scholarly journals Presepsi Ibu Tentang Asuhan Balita Oleh Mahasiswa Tingkat III Dalam Program Mitra Keluarga

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Ranti Febriyani ◽  
Sri Astuti ◽  
R. Tina Dewi Judistiani ◽  
Sefita Aryuti Nirmala

Sustainable midwifery services, focusing on the aspects of prevention, health promotion and empowerment based on partnerships with the community. The role and function of the midwives of which gives the orphanage on toddlers. The purpose of this research is to know the presepsi of satisfaction towards the care of mothers on toddlers given student level III as a partner of the family. Our satisfaction patients based on reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and physical evidence. This research is quantitative research descriptive research method with the pontong approach of latitude, the population in this research is to foster family found a toddler in the village of Cikeruh and the villages of Cipacing, sampling in the This research uses the technique of total sampling samples used are 46 mother foster family. Data collection is done using primary data and distribute questionnaires.The Research results obtained from 46 mother of our satisfaction in giving care is 52.2% 47.8% feel satisfied and not satisfied against the care given to toddlers. Based on the characteristics of mothers with primary education being satisfied as much as 53.8%, 20-35-year-old mother was satisfied 83.3% and mothers who are not working as much satisfied 95.8%. Our satisfaction about the physical evidence 60.9% were satisfied and about the response of 58.7% were satisfied, regarding the reliability of 58.7% were satisfied, about empathy 52.2% were satisfied and about 52.2% satisfied guarantee. Conclusions on the research of family foster mother that our satisfaction satisfied against the orphanage toddler as much as 52.2%. That's already been given appropriate and expected by the mother.

2018 ◽  
Rois Ainul Umah ◽  
Tian Fitriara Huda ◽  
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional FKIP Univeristas PGRI Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi is an area rich in various cultures and customs, this is because Banyuwangi district is inhabited by various ethnic groups. The majority of the sub-districts of Banyuwangi are osing tribe who live in the village of fern and urban village of rejo. Joglo building as one of the traditional Javanese buildings in it contained philosophy that suits the life of the people. The arrangement of the room in Joglo is generally divided into three parts, namely the meeting room called pendopo, the living room or the space used to hold the show called pringgitan, and the back room called dalem or omah jero as the family room. For the people of Banyuwangi especially those who still preserve the joglo house just like the osing tribe have begun to experience the shifting of its role and function where in this case joglo house serve as additional need for home decoration, private residence of the citizen, until used as permanent building of cafe and restaurant. From the description above, the researcher felt that the community did not understand the function of the role and shape of the architecture of the Javanese house which has become the culture of the inheritance slowly changed by causing a shift to the cultural values contained within it. The shift in value will sooner or later bring changes to traditional architectural forms, structures and functions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-359
Munarni Munarni

Parenting greatly affects the role and function of the family. The influence of the family in the formation and development of children's personalities is very large because the family is the first social group where children can interact, where children learn, and declare themselves as social beings. The family can also provide the basis for the formation of behavior, character, morals, and education for children. This study aims to determine the relationship between parenting and adolescent sexual behavior in Nauli Village, Sigumpar District, Toba District. This study used a descriptive correlation research design . P opulation and the sample in this study were adolescents who live at home with their parents in the village of Nauli. Sampling with simple random sampling. The study was conducted in April 2020, and used a questionnaire consisting of demographic data, a parenting style questionnaire and a youth sexual behavior questionnaire. The research data were tested using the SPSS version 12.0 program using the analyze descriptive and displayed in categorical form. From the results of this study showed that the majority of respondents (76.1%) have a democratic parenting, adolescent sexual behavior of the majority of respondents in the positive category ((95.5%). The analyst is statistics showed that no significant relationship between parenting parents on adolescent sexual behavior p value = 0.223. Based on the results of the research obtained, it is recommended that further research related to the title of this study is suggested to examine other factors that influence adolescent sexual behavior and to use more respondents and research in several different places so that the results are more representative.   Abstrak Pola asuh sangat mempengaruhi peran dan fungsi keluarga. Pengaruh keluarga dalam pembentukan dan perkembangan kepribadian anak sangat besar karena keluarga merupakan kelompok sosial yang pertama dimana anak dapat berinteraksi, tempat anak belajar, dan menyatakan dirinya sebagai makhluk sosial. Keluarga juga dapat memberikan dasar pembentukan tingkah laku, watak, moral, dan pendidikan kepada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orangtua terhadap perilaku seksual remaja di Desa Nauli Kec.Sigumpar Kab.Toba. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian korelasi deskriptif. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja yang tinggal serumah dengan orangtuanya di Desa Nauli. Pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2020, dan menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari data demografi, kuesioner pola asuh orangtua dan kuesioner perilaku seksual remaja. Data hasil penelitian di uji menggunakan program SPSS versi 12,0 dengan menggunakan deskriptif analyze dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk kategorik. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa mayoritas responden (76,1%) memiliki pola asuh demokrasi, Perilaku seksual remaja mayoritas responden dalam kategori positif ((95,5%). Analisis statistik diperoleh bahwa hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara pola asuh orangtua terhadap perilaku seksual remaja nilai p = 0,223. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, direkomendasikan untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang berkaitan dengan judul penelitian ini disarankan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja dan menggunakan lebih banyak responden dan meneliti dibeberapa tempat yang berbeda agar hasilnya lebih representatif.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Yozi Rahmadeni

