Membangun Karakter Anak Melalui Teater

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Monita Precilia ◽  
Sahrul N ◽  
Sulaiman Juned

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Research title</em><em> is</em><em>"Building </em><em>of </em><em>Character Children Through Theater"</em><em>. This research use </em><em>qualitative </em><em>methode with </em><em>descriptive analysis. The theater performance </em><em>“</em><em>Run to the Moon</em><em>”</em><em> and the </em><em>“</em><em>Children's Tale</em><em>”</em><em> is the result of observation and the director's anger toward the children in Kampung Purus (which is usually called Kampung Puruih). Children are busy with social media so there is a lack of interaction between people. The theater performance Run to the Moon and the Children's Tale is a reality that is packed into a stage event </em><em>and</em><em> directly involving the children as the </em><em>performer</em><em>. The theater performance Run to the Moon Child</em><em>ren’s Tale </em><em>can be use</em><em> </em><em>to build children's character, because the message</em><em> of tale</em><em> invite children to interact with others, diligent study and good behavior and polite. This study aims to explore the character building of children with theater performance Run to the Moon and Children's Tale using the method of Sociology of Art and Psychotherapy.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Character, Theater, and Child</em></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Penelitian berjudul “Membangun Karakter Anak Melalui Teater” ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif berbentuk diskriptif analisis.Pertunjukan teater Lari ke Bulan dan Dongeng Anak merupakan hasil observasi dan keresahan sutradara terhadap anak-anak di Kampung Purus (yang biasanya disebut Kampung Puruih). Anak-anak sibuk dengan media sosial sehingga kurangnya interaksi antarsesama.Pertunjukan teater Larike Bulan dan Dongeng Anak adalah sebuah kenyataan yang dikemas menjadi sebuah peristiwa panggung dengan melibatkan langsung anak-anak sebagai pelakunya. Pertunjukan teater Lari ke Bulan dan Dongeng Anak dapat dijadikan sebagai media membangun karakter anak-anak, karena pesan yang disampaikan mengajak anak-anak untuk berinteraksi dengan sesama, rajin belajar serta bertingkah laku yang baik dan sopan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengupas membangun karakter anak dengan pertunjukan teater Lari ke Bulan dan Dongeng Anak menggunakan metode Sosiologi Seni dan Psikoterapi.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>Karakter, Teater, dan Anak</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Monita Precilia ◽  
Sahrul N ◽  
Sulaiman Juned

<p>Research title is"Building of Character Children Through Theater". This research use qualitative methode with descriptive analysis. The theater performance “Run to the Moon” and the “Children's Tale” is the result of observation and the director's anger toward the children in Kampung Purus (which is usually called Kampung Puruih). Children are busy with social media so there is a lack of interaction between people. The theater performance Run to the Moon and the Children's Tale is a reality that is packed into a stage event and directly involving the children as the performer. The theater performance Run to the Moon Children’s Tale can be use to build children's character, because the message of tale invite children to interact with others, diligent study and good behavior and polite. This study aims to explore the character building of children with theater performance Run to the Moon and Children's Tale using the method of Sociology of Art and Psychotherapy.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Winda Syafitri ◽  
Dahmiri Dahmiri

ABSTRAK The purpose of this research is to explain the effect of Internal Factors toward student interest in entrepreneurship on Economics and Business Faculty of Jambi University. Sampling techniques used on is Non-Probability Sampling with Convenience Sampling Method. The number of respondents is 100 consumers. Technique analysis for this research use descriptive analysis to describe the research variables and multiple regression analysis to find the effect between research variables using SPSS 20.0. This research revealed the significant effect of Internal Factors on Student Interest in entrepreneurship on Economics and business Faculty of Jambi University.   Keywords: Internal Factors, Interest in Entrepreneurship

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-380
Nathasya Wiguna Wiguna ◽  
Nathasya Wiguna Dang Eif Dono Darsono

