2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-54
Syamsul Muqorrobin ◽  
Tamrin Fathoni ◽  
Asfahani Asfahani

This study aims to describe the values ​​of Islamic education in the tradition of Bubak Kawah in Morosari Village. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. From the research conducted found that The first value of Islamic education is gratitude to God from the parents of the bride because of God's grace, her child is given the ease to find her soul mate. The second value of Islamic education is the request to God that the bride be given strength, physical and spiritual freshness. The third educational value is can be seen from the various equipment used in the Bubak Kawah event

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 301-320
Muhamad Sidik Triadi ◽  
Irfan Sanusi ◽  
Lida Imelda Cholidah

ABSTRAK Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen humas radio Rama FM Bandung dalam meningkatkan pemasang iklan dari mulai tahapan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan sampai dengan pengawasan, metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengetahui karakteristik  dengan cara berinteraksi secara langsung dan mendalam mengenai sebuah program dan ringkasan yang digambarkan pada konteks di atas mendasari untuk menggali dan mendeskripsikan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dijalankan oleh radio Rama FM Bandung dalam meningkatkan pemasang iklan. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualittaif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan manajemen humas radio Rama FM Bandung dalam meningkatkan pemasang iklan dimulai pada tahapan pertama yaitu perencanaan pembuatan proposal, inovasi program, pengemasan iklan dan penyampaian iklan. Tahapan kedua yaitu pengorganisasian dengan komunikasi, membentuk team, pertimbangan tugas, dan persetujuan dari pimpinan. Tahapan ketiga yaitu pelaksanaan sesuai tugas, presentasi, pelaksanaan tugas sesuai susunan, pelaksanaan kegiatan. Tahap keempat yaitu pengawasan koordinasi, kinerja team yang bertugas, program yang berlangsung, dan pengawasan proses sebagai bahan evaluasi. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Humas; Meningkatkan; Pemasang Iklan. ABSTRACT This writing aims to determine radio public relations management Rama FM Bandung in increasing advertisers from the stages of planning, organizing, implementation to supervision, this research method uses a case study method to determine the characteristics by interacting directly and deeply about a case and summary illustrated in the above context underlying to explore and describe the activities carried out by radio Rama FM Bandung in improving advertisers. The analysis of this study uses descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the radio public relations management activities of Rama FM Bandung in increasing advertisers began in the first stage, namely the planning of making proposals, program innovation, packaging of advertisements and delivery of advertisements. The second stage is organizing with communication, forming teams, considering assignments, and approval from the leadership. The third stage is the implementation of tasks, presentations, implementation of tasks according to the arrangement, implementation of activities. The fourth stage is monitoring coordination, the performance of the team in charge, the ongoing program, and monitoring the process as an evaluation material. Keywords : Management Public Relations; Improve; Advertiser.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Kusnan Kusnan

Arabic is the language of Muslim’s holy book, and reading  it is obligatory for Muslims. In Islamic education, Arabic is the language that should be mastered as a means of understanding the original texts of the source of Islamic law. One of the important thing in learning Arabic is the method. Zam-Zam Muhammadiyyah Modern Islamic Boarding School implements a diffent model and method of learning Arabic compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the district of Cilongok. This is a qualitative research, through a case study using interview, observation and documentation techniques for collecting data and interactive analysis for analying data. The findings of this research are three models of Arabic learning in Pondok Pesantren. The first model is khiwar or muhadatsah, the second is mufrodat walls intended to make students familiar with Arabic vocabulary, and the third is Lughoh. The method and model of Arabic learning in the institution as described above is a combined method. There are at least three methods used, i.e. Communicative Problem-Based Learning Method, Audiolingual Method, and Grammar-Translation Method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Nur Khosiin

Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s provides several points of view in the realm of methods of planting Islamic education in children which can later be used as a means to achieve the goals of Islamic education. This research uses the documentation method with a descriptive-interpretative approach, namely an attempt to describe the interpretation of some of the texts of the book at-tarbiyah al-aulad fi al-Islam in the third chapter. As for the primary data source is the book at-tarbiyah al-aulad fi al-Islam, the secondary data source is books and related literature, while the data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of this study there are five methods of planting Islamic education for children, namely educating by example, customary habits, advice, supervision, and through punishment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Ismail Syakban

