 95 alunos, entre 3 e 5 anos, de turmas de maternal II, pré I e pré II. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da observação da professora de Educação Física e registrados com fotos e caderno de campo.RESULTADOS: As experiências desenvolvidas foram enriquecedoras para o aprendizado das crianças, que manifestaram autocontrole, coragem, aumento da autoestima, superação de desafios, elementos essenciais para o desenvolvimento na infância.CONCLUSÃO: O projeto foi exitoso e seu modelo foi adotado por toda a rede de ensino do município, por comprovar que é possível desenvolver um trabalho transversal nas escolas com temas que envolvem a educação física e a educação ambiental.ABSTRACT. Adventure body practices in nature in kindergarden: an experience report.BACKGROUND: The body practices of adventure in nature are few explored in Physical Education classes in Kindgarden, either due to the lack in the initial training of teachers, for few literature about the theme due to the lack of adequate infrastructure in schools.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this report is to present the challenges, limits and possibilities of insertion of adventure body practices in nature in physical education classes in kindgarden, in a transversal project of Environmental Education, through a playful, attractive and significant approach.METHODS: The narrated experience was carried out in 2017, in a Municipal Center for Kindergarden, attending public schools, in the municipality of Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil, in physical education classes from the perspective of “moving around” as part of a transversal project of Environmental Education. The total number of students served in the project was 95, between the ages of 3 and 5, from the respective classes of maternal II, pré I and pré II. The reported data were obtained through observation of the Physical Education teacher and recorded by photos and a field notes. RESULTS: As a result, it was found an enriching developed in the experiences for children’s learning who demonstrated self-control, courage, increase self-esteem, overcoming challenges in the classes, those are essential elements for childhood development.CONCLUSION: The experience proved to be successful and became na example that was adopted by the entire attending public city schools for demonstrating that it is possible to develop transversal work in schools based on themes involving Physical Education and Environmental Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Luis Eugênio Martiny ◽  
Larissa Zanetti Theil ◽  
Eloy Maciel Neto

INTRODUÇÃO: A Educação Física escolar construiu-se por meio de diferentes influências pedagógicas históricas que produziram interferências marcantes na escola, no fazer pedagógico dos profissionais imersos nesse contexto, e consequentemente, contribuíram para um estado de crise identitária da Educação Física. OBJETIVO: Diante este cenário o objetivo principal deste estudo é a reflexão acerca da legitimidade da Educação Física como componente do currículo escolar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um ensaio teórico que propõe a problematização da Educação Física escolar, com destaque para as intervenções pedagógicas dos conteúdos da cultura corporal de movimento. Primeiramente fez-se uma reflexão e discussão sobre o objeto de estudo da Educação Física, posteriormente sobre a sua relevância, seu lugar de pertencimento no sistema de ensino como componente curricular, e por último, sobre as suas condições de possibilidade de conhecimento a partir do saber científico e do saber do senso comum. RESULTADOS: A possibilidade de conhecimento da Educação Física e por conseguinte, sua legitimação, dar-se-á pela harmonização entre aquilo que a diferencia e aquilo que a integra, ou seja, do arranjo entre diferentes manifestações da cultura corporal do movimento e a linguagem. CONCLUSÃO: É importante destacar que não se pretendeu produzir respostas prescritivas, porém é necessário produzir e discutir acerca da responsabilidade curricular da Educação Física como disciplina, trazendo à tona maiores esclarecimentos do universo representativo dessa área do saber. Para além, tem-se consciência que este estudo não colocará um ponto final em toda esta temática. Antes pelo contrário, é um ponto de partida para que se possa realizar novas investigações e intervenções pedagógicas que consigam explorar os conteúdos da cultura corporal de movimento nas aulas de Educação Física. ABSTRACT. The legitimization of physical education at school: the body culture of movement as a language and condition for the possibility of knowledgeBACKGROUND: School Physical Education was built through different historical pedagogical influences that produced marked interferences in the school, in the pedagogical practice of professionals immersed in this context, and, consequently, contributed to a state of identity crisis in Physical Education. OBJECTIVE: In view of this scenario, the main objective of this study is to reflect on the legitimacy of Physical Education as a component of the school curriculum. METHODS: This is a theoretical essay that proposes the problematization of school Physical Education, with emphasis on pedagogical interventions on the contents of body culture of movement. Firstly, there was a reflection and discussion about the object of study of Physical Education, later about its relevance, its place of belonging in the education system as a curricular component, and finally, about its conditions of possibility of knowledge from the scientific knowledge and common sense knowledge. RESULTS: The possibility of knowledge of Physical Education and, therefore, its legitimation, will occur through the harmonization between what differentiates it and what integrates it, that is, the arrangement between different manifestations of the movement’s body culture and language. CONCLUSION: It is important to highlight that it was not intended to produce prescriptive responses, but it is necessary to produce and discuss the curricular responsibility of Physical Education as a discipline, bringing to the fore further clarifications from the representative universe of this area of knowledge. In addition, we are aware that this study will not put an end to this whole theme. On the contrary, it is a starting point for new investigations and pedagogical interventions that can explore the contents of body culture of movement in Physical Education classes.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-408 ◽  
Pirkko Markula