This study the authors used descriptive research type. Sampling  technique  is done by purposive sampling. Primary data obtained by observation (Observation) and using an interview guide. Techniques of data analysis using qualitative methods and frequency tables. Population and samples in this  study  were  the wives of fishermen who work in the Village Tanjung Tembeling. This study aims to determine the role of the fisherman's wife in improving the economy of the family. The usefulness of  this study is expected  to  be the results of this study in particular input Bintan regency governments  in  developing  existing potential for the region's development and  research are also  expected  to be a reference and comparison to other studies related to this research. The results generally show that the wives of fishermen who work to help her family make ends meet motivated by economic factors and to supplement her family's income. Most educational level fisherman's wife owned only a primary school, where the wives of fishermen working in the informal sector, which does not require high education and skills

Harmona Daulay ◽  
Winda S Meliala ◽  
Humaizi Humaizi

The study aims  to find out and analyze how gender equality of women farmers in improving the family economy and to know and analyze gender inequality of female farmers in improving the family economy. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study used primary data (interviews, observation, documentation) and secondary data obtained through the literature.  The source of the information were 10 women farmers in Tigabinanga Village and 1 districts employee as a complement. The results of this study indicate that women in Tigabinanga Village, Tigabinanga Subdistrict, Karo Regency work outside the house from morning to evening to meet family needs to ease the burden on their husbands. Farmers in the village of Tigabinanga are very active and independent in agriculture, apart from working outside.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Chaterine Setiawan ◽  
Suzy Azeharie

This study discusses the communication between the child and the stepparent and use the theory that consists of communication theory, communication function, the purpose of communication, interpersonal communication, effective interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication role and function of interpersonal communication. This study used a qualitative method with descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. The primary data of the interviews with sources consisting of four children and one stepparent. While the secondary data obtained from other sources such as books and online data searches. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation, literature review and data searches online. From this research it is known that children who learn about and understand the prospective stepparent before she married biological parents do relatively better than those who do not recognize his step prospective parents before marriage. It is also known that the interpersonal communication of children with stepparents dependent based on the character of the child and the stepparent respectively. Penelitian ini membahas tentang komunikasi antara anak dengan orang tua tiri dan menggunakan teori yang terdiri dari teori komunikasi, fungsi komunikasi, tujuan komunikasi, komunikasi antarpribadi, komunikasi antarpribadi yang efektif, peranan komunikasi antarpribadi dan fungsi komunikasi antarpribadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa hasil wawancara dengan narasumber yang terdiri dari empat orang anak dan satu orang tua tiri. Sedangkan data sekunder berupa data yang diperoleh dari buku dan sumber lain seperti penelusuran data online. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi, kajian pustaka dan penelusuran data online. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa anak yang mengetahui dan mengenal calon orang tua tiri sebelum menikah dengan orang tua kandungnya hubungannya relatif lebih baik dibandingkan anak yang tidak mengenal calon orang tua tirinya sebelum menikah. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa komunikasi antarpribadi anak dengan orang tua tiri tergantung berdasarkan karakter dari anak dan orang tua tiri masing-masing.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-175
Hari Siswoyo ◽  
Dwi Priyantoro ◽  
M. Taufiq ◽  
Andre P. Hendrawan ◽  
Eri Widayanti

The Grajagan village had a library located at the village office. So far, the library has not been managed and utilized optimally. The problems that occur in this library include the lack of book collections, the absence of chairs and tables for readers, the condition of the library is not well organized, and the library staff were not trained in managing the library. These problems have resulted in the low interest of the people of Grajagan village to visit the village library. To solve the problems, it was necessary to provide assistance in library development. Library development is carried out through the addition of book collections, providing chairs and tables for readers, arranging library space, and training for library staff. Based on the results of community service activities that have been carried out, it can be stated that the library's book collection has increased by 88 books, the library space becomes more comfortable with the increase in furniture, and the library staff has increased their knowledge in terms of library management. To further increase the role and function of the library, promotion or introduction to the library's book collections and facilities to local villagers is required.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-94
Wihastinelahi Wihastinelahi ◽  
Teguh Erawati

This research was conducted to find out the role of village financial system (Siskeudes) on the performance of village administration with good governance as an intervening variable in Kulon Progo Regency. This research employed quantitative research approach. The data used were primary data. The informants used were village Kaur  and Kasi, the village secretaries, the village financial system operators (Siskeudes). The result showed that: (1) village financial system (Siskeudes) influences on the good governance; (2) good governance influences on the performance of the village administration; (3) village financial system (Siskeudes) no effect to performance of village administration; (4) village financial system (Siskeudes) on the performance of village administration with good governance an an intervening variable.