<p class="15cKeywordsBInggris">This study focus on the problem of the pluralism concept based education by Maarif Institute in the Islamic perspective. The critical study will focus on three terms, namely: Foundations of Islamic Education, the Objectives of Islamic Education and its curriculum. The approach used in this study is the Descriptive Qualitative approach (Qualitative-Descriptive Research and Content Analitic-Kritic), which is include in a critical study by describing and analyzing the Maarif Institute’s thought related to the concept of pluralism based education. Materials and data obtained by studying books and journals published by the Maarif Institute, literatures related, so we get a picture of ( description ), thoughts, ideas, and insight to the object under study as well as a critical study of the research object. The results of this study indicates that the concept of pluralism based education by the Maarif Institute realized with three terms, which teaches the values of tolerance, non-violence values and values of inclusiveness. The concept of pluralism based education by the Maarif Institute has weaknesses and hidden dangers that can affect destroying religion and its teachings. Through the concept of pluralism based education will also let the doctrine from liberal secular to scrape out the power of Aqeedah of the Muslims.</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="16cKataKunci">Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kritis terhadap konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme oleh Maarif Institute dalam perspektif Islam. Studi kritis tersebut akan difokuskan pada tiga terma, yaitu: Landasan Pendidikan Islam, Tujuan Pendidikan Islam dan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Qualitative-Descriptive Research and Content Analitic-Kritic (Penelitian Kualitatif-Deskriptif dan Analisis Konteks-Kritis), yaitu studi kritis dengan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pemikiran Maarif Institute terkait konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme. Bahan dan data didapatkan dengan menelaah buku dan jurnal terbitan Maarif Institute, literatul-literatul yang terkait, sehingga didapatkan gambaran (deskripsi), pemikiran, ide, dan penjelasan terhadap objek yang diteliti serta melakukan studi kritis terhadap objek penelitian tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme oleh Maarif Institute direalisasikan dengan tiga terma, yaitu mengajarkan nilai-nilai toleransi, nilai-nilai anti kekerasan dan nilai-nilai inklusifitas. Konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme oleh Maarif Institute memiliki kelemahan dan berdampak bahaya tersembunyi yang dapat menghancurkan agama dan ajarannya. Melalui konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme ini juga akan membukan pintu yang lebar bagi sekularisasi-liberal untuk mengikis habis kekuatan aqidah kaum Muslimin.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 420
Asfa Widiyanto

This article discusses the conception of science and its significance for the reconstruction of Islamic educat-ion, by analyzing and contextualizing the thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Nasr is considered a figure who has compe-tence in history of science and philosophy with special emphasis on Islamic science and philosophy. In the earlier phase of his life, he acquainted himself with the thoughts of prominent thinkers both from East and West, and with the very issue of the encounter between East and West. This position makes the thoughts of Nasr on science having their distinctive character. The first part of this paper investigates the construct and characteristics of Islamic science as well as the hierarchy and the idea of unity in Islamic science. The second part of this paper is dealing with the reformulation of philosophical basis of Islamic education, most specifically in the domain of ontology, epistemology and axiology. The third is dealing with the attempts of reconstructing the system of Islamic education, most notably pertaining to the aim of education, educator, student, means of education, and milieu of education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Nurul Huda SA ◽  
Lili Faridah

This research aims to find out: the message, the value of any Islamic education embodied in the story of Cungkring asks Suwarga and the story’s position in relation to the context of people's lives today. Research has found that there are three aspects of the message and Islamic educationa values in the story of Cungkring asks Suwarga created by puppeteer Amudy Nata Prawa. Islamic educational values that include first, the value of worship (worship to Allah), includes transcendenta worship (Ibadah Mahdhoh), the confession (Syahadat) and pray (Shalat). Secondly, social worship. Third, the universal value of education. The Position of the story of cungkring takon Suwarga and its relationship with public life today is able to become an awareness for the media and a reminder of human life after death (tadzkiratul maut) in terms of awareness about life in the hereafter.  Message and Islamic educational value contained in the play Cungkring asks Suwarga can be used as a reference for parents and educators to teach Islamic education values to children. Such as education about tolerance, cooperation, honesty, modesty, loyalty, love, responsibility and so on.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-92
Hariyanto Sofyan Benyal

After the reformation a change has occurs, a significant one, especially in the state administration as seen in the amendment, the 1945 constitution amendment, strengthening on the legislature in order to lift the power of checks and balances among the institutions, government agencies. On the third amendments in 2001 new institution, an institution of legislation appears in the Regional Representative Board (DPD to be the regional representation and later become a second chamber (bicameral) parliament which believed has made the legislation tasks such as, budgeting, and monitoring implemented optimally. But in reality, the duties and powers of the second chamber is still very limited compared to the first chamber which is the DPR, hence the transformation effort to ius consitutendum, the desirous law, appeared in strengthening the DPD constitutionally through MPR with Pancasila as the foundation. The method used is a normative juridical, by referring to the laws and principles exist. The analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results shows that there is an inequality authorization in the, DPR and DPD, parliament. It gives a signal that the system we have adopted is a soft bicameral. By constant check and balance with Pancasila as the foundation DPD should be strengthen.

