Cempaka Putrie Dimala

  This study aims to look at the correlation of self-adjustment and social support with the achievement motivation of female students who live in dormitories. In this study, the population is the student of the Midwifery Diploma Program at Singaperbangsa Karawang University (UNSIKA) level one and two. The sampling method is cluster random sampling technique. Based on Morgan's table, from a population of 160 people, 113 samples were obtained, but in this study researchers took a sample of 120 people. The results of this study indicate that between self-adjustment and peer social support for achievement motivation there is a significant positive correlation with p = 0.083 (with p <0.05). This shows the higher the adjustment and social support of a peer, the higher the achievement motivation, and conversely the lower the self-esteem, the lower the achievement motivation. The results of this study are in accordance with the theory that has been stated which states that by being able to adjust themselves and get social support from peers, it will be able to improve its performance optimally. While effective contribution shows that self-adjustment and social support of peers together make an effective contribution of 26.2% on achievement motivation, the remaining 73.8% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Social Support, Student Adjustment   Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat korelasi penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial dengan motivasi berprestasi mahasiswi yang tinggal di asrama. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah mahasiswi Program Studi DIII Kebidanan di Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang (UNSIKA) tingkat satu dan dua. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Berdasarkan table Morgan, dari populasi yang berjumlah 160 orang, maka didapatkan sample sebesar 113 orang, tetapi dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengambil sampel 120 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa antara penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap motivasi berprestasi terdapat korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan p= 0.083 (dengan p <0.05). Hal ini menunjukkan semakin tinggi penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya seorang maka semakin tinggi pula motivasi berprestasinya, dan sebaliknya semakin rendah harga diri maka semakin rendah pula motivasi berprestasinya. Hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan teori yang telah dikemukakan yang menyatakan bahwa dengan mempu menyesuaiak diri dan mendapatkan dukungan sosial teman sebaya maka akan dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya secara optimal. Sedangkan Sumbangan efektif menunjukkan bahwa penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya secara bersama-sama memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 26,2% terhadap motivasi berprestasi, sisanya 73,8 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.   Kata Kunci: Motivasi berprestasi, Dukungan sosial, Penyesuaian diri Mahasiswa

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 491
Ihdan Nizar Aza ◽  
Adi Atmoko ◽  
Imanuel Hitipeuw

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to determine the contribution of social support, self-esteem, and resilience to the academic stress of high school students with path analysis methods with a sample of 307 students taken by cluster random sampling technique. The research instrument was developed by authors with item validity&gt; 0.30 and reliability&gt; 0.70. The results showed a direct contribution of social support and self-esteem to the resilience of 0.242 and 0.453 sig (0.000). The direct contribution of social support, self-esteem, and resilience to academic stress were -0.153, -0.118, and -0.583 sig (0.000). Indirect contribution of social support and self-esteem to academic stress through the resilience of -0.141 and -0.264.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan<strong> untuk</strong> mengetahui kontribusi dukungan sosial, <em>self-esteem</em> dan resiliensi terhadap stres akademik siswa SMA dengan metode analisis jalur dengan sampel 307 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik <em>cluster random sampling</em>. Instrumen penelitian dikembangkan penulis dengan validitas butir <strong>&gt;0.30 dan reliabilitas &gt;</strong>0,70. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kontribusi langsung dukungan sosial dan <em>self-esteem</em> terhadap resiliensi sebesar 0.242 dan 0,453 sig (0.000)., kontribusi langsung dukungan sosial, <em>self-esteem<strong>, </strong></em>dan resiliensi terhadap stres akademik sebesar -0.153, -0.118, dan -0.583 sig (0.000). Kontribusi tidak langsung dukungan sosial dan <em>self-esteem</em> terhadap stres akademik melalui resiliensi sebesar -0.141 dan -0.264.