Rendi Gunawan ◽  
Lia Fadjriani ◽  
Feby Milanie

In the Juridical Analysis of the Role of Customs and Excise in Supervising and Preventing Crimes of Smuggling of Goods at the Customs Commission Type B Batam, it aims to discuss the legal arrangements for the role of customs in supervising and preventing criminal acts of smuggling of goods and the implementation of obstacle factors, obstacles and solutions for the role of customs in supervising and preventing the crime of smuggling of goods (research study at the Customs and Excise KPU type B Batam). This study aims to determine the Juridical Analysis of the Role of Customs and Excise in Supervising and Preventing the Crime of Smuggling of Goods at the Customs Commission Type B Batam.The research conducted is descriptive research with the method normative legal approach (normative juridical) is carried out by means of study literature. Data collection tools used in this research are data in the form of document studies and literature searches and by using additional data in the form of interviews.The results of the study indicate that the general legal arrangement of Customs and Excise authority according to Law No. 17 of 2006 is, Customs and Excise receives reports or information from someone about a criminal act, summons people to be heard and examined as suspects or witnesses, examines, seeks , and collect information on criminal acts, arrest and detain people suspected of committing criminal acts, request information and evidence from suspects who commit criminal acts.For this reason, it is hoped that with the existence of complete legal rules and firm witnesses related to the crime of smuggling of goods, all related elements are able to understand the legal rules made to protect the public from the threat of danger, and legal rules should be emphasized so that no more criminal acts of smuggling of goods occur.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Runita Arum Kanti ◽  
Poppy Sofia

The economic potential of a village needs to be developed and managed properly in order to provide sustainable benefits for the village. One of the instruments to realize this goal is the Village Enterprises, known as the BUMDes. BUMDes, is a business entity whose capital is wholly or mostly owned by the Village through investments from the Village and are created  to manage assets, services, and other businesses to generate welfare for the its community. Mekarbakti Village is one of the villages in Sumedang Regency which has a variety of economic potential. This research seeks to formulate an optimal strategy for developing BUMDes in Mekarbakti Village through the use of the Village economic potential. The approach used in this research is descriptive research. The data used are primary data taken from interviews. The results of this research are three strategies for developing BUMDes obtained through a SWOT analysis.   Keywords: Village enterprise, strategy, development, economic potential, SWOT.   ABSTRAK Potensi ekonomi desa perlu dikembangkan dan dikelola dengan baik agar memberikan manfaat yang berkelanjutan bagi desa. Salah satu instrumen yang mampu mewujudkan hal tersebut adalah pendirian Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau dikenal dengan BUMDes. BUMDes, adalah badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh Desa melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan Desa yang dipisahkan guna mengelola aset, jasa pelayanan, dan usaha lainnya untuk sebesar-besarnya kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa. Desa Mekarbakti merupakan salah satu desa di Kabupaten Sumedang yang memiliki beragam potensi ekonomi. Penelitian ini berusaha merumuskan strategi optimal guna mengembangkan BUMDes di Desa Mekarbakti melalui pemanfaatan potensi ekonomi Desa. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer yang diambil dari wawancara. Hasil dari penelitan ini adalah bahwa terdapat tiga strategi pengembangan BUMDes yang diperoleh melalui analisis SWOT.   Kata kunci: BUMDes, strategi, pengembangan, potensi ekonomi, SWOT.

Aris Wibowo

Indonesian people who live in the village daily take care of plants in the fields and in the garden. The crop that is currently being planted is rice as a staple food. In managing rice, it is usually done by husband and wife together. Even so, the husband still does the heavy part and the wife does the light part, just like the husband who irrigates the plants and hoes and then the wife takes the weeds around the plants so that the plants grow optimally. The farmer household is one of the most decisive decision-making units in managing household needs, the decision-making process in the family is often dominated by the head of the family, researchers are interested in examining how social stratification and the implementation of rights and obligations of married couples in Banjarejo Village, Rejotangan District, Tulungagung Regency. This research method is qualitative with a field research approach. The data collection technique used in this study was conducted by interview. The results of the interview become primary data, this data is then analyzed using reduction techniques, presentation and conclusion drawing.

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