Оксана Олеговна Скобелева ◽  
Иван Алексеевич Сластунин

В данной статье рассматриваются причины и меры профилактики пенитенциарного стресса как фактора формирования деструктивного поведения сотрудников пенитенциарных систем зарубежных стран. В настоящее время проблема деструктивного поведения сотрудников правоохранительных органов является одной из самых актуальных. Большинство проблем, связанных с деструктивным поведением сотрудников пенитенциарных систем, с которыми сталкиваются зарубежные страны, к сожалению, существуют и в уголовно-исполнительной системе Российской Федерации. Их особенности заключаются в специфике служебной деятельности и множестве трудных, критических ситуаций. Согласно исследованиям, стресс и его последствия испытывает каждый четвертый сотрудник правоохранительных органов. Существующие исследования доказывают, что высокие требования, низкий контроль и дисбаланс между усилиями и вознаграждением являются факторами риска для психических и соматических проблем со здоровьем. Часто сотрудникам нелегко самостоятельно справиться с теми или иными проблемами, возникающими в процессе служебной деятельности, что приводит к появлению деструктивного поведения. В статье проведен анализ разработанных мер профилактики пенитенциарного стресса, а также различных форм психологических программ. Специалистам, оказывающим психологическую помощь сотрудникам, особое внимание необходимо уделять существующим психологическим программам, направленным на изменение отношений сотрудников, в целях профилактики их деструктивного поведения, мотивируя их к изменению своего когнитивного процесса. This article deals with the causes and measures of penitentiary stress prevention as a factor of destructive behaviour of foreign penal staff . At present the problem of disruptive behaviour of law enforcement officers is one of the most urgent. Most of the problems related to destructive behavior of penal officers which are faced by foreign countries unfortunately also exist in the penal system of the Russian Federation. Their peculiarities lie in the specifics of service activities and many difficult, critical situations. According to studies stress and its consequences are experienced by one in four law enforcement officers. Existing research proves that high demands, low control and an imbalance between effort and reward are risk factors for mental and somatic health problems. Often employees find it difficult to cope independently with the kinds of problems that arise in the course of their work leading to the emergence of disruptive behaviour. The article analyses the measures that have been developed to prevent penitentiary stress as well as various forms of psychological programmes. Professionals providing psychological assistance to staff need to pay particular attention to existing psychological programmes aimed at changing staff attitudes in order to prevent disruptive behaviour by motivating them to change their cognitive process.

Lyubov V. Meshkova ◽  

The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the study of professional values, the formation of a system of value orientations of law enforcement officers, presents the results of a study of the orientation of value orientations of employees of the penal system of the Russian Federation, and based on cluster analysis, their structure is revealed.

Oksana V Seliverstova ◽  
Evgenii Kiselyov

The research object is the possibility to use innovative methods for law enforcement officers training in the age of digitalization. The research subject is the foreign experience of using innovative methods of law enforcement officers training. The authors use general scientific methods of dialectics, analysis, generalization, and specific methods of summarizing and grouping. They help to consider such aspects of the topic as the substitution of the conventional approach in the educational process by the innovative and technical scheme of information exchange along with the analytical, normative and axiological learning of the humanities and natural sciences. The authors emphasize the fact that in the current conditions, law enforcement officers training is being digitized and involves high technology. The authors formulate the key components of universal cultural and professional expertise which helps the officers to develop special skills during their studying at a higher school. The key authors’ contribution to the research of the topic is its consideration from the viewpoint of various educational techniques and law enforcement officers training used in the police structures of foreign countries. The authors arrive at a conclusion that in the age of total digitalization, there’s a need for tech-savvy specialists with legal education and interdisciplinary skills in various scientific fields. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the extrapolation of the foreign experience and educational techniques to the educational process of law enforcement officers in the Russian Federation.   

2021 ◽  
pp. 76-78
С.А. Лукашев

В статье рассматривается такой вид специальных средств, как служебные собаки, которые используются сотрудниками правоохранительных органов зарубежных стран при охране общественного порядка. This article addresses the type of special means such as service dogs, which are used by law enforcement officers of foreign countries in public order. There were analyzed cases of their use by various law enforcement agencies in consideration of this topic.