This paper argues for a performative methodology that uses body's affect to create change in the current subjectivation to femininity. It locates this discussion into a context of fitness instruction to explore how a researcher can assume a role of a public intellectual through performative pedagogy. It is divided into four parts. The first part examines how critical pedagogy has been utilized previously within physical cultural studies to find ways to further understand how physical activity can be used for purposes of social change. The second part focuses on how physical education can inform critical body practices. The third part aims to link this discussion with feminist readings of critical pedagogy to further understand how femininity can be linked with practices of fitness instruction. It also introduces Deleuze's concept of affect. The final part discusses the implications of this literature for creating a performative pedagogy of the body through fitness instruction.

Cíntia Regina de Fátima ◽  
Flávia Gonçalves da Silva

LUDIC ACTIVITY IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT: Elkonin’s contributions to scholar physical educationLA ACTIVIDAD LÚDICA EN EL DESARROLLO DEL NIÑO: contribuciones de Elkonin para la educación física escolarAs atividades lúdicas, como conteúdo curricular da Educação Física, ao mesmo tempo em que propiciam momentos de lazer e recreação, também representam formas pedagógicas de promover o ensino, uma vez que fazem parte do conteúdo da cultura corporal. A partir disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as concepções de atividades lúdicas na perspectiva de Elkonin, compreender sua relação com os processos de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem e relaciona-las aos conteúdos da Educação Física escolar na educação infantil. Este estudo foi feito a partir da análise da principal obra de Elkonin – Psicologia do jogo – e dos objetivos da educação física na educação infantil colocados nos documentos oficiais do MEC e da concepção sobre a cultura corporal. A atividade lúdica, para Elkonin, é a representação de um papel e o uso de um objeto subentendendo outro. É por meio do jogo que a criança apreende a realidade e desenvolve as funções psíquicas, possibilitando sua ação consciente no mundo. Sob este ponto de vista apresenta-se a importância das atividades lúdicas no desenvolvimento da criança e algumas estratégias pedagógicas que visam facilitar o ensino da educação física. Conclui-se que há a necessidade do professor de educação física compreender o indivíduo em sua totalidade e, em função disso, ensinar a cultura corporal para além do aspecto motor, contribuindo, intencionalmente, para o desenvolvimento da criança. Torna-se assim oportuna a concepção do educar pelo movimento, superando as teorias que se limitam à compreensão de corpo versus mente, ainda recorrente na prática pedagógica do professor de educação física.Palavras-chave: Educação Física; Psicologia Histórico-Cultural; Ensino-Aprendizagem; Desenvolvimento.ABSTRACTThe ludic activities, as Physical Education curricular content, propitiate at the same time leisure and recreation moments and also represent pedagogical ways to promote learning, once it is part of the body culture content. Thereof, the purpose of this paper was to study the Ludic Activities conceptions in Elkonin’s perspectives, to comprehend its relation to learning and development processes and to relate these conceptions to scholar Physical Education contents in early childhood education. This study was done from the analysis of Elkonin’s main work – Psychology of play - from the physical education purposes in childhood education used in Brazilians’ educational official documents and from the body culture conception. To Elkonin, the ludic activity is the representation of a role and the use of one object being understood as other. It is through the game/play that child apprehends the reality and assimilates psyche functions, enabling its conscious action in world. In this way, it is learning that boosts development and not the opposite. Under this point of view it is shown the ludic activity importance in child development and some pedagogical strategies that look for facilitate the body culture contents teaching. We conclude that the physical education teacher must comprehend the individual in its totality and, because of this, teach physical education over and above motor aspects, contributing, intentionally, to child development. In this way it makes opportune the conception to educate through movement, overcoming the theories that are limited to the comprehension of body versus mind, still recurrent in the physical education teacher’s pedagogical practice. Keywords: Physical Education; Historical-cultural Psychology; Teaching-Learning; Development.RESUMENLas actividades lúdicas, como contenido curricular de la Educación Física, mientras ofrecen momentos de recreación también representan formas pedagógicas de fomentar la enseñanza, ya que hacen parte del contenido de la cultura corporal. A partir de eso, el objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar las concepciones de actividades lúdicas en la perspectiva de Elkonin, comprender su relación con los procesos de desarrollo y aprendizaje y relacionarlas a los contenidos de la Educación Física escolar en la educación infantil. Este estudio se hizo a partir del análisis de la principal obra de Elkonin - Psicología del juego - y de los objetivos de la educación física en la educación infantil colocados en los documentos oficiales del MEC y de la concepción sobre la cultura corporal. La actividad lúdica, para Elkonin, es la representación de un papel y el uso de un objeto deduciendo otro. Es a través del juego que el niño aprehende la realidad y desarrolla las funciones psíquicas, permitiendo su acción consciente en el mundo. Desde este punto de vista se presenta la importancia de las actividades lúdicas en el desarrollo infantil y algunas estrategias pedagógicas que tienen por objetivo facilitar la enseñanza de la educación física. Se concluye que hay la necesidad del profesor de educación física comprender al individuo en su totalidad y, por eso, enseñar la cultura corporal más allá del aspecto motor, contribuyendo, intencionalmente, al desarrollo del niño. Se vuelve así oportuna la concepción del educar por el movimiento, superando las teorías que se limitan a la comprensión de cuerpo versus mente, aún recurrente en la práctica pedagógica del profesor de educación física.Palabras clave: Educación Física; Psicología Histórico-Cultural; Enseñanza-Aprendizaje; Desarrollo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
Juliana Rocha Adelino Dias ◽  
Adalberto dos Santos Souza ◽  
Rogério Cruz de Oliveira

