Medina Nur Asyifah Purnama

Amid the rapid development of technology and information accelerate the development of changes in society. Constructive change will bring the condition of a civilized nation, but if the change is destructive then this nation will be increasingly destroyed and possibly become a savage nation. One of these changes is happening in our world of education. Therefore, we must be able to put in mind the character values ​​that form good morals for children. The politeness character is one of the characters that needs to be emphasized together. Children today are very brave towards parents and also teachers. Children dare to threaten their parents and teachers, even in cases of persecution to murder. Sad, when the values ​​of decency finally eroded. As a result children are brutal and wild. How will respect arise if parents, teachers are no longer respected by children? Of course this is a big task for us together to reaffirm the planting of truly upload values, etiquette values, and exemplary values ​​in our environment. The aim is that the culture of respect, respect and the value of courtesy towards others remains entrenched as a manifestation of the noble character of our nation. The cultivation of moral education values ​​must be given to children in interesting ways and in accordance with current technological advancements. For example choosing animated films in which there are Islamic values ​​such as the animation film Nussa, therefore here the researcher wants to find the values ​​in it by using qualitative research methods and data collection techniques using documentation. The results of this study are that the film Nussa and Rara is an animated film that is wrapped in a daily story in the world of children with the delivery of language that is easy to understand, fun and exciting as well as there are instilling of moral values ​​and messages that is to ask people who know better, to call with a good name so that children can behave politely and respect others. Thus the presence of the Nussa and Rara films is expected to help in the moral development of Indonesian children as the Nation's Generation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
I Dewa Gede Darma Permana

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><strong>Pendidikan susila merupakan salah satu pengetahuan yang wajib dipelajari oleh setiap manusia di dunia, tidak terkecuali suami-istri dalam kehidupan berumah tangga. Terlebih pendidikan susila merupakan salah satu pedoman dalam  membentuk keluarga yang harmonis. Dalam ajaran agama Hindu, kisah <em>Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna</em> merupakan cerita luhur yang menjadi bagian dari kitab suci Weda. Di dalamnya terdapat cerita yang menegangkan ketika Dewi Sītā sebagai istri dari Śrī Rāma, diculik oleh raksasa Ravana. Berkaca dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini tertarik mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai kisah <em>Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna </em>tersebut, untuk menemukan pendidikan susila untuk kehidupan rumah tangga. Dalam penelitian ini, dirumuskan juga beberapa permasalahan, yaitu terkait pendidikan susila dalam kehidupan berumah tangga, kisah <em>Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna</em>, serta pendidikan susila yang terkandung didalam kisah <em>Āranya Kānda</em> <em>Ramāyāna </em>sebagai jawaban dari tantangan kehidupan berumah tangga. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif,, dan studi kepustakaan, serta menggunakan analisis data dari Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, kisah <em>Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna </em>mengandung berbagai nilai-nilai etika dan moralitas baik untuk suami dan istri. Dengan mengetahui pendidikan susila tersebut, tentu bermanfaat sebagai pedoman dalam membentuk kehidupan rumah tangga yang harmonis.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Susila, Āranya Kānda, Rumah Tangga Harmonis</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><span lang="EN-IN">Abstract</span></strong></p><p><strong><em>            Moral education is one of the knowledge that must be learned by every human being in the world, including husband and wife in married life. Moreover, moral education is one of the guidelines in forming a harmonious family. In Hinduism, the story of Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna is a sublime story that is part of the Vedic scriptures. In it there is a tense story when Dewi Sītā as the wife of Śrī Rāma, was kidnapped by the giant Ravana. Reflecting on this, this study is interested in studying more deeply about the story of the Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna, to find moral education for domestic life. In this study, several problems were also formulated, namely related to moral education in married life, the story of Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna, and moral education contained in the story of Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna as an answer to the challenges of married life. By using qualitative research methods, and literature studies, and using data analysis from Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the story of Āranya Kānda Ramāyāna contains various ethical and moral values for both husband and wife. By knowing the moral education, it is certainly useful as a guide in forming a harmonious household life.</em></strong></p><strong><em>Keywords: Moral Education, Āranya Kānda, Harmonious Household</em></strong>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-75
Muhammad Shodiq Masrur ◽  
Asyhari Amri