Олег Игоревич Денисенко ◽  
Оганнес Давитович Мкртчян

В связи с увеличением числа преступлений террористической направленности разрешения требуют вопросы, связанные с обеспечением объектов (территорий) УИС инструментами антитеррористической защищенности, к которым можно отнести такие, как проведение организационно-практических мероприятий антитеррористической защиты объектов УИС, наличие соответствующей документации и ответственного должностного лица, выполнение режимных требований на объектах УИС в соответствии с законодательством РФ, а также обеспечение контроля за количественными и качественными характеристиками эксплуатируемых инженерно-технических средств охраны и надзора. Актуальность проводимого исследования обусловлена необходимостью качественной реализации в правоприменительной практике совокупности требований обеспечения мероприятий по обеспечению антитеррористической защищенности объектов (территорий) УИС с целью защиты прав и интересов всех субъектов уголовно-исполнительной системы от террористического посягательства. Авторами выявляются проблемы правового и организационного уровня при оценке состояния антитеррористической защищенности объектов УИС: формализм при проведении обследований, недостаточный уровень оснащенности объектов УИС инженерно-техническими средствами охраны и надзора, а также финансирования для удовлетворения нужд объектов УИС в части обеспечения антитеррористической защищенности. Помимо прочего упоминаются такие проблемы, как отсутствие унифицированных принципов организации деятельности комплексных комиссионных обследований, разработанных с учетом современных правоприменительных норм и запросов практики, а также обосновывается необходимость повышения компетентности сотрудников ФСИН России при проведении комплексных комиссионных обследований. In connection with the increase in the number of terrorist crimes, the resolution requires issues related to the provision of facilities (territories) of the penal system with anti-terrorist security tools, which include such as the implementation of organizational and practical measures for the anti-terrorist protection of the penal system, the availability of appropriate documentation and a responsible official, the implementation of regime requirements at the facilities of the penal system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as ensuring control over the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the operating engineering and technical means of protection and supervision. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in law enforcement practice, a high-quality implementation of the set of requirements for ensuring the anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the penal system is required so that the rights and interests of all subjects of the penal system in terms of protection from terrorist encroachment are observed. The authors identify the problems of the legal and organizational level when assessing the state of anti-terrorist security of penal facilities: formalism in conducting surveys, insufficient equipment of penal facilities with engineering and technical means of protection and supervision, as well as the level of funding to meet the needs of penal facilities in terms of ensuring anti-terrorist protection. Among other things, such problems as the lack of unified principles for organizing the activities of complex commission surveys, developed taking into account modern law enforcement norms and practice requests, are mentioned, as well as the need to improve the competence of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia when conducting comprehensive commission surveys is substantiated.

Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Currently, the economic sector of public relations is characterized by exceptional criminality. One of the main phenomena responsible for this is illegal money cashing. Almost every business entity considers it acceptable and even necessary to resort to various criminal schemes for obtaining unaccounted cash and tax evasion. The very type of this crime has actually become a thriving and profitable business, which consists in providing services for withdrawing funds from legal circulation. While the existing judicial and investigative practice in the issue of countering this phenomenon has not yet developed a clear answer about the need for appropriate qualifications. There are about a dozen articles of the criminal law in which law enforcement officers try to find the correct legal assessment, and at present, article 172 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation “Illegal banking activities” deserves special attention.

Ренат Зинурович Усеев

Раздел 8 Концепции развития уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года предусмотрел создание в структуре российской пенитенциарной системы учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы объединенного типа. Первое такое учреждение начнет свою работу в 2024 г. Автором на уровне гипотезы предлагается рассмотреть основные вопросы, связанные со становлением и развитием учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы объединенного типа. В связи с этим в настоящей статье рассмотрены три основополагающих направления развития данных учреждений: пространственное развитие, законодательство, правоприменение. Каждый из указанных аспектов проанализирован автором с точки зрения как проблем, так и предполагаемых путей их решения. Цель работы - на основе исследования географии исправительных учреждений, уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ и правоприменительной деятельности показать основные проблемы, связанные с развитием учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы объединенного типа, и возможные пути их решения. Среди проблем показаны проблемы территориального (пространственного) размещения учреждений объединенного типа, законодательства и правоприменения вновь создаваемых учреждений. Методами исследования в научной статье явились универсальные методы (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и моделирование); эмпирические методы (обобщение, классификация); теоретические методы (идеализация, абстрагирование, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целей. Section 8 of the Concept for the Development of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 provided for the creation of a unified type of penal institutions in the structure of the Penal System of Russia. The first institution such type will begin its work in 2024. The author at the hypothesis level analyses the main issues related to the formation and development of institutions of the unified penal system. In this regard, the author considers three fundamental areas of development of the institutions under consideration: spatial development, legislation, law enforcement. Each of these projects was analyzed by the author in terms of both problems and suggested ways to solve them. The purpose of the work is to show on the basis of a study of the geography of correctional institutions, penal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation and law enforcement activities the main problems associated with the development of penal correction institutions of a unified type and possible ways to solve them. Among the problems are the problems of territorial (spatial) placement of institutions of a unified type, legislation and enforcement of newly created institutions. The research methods in the scientific article were universal methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling); empirical methods (synthesis, classification); theoretical methods (idealization, abstraction, hypothetical-deductive method) and others. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its goals.