Baidi Bukhori ◽  
Hamdan Said ◽  
Tony Wijaya ◽  
Faizah Mohamad Nor

<h1>This study investigates the effect of smartphone addiction, achievement motivation, and textbook reading intensity on academic achievement. This quantitative study involved 720 students from two public universities. The cluster random sampling technique and three psychological scales namely Smartphone Addiction Scale, Achievement Motivation Scale, and Reading Textbook Intensity Scale were employed for data collection. The data were analyzed using path analysis technique. The study found that (i) smartphone addiction and achievement motivation directly affect the intensity of reading academic textbooks, and (ii) smartphones addiction, achievement motivation, and the intensity of reading academic textbooks directly affect the academic achievement. Although the intensity of reading academic textbook mediated the effect of smartphone addiction on academic achievement, it did not mediate the effect of achievement motivation on academic achievement.</h1>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 352
Desmira Wati ◽  
Wirdatul Aini

The low interest in entrepreneurship of graduates of BLK Padang barista training, which is thought to be due to the low achievement of barista training graduates at BLK Padang, is the background of this research. Objectives (1) aim to excel (2) describe interest in entrepreneurship (3) describe the relationship between achievement motivation and entrepreneurial interest for barista trainer graduates. The approach in this study is a quantitative correlational type. In this study, the population was 64 people. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling, the 50% sample consisted of 32 people. The data collection technique is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used theoretical theory, percentage and Spearman Rho. This study found that (1) achievement motivation was categorized as moderate. (2) the entrepreneurship interest of the barista training students is categorized as moderate. (3) There is a significant relationship between achievement motivation and the interest of graduates of barista training at BLK Padang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-175
Mori Dianto M.Pd

This research was done because of phenomenon of the students’ low motivation to get the achievement at school. Social support have a correlation for creating the students’ potential giftedness to get an achievement in learning. The role of the teachers, especially the teachers of guidance and counseling are needed in improving the students’ achievement at school in order to improve their learning achievement. This research has purpose to find the social support and achievement motivation of SMPN Kecamatan Batang Kapas Pesisir Selatan. This research used correlational approach which has purpose to know how is the contribution among the research variables. The population of the research is the students of SMPN Kecamatan Batang Kapas Pesisir Selatan. The amount of the population was 601 students. The sample of this research was 240 students. It had been taken by using simple random sampling technique. The instruments used in the form of scale. The data was analyzed by using descriptive technique and the hypothesis testing was done by using korelasional. The result shows that: (1) social support is in the enough category, (2) students’ achievement motivation is in the enough category, (4) the contribution of social support through the students’ achievement motivation is about 20.2%.  The above findings imply that social support have contributed to students achievement motivation. Needs to be done similar studies were suggested to conduct at different contexts to compare the findings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Ezzy Gusty Amelia ◽  
Syuraini Syuraini ◽  
Ismaniar Ismaniar

This research is motivated by the high participation of participants in participating in BKB activities, as seen from the number of participants who attend each month. This is allegedly due to good cadre service in providing each service to BKB participants. The purpose of this research is first to describe cadre work discipline in BKB program, secondly to describe cadre communication in BKB program, third to describe service facilities in BKB program in Kolok Mudik Village Barangin District, Sawahlunto City. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study amounted to 87 BKB participants. The sample was taken 50% of the population totaling 44 people. The sampling technique in this study is cluster random sampling method. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, while data analysis uses a percentage formula. The results showed that cadre service was very good according to BKB participants, this was seen from three aspects, including work discipline, communication, facilities. It is recommended to all those involved in the activities of the BKB Permata Bunda in Kolok Mudik Village, Barangin District, Sawahlunto City, to maintain the quality that has been carried out well. Keywords: Service, Cadre, BKB

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Farida Nurmalasari ◽  
Sahat Siagian ◽  
R. Mursid