The current era, with fertile technology that is increasingly developing, certainly has positive and negative sides. One of the phenomena that shows the negative side of development technologies such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is that many cildren use media gadgets as playmates, so that the child is not controlled is choosing content that is popular in cyberspace, as a reseult the child will further away from values religion, humanitarian values, values justice and moral values. In this article, the researcher describes the prevention of moral decadence for the younger generation, so it is necessary to increase the role of education, especially the role of parents in selecting entertaiment content that contains moral values for children. These efforts are made to prepare the next generation who have knowledge, faith and good character. The writing of this article uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The writer in this article uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic analysis model known as “two order of signification”, namely by looking for the denotative meaning the connotation of each scene. From using this method the researcher foumd that the animated film Nussa and Rarra, the episode of prayer must contain values from the concept of Islamic teachings, namely Akidah, Sharia and Moral. If parents are able to nurture and guide by choosing content that educated and implements in life, it is hoped that the child will become a person with character according to the expectation of the nation and religion. Islamic

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Renda Nur Rofiah

This research aimed to investigate the implementation of moral education to develop spiritual intelligence in children aged 4-5 years at Raudlatul Athfal (kindegarten) Ulul Albab Mangli Jember. This type of research was descriptive qualitative research. The results show that the implementation of moral education to develop spiritual intelligence in children aged 4-5 years at RA Ulul Albab Mangli Jember includes planning, implementation, and evaluation. Moral education planning through the preparation of annual programs, semester programs, Weekly Learning Implementation Plans (RPPM), and Daily Learning Implementation Plans (RPPH). Implementation of moral education through exemplary, learning and habituation methods. Evaluation of moral education using assessment sheets and monitoring books. RA Ulul Albab is an institution consistent in developing all aspects of early childhood development, especially spiritual development based on Islamic values ​​and the Standard Level of Child Development Achievement (STPPA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan akhlak untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan spiritual pada anak usia 4-5 tahun di RA Ulul Albab Mangli Jember.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi pendidikan akhlak untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan spiritual pada anak usia 4-5 tahun di RA Ulul Albab Mangli Jember meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Perencanaan pendidikan akhlak melalui penyusunan program tahunan, program semester, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mingguan (RPPM), dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Harian (RPPH). Pelaksanaan pendidikan akhlak melalui metode ketauladanan, pembelajaran, dan pembiasaan. Evaluasi pendidikan akhlak menggunakan lembar penilaian dan buku monitoring. RA Ulul Albab merupakan lembaga yang konsisten dalam mengembangkan segala aspek perkembangan anak usia dini khususnya perkembangan spiritual yang berdasarkan nilai-nilai keislaman dan Standart Tingkat Pencapaian Perkembangan Anak (STPPA). Kata Kunci: pendidikan akhlak, kecerdasan spiritual, anak usia dini

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 351
Dwi Sabrina ◽  
Lusia Savitri Retno Utami

No doubt the development of popular culture is very fast in the world, especially the K-Pop industry. Due to rapid development of K-Pop and more fans, innovations have begun to emerge in showing the love of fans towards K-Pop. One of them is K-Pop cover dance activities. This study discusses "The Formation of the Identity of K-Pop Cover Dance Performers in Jakarta" and uses observation and interview data collection methods to find out more about how the formation of K-Pop cover actors' self-identity formation. The theory used is their dramatism on the front stage and also the backstage. In this study the authors can see that each individual communicates themselves in different ways and not all cover dance performers perform their front stage roles up to their backstage life. The formation of the identity of the cover dance actors can change to follow the environment where they are and with whom they communicate. However, not a few also feel that his life as a cover dance on stage imitates and becomes someone else's figure carried to their   daily from various aspects such as family, experience and also the community.Tidak dipungkiri perkembangan budaya populer sangat pesat di dunia terutama K-Pop. Akibat perkembangan K-Pop yang pesat dan penggemarnya yang semakin banyak, mulai bermunculan inovasi dalam menunjukkan kecintaan dari penggemar terhadap K-Pop. Salah satunya adalah kegiatan cover dance K-Pop. Penelitian ini membahas tentang “Pembentukan Identitas Diri Para Pelaku Cover Dance K-Pop di Jakarta” dengan menggunakan teori dramatisme mereka pada front stage dan juga back stage. Dalam penelitian ini penulis dapat melihat bahwa setiap individu mengkomunikasikan diri mereka dengan cara yang berbeda-beda dan tidak semua pelaku cover dance melakukan peran front stage mereka hingga ke kehidupan backstage mereka. Peneliti menggunakan metode pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai bagaimana pembentukan identitas diri para pelaku cover dance K-Pop. Pembentukan identitas diri para pelaku cover dance dapat berubah mengikuti lingkungan dimana mereka berada dan dengan siapa mereka berkomunikasi. Namun, tidak sedikit juga yang merasa bahwa kehidupannya sebagai seorang cover dance di atas panggung yang meniru dan menjadi sosok orang lain terbawa hingga ke kehidupan sehari-hari mereka dari berbagai macam aspek seperti keluarga, pengalaman dan juga komunitas. 