Анна Владимировна Мусалева ◽  
Никита Алексеевич Кубасов

В статье рассмотрен такой инструмент исправления осужденных, как общественно полезный труд, который в Российской Федерации на законодательном уровне признан одним из эффективных инструментов исправления наряду с другими основными средствами исправительного воздействия. В работе в том числе рассматриваются проблемы принудительного труда осужденных. Авторы раскрыли порядок и условия организации привлечения к трудовой деятельности лиц, содержащихся в пенитенциарных учреждениях зарубежных стран. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ особенностей содержания, условий привлечения к труду осужденных в зависимости от вида пенитенциарного учреждения различных государств, организации работы осужденных, а именно оплаты труда, продолжительности трудовой деятельности, норм охраны труда, реализации права на отдых и социального обеспечения. Авторы помимо этого обобщают опыт трудовой дисциплины осужденных в пенитенциарных системах ряда развитых в экономическом и социальном плане государств. Изучая опыт зарубежных стран по привлечению заключенных к труду, представляется возможным перенять некоторые важные особенности, которые могут быть частично внедрены в отечественную уголовно-исполнительную систему. The article considers such a tool for the correction of convicts as socially useful work, which in the Russian Federation at the legislative level is recognized as one of the effective tools of correction along with other basic means of correctional influence. The article also deals with the problems of forced labor of convicts. The authors revealed the procedure and conditions for organizing the employment of persons held in places of forced isolation from the society of penitentiary institutions of foreign countries. The paper provides a comparative analysis of the features of the content, conditions for the employment of prisoners, depending on the type of penitentiary institution in different states, the working methods of prisoners, namely, remuneration, duration of work, labor protection standards, the exercise of the right to rest and social security. The authors also summarize the experience of labor discipline of prisoners in the penitentiary systems of a number of economically and socially developed countries. Studying the experience of foreign countries in attracting prisoners to work, it is possible to adopt some important features that can be partially implemented in the domestic penal system.

Владислав Красинский ◽  
Vladislav Krasinskiy ◽  
Владислав Машко ◽  
Vladislav Mashko

The directory contains information on the international terrorist organizations al-Qaida, the Islamic state, Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan, the Taliban, Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami, the Union of Islamic Jihad, the Jund al-sham, the Muslim Brotherhood and the international religious extremist organization Tablighi Jamaat, which are banned in the territory of the Russian Federation. The authors considered the most famous and capable terrorist organization, revealed their operational capacity, the doctrines of, the organization and tactics of the activity, their role and place in the conglomeration of international terrorist organizations. The book is intended for law enforcement officers, analysts of research funds, political scientists and media representatives, as well as for a wide range of readers and experts interested in topical issues of countering international terrorism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Houtman Houtman ◽  
Suryati Suryati

One dimension of human life which become the issue and had been debated is about the used of legal terms which is against the language rules. The use of language and law are often oriented to non-substance issues, namely the used of formal legal terms which is inconsistent with the standard of the Indonesian language. As a result, such a linguistic study does not provide a functional and proportional impact in resolving the problems of the law itself. The study only becomes as an analysis report on the forms of error in the use of language in the realm of law which is expected to be a feedback for improving the quality of the language of law enforcement officers. Accordingly, the empowerment of forensic linguistics as a tool to solve the legal problems becomes important and made a choice in the field of science, especially in the universities. The various cases developing both in domestic and foreign countries have absolutely proven beneficial for forensic linguistic analysis. A lawsuit that comes from speech and transcribed in written language can be a preliminary proof the reporters used. This is also become complaint to the Police. The article examines whether forensic linguistics can be inferred unlawful speech.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 77-87
E. K. Antonovich

The importance of digitalization in all industries is increasing, especially since the possibilities of information technologies are obvious. Criminal proceedings are no exception. In criminal proceedings, information technologies are generally used in the production of an investigative action or with the transition of the entire criminal proceedings to an electronic format. Digitalization in criminal proceedings can be caused by the search for the optimal way to increase the efficiency of criminal proceedings and create reliable guarantees for the protection of the rights and freedoms of persons involved in the criminal proceedings, the use of information technologies on a single digital platform in the paradigm of decisions and evidence. Therefore, digitalization can play a certain role in making decisions about the participation of a person in criminal proceedings.The concept of "artificial intelligence (AI)" appeared in the middle of the last century, but it is only now that AI itself and its capabilities became of interest to society. Modern electronic dictionaries and built-in translators have become popular. It seems important to take into account the very nature of digital technologies.The paper is devoted to clarifying the question of whether multi-vector and multi-valued information technologies can replace any participants in criminal proceedings or become one of the conditions for creating a basis for such a participant as a translator to enter the sphere of criminal proceedings. We will analyze not only the legislation and law enforcement practice of the Russian Federation, but also the positive experience of legislation and law enforcement practice of some foreign countries.

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