ABSTRAK Nathasya Wiguna, Marketing Public Relations Melalui Instagram Screamous (Analisis Deskriptif pada Instagram @Screamous_55) Media sosial Instagram media dan seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, Instagram menjadi salah satu media sosial yang cukup diminati untuk kepentingan komunikasi pemasaran, dengan ciri khasnya mengedepankan pesan visual dan audio visual dengan interaktivitas yang tinggi. Marketing Public Relations Instagram Screamous menjadikan instagram sebagai media atau saluran dalam berbisnis salah satunya di bidang fashion. Screamous dalam hal ini memiliki peran aktif dalam mengelola dan menginformasikan sebuah produk melalui media online.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meraih penyampaian informasi, mengenalkan brand dan produk serta menerapkan bangga akan produk lokal dengan menciptakan opini yang menguntungkan dan berhasilnya pemasaran. Selain itu bertujuan untuk mengetahui pull strategi dalam menarik minat konsumen terhadap konsumen, dengan push strategi yang mendorong berhasilnya pemasaran dan menggunakan pass strategi dalam memberikan opini yang menguntungkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis desktiptif dan menerapkan paradigma konstruktivisme, kemudian teknik yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik pengumpulan data, observasi partisipatori pasif, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah : menentukan lokasi penelitian, menentukan metode penelitian, menentukan pemilihan informan, menentukan sumber dan jenis data, menentukan teknik pengumpulan data serta mengolah dan menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam mengenalkan dan mempertahankan brand lokal, dalam menunjang berhasilnya pemasaran. Screamous mengajak kepada para konsumen menyatukan suatu pemahaman bahwa sebagai warga negara yang baik, harus bangga akan produk lokal atau produk  dalam negeri. Marketing Public Relations Melalui Instagram Screamous dalam mempromosikan suatu produk terdiri dari Pull Strategy dalam menarik minat melalui campaign di produk atau barang Screamous dan melakukan kegiatan promosi melalui media online, dan media sosial. Push Strategy Screamous melalui spesial event, seperti kickfest, expo dalam mendorong berhasilnya pemasaran. Pass Strategy Screamous dalam menciptakan opini yang menguntungkan melalui kegiatan sponsorship seperti acara seminar, edukasi, acara musik dalam menjalin kerjasama dan membantu generasi bangsa dalam berkarya. Kata Kunci :Pemasaran, Instagram, dan Screamous ABSTRACT Nathasya Wiguna, Marketing Public Relations Through Instagram Screamous (Deskriptive analysis on Instagram @Screamous_55) Instagram media social media and along with the times, Instagram has become one of the social media that is in great demand for marketing communication purposes, with its trademark promoting visual and audio visual messages with high interactivity. Marketing Public Relations Instagram Screamous makes Instagram as a media or channel in doing business, one of them is in the fashion sector. Screamous in this case has an active role in managing and informing a product through online media. This study aims to achieve information delivery, introduce brands and products and apply pride in local products by creating favorable opinions and marketing success. In addition, it aims to find out the pull strategies in attracting consumer interest to consumers, with push strategies that encourage successful marketing and use pass strategies in providing favorable opinions. The method used in this study is qualitative with descriptive analysis approach and applying the constructivism paradigm, then the techniques used in this study are data collection techniques, passive participatory observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. This research was carried out through steps: determining the location of the study, determining the research method, determining the selection of informants, determining the source and type of data, determining the data collection techniques and processing and analyzing data. The results of this study indicate that in introducing and maintaining a local brand, in supporting the success of marketing. Screamous invites consumers to unite an understanding that as a good citizen, they must be proud of local products or domestic products. Marketing Public Relations Through Instagram Screamous in promoting a product consists of Pull Strategy in attracting interest through campaigns on Screamous products or goods and conducting promotional activities through online media, and social media. Push Strategy Screamous through special events, such as kickfest, expo in encouraging marketing success. Strategy Screamous Pass in creating favorable opinions through sponsorship activities such as seminars, education, music events in collaborating and helping the nation's generation in work.   Keywords: Marketing, Instagram, and Screamous  

Moh. Hatta ◽  
Swardi Lubis Lubis ◽  
Marlina Marlina

This study aims to reveal the extent of openness of communication carried out among students of the Da'wah Faculty and UINSU communication and its impact on worship activities carried out by these students. Observations and interviews are techniques used to collect data in this study. Triangulation analysis method is also used to analyze the data obtained from respondents, descriptive analysis research method applied in this study. From 30 respondents taken with a percentage of 20 female respondents and 10 male respondents it was found that social media activities through Facebook had a special attraction and increased their confidence in communication. The impact felt by the respondents was more to the shift in the discipline of worship that they did when cool communicating with their virtual friends, recitations of the Koran that are usually done before prayer time arrives multiplied by the fun they are chatting, status updates or just looking at their Facebook wall.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 189
Mclean HY ◽  
Zuriyati Zuriyati ◽  
Saifur Rohman