Jurnal CMES ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
M. Ibnu Nafiudin ◽  
Imam Makruf

This research aims to describe the structure of the text and the meaning of the poetry on the book Ta'līmu Al-Muta'allīm by Burhānuddīn Az-Zarnūji. This research will be analyzed through structural and Roman Ingarden's strata of norm approach which reveals about educational values. This descriptive qualitative research employs observation and note technique as a method of data collection, in which the researcher records data in the form of verses in the Ta'līmu Al-Muta'allīm book, especially those in chapter 5. The poetry data found, is analyzed by using data triangulation. The results of the research show that the text structure of the poetry of the book Ta'līmu Al-Muta'allīm by Burhānuddīn Az-Zarnūji consists of five layers, including 1) sound layer, 2) meaning layer, 3) layers of things that are stated, 4) the world layer, and 5) the metaphysical layer. Meanwhile, the educational values contain in the meaning of the poetry include the values of religious education, the values of moral education, the values of social education, the values of cultural education, and the values of aesthetic education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Siti Bahiroh ◽  
Fitriah M. Suud

This study aims to explore guidance based on religious counseling, namely through internalization of Islamic values in private schools in Yogyakarta. This qualitative research uses a case study approach. Data collection by observation, interview, and documentation. Participants were 7 counseling guidance teachers, Principal, deputy headmaster, 8 teachers. The results showed that students' problems appeared related to discipline, morals, learning and discipline. The cause is more influenced by the use of gadgets and environmental influences. The religiosity-based counseling model that is applied is to invite students to enter the mosque, to make good habits, to set an example, to help students to be comfortable in learning and to share with students when they are relaxed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 164
Kurniyatul Ainiyah ◽  
Nurul Hidayah ◽  
Faradilah Putri Damayanti ◽  
Indana Nuril Hidayah ◽  
Juniardi Nur Fadila ◽  

Indonesian people's knowledge about the history of kingdoms in Indonesia was decreased. Now the existence of history books was shifted by the rapid development of technology. Realized this, many educational institutions were involved in technology to their learning media. To support that, the writer will use technology to create a learning media, named 3D short animated films. This kind of film turned out to attract the publics' attention, ranging from children to adolescents. The animated film will be designed with the theme of the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia, named the Samudra Pasai kingdom with a duration of approximately 3 minutes. this animated film was made by Blender software version 2.79. The design of this animation aims to increase knowledge as well as learning media for students about the history of the Indonesian people, especially the history of Samudra Pasai kingdom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Suharso Suharso

The purpose of this study is to describe the values of faith, worship, and morals contained in the novel Api Tauhid by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. This researchis a type of qualitative research, which is a study that does not use calculation of numbers. In this study researchers used library research. In collecting data usingdocument review techniques or commonly called documentation analysis. Data analysis in this study through three stages, including: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Islamic values contained in the novel Api Tauhid include: the values of the faith which include planting the value of faith, faith in God, faith in the destiny of Allah, and faith in the last day. The values of worship include prayer on time, guarding against immoral acts, recitation, prayer, and preaching. Moral values include respect for parents, respect for experts, respect for the government, inferiority, courtesy, and honesty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Iwed Mulyani

Indonesia is a country with the largest area of ​​tropical peatland land in the world. Riau Province has the largest peatland area (3.8 million hectares) in Indonesia. Besides having the largest land area, Riau Province is also the second-largest contributor to peatland fires (53,034 hectares) after Kalimantan with Dumai City as the region with the highest fire cases (15 cases). The trend in handling these problems has begun to involve relevant stakeholders, not just the responsibility of the government or the community, even the private sektor. One of the strategies undertaken is to analyze the potential that exists in peatlands using a continuous analysis to provide program recommendations that can solve this problem. Therefore this research will look at how the analysis of sustainable livelihoods conducted by PT Pertamina RU II Dumai company in providing recommendations for peatland community empowerment programs. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study provide three program recommendations, namely the use of peatlands whit involving the Paman Jaya Mandiri Farmer Group, the improvement of the RT 12 RT toll road infrastructure, and the improvement of sanitation and PHBS counselingh

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