Miikka Ruokanen

After five centuries, would it be possible to see any chance of reconciliation between Erasmus and Luther? Looking at this question from the point of view of the three dimensions of the doctrine of grace, we might say some hopeful words. As to the first (1) dimension of grace, at many points even Erasmus admits that human choice must be empowered by God’s grace in order to move in the direction willed by God. But here the real difference is that, for Erasmus, free choice is enabled by the grace given in the creation and it is still naturally efficient in the sinners, whereas Luther sees that there is no freedom because of the human being’s enslavement by unfaith —there is a need for the efficient prevenient movement of the Holy Spirit which alone can create faith. As to the second (2) dimension of grace, following the Catholic tradition, Erasmus knows the conception of (2a) the forensic-juridical forgiveness of sins based on the atonement by the cross of Christ—in this respect there is no real point of controversy between the two. But Erasmus knows nothing about (2b) the union of the sinner with Christ in the Holy Spirit, the Trinitarian participatory conception of justification, central for Luther. In respect to the third (3) dimension of grace, both see possible the cooperation of the believer with God, the difference being Erasmus’ more anthropocentric concept of sanctification if compared with Luther’s emphasis of growth in love enabled by the Holy Spirit.

2013 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-191
Will Kynes

AbstractApplying the legal metaphor integral to the book of Job, this article re-evaluates the evidence for Job's innocence (Job 42:7). After examining the conflicted testimony of the book itself, the article focuses on exemplars of Christian interpretation throughout history (the author of James, Ambrose, Gregory the Great, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Kierkegaard, and Barth) to discuss the various attempts made to come to terms with the final form of the book of Job, including its testimony to Job's complaints. Though some interpreters simply ignore the complaints in their attempts to hold up Job as an exemplar of patience, following, it is often argued, the example of James 5:11, for those who wrestle with Job's apparent blasphemy, three general approaches emerge. The first, denial, refuses to acknowledge Job's accusations of divine injustice. The second, mitigation, attempts to minimise the force of Job's arguments against God. The third, absolution, acknowledges Job's defiance of God but claims that this wrong is not beyond God's grace, and that it may in fact highlight it. However, none is able to satisfactorily reconcile Job's accusations with the innocent verdict God delivers at the end of the book (42:7) and affirm that Job has indeed said what is right about God. Even so, the broader biblical testimony offers evidence to exonerate Job by testifying to divine favourable response to and even initiation of complaint in a tradition of ‘faithful revolt’. Job joins the heroes of Israelite faith, Abraham (Gen 18:17–33), Jacob (Gen 32:6–12, 22–31), and Moses (Exod 32:1–14), the psalmists who dare to cry ‘Why?’ and ‘How long?’ and prophets such as Amos (e.g. 7:1–9), Jeremiah (e.g. 20:7–18), and Habakkuk (e.g. 1:2–4, 12–17) in confronting God and demanding that the deity make things right. Jesus endorses this tradition through both his parables of the importunate friend (Luke 11:5–9) and the importunate widow (Luke 18:1–8) and his cry of dereliction from the cross. Instead of reading Job's complaints in line with this tradition, when these Christian interpreters grapple with Job's accusations against God, Job's ‘friends’ once again become his accusers due to their application of a limited view of God and God's relationship to humanity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-179
Ahmad Saefudin ◽  
Al Fatihah Al Fatihah

This study aims to elaborate the strengthening of Islamic moderateism through Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah character education. The researcher describes the behavior of Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah character education practiced by Islamic educational institutions as a basis for strengthening religious moderatism. The role of Islamic education institutions in applying moderate Islamic understanding in this disruption era is necessary. Because, students are faced with conditions of changing the order of values ​​and traditions that are very fast and unexpected. Through a descriptive-qualitative approach, data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Through the frame of character education theory, the data analyzed using the stages of reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Apparently, Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah's character education at MTs. Miftahul Huda Bulungan Pakis Aji Jepara was developed through teaching the value of tawassuth, tawazun, tasamuh and i'tidal. The implementation as culture of madrasa, such as the obligation to pray before starting the lesson, orderly running pickets, praying dzuhur in congregation, wearing school uniforms, preserving ancestral culture, familiarizing greetings, sympathetic care routinely for yatama and dhuafa, maintaining the cleanliness of the madrasa environment, and a ban on littering the classroom walls. The limitation of this study has specific scope. That is the focus on strengthening religious moderateism in Islamic educational institutions which are under the shelter of the LP. Maarif NU Jepara Regency. There are still gaps for other researchers to conduct development research outside of that scope.

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