Abstract This study aims to discuss the perspectives of Physical Education for high school regarding health. To this end, a literature review was developed, and a pedagogical work proposal was presented. The literature review sought theoretical subsidies, especially in documents that guide the practice of physical education in school environments, whereas the proposal was constructed from the dialectical pairs presented by Luiz Carlos Freitas (objectives x evaluation and content x methodology). In this study, a proposal was made so that Physical Education can contribute to the training of critical and independent subjects in relation to the opinions they assume. We believe that this proposition can encourage students to reflect on the body and health regarding contemporary precepts of the active and healthy lifestyle, providing an expanded look at body practices and life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Daniel Teixeira Maldonado ◽  
Uirá De Siqueira Farias ◽  
Valdilene Aline Nogueira

OBJETIVO: Relatar uma experiência político-pedagógica que ampliou a leitura de mundo dos estudantes do Ensino Médio sobre os conhecimentos contra-hegemônicos produzidos sobre as práticas corporais e o corpo durante as aulas de Educação Física. MÉTODOS: Foi relatada uma experiência educativa com estudantes do 1º ano do curso de Eletrônica integrado ao Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Campus SP, entre os meses de agosto e dezembro de 2020. A turma possui aproximadamente 40 alunos e o currículo é constituído por duas aulas semanais de Educação Física. RESULTADOS: Os estudantes realizaram uma leitura crítica do mundo sobre os saberes contra-hegemônicos sociais, políticos, econômicos, históricos, biológicos e fisiológicos que se relacionam com as práticas corporais e o corpo, produzidos pela literatura científica e movimentos sociais, durante as aulas do componente curricular. CONCLUSÃO: Ao fazer um diálogo entre os conceitos de leitura de mundo e ecologia de saberes contra-hegemônicos, produzidos por Paulo Freire e Boaventura de Sousa Santos, passamos a defender que a função social das aulas de educação física está relacionada com a leitura crítica do mundo dos saberes produzidos sobre as danças, lutas, esportes, ginásticas, jogos, brincadeiras e a relação da sociedade com o corpo, pelos grupos que foram marginalizados no sistema capitalista.ABSTRACT. Reading the world in physical education classes in high school: For an ecology of counter-hegemonic knowledge about body practices and the bodyOBJECTIVE: To report a political-pedagogical experience that expanded the reading of the world of high school students about the counter-hegemonic knowledge produced about body and body practices during physical education classes. METHODS: An educational experience was reported with students from the 1st year of the electronics course integrated with high school at the Federal Institute of São Paulo - Campus SP, between the months of august and december of the year 2020. the class has approximately 40 students and the curriculum is consisting of two weekly physical education. RESULTS: The students carried out a critical reading of the world about the social, political, economic, historical, biological and physiological counter-hegemonic knowledge that is related to body and body practices, produced by scientific literature and social movements, during the classes of the curricular component. CONCLUSION: By making a dialogue between the concepts of world reading and the ecology of counter-hegemonic knowledge, produced by Paulo Freire and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, we come to defend that the social function of Physical Education classes is related to the critical reading of the world of knowledge produced on dances, fights, sports, gymnastics, games and the relationship of society with the body, by groups that were marginalized in the capitalist system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Luciana Santos Collier