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui perbedaan hasil Pembelajaran kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran berbasis Accelerated Learning dan strategi pembelajaran Direct Intructional pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia, (2) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia antara kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi tinggi dan rendah, dan (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan motivasi berprestasi siswa terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri No 106162 Medan Estate dan SDIT Al-Hijrah 2 Lau Dendang. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan cluster random sampling. Teknis analisis ini adalah ANAVA dua jalur pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Scheffe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) rata-rata hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran berbasis Accelerated Learning lebih tinggi daripada dengan strategi pembelajaran Direct, (2) rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dengan motivasi berprestasi tinggi lebih  tinggi dengan motivasi berprestasi rendah, dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan motivasi berprestasi terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. Dari hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa siswa dengan karakteristik motivasi berprestasi tinggi maka strategi pembelajaran yang tepat digunakan adalah strategi pembelajaran berbasis Accelerated Learning dan siswa dengan karakteristik motivasi berprestasi rendah, maka strategi pembelajaran yang tepat digunakan adalah strategi pembelajaran Direct Instructional.            Kata Kunci: strategi pembelajaran, accelerated learning, direct instructional, motivasi berprestasi, bahasa  Abstract: The purpose of this study are: (1) to find out the difference in learning outcomes of groups of students who are taught with learning strategies based on Accelerated Learning and Direct Intructional learning strategies in Indonesian subjects, (2) find out the differences in Indonesian learning outcomes between groups of students who have motivation high and low achievers, and (3) the interaction between learning strategies and students' achievement motivation towards Indonesian learning outcomes. The population in this study were grade V students of SD Negeri No 106162 Medan Estate and SDIT Al-Hijrah 2 Lau Dendang. The sampling technique is done by cluster random sampling. The technical analysis is two-way ANOVA at the significance level α = 0.05 followed by the Scheffe test. The results showed: (1) the average learning outcomes of students who were taught with learning strategies based on Accelerated Learning were higher than those with Direct learning strategies, (2) the average learning outcomes of students with higher achievement motivation with higher achievement motivation, and (3) there is an interaction between learning strategies and achievement motivation on Indonesian learning outcomes. From the results of data analysis, it was concluded that students with high achievement motivation characteristics then the appropriate learning strategy used was Accelerated Learning based learning strategy and students with low achievement motivation characteristics, then the right learning strategy used was Direct Instructional learning strategy. Keywords: learning strategies, accelerated learning, direct instructional, achievement motivation, language

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Frisca Fawzyah ◽  
Yulhendri Yulhendri ◽  
Rani Sofya

The study aims to find out and analyze: Parental support, optimism for the future  toward achievement motivation Student at SMAN 2 Solok. The type of  this research was a correlational. The technique of sampling in this study was the simple random sampling, with a sample of 162 students. Data collected through in terviews, questionnaires, and documentation as a reference in research. Method analysis was the Path analysis. classified in to quantitative study using survey research methods. To test the hypothesis by using test. The results showed that: 1) Parental support  significantly influence the achievement motivation. 2) optimisme future significantly influence the achievement motivation. 3) the  Parental support significant effect the optimisme future.Keyword: Parental support, Peer social support, optimisme future, achievement motivation

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-256
Lia Rahmawati ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim

AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian yaitu pentingnya kecerdasan logis matematis dan linguistik dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar. Penelitian bertujuan memprediksi hasil belajar matematika siswa berdasarkan kecerdasan logis matematis dan linguistik. Metode penelitian yaitu korelasional-kuantitatif yang dilaksanakan di SMPN 16 Yogyakarta di kelas VII A, VII B, dan VII C tahun pelajaran 2019/2020.  Peneliti menggunakan 30 siswa sebagai sampel dan teknik cluster random sampling sebagai metode pengambilan sampel, yaitu dengan mengambil 10 siswa pada setiap cluster yang ditetapkan. Dengan penggunaan cluster random sampling, peneliti dapat menentukan sampel dari pengambilan setiap cluster, sehingga sampel yang digunakan bisa merata. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala kecerdasan logis matematis dan kecerdasan linguistik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi ganda yang dilakukan dengan SPSS 25. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif kecerdasan logis matematis dan linguistik terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Kecerdasan logis matematis dan linguistik turut andil sebagai prediktor hasil belajar matematika siswa. AbstractThe research background is the importance of mathematical logical intelligence and linguistic in influencing learning outcomes. The research aims to predict student learning outcomes based on mathematical logical intelligence and linguistics. The method of research is correlational-quantitative which was carried out at SMPN 16th Yogyakarta in classes VII A, VII B, and VII C in 2019/2020. Researchers used 30 students as samples and cluster random sampling technique as sampling method, namely by taking 10 students in each cluster that was determined. By using cluster random sampling, researchers can determine the sample from each cluster, so that the sample used can be evenly distributed. The instrument used is a scale of logical-mathematical intelligence and linguistic intelligence. The data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis which was carried out with SPSS 25. The results of the analysis showed that there was a positive effect of mathematical and linguistic logical intelligence on students' mathematics learning outcomes. Mathematical logical intelligence and linguistic contribute as a predictor of student mathematics learning outcomes.