<p><em>Abstrak -<strong> </strong></em><strong>Konstruk Religi dalam Sudut Pandang Mustafa Bisri di era 4.0 Pendekatan Semiotik Budaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membongkar makna religi dalam puisi “Selamat Tahun Baru, Kawan” terutama di era 4.0 menggunakan semiotic budaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis descriptive menggunaka pisau semiotic budaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa </strong><strong>puisi Gus Mus fokus membahas urusan keyakinan yang menjadi identitas pada bangsa Indonesia yang dikaitkan dengan era sekarang, mengabaikan esensi dan cenderung lebih menunjukkan citra saja dengan memamerkan kegiatan beribadah disosial media agar mendapat pengakuan di kalangan sosial. Selain itu, unsur sosial-budaya yang muncul adalah sentimen sebagai parameter stabilitas sosial dan tujuan yang menjadi arah pergerakan masyarakat. Tidak ketinggalan adalah kekuasaan yang menentukan dan dominasi pada masyarakat, serta ketegangan juga bermain dengan penuturan yang paradoks. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa, puisi Gus Mus mengkritik fenomena- fenomena aktivitas sosial-budaya masyarakat Indonesia di era 4.0.</strong></p><p><em>Abstract</em><em> -</em><strong><em> </em></strong><strong>Religious Constructions in the Viewpoint of Mustafa Bisri in the 4.0 era through a semiotic cultural approach. This study aims to dismantle the religious meaning in the poem “Selamat Tahun Baru, Kawan” especially in the 4.0 era using semiotic culture. The method used is a descriptive analysis using a cultural semiotic approach. The results showed that Gus Mus's poetry focused on discussing the beliefs that became the identity of the Indonesian people that were questioned by the current era, opposing the essence, and enhancing the image of images only by exhibiting worship activities on social media to get social recognition. Also, not socio-cultural issues that emerge are sentiments as social parameters and goals that are the direction of the community movement. Besides, the power that determines and domination in society, also settlement plays with a paradoxical narrative. It could be concluded. Gus Mus's poetry criticizes the phenomena of the socio-cultural activities of Indonesian people in the 4.0 era.</strong></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong> - <em>Gus Mus Poetry, Religious Constructions, Semiotic Culture, 4.0 era</em><em></em></p>

E. K. Mgbe ◽  
C. G. Mgbe ◽  
S. N. Ezeofor ◽  
J. F. Etiki

Background: The world is experiencing a global corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic. As of 9th June 2020, over 7 million confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and more than 400,000 deaths had been reported in more than 30 countries of the world according to World Health Organization. Aim: We aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and vulnerability perception of Enugu state residents during the coronavirus outbreak in order to facilitate better health care outcomes. Methodology: A prospective Web-based cross-sectional survey was designed for this study which was conducted in March 2020 among Enugu state residents. The obtained data were coded, validated, and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS software, version 24. Descriptive analysis was applied to calculate the frequencies and proportions and Chi-Square Test was also used. A preliminary phase was conducted to assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire before its use.  Results: The study showed that significant number (99.6%) of the respondents had heard about Covid-19 and the most stated source of knowledge was social media (57.6%), followed by Newspaper and television shows (50.2%) while the least was from General Practitioner (GP) (8.9%). There was over 75% agreement with, and practice, of all known covid precautionary measures and less than 35% responses for wrong claims and practices about covid -19. Conclusion: The overall knowledge, attitude, and perception are high in Enugu state population although few still has background combined superstitious believes. Social media and internet are the highest used facility for acquisition of knowledge and information in Enugu, Nigeria.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e264 ◽  
Heather M Griffis ◽  
Austin S Kilaru ◽  
Rachel M Werner ◽  
David A Asch ◽  
John C Hershey ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 391
Firmanda Taufiq ◽  
Lalu Wahyu Putra Utama

Today's technological developments have a broad impact on people's lives, including religious areas. The ease of access to information does not have a positive impact on Islamic da'wah but is also used as a provocative tool, as it ensnares Ahok. The purpose of this article is to examine how social media is used to spread the news about the condition of Muslims in Indonesia. The method used in this article is descriptive analysis by reviewing and examining the information content of social media, especially the news of the Islamic community in Indonesia. The implications of this article are expected to provide a clear picture of how social media is used in the social and political movements of Muslims in Indonesia. The result is that the media has a strategic position in describing, conceptualizing and influencing a community phenomenon.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Qurrata A'yun ◽  
Yor Hananta

So far, in social media, the hadith "ballighū 'annī walau āyah" has been widely misunderstood as a proposition for preaching even if it is only one verse. On the other hand, this hadith is also used as a suggestion for preaching without understanding the full meaning of a verse. This understanding is different from the real understanding, so a comprehensive discussion is needed to describe it. This article aims to identify misconceptions in understanding the hadith "ballighū 'annī walau āyah" on social media twitter and meet them with the correct meanings of the hadith. This study is a qualitative study which classify and analyze data by descriptive analysis. The discussion of this article explains how the hadith ballighū 'annī walau āyah is understood by Twitter netizens. The understanding of netizens is grouped into two categories, namely those that are appropriate and not in accordance with their real understanding. The factors that lead to misunderstanding of the hadith ballighū 'annī walau āyah are the insights of the hadith that are conveyed only a piece (not intact) and the dissemination of understanding through social media twitter with a short number of characters. This phenomenon causes a transformation of the hadith understanding in the form of degradation and distortion

Human space exploration has historically provided a great many people with a positive vision of the future. At this time, society faces many 21st century problems (global warming, sea level rise, etc.) and could use some of that vision. The economic state of the nations that historically paid for this exploration does not currently allow for a large and expensive new space initiative, like Apollo to the Moon or a trip to Mars. Nevertheless, there have been great strides in computing and resulting social media. Could a very large number of dedicated people self-organize into a grassroots human space program? This story envisions such a movement and the lessons today's students could learn from the attempt.

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