INTRODUÇÃO: A Educação Física é a disciplina do currículo escolar que aborda a cultura corporal, com a finalidade de introduzir e integrar o estudante a essa esfera do conhecimento, formando o cidadão que vai produzir, reproduzir e transformar essa cultura. Possibilitar experiências diversificadas no âmbito das práticas corporais e fortalecer a participação dos estudantes nas aulas são fatores fundamentais no desenvolvimento da disciplina. OBJETIVO: Este relato que tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir a proposta de oficinas temáticas nas aulas de Educação Física escolar, a partir das opiniões de estudantes do ensino fundamental 2 e médio de uma escola pública federal no município de Niterói (RJ). MÉTODOS: Se caracteriza como uma pesquisa qualitativa crítica que utilizou como registro, as respostas dadas por aproximadamente 160 estudantes nas avaliações da disciplina, que, além de nortear a tomada de decisão para a realização das atividades, constituiu o corpo da investigação que ora apresentamos. RESULTADOS: Percebemos que as oficinas temáticas possibilitaram a ampliação dos conhecimentos e vivências relacionados à cultura corporal e uma maior maturidade na relação dos estudantes com a disciplina, com os colegas das diferentes turmas e com a professora. CONCLUSÃO: Foi perceptível a modificação da percepção dos estudantes sobre a Educação Física escolar, bem como ampliação da consciência crítica, colaborando com desenvolvimento da cidadania.ABSTRACT. Thematic workshops in school physical education.BACKGROUND: Physical Education is the discipline of the school curriculum that addresses body culture, with the purpose of introducing and integrating the student into this sphere of knowledge, forming the citizen who will produce, reproduce and transform this culture. Enabling diverse experiences within the scope of body practices and strengthening the participation of students in classes are fundamental factors in the development of the discipline. OBJECTIVE: This report aims to present and discuss the proposal for thematic workshops in school Physical Education classes, based on the opinions of elementary and high school students from a federal public school in the city of Niterói (RJ, Brazil). METHODS: The investigation is characterized as a qualitative critical research that used as a record, the answers given by approximately 160 students in the evaluations of the discipline, which, in addition to guiding the decision making for the performance of the activities, constituted the body of the investigation that we present here. RESULTS: We realized that thematic workshops enabled the expansion of knowledge and experiences related to body culture and greater maturity in the relationship of students with the discipline, with colleagues in different classes and with the teacher. CONCLUSION: It was noticeable that students’ perception of school Physical Education changed, as well as the expansion of critical awareness, collaborating with the development of citizenship.

N.A. Dakal

The article analyzes the influence of swimming on the psychophysical state of students of higher educational institutions. It was found that students have a rapid tendency to a decrease in their health status, the number of children who, due to health reasons, belong to a special medical group, is increasing. It was revealed that swimming is the most popular sport among today's youth. The concept of psychophysical training system is disclosed. The influence of swimming not only on the development of physical qualities, but also on the improvement of morpho-functional and mental indicators of a person is characterized. Busy people from physical education at the pledges of education are taken in the whole harmonious development of people. However, fachіvtsі means a decrease in motivation to occupy physical rights as middle schoolchildren, as well as among students, and also insignificant efficiency to take, how to learn from physical education. In such a rank, the numerical preliminaries and pedagogical practice is to ensure the effectiveness of taking the swimming, the intellectual practice, which is necessary for the mental development. It has been established that on employment from a to float, it is possible to polish the physical and mental state of students for the development of differentiation of physical training on the basis of the development of the psychological state of mind. When the student's psychic psycho-social stance is advanced, the student’s physical development is thoroughly victorious, and when the level is low, the student’s physical training is required during the hour of swimming, the student is active. The readiness of students to be as good as possible, around the backbone of health, to lay down among a number of psychophysical possibilities for the body. The new development of the specialness and the realization of oneself in the life of the brain is not only intellectual and creative health, but the profes ian knowledge of that practical awareness, ale of a sufficient level of mental health, mental health.

Luna Dolezal

The notion that the body can be changed at will in order to meet the desires and designs of its ‘owner’ is one that has captured the popular imagination and underpins contemporary medical practices such as cosmetic surgery and gender reassignment. In fact, describing the body as ‘malleable’ or ‘plastic’ has entered common parlance and dictates common-sense ideas of how we understand the human body in late-capitalist consumer societies in the wake of commercial biotechnologies that work to modify the body aesthetically and otherwise. If we are not satisfied with some aspect of our physicality – in terms of health, function or aesthetics – we can engage with a whole variety of self-care body practices – fashion, diet, exercise, cosmetics, medicine, surgery, laser – in order to ‘correct’, reshape or restyle the body. In addition, as technology has advanced and elective cosmetic surgery has unapologetically entered the mainstream, the notion of the malleable body has become intrinsically linked to the practices and discourses of biomedicine and, furthermore, has become a significant means to assert and affirm identity.

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