Yeni Puspitasari ◽  
Blasius Boli Lasan ◽  
Arbin Janu Setiyowati

Abstract: This study aims to determine: (1) the relationship of social support to achievement motivation; (2) The relationship of self-efficacy to achievement motivation; (3) The relationship between social support and self-efficacy on achievement motivation (4) The amount of the independent variable's contribution to the dependent. The design of this research is social support and self-efficacy as independent variables, while achievement motivation is the dependent variable. The research population of SMAN 1 Wates students with a sample of 183 students obtained through simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used consisted of a social support scale, a self-efficacy scale, and an achievement motivation scale. The data analysis technique was in the form of descriptive statistics with the results obtained on the social support variable having a percentage value of 74.3 percent in the high category, while in the medium category it was 25.7 percent. The results of self-efficacy get a score of 83.6 percent in the high category, and 16.4 percent in the medium category. Achievement motivation has a value of 79.8 percent, while in the medium category it is 20.2 percent. Then, the effect of the predictor variable on the criteria is 45.4 percent. Overall, it can be seen that there is a significant and positive relationship between social support and self-efficacy together with achievement motivation. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Hubungan dukungan sosial terhadap motivasi berprestasi; (2) Hubungan efikasi diri terhadap motivasi berprestasi; (3) Hubungan dukungan sosial dan efikasi diri terhadap motivasi berprestasi (4) Besarnya sumbangan variabel independen terhadap dependen. Rancangan penelitian ini yaitu dukungan sosial dan efikasi diri sebagai variabel bebas, sedangkan motivasi berprestasi sebagai variabel terikat. Populasi penelitian siswa SMAN 1 Wates dengan sampel 183 siswa yang diperoleh melalui teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari skala dukungan sosial, skala efikasi diri, dan skala motivasi berprestasi. Teknik analisis data berupa statistik deskriptif dengan hasil yang diperoleh pada variabel dukungan sosial mempunyai persentase nilai 74,3 persen kategori tinggi, sedangkan pada kategori sedang 25,7 persen. Hasil dari Efikasi diri mendapatkan nilai sebesar 83,6 persen kategori tinggi, dan kategori sedang 16,4 persen. Motivasi berprestasi memiliki nilai sebesar 79,8 persen, sedangkan pada kategori sedang 20,2 persen. Kemudian, untuk pengaruh variabel prediktor terhadap kriterium yaitu 45,4 persen. Secara keseluruhan dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara dukungan sosial dan efikasi diri secara bersama-sama terhadap motivasi berprestasi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-153
Evicenna Yuris ◽  
Nefi Darmayanti ◽  
Irna Minauli

This study aims to determine the relationship of the role of fathers with self-determination, the relationship of peer social support with self-determination, and the relationship between the role of fathers and peer social support with self-determination in adolescent drug addicts. The population in this study were adolescent drug addicts in Medan Plus Addiction Recovery Clinic. A sample of 54 teenagers were taken by purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a scale of self-determination, the scale of the role of fathers and the scale of peer social support. The results of multiple regression analysis showed a Freg value of 11,071 with p = 0,000 (p 0,005), which indicated that there was a significant relationship between self-determination and the role of fathers with peer social support. Partially, there is a relationship between self-determination with the role of father rxy = 0.543 with p 0.01, and there is a relationship between social support of peers with self-determination rxy = 0.384 with p 0.01. R2 value of 0.303 means the role of fathers and social support of peers together make an effective contribution of 30.3% of self-